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Oliver Page 5

by Pepper North

  Immediately, Oliver felt his penis begin to tighten. He moaned as her slick fingers rubbed small circles against his scrotum. His testicles lifted in reaction pulling close to his body. Automatically, he lifted his hips slightly to allow his growing penis to rise against his stomach. “Mommy?” Oliver gasped as he felt her fingers begin to spread his buttocks apart.

  “Relax, Oliver. Mommy’s in charge. I think you deserve a reward for being so brave. Don’t you, Little boy?” she said in a husky voice. “Relax your muscles for Mommy, Oliver. You don’t want to be naughty.”

  He felt her fingers spread cream across his tightly clenched anus. He tried to relax his muscles, but his body was so focused on her caressing fingers. He felt her fingers make circles around his dark opening. When she pressed slightly inward, his shoulders rose from the bed automatically. Her finger stayed in place while her other hand moved to press between his shoulder blades compelling him to drop to the surface of the bed. Just the weight of her small hand laying on his back constrained him in place. His hands curled into the comforter holding on to the cover desperately as her finger began to slide into his bottom. “Aaahhhh!” he wasn’t even aware that he had made a noise. Oliver’s single focus was the finger that moved smoothly in and out of his tight channel.

  A slow smile spread over Mia’s face. Her Little boy was very sensitive. She moved her restraining hand to add extra cream to his bottom before restoring it to it’s place pinning Oliver to the bed without force. He needed the sensation of his will being overcome.

  The Little boy who Oliver had guarded safely inside him for so long flooded his large body with sensations. He moaned loudly as another finger joined the first to stretch his tight opening. His entire focus was on his bottom. “There!” he thought as a zing of sensation ricochet through his body. Her fingers pressed again on that spot. “Mommy?” he moaned unsure of the feelings that were gathering.

  “Shhhhusssshh, Little boy. You’re okay. Mommy’s making you feel better. Mommy’s in charge. Just relax and let Mommy’s fingers make you feel better,” she reassured him softly. Mia deliberately began to concentrate her strokes on his prostate. She stroked over it pressing a little more firmly against the small gland. She enjoyed watching the shivers that ran across his skin. Her Little boy was very sensitive.

  Oliver’s hips began to rise to meet her fingers. These sensations were building to an unbelievable level. Suddenly, he froze in place. He felt her breath on his back as she leaned forward to whisper in his ear, “Come for Mommy now, Oliver!” His entire body erupted. Jet after jet of fluid shot into the comforter below him as Oliver ground his penis into the soft fabric. The invading fingers continued to prolong his orgasm until he collapsed, boneless against the bed. He felt her fingers slide from his bottom and pat his red flesh lightly.

  “What a good, Little boy,” she praised quietly as she rose to her feet. She quickly went to wash her hands before returning to his side.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Laying down beside her Little boy, Mia guided him to lay against her body. He automatically curled into her curves sighing with contentment. After several minutes, he raised his head to look at her. “I didn’t know I could feel all of this. It scares me,” Oliver admitted shakily.

  “I know. You have to be very brave to allow your Little self to live freely,” Mia soothed him softly. “How do you feel now?” she probed.

  “I . . . I feel good,” he said smiling at her.

  “Perfect. Now, you can go clean out that bathtub!” she said reaching across and spanking his bottom sharply.

  “Ouch! Okay, okay. I’ll go clean the bathroom,” Oliver rolled off the bed and picked up his pants to put them back on.

  “No pants until the tub is clean. That will remind you to do a good job,” Mia pronounced scanning his body. “He was a beautiful man who was even more enchanting as a Little boy.” She watched Oliver turn and walk very self-consciously through the door. His red bottom framed by the edge of his tee shirt. She turned and stripped the bed noting the large stain on the comforter. She nodded her head. At least, her Little boy had followed her instructions not to masturbate last night. Little things like cleaning could easily be handled with a firm spanking. Not leaving his pleasure to his Mommy was much more concerning. Pulling out her phone, Mia added a paddle to her growing list. She gathered the sheets and carried them down the hall stopping to admire the view of her Little boy’s bottom bent over the side of the tub. His bottom cheeks were spread naturally by his position. Mia could see the glistening cream shining in the crevasse. His anus winked into view. Mia pressed her legs together. He would need a thorough bottom treatment soon.

