Fate and Magic: Snow White Reimagined with Vampires and Werewolves (Seven Magics Academy Book 2)

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Fate and Magic: Snow White Reimagined with Vampires and Werewolves (Seven Magics Academy Book 2) Page 5

by RaShelle Workman

  An insistent dread filled my heart and I had to tell myself he didn’t mean me. I pushed down the feelings, my insecurities. “And you can’t die?” The memory of his body twisted at an odd angle sprang to mind and my stomach turned. What I really wanted to know was how his kind—chayot—could be killed. What I’d learned from the Museum of the Supernatural was that the word immortal was a relative term. Every creature had a weakness. You just had to know what it was and how to use it to your advantage.

  “As I said before, yes, I can die. All creatures can. But it isn’t easy for me.” He smirked, cool cockiness oozing from his pores.

  “How?” I asked, and immediately regretted it.

  His eyes darkened and he studied me.

  “Never mind,” I added quickly.

  He carefully lifted me so that I was straddling him and I realized what he was doing. When he didn’t want to talk about our differences or that fact that we were supposed to be enemies, he would kiss me. Then we would get lost in the amazing feelings created by making out.

  I watched his eyes, curious about what I saw in them. They were filled with hunger, desire, and something else… Guilt? Did he regret the way he felt about me? Had his father said something to him about the fact that I wasn’t dead yet? If only I could explain to his father that I was still me. Still Snow White, a girl from Salem, Massachusetts. All that changed was I needed blood to survive and… Okay, so a lot about me changed but it was physical. My soul—my essence—was the same. “What?” Gabe had to know that. That I was still the girl he’d flirted with at Warehouse Video, the same girl he wrapped in his arms and promised to never leave. Sure, I’d been bitten and changed into a revenant and finally a vampire. But I hadn’t killed anyone. I still went to school, fed my cat, and did normal stuff.

  Gabe seemed to sense my internal struggles. “Kiss me,” he said, his voice low and husky. He tugged me closer and our lips met. I pressed my body into his, allowing my need for him to overpower everything else. For several long minutes we were lost in each other and I forgot about everything but how good it felt to have Gabe’s hands caressing my body, his tongue skimming the inside of my mouth.

  When we broke apart, we were both breathing heavily. I smiled, running my hands through his thick dark hair. Gabe was beautiful. His eyes searched mine, his usual cocky grin plastered on his face.

  “My turn.” I pulled his hair, tugging his head back and exposing the delicious blue-green vein. My fangs started to grow.

  A low rumble escaped from him and he closed his eyes. “Yes.”

  I sank my teeth into his neck, relishing the way his skin parted. I tugged his body tightly against mine, sucking slowly, enjoying the intimacy.

  “Snow,” he whispered, cupping my butt with his hands.

  Now that I knew he was half angel or I guess, half chayot, I relished the distinct difference in his blood. I understood it and I also knew I could be a little rougher with him than with regular humans. After a few minutes, I pulled back before pushing his shirt out of the way and burying my fangs into his shoulder. He kissed my neck, sucking hard. I knew I would have a hickey. At least for a minute. I healed way too quickly for it to last. When I pulled back, he grabbed my head and kissed me, his tongue entwining with mine. Then he stopped, looking at me. “I love you, Snow,” he whispered, his lips brushing against mine.

  I had to say the words back. “I love you, too,” I returned.

  He slowly moved us so that I was under him. I knew Professor Pops had “the talk” with him after he walked in on Gabe and me the other night, and we’d agreed not to go further, but his body felt so good against mine. I almost decided to change my mind. I wrapped my legs around his hips, kissing him with such passion, I hoped he could feel how much I cared. My hands went to the waist of his jeans, running my fingers beneath them.

  Gabe stopped, sitting up and pulling me with him. His face and body told me he wasn’t ready to be done. Not even close. “I should go,” he said, his voice hoarse, his hair rumpled.

  “Okay,” I said, standing with him.

  He hugged me. “You’re amazing,” he said, his lips brushing against my hair.

  “Funny, I was thinking the same thing about you.” I nuzzled his neck. His breath came out ragged as he kissed my forehead.

