Pretty Lies (Watch Me Burn Book 1)

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Pretty Lies (Watch Me Burn Book 1) Page 2

by R. E. Bond

  Petty, I know.

  The prissy bitch’s lip lifted into a sneer. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

  I rolled my eyes, sounding bored as I spoke.

  “How about you fuck off before I show you who I am?”

  She went to throw a punch, but I grabbed her arm, bending it around behind her back and slamming her chest down onto the table to pin her there, speaking in her ear sternly.

  “You rich kids like to pick on people who you think are below you, but you forget that we’ve had to survive more than you. We know how to fight, we play dirty, and we aren’t afraid to get blood on our hands. I’m Rory Donovan, nice to fucking meet you.”

  I let her go, grabbing my bag and heading from the room, noticing a table of three boys in the back watching me.

  Caden was one of them, and he had an amused expression on his face, but he didn’t make it obvious that he’d watched how the situation was handled.

  The guy beside him watched me with dark eyes, his short light brown hair spiked to look deliberately messy.

  The other guy sat opposite them, his messy chocolate brown hair covered his eyes slightly, but the intensity in his curious stare burned through me.

  When he realized I was watching him, his eyes narrowed and he said something to the others as I held his stare.

  I didn’t back down to fucking anyone.

  The girl that I’d just had restrained was waving her arms around dramatically, yelling at Caden and his friends to do something about dealing with my trashy ass, but I pulled my eyes away from the stare-down I was having and was out of the room, heading towards the bathroom before anyone answered the fucking drama queen.

  The rest of the day was basically the same.

  The girls would bully me relentlessly, and no one stopped them, but I let them think they had the upper hand though.

  I’d dealt with worse over the years, and a bunch of prissy fucking high school girls weren’t going to get to me.

  I was walking to the bus stop when someone called my name, making me glance over to find Caden and his two friends leaning on his car.

  I kept my expression blank, but inside I was basically having a fucking orgasm over his car.

  The shiny black Dodge Challenger STR Demon was begging me to drive it, but I wouldn’t admit my appreciation of it to him.

  “The fuck do you want, Caden?” I asked harshly as I approached, earning a cruel smirk from him.

  He went to speak, but someone joined us and spoke instead, making my heart slam into my chest as they moved into my direct line of sight.

  There was no way in fucking hell that he went to my school.

  “Rory? What the fuck are you doing here?” He asked with obvious horror on his face as his familiar almond eyes stared at me through his black fringe.

  “Hey, Lukas. Long time, no see,” I replied boldly, despite feeling like I needed to throw up as anxiety and hate rolled through me.

  Lukas James had been my best friend from the first day of preschool.

  He remained my best friend up until he walked away from me when I’d needed him most.

  That happened at the end of middle school, and I’d been glad when he’d gone to a different high school than me.

  It also helped me move on when my father continued to move me to different schools every few months.

  I was running out of schools, honestly.

  Caden frowned, seeming confused by us. “You two know each other?”

  Lukas ignored him, moving up to me and jabbing a finger in my chest.

  “You’re the new girl that everyone’s talking about? You took on Claire Davidson at lunch?”

  I shoved him back firmly with a glare.

  “She’s lucky I didn’t beat her to a bloody fucking pulp, and you know it. Nice to see you turning a blind eye as usual, not that I needed your help. A spoiled little rich girl is the least of my problems.”

  Lukas hadn’t been there, but that wasn’t the fucking point.

  Caden growled, getting between us and pointing at his orgasmic car, his angry green eyes on mine.

  “Get in, Aurora.”

  I scowled, giving him an unimpressed snort. “Doubt it, dickhead.”

  Was he for real?

  Lukas frowned with obvious confusion, drawing my attention to his eyebrow piercing as it moved with the motion.

  “Hang on, how the fuck do you two know each other?”

  Caden went to answer him, but I spoke over the top.

  “We don’t. Now if you’ll excuse me.”