  She forced herself to carry the laundry down the short hallway. Dropping it on the floor, she changed the wash she’d started earlier to the dryer. Starting the next load, she walked down the hallway to find Oliver rinsing the cleaner from the tub. He turned to smile at her. “Almost done, Mommy.” She glanced at the tub and was pleased with the improvement.

  “Come help Mommy put on fresh sheets and we can go to the store,” she said with a smile.

  Oliver stood and clasped his hands in front of his pelvis to cover his privates. He looked up at her and dropped his hands to his side at her shaking finger. He didn’t understand why this felt so different. He was used to being naked at the gym in the locker room. He didn’t think anything about it when he wandered around at home after showering. She saw everything. He felt like he had no secrets.

  He felt her hand lift his chin to look at her. “I am very pleased with my Little boy. I know I’m asking you to become Little quickly. Are you feeling okay? Are you scared of anything that you need to tell your Mommy?” she asked quietly.

  Hesitating a few seconds, Oliver whispered, “It’s hard to be Little. I’ve wanted to be Little for so long. I thought it would be easy. It’s not easy. I don’t have any place to hide now.”

  Mia wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in for a quick kiss followed by a tight hug. Holding him in her arms, she whispered in his ear, “Don’t you see. That’s the best part of being Little. You don’t have to hide. Mommy knows everything you need and desire. You just have to let me take care of you. How does that sound?”

  He stood still in her arms for a short time feeling her arms around his body holding him close. He’d wanted this for so long. “I’ve wanted this for so long,” he reminded himself silently. “All I have to do is be Little. Mia will take care of everything else. All I have to be is Little,” he repeated in his mind. Finally, aloud he said, I’m just going to be Little.”

  “That’s my good boy. You just be Little. Mommy will take care of everything else,” Mia said with a smile.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The battered truck pulled into the gated parking lot. Mia had known the code to open the gate, so they entered easily. Oliver parked the truck in the second row. He looked around trying to figure out where they were.

  “What is this place,” he asked. “I’ve lived here for a while and I never even knew this place existed.”

  Mia opened her door and walked around to the front of the truck waiting for Oliver to join her. “Welcome to Gordon’s. This is a store designed for Littles and their Mommies and Daddies. We’re going to get you a crib and a changing table today as well as various supplies that Mommy needs to take care of you completely.” She linked her arm with him and swept him toward the door. She selected a cart with a large seat facing her and motioned Oliver to get in.

  “I can’t ride in that,” Oliver said. “I’ll look like a fool.”

  “Not at Gordon’s, you won’t. Here walk by the cart and hold on to the basket. I don’t want to lose you in here. If you decide later, you can sit down,” she waited until his fingers were wrapped around the cart before walking to the front door and into the store. She stopped for a minute to let Oliver look around. She watched his face looking at all the signs over the various departments and focusing on the other shoppers.

  Making ey
e contact with a woman dressed in a short, ruffled dress and exposed panties, Oliver waved back as she waved to him. A store employee wandered past with a large support structure in his arms. “You’re not the ones who purchased the deluxe enema horsie, were you?” When Mia cheerfully said, “No, not this time,” he wandered off to find a Daddy and a Little boy waiting at the next door. A slight figure with her long brown hair in braids on each side of her head approached tripping slightly over a supply box on the floor. She paused and scooted the box over a few inches to rest against the wall before continuing her path toward Mia and Oliver. When she got closer, Oliver could see that she wore a Gordon’s polo shirt.

  “Hi, I’m Charlotte. I bet you’re Oliver and Mia,” she said with a cheerful smile. Jake alerted me that you might be coming in today for some supplies. I’m glad to meet you both.” Charlotte extended a hand to shake each of theirs. I’m excited to go look at the space you’re redecorating. I understand you were matched on PLAYTIME. That’s so exciting!”

