Pretty Lies (Watch Me Burn Book 1)

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Pretty Lies (Watch Me Burn Book 1) Page 18

by R. E. Bond

I wanted him to get rougher with me.

  I wanted to be okay.

  Tristan wasn’t going to fucking destroy me.

  He rocked his hips up carefully, his fingers still in my hair as he groaned and pulled my head down further to where he wanted me.

  The fear tingled inside me as his grip on my hair tightened, but I pushed through it and let him get rougher, knowing he wouldn’t hurt me.

  I needed the connection with him again so I knew I’d be okay.

  He became rougher the longer it went on, and I knew he was getting close to finishing when I choked slightly and he kept going.

  He jerked his hips up to meet my face until his grip on my hair tightened almost painfully as he slowed, the hot salty liquid hitting the back of my throat as I swallowed.

  He pulled me nearly on top of him, holding me as his body calmed down, and I felt a small amount of victory build in me for taking control of my demons.

  When he finally spoke, I could hear that the apology in his broken voice was genuine.

  “Can you ever forgive me? I know I don’t deserve it but fuck, Rory. I’m so fucking sorry for hurting you.”

  I laid there without moving for a while until I lifted my head and met his concerned gaze.

  “You have no idea how much it hurt to look at you and see the dismissal in your eyes as you kept your mouth shut while Caden ripped into me like that. You could have told me about Tristan or even warned me about what I was walking into. You could have…”

  “I tried to stay away from you, but I couldn’t. Jesus Christ, I fucking fell in love with you and I was too chicken shit to tell you. Lukas bailed on us at school that day because he didn’t want any part in it, and…”

  “Then why the fuck didn’t you bail too? Why the fuck did you just stand there and let Ty and Caden do that to me? It wrecked me to know I’d fallen in love with people who had used me for their own personal fucking amusement, and everything had been a fucking lie.”

  “Fuck all was a lie. Caden wanted to kill your dad from the start for what he’d done to you. Lukas has fought Ty and Caden about them both climbing all over you constantly, and we all became attached to you. We just didn’t realize how attached we’d gotten until we’d lost you.”

  “Feel like a beer?” I asked as I climbed out of bed, suddenly not comfortable with the subject.

  I wasn’t ready to have my heart shattered again, just because they pitied me.

  I left the room before realizing he hadn’t responded.

  Chapter eleven


  “The fuck are you doing here, Donovan?” Slash asked with irritation as I walked into the shed a few days later, giving him a look as if he were stupid.


  “Like fuck. Skeet would kill both of us if I let you up in that cage,” he bit out, my fists clenching until my knuckles cracked.

  “Let me get this straight. Skeet dumped me, so now I’m not welcome in the cage anymore?”

  “Do your boys know you’re here?” he asked, ignoring my question completely, a snort of annoyance leaving me.

  Fucking bastard.

  “No one tells me what to fucking do. I don’t give a fuck if any of them have a problem with me being here, because if I don’t fight in the cage, I’ll pick a fight elsewhere. Probably outside in the yard here.”

  He ignored my protesting as he grabbed my bicep and dragged me into the office, slamming the door behind us and getting in my face, ignoring the crew members that were standing around the room.

  “You fucking listen to me, okay? You’re not fucking fighting in the cage or outside. Get it through your fucking head that you need to go home and stay out of trouble. I won’t let you in that cage, and if you pick a fight in my yard, I’ll personally fucking kill you. You think just because you were Skeet’s girl that you’re untouchable? I don’t give a fuck about who you got on your fucking back for. I’ll shoot you, and I’m not fucking around.”

  I shoved him hard, sounding tougher than I actually was.

  “Fuck you. I was a good money maker for you guys, and I’ve been coming here since before you guys ran it, so back off. I don’t give a fuck who I make bleed, so move before it’s you.”

  The door banged open just as Slash furiously reached for his gun, Skeeter’s voice cutting through our arguing like a knife.

  “Touch her and I’ll shoot you, Slash. Rory, what the fuck have I told you about throwing your weight around here?”

  He was angry as fuck, but I didn’t care.

  I was ready for a fight and I didn’t care who it was that I took on.

  I pushed off the wall and went to jab him in the chest with my finger, but he grabbed my throat and slammed me back against the wall.

  “And what the fuck are you doing here?”

  “I wanna fucking bleed some bitch and Slash won’t let me!” I snapped, earning a look of disapproval.

  I knew I was going to get fucking lectured.

  “I also told you not to come here without me,” he said in a level voice, my body slumping as the anger started to vanish.

  “I just need to fight, and I figured here would be the safest option.”

  He eyed me for a moment before stepping back and rubbing his temples as if I was giving him a headache.

  I probably fucking was.

  “Babe, I left you with the guys for a reason. This shit is toxic for you, I’m fucking toxic for you. Don’t get me wrong, you can handle yourself just fine and I like you, but it’s gotta stop before you either kill someone or end up dead yourself. If you killed someone in that fucking cage, it would ruin you. Not to mention you could end up thrown in jail, which you wouldn’t deal with.”

  “Don’t fucking tell me where I belong or what I can and can’t handle. I’m not leaving until I fight, so give up and fucking let me. Then I’ll go home.”

  Slash scoffed, plonking down in his chair and lighting a cigarette.

  “You’re gonna end up fucking dead, Donovan. By my fucking hands if my right-hand keeps threatening to fucking shoot me over you. You need to fuck off so he and I can have a fucking chat.”

  I turned to tell him that he could fuck off, but Skeeter grabbed my chin to keep my gaze on his, his thumb digging in more than necessary.