  I only got a few steps away before I heard Caden mutter not to touch me, but a hand grabbed me anyways.

  I spun around, jerking my elbow into the side of Lukas’s head as panic overtook me.

  He let go, rubbing the tender skin with a scowl, his black choppy hair sticking up with the motion and his angry eyes peeked out from behind his fringe.

  “What the fuck, Rory?”

  I shoved him, and I knew I was visibly panicked.

  “Don’t fucking touch me, Lukas. Ever.”

  His expression softened, but when he reached for me again, Caden pulled him back a step, obviously trying to give me the space I desperately needed.

  “She said don’t, so leave her.”


  “I said, fucking leave her,” he warned in a low voice, making Lukas finally back up to his spot next to the others, biting his lip ring with annoyance as he glared at me silently.

  Caden watched me for a moment before turning towards the driver’s side of his car, speaking over his shoulder.

  “Are you sure you don’t want a ride?”

  I’d die if I got in that fucking car.

  I’d probably come all over the seat when he started the fucking engine and the vibrations hit my ass, so I waved him off with my hand and shrugged.

  “I’m fine.”

  His green eyes met my blue ones, and it seemed like he was looking into my fucking soul as he stared me down silently until he finally snorted.

  “You’re far from fine, if you wanna be honest with yourself,” then he climbed into his car and slammed the door without another word, making me bite back a moan as the engine roared to life.

  I quickly turned and headed to my bus stop, only just managing to make it on time.

  I sat in the back and put my head in my hands with a sigh.

  Things just got fucking difficult.

  “What the fuck?” I snapped as I walked into my bedroom when I got home, finding it basically empty.

  The only thing left was my fucking bed and an empty set of drawers.

  I stormed through the house, frustration sinking in when I noticed Max wasn’t home, but I found a note in the kitchen, stating that everything had been moved to Josie’s and to make sure I’d join them by dinnertime.

  I scrunched it up in my hand and tossed it in the trash with more force than necessary, detouring back to my room and snatching my cigarettes from the hidden panel in my bedroom wardrobe, before stomping outside to light one.

  I sat on the porch with my back pressed firmly against the wall and closed my eyes, not opening them again until a car rumbled into the driveway.

  Caden climbed out from behind the wheel, making me snort.

  For fuck’s sake, really?

  My eyes closed again in hope that he went away, but I heard him slide down the wall beside me, lighting his own cigarette before he finally spoke.

  “Figured you might want a lift?”

  I didn’t look at him as I took a long drag, exhaling as I spoke.

  “You figured wrong. I’m not fucking going anywhere.”

  “You might want to once it gets dark and cold. He shut the power off apparently,” he said lazily, blowing smoke into the air.

  “Of course he did,” I muttered, opening my eyes to flick the butt of my cigarette onto the lawn.

  “How do you know Lukas?” He asked bluntly, and I instantly tensed.

  I wasn’t about to tell hi
m my deepest, darkest secrets.

  “We used to be friends.”


  I was quiet for a moment before a small sigh left me, deciding to give him just enough to get him to back off and stop digging.

  “He was my best friend from the first day of preschool until the end of middle school. Shit happened and I’ll never forgive him, okay? Drop it, because I won’t talk about it anymore with you.”

  He nodded, not seeming convinced by my answer as he glanced around the sad excuse I’d called home for most of my life.

  “Mom wanted to set your room up, but I figured you probably don’t like people touching your shit, so I told her to let you do it. After dinner they’ll probably fuck off for the night, so you’ll basically have the house to yourself. I’ve got somewhere to be later, so I’ll be home late. C’mon, let’s go and I’ll show you how everything in the movie room and stuff works. Got a Sony in there too, if you like gaming.”

  I kept quiet for a second before glancing up at him, his green eyes staring back at me intensely.