  “Hi, Charlotte. It’s nice to meet you,” Mia answered. “You are correct. We were recently matched. Oliver here, needs a new crib first. Would you help us choose a size that will fit his adult body and be something that would fit into our new renovated space?”

  Scanning his body quickly, Charlotte answered, “Of course. Come with me to the furniture section. I’ve got a couple of cribs that come in a long size and are reinforced to hold big Littles. You want something large enough that Oliver will be comfortable sleeping in. Do you have a preference of finishes? Oak, Walnut, White?” she asked leading them through the store.

  Oliver’s face turned bright red as they walked through the medical supply section. They had all sorts of items displayed on the shelves. He crossed his fingers that they would not visit that area. He forgot and let go of the cart as they passed the toy section.

  “Hand on the cart, Oliver, or you’ll need to sit in the cart,” Mia warned. Her stern face smoothed as he reached to hold on to the wire of the cart quickly. “Thank you, Little boy.”

  He looked anxiously at Charlotte to see if she would laugh but she was focused on the cribs that were looming in front of her. Just as she was reaching for the railing of the first crib, a giant man with a grey beard and black hair peppered with silver swooped in to pick up Charlotte and cuddle her against his chest.

  “Hello, Little Miss. You’ve been busy all day. How about a kiss for your Daddy and then you can introduce me to your new friends?” he suggested in a deep voice.

  Charlotte wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. She childishly puckered her lips and pressed her lips against his. Instantly a large hand cupped the back of her head and held it steady as his mouth devoured hers. She was panting slightly as he released her. Charlotte leaned her head against his chest to recover. “Daddy, this is Oliver and his Mommy, Mia. Oliver and Mia, can I introduce my Daddy, Benton Gordon. He owns this store. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, it all his fault,” Charlotte teased her Daddy looking at him from the corner of her eye.

  “Smack,” a large, firm hand spanked Charlotte’s bottom.

  “Ouch! Daddy!” Charlotte protested wiggling in his arms.

  “I’m glad to meet you, Oliver and Mia. I be glad to recommend a new paddle we are carrying now. It’s very effective,” Benton informed Mia with a wink as he set Charlotte on her feet.

  She rubbed her bottom ruefully. “Is it ever!”

  Oliver was a little shocked that they were talking about a spanking so openly, but Mia just smiled and answered cheerfully, “A paddle is on my list. I’ll take you up on that recommendation.”

  Charlotte met Oliver’s eyes and shrugged. “I’m sorry.” Turning to Mia, she said, “Let’s look at these cribs.”

  “I’ll let you look around the store. You’re in good hands with Charlotte but feel free to ask any questions of all my staff. Charlotte will show you the Enforcer line of paddles, right honey?” he asked with a smile at his Little girl.

  “Of course, Daddy. I’ll show them everything,” she said with a smile.

  In the end, Mia and Oliver chose an oversized walnut crib with a matching changing table. Oliver liked the color of the rich wood, but he loved the padded mat on the changing table. It was super thick and decorated with tractors, cars, and dump trucks. It had been embarrassing to climb up in all the cribs to try them out, but they had all been different. He was glad he’d gotten the most comfortable one. Besides, no one would make fun of him here.

  He’d seen someone get spanked on their bare bottom when she threw a fit about wanting the pink sheets with bunnies instead of the grey sheets with sheep. Nobody said anything negative or tried to stop her Mommy. Another Mommy pushing a cart nearby suggested a naughty girl and boy cream that was effective on spanked Little bottoms if her daughter needed additional correction to improve her attitude. The two Mommies chatted companionably as the spanked Little girl stood with her ruffled diaper cover and diaper around her ankles and her red bottom exposed to everyone for her five-minute time out. Her Mommy finally raised her diaper and girly diaper cover into place. She held her dress above the Little girl’s tummy as she pressed on various places. Nodding her head knowingly, she said to her Little girl. “Now, I know why you are behaving poorly. Your tummy hurts, doesn’t it?” The Little girl nodded slowly before pushing out her bottom lip. “No bottom medicine, Mommy. Please?” Her Mommy just patted her on the bottom as she helped her climb into the seat.