  “I can’t imagine what it feels like for you.” He touched his neck, feathering his fingers across the place my teeth had been moments before. The holes were already gone. “But I’ve never experienced anything better.”

  His words caused my knees to go weak. “That pretty much sums it up.”

  For some reason an image of Christopher popped into my mind. Ask him about the pendant. Use your powers of persuasion if you have to and ask already, my inner voice commanded. But I couldn’t. I didn’t want Gabe to think I was accusing him of stealing. Nor did I want to ruin the moment. It’d been hot. My body still buzzed.

  “What is it?” he asked, his fingers touching my swollen mouth.

  I shook my head. “Just happy.” I sighed, leaning into him. I never would’ve believed there could be a Gabe and me.

  “Me, too.” He went to the door, opening it, letting in the brisk November air. “You’re turning sixteen tomorrow.” He still held my hand.

  “Yep.” Did he want to come back in? It was only one day. Just a few hours and then I’d be officially sixteen.

  His eyes dropped to my lips, but he pulled away. “See ya, Snowflake.” He went out onto the porch.

  Disappointment flared low in my belly and my thighs quivered. “Bye.” I swallowed, desperate to ask him to stay.

  “Tomorrow,” he said, and I heard the promise in his voice.


  After he was gone, I got ready for bed, a perma-smile trapped on my lips. Once I had my purple comforter over me, Gatsby jumped up and curled himself at my feet, his purring a soothing ballad. I immediately fell asleep.

  Chapter 12

  I was dead. My body rested on a cloud of red inside a clear glass cylinder that was my casket. I’d been laid to rest in a gossamer white dress. Dainty white slippers covered my feet. My dark hair was curled, and a yellow ribbon wound through several strands like a headband. In my hands I clutched a single red rose, the color of my stained lips. Dark lashes stood out against the stark white of my skin. The casket rested on a white stand in a lush field full of thousands of white daises. They swayed in the slight wind.

  The smartly-dressed brothers and Professor Pops were at the foot of my casket, and the vampire queen stood near my head. She wore a blood red dress that scooped low, enhancing her cleavage. Above, the sun shone brightly. Birds twittered in nearby pine trees. The hum of insects provided a despondent melody and a babbling brook meandered nearby.

  It was like looking at a painting of a moment in time. No one spoke. No one moved.

  What are they waiting for? I wondered.

  Overhead a glorious man with velvet-white wings descended. In his hands he held a large sword. Tears filled my eyes as an overwhelming serenity consumed my soul, and I wondered at my feelings. Why wasn’t I sad or angry at seeing my body laid to rest in a casket. I should’ve at least felt fear at seeing the menacing chayot hovering over my dead body. Instead there was only calm.

  He drew closer, his features coming into view.

  “Gabe.” I noted the set of his jaw and the hardness in his green eyes.

  He landed next to my body and lifted the lid on the casket. Still the brothers, Professor Pops, and the queen remained still.

  Could they not see him? Was he going to kiss me awake?

  The eyes of my corpse flew open and my fangs grew. A furious growl rumbled in the throat of my dead body.

  Gabe brought the blade above my heart and plunged. As the sharp edges parted my skin it made sounds like metal ripping through concrete. “I’m so sorry,” he cried, pulling back after several moments. Red blood dripped from the edge of his blade and landed on my white dress.

  My eyes closed.

y fangs withdrew.

  And I was gone.

  Chapter 13

  When I woke, I was shocked to see eight handsome men standing at the foot of my bed—Professor Pops and all seven brothers. Like in my dream. At the sight, my pulse quickened. But I took a deep breath. They weren’t in suits. Nor did they look sad. Instead they appeared happy. Professor Pops held a light wooden tray abounding with food.

  “One. Two. Three,” Heathcliff whispered.

  Eight deep voices sang as one. “Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday, dear Snow. Happy birthday to you.”

  Gabe said Snowflake. I recognized his baritone.

  “And many more,” Daniel added.

  “On channel four,” Salvatore sang.

  “We live next door,” Bart crooned, lifting a hand in the air.