  “Why are you being nice? Yesterday you said…”

  “We aren’t buddies or anything, but you despise your dad even though he’s all you really have, and you don’t take anyone’s shit. So, I figured we can at least not kill each other, okay? Get in the car,” he mumbled, but he didn’t sound bothered.

  I stood, locking the house up before walking over to his car with him, hiding my excitement as I slid into the passenger seat and felt the soft leather under me.

  I was right about nearly having a fucking orgasm as the engine rumbled to life.

  We didn’t speak the whole drive to his place, and once we got there, we wandered into the kitchen together, making Max frown with disapproval.

  “Where have you two been?”

  I snatched a banana from the fruit bowl on the bench and shrugged.


  “School’s been out for over two hours.”

  “After school, I went home.”

  “This is your home now, Aurora,” he said patiently, but I knew on the inside he wanted to fucking strangle me.

  I popped a shoulder up in a half shrug.

  “Nah, this is Josie and Caden’s home. You and me? We’re like tourists. Once the money runs out, we’ll fucking go.”

  I peeled the banana, ignoring how his eyes narrowed to slits.

  “Would you stop that? Believe it or not, I believe you’ll be happy here if you just tried.”

  I glanced at Caden with a smirk. “I mean, at least I have some super good company while we’re here playing house. Did you know Caden’s best buddies with Lukas James?”

  My father stiffened, making Caden glance between us as he tried to figure us out, but Max forced a smile.

  “Well isn’t that nice for you, honey? Does Lukas come around here often?”

  “Oh yeah, all the time. We all share classes and stuff too. Maybe I’ll hang out with him after school tomorrow? I’m not sure yet. Oh, Caden? Can you show me the movie room now?”

  Caden gave me a curt nod, seeming unsure with what was going on.

  “Yeah, sure thing.”

  His eyes watched me closely as I took a big mouthful of my banana, chewing it slowly and swallowing, before turning to my father who looked pretty pissed at me.

  “You don’t mind if we hang out for a while, do you?”


  I faked a giggle and forced myself to press my body against Caden’s, resting a hand on his solid chest and smiling sweetly up at him.

  “C’mon, Caden. Since we toured my home, I say we tour yours. You know, every room.”

  He raised an eyebrow but smirked, deciding to play along with my little game, moving slowly so he didn’t startle me as he reached out and tucked loose strands of black hair behind my ear with fake affection, a soft tone in his voice.

  “As if I could say no to you?”

  Max watched us for a moment before storming from the room, a smirk of satisfaction stretching across my face.

  I removed myself from Caden who was looking pretty fucking amused himself.

  “Your dad’s gonna think we’re fucking now.”

  “Good,” I shrugged, heading down the hallway with him trailing behind me.

  Once in the movie room, he plonked down on one of the couches, watching as I sat beside him before he spoke up.

  “You know you’ll just piss him off, right? I mean, I personally love pissing people off but why do you want to?”

  I met his gaze, giving him a bored shrug, drawing my knees up to rest my chin on them.

  “He doesn’t give a fuck how I feel when he fucks with my life, so I’ll at least try to have fun in upsetting him back. Besides, maybe if I push him far enough, your mom will see the man he really is.”

  “Which is what, Rory?” He asked, his voice sounding tight and irritated, my eyes darting away from his as my arms tightened around my legs.



  “How often does he hurt you?” He asked gently after a moment, my jaw clenching in response.

  I ignored him, staring at the huge TV screen on the wall, my body tensing up when he shuffled closer and reached out to tuck my hair behind my ear like he had earlier.

  I hated the fluttery feeling in my stomach from his touch.

  “Well, if he knows what’s good for him, he won’t lay a fucking hand on you when I’m around.”

  I flicked my gaze to his, my voice sounding breathy as I forced out, “Why’s that?”

  “Because, I’ll fucking kill him,” he answered in a low voice as he stood, taking the remote and explaining what I needed to press to make the PlayStation work, then he left the room quickly.

  I didn’t see him again for the rest of the night.