  Charlotte arranged for their furniture selections to be taken to the front of the store. They would load them into Oliver’s truck when they were ready to check out. She carried an armful of adorable bedding up to the front while they continued to shop for the remaining things on Mia’s list.

  Before he realized where he was, Mia helped him up to take a seat on the cart. He looked around warily as they proceeded through the store. Mia picked up a large packet of Oliver-sized diapers as she chatted to distract him from thinking about the items that were filling the basket behind him. She had decided to forgo buying new clothing since most of Oliver’s athletic clothing would fit over a diaper easily. She did pause at a display of sleepers that had snaps between the legs to allow easy diaper changes. These would be snuggly warm and comfortable to wear around the house in their free time. Oliver’s eyes kept straying to the blue one with puppies decorating it. She found the largest one they had and held it up to look at it critically. She nodded and placed it in the cart. The smile on her Little boy’s face warmed her heart.

  Her final stop was in the medical supplies section. Oliver became very quiet as she picked up a timer, two jars of lubricant and a couple of large thermometers. He watched as the cart rolled to stop under the enema supply sign. When she picked up a large enema syringe with an inch-wide nozzle and a large bulb, Oliver said quickly, “I don’t need that. You can put that back on the shelf.” Mia just smiled at him and reminded him that Mommy was in charge. She placed in the cart along with a three-quart enema bag and an assortment of nozzles that looked way too large to fit in his bottom.

  “Mommy. Please, no. Those won’t go in my bottom. Please don’t get them,” he begged. His concern about her selections overriding his embarrassment to discuss the medical equipment.

  Picking up a large bottle of cleanser and adding it to the cart, Mia leaned in to kiss Oliver. Her cool fingers slid under his tee shirt. Inching under his elastic waistband, she pressed against his stomach gently. “Tell me the truth, Oliver. Are you a sore here? How about here?” She held his gaze watching carefully as he grimaced slightly in a few spots. When he started to shake his head to deny any discomfort, Mia said softly, “Your bottom doesn’t want to be spanked any more today, does it?”

  Oliver’s eyes dropped, and he shook his head no. “I’m okay, Mommy,” he tried to reassure her.

  “Mommy’s going to make sure you’re more than okay,” came her calm response as she selected an assortment of dilators and anal plugs. “One more item to get.�
�� She rolled the cart to the discipline section and found the new Enforcer paddle that Benton had recommended. The thud that sounded as she dropped it into the cart made Oliver swallow hard.

  When they reached the checkouts, Charlotte was waiting for them. “Hey, I’ve got the crib and changing table ready to be loaded. I brought up a high chair we have on special this week. It’s an extra large sturdy one that would work well for Oliver. Do you need a highchair?” she asked with a smile.

  “I didn’t have that on my list. Thank you, Charlotte for thinking of it. Look, Oliver! It’s blue! I like it a lot. Do you?” Mia enthused turning to see Oliver smiling at the green frogs decorating the tray. He nodded eagerly. “We’ll take it. You’ve made this so much easier. I would still be wandering around the store without your help.”

  “No problem. That’s why I’m here. I’ll look forward to coming with Jake soon to tour the area that you’re remodeling. Here are just a few items as a gift from Gordon’s for coming in to shop for your new Little boy. We’d like to help you celebrate as you start your new life together,” Charlotte said. She handed the bag to Oliver. “Would you hold this for your Mommy? If you’ll come with me over to the toy bin, you can pick out a toy. Daddy started this as a reward for all the Littles who come to visit.” She took Oliver by the hand and led him over to a large tub on an elevated platform. “What would you like, Oliver?”

  He stared at all the toys. There were bath toys, stuffed animals, toy cars and trucks, and building sets just to name a few types of rewards. Slowly, he reached in without hesitation to pick up a large brown raccoon with big eyes. He held it to his chest with his free hand and looked at her with happiness spilling from his eyes. “Really? I can have this one?”


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