  “She likes to snore.” Dorian wiggled his eyebrows in amusement.

  “It shakes the floor,” Sebastian finished, holding the last note.

  I couldn’t help the embarrassed giggle and I covered my head with my blanket. “Thank you,” I muttered. If I had the choice of any eight people in the entire world to be part of my life, these goofy, awesome, amazing men would be who I chose.

  “Show your face, birthday girl,” Dorian said, flipping the covers back. He caught some of my hair in his fingers and I yelped.

  “Violent,” I howled playfully.

  His eyes grew wide in mock terror. “Sorry.” He brushed the hair out of my face with one hand. I sat up and stuck out my tongue, which caused all the guys to laugh, including me.

  Professor Pops set the platter of food on my nightstand. A large waffle topped with a generous helping of whipped cream, strawberries, and almond slices steamed from the center of the plate. A glass of orange juice rested at the top near the knife and spoon, and a bowl of fruit sat above the fork.

  “Looks delicious,” I said, wishing it would taste like the food in Sharra. At the reminder of the apple I sampled while there, my mouth watered.

  “You can eat in a minute. Presents first,” Heathcliff said. One by one they filed out of my room and then came back. Each held a beautifully wrapped present.

  I willed away the tears forming on my lashes, sitting up, tucking the covers around my legs. My eyes still watered, and I waved my hand in front of my face, hoping to fan away the tears. “You guys didn’t have to get me anything. The party tonight is more than enough.”

  “Pish posh,” Salvatore said, setting a box wrapped in shiny silver paper and tied with a red bow in front of me.

  I raised an eyebrow at his choice of words and laughed. “Thanks, old lady.”

  “Open it,” he said, ignoring my name calling as he sat at the end of my bed. The others gathered around.

  I picked up the box and shook it. It was light, but there was definitely something inside. Untying the ribbon, I ripped off the paper, removing the lid. “Socks,” I said, holding up a blue pair with black mustaches all over them. “A lot of socks.”

  “Sixteen pairs of socks,” Salvatore said with a radiant smile.

  “Lame,” Sebastian goaded, slapping Salvatore in the back of the head. Salvatore reciprocated by punching Sebastian in the stomach.

  Professor Pops glared. “Knock it off,” he snapped, efficiently ending the altercation.

  “I really needed socks. Thank you.” I leaned over and hugged Salvatore.

  “You’re welcome,” he responded, suddenly shy.

  Sebastian pulled him from the bed and sat in his place. His box was wrapped in a shimmering navy-blue paper and tied with a big magenta bow. He placed it in my lap. I opened it with gusto, the excitement building at all of the presents. Inside were smaller plastic boxes. The first contained a watch with a red band, the face shaped like an apple.

  “Cute,” I said, setting it next to me on the bed so I could open the next box. Another watch was nestled inside. This one had a baby blue band. The face was baby blue and surrounded by diamonds—hopefully fake. The next little box had a watch with a black band and tiny black diamonds circling the face. I knew there would be sixteen in total.

  “These are cool, right?” he asked, searching my face.

  “Very cool,” I responded sincerely, putting the black one on my wrist. Salvatore made a noise, obviously perturbed I hadn’t put on a pair of socks so I hurriedly did.

  “Sixteen watches, all in different colors.” He helped me open the rest. My bed held a rainbow of watches and I wondered what I’d do with them all.

  “I’m thinking there might be a theme to the gifts,” I said, glancing at each of the guys.

  The all agreed with “yes,” and “of course.”

  My smile was so big it hurt my cheeks.

  “Told you it was a great idea,” Daniel said.

  For the next half hour, I opened presents, the delicious-looking food forgotten. It didn’t matter. I wouldn’t have enjoyed it anyway, and I think they all knew it.

  Each brother gave me sixteen of something. Dorian gave me shirts. They were new and made for women, but still had old eighties memorabilia on the front with musicians like Def Leppard and TV show characters like the Smurfs. A yellow shirt had a smiley face drawn on it with a hole in its forehead. I put it on over my tank.

  Bart gave me earrings in all different shapes and sizes. My ears weren’t pierced, but there was also a gift card to go get them done. I would ask Cindy to go with me later today so I could wear a pair to the party later that night.