  Chapter two


  “Dead bitch walking,” Claire pealed with laughter as I wandered into the cafeteria at school the next day.

  I grabbed a can of soda from the vending machine, turning to walk away, but I ran into Claire and her friends who had managed to sneak up behind me.

  I gave her a dirty look and snorted. “Move.”

  “As if. You didn’t seem to understand me yesterday, so I’ll tell you in another way. You aren’t welcome here. Also, what the fuck are you wearing, you trailer trash whore?” She sneered, making me roll my eyes and give her a small smirk.

  “We call them clothes. I know you aren’t used to them, but most people wear them all the time. It’s in chapter one of How not to be a little tramp guide for beginners. I’m assuming no one ever gave you a copy?”

  She snarled, swinging her fist back, but the room went quiet as Caden’s voice spoke over all the noise from his usual table with the other guys.

  “Claire, back off.”

  Claire’s eyes widened a fraction before she scowled, obviously not used to being told what to do.

  “What the fuck, Caden? You know she’s a problem here and has no right to prance around like she paid her way. She couldn’t afford to go to school here, so some rich prick’s paying for her. She’s fucking trailer trash, and…”

  “I said, back off. Rory, get over here and stop fucking winding her up,” he snorted, jerking his head to motion me in his direction.

  Well, cat was outta the fucking bag now, wasn’t it?

  People whispered as I made my way over to the guys, Caden moving over so I could sit between him and his friend with the spiked hair, who ran his gaze over me without being discreet about it in the slightest.

  Claire noisily snorted, drawing everyone’s attention to her to see what she’d do.

  “Um, what the fuck are you doing? She’s a nobody for fuck’s sake!”

  Caden gave me one of his sandwiches before glancing at her with a bored expression on his face.

  “You done fucking squawking now?”

  She looked horrified, but he gave her a small smile and faked a thought popping into his head. “Oh, I co
mpletely forgot. Everyone, listen up!”

  The room went silent as all eyes turned to our table as Caden stood, motioning towards me with a big shit-eating grin. “Everyone, meet Aurora Donovan. She’s basically my new stepsister, so if anyone touches her, they will be dealing with me. Got that?”

  Whispers and gasps sounded around the room as he sat back down, but Lukas stared at us from across the table with shock on his face, his fingers tugging on his lip ring absently.

  “Hang on, the guy your mom’s banging is Max Donovan?”

  Caden grinned, leaning back in his seat as he spoke.

  “Yeah, they just moved in. Groovy, huh?”

  His friend with the messy chocolate brown hair and pretty blue eyes checked me out without shame, finally smirking at Caden.

  “Live-in pussy? Nice bro.”

  My gaze snapped to his as I spoke in a low dangerous voice that made me sound tougher than I really was.

  “No one fucking touches me. If you even try, I’ll slice your fucking diseased dick off and choke you with it.”

  A wicked grin stretched across his face, but Caden snorted and gave his friend a serious look.

  “Back off, Jense. Rory, this is Jensen Gilbert, and the guy beside you is Tyler Johnson.”

  Jensen reached a hand across the table, and I grabbed my knife from my pocket, instantly slamming it down between his fingers and leaving it to stick up in the table.

  Everyone in the room stayed silent as I kept my hard gaze on Jensen’s, and he finally looked slightly worried when I didn’t back down.

  Fucking pussy.

  I lifted my lip into a nasty smile, my voice dripping with sarcasm as I pulled my knife from the table and slid it back into my pocket.

  “Like I said, don’t fucking touch me.”

  “Jesus, okay. Holloway, she’s fucking crazy,” he mumbled, but that just made Caden chuckle with amusement.

  He was such a fucking asshole.

  “Yeah, she is, so watch it. You guys all up for meeting at my place tonight? Pizza and movies? I can’t be fucked hosting a party.”

  I zoned out, letting the guys talk as I ate the sandwich he’d given me, but his voice snapped me out of my thoughts after a while.


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