  Daniel gave me phone cases, which I thought was amazing, especially since they all had some form of the Snow White character from the books and movies on them.

  Heathcliff gave me journals. “So you can write down your thoughts,” he said. They were beautiful. Some were leather, others had pretty designs and flowers on them.

  Professor Pops presented me with sixteen pairs of Converse in an array of shades from bright orange to teal and lime green to lemon yellow. I loved them so much.

  “Thank you,” I squealed before clearing my throat. I couldn’t help the enthusiasm that spewed out of me. I wasn’t a shoe person unless the shoes were Converse. “These are awesome!”

  I jumped up on the bed and hugged him.

  “So glad you like them,” he grinned, his eyes twinkling.

  I cleaned up my bed, putting the watches into the box, the socks back in their box, and moving the Converse into a boxed pile on the floor.

  Gabe stepped forward. “Open mine,” he said, his voice soft.

  I’d been nervously avoiding his gaze. The dream of him floating from the sky and stabbing me through the heart was still firmly situated in the forefront of my mind. Last night he said he was half a specific type of angel. Seeing him in my dream with his wings freaked me out.

  “Snow?” Gabe shook the present playfully.

  I smiled. “Sorry. I’m a little overwhelmed, but happily so.” The box he handed me was small, the paper a bright green secured by a white and green polka dot bow. I opened it. Inside was a gift card to Warehouse Video with sixteen free movie rentals on it. “I love it,” I said, hoping he understood the deeper meaning. That I loved him too.

  I stood, hugging him. “Thanks, Gabe. I’m sure I’ll put these to good use.”

  He placed his hands on my waist, sending an electric pulse of heat through my belly. I leaned into him, enjoying his smell, like fresh laundry, sandalwood, and a hint of his mouth-watering blood. Angel or not, enemies or not, I was drawn to him. Opposites attract, I thought, secretly pressing my lips to his neck. Gabe kissed me lightly and my body warmed. His soft lips melted away all worry.

  “We’d better let Snow get cleaned up. Plus, you boys have a lot of work to do before the party tonight,” Professor Pops said, clearing his throat.

  They all grumbled, obviously not excited about the work ahead.

  “Later, Snow,” they said as they unhappily left the room.

  I stifled a laugh, feeling happier than I had in a very long time. “I can’t wait to see you guys in
your tuxes,” I sang out.

  More grumbling ensued.

  Chapter 14

  I followed them into the hallway, watching them from over the banister as the guys went down the stairs. Professor Pops didn’t follow, but bent over, picking up a white, extra-large box that was leaning on its side, a red bow tied around it. “One more present,” he said, bringing it over to me. It was as long as my bed.

  “What is it?” I asked, too intrigued to be embarrassed by the extravagance.

  “You’ll see,” he smiled, causing the wrinkles near his eyes to become more prominent.

  I removed the bow. Across the box, written in bold black, were the words Vera Wang. My eyes found his. “I already have a dress, remember? My dad and… stepmother bought one for me,” I whispered.

  He tipped his chin toward the box. “Open it.”

  Carefully I removed the lid. For some reason my hands shook, my heart beating rapidly. Folding back the tissue, I sucked in my breath. Layer after deep crimson layer of a transparent, filmy material covered the entire inside of the box. On top of the cloud of red was a strapless bodice. I gingerly pressed it between my thumb and first finger. It was soft, like silk.

  “Try it on. Let’s see if it fits.”

  “Alright,” I agreed, mesmerized by its beauty.

  “Vera is a friend of mine. When I explained the dress was for your sixteenth birthday party and that the theme was a masquerade ball, she excitedly created this masterpiece.”

  “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” I said softly, walking into the bathroom and shutting the door. Quickly I removed my shoes, plaid pajama pants, smiley face tee shirt, black tank top, and the watch Sebastian gave me. I stepped into the dress and pulled it over my chest. Pinching the sides together, I awkwardly zipped myself in. The dress felt like liquid against my skin. Opening the door, I stepped out, nervous anxiety skipping in my belly.


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