  “Stop arguing with my guys, especially my fucking boss. One fight, and then you get in that fucking car of yours and get out of here. You read me, hot stuff?”

  I narrowed my eyes, a smirk rising on his face as he sighed dramatically as if I’d asked him for a million fucking dollars. “Fine, two fights. Then I don’t wanna see your ass back here.”

  Wait, what?


  “Ever,” he confirmed, releasing me and glancing at his phone as it rang.

  He grunted, looking back at me with irritation.

  “And you need to fucking stay home, so these fuckers stop harassing me,” then he answered the phone with a scowl. “Yes, Holloway? Matter of fact I have seen her. She’s right in fucking front of me.”

  I heard Caden yelling about something, but Skeeter growled, “I didn’t fucking take her anywhere. She drove her own ass here and conned me into letting her fight, so make sure you’re home when she gets back. I assume she’ll need help cleaning herself up,” then he hung up before Caden could reply, giving me a pissed off scowl.

  “Now get out there and fight so you can go home. Not that it matters, I know they’ll fucking show up anyways.”

  Chances were high.

  I shrugged, standing on tippy toes to kiss his cheek, my voice sweet.

  “Okay. Thanks, Skeet.”

  “No worries,” he grumbled before shooing me out the door, muttering about me being a pain in his ass, just as Slash scruffed him and slammed the door behind me.

  I probably got him into trouble, but it served him right for banning me in the first place.

  He wandered out a few minutes later, pissed off and ready to strangle someone.

  Probably me.

>   He motioned for me to get ready to fight, so I knew he just wanted me to hurry up and get my ass home.

  Once I was in the cage, people went crazy, Skeeter’s voice booming through the speakers over the top of them.

  “Alright, fuckers. I retired this bitch, but she wanted one more go! You better enjoy it, because she won’t be fucking back after this!”

  People booed, a smirk stretching across his face.

  “Yeah, I know, real shame. Let’s turn this shit up!”

  People cheered as Can’t Go To Hell by Sin Shake Sin cranked up and he let a girl into the cage.

  I’d fought her years ago, so I knew she was good at fighting dirty.

  She smirked at me, yelling over the music.

  “Retiring already? Skeet getting soft and doesn’t want you to get hurt?”

  I sneered at her, clenching my fists.

  “I don’t fucking answer to Skeet.”

  “Surprised to see you here to be honest. After he dumped you and everything I mean,” she laughed, but I kept my face blank.

  “How do you know he dumped me?”

  She threw me a nasty smile that I really didn’t fucking like, instantly putting me on edge.

  “Well, I hope so, or he cheated on you. Man can eat a pussy real good.”

  Bitch was dead.

  I saw red and went to swing at her, but hesitated when Caden angrily shouted at me from the gate.

  “Aurora, get the fuck out here right now!”

  She smirked. “Back with Holloway, eh? Hear he fucks alright too.”

  I wanted to do as Caden asked and go out to him, but the mouthy bitch pissed me off and I wasn’t about to start doing whatever Caden Holloway demanded.

  I suddenly turned and swung, surprising her enough to cause her to stumble.

  I hardly felt any of her punches that connected with me, and I didn’t realize I’d zoned out until arms went around me and yanked me back sharply.

  I glared at Skeeter and he glared right back, startling me as he grabbed me and threw me down to the ground and held me there with pure rage in his eyes.

  What the fuck!

  “Skeeter, fuck off!”

  “Me, fuck off? You’ve nearly killed her. Out of my fucking cage, you aren’t focused. You’re done,” he snapped, my back arching as I tried to buck him off me.

  “Like fuck!”

  He moved off me and scruffed the front of my shirt, dragging me out of the cage and through the crowd until we were outside in the cool air.

  He slammed my back against the wall, making me wince at the impact.

  “Oh good, you felt that? Snap the fuck out of it,” he growled in a low voice, slamming my back against the wall again when I struggled. “Now, Rory!”

  I stopped fighting him and glared.

  “Thought you liked your bitches fucking crazy?”

  “I do, and you’re making me fucking hard, so stop it. Seriously, calm your ass down. You nearly fucking killed her.”

  “Are you worried about me, or her?” I spat bitterly, a scowl taking over his face.

  “The fuck does that mean?”

  “You’d hate me to kill her before you’re done with her, wouldn’t you?” I snapped, an amused smile slowly spreading across his face.

  “Baby girl, are you jealous?”

  “Why the fuck would I be jealous?” I exclaimed, struggling against his hold, but his grip softened as he moved against me, his lips running along my sweaty neck before grinning against my skin.

  “Just so you know, I fucked her once, and that was it. She isn’t like you, babe. I actually like you when your clothes are on too.”

  The adrenaline slowly left my body, and my hands shook as I spoke softly.

  “You aren’t seeing her?”

  He grinned. “C’mon, babe. I don’t date, you were the exception. I only care about you killing her because I don’t wanna clean her skanky ass off my fighting cage. I don’t give a fuck about her, but it’s hot to see you try to kill her over me. I’m flattered, honestly.”

  I smacked him hard in the chest, making him chuckle as he pressed more firmly against my front and nipped my neck.

  “Now, I’d like you to go home, okay? It’s Friday, so go get ready for the party that you and your boys will be having.”

  “Do you have time to fuck before I go?” I asked hopefully in his ear, a pained groan coming from him in return.

  “No more, okay? You need to stay away from me, I’ve created a fucking monster.”

  “I can just suck you off if you want?” I tempted, but Caden’s voice came from close by with zero amusement in his tone.

  “If you wanna suck someone off you can choke on my dick, as long as you get your ass in the car and get home first.”

  I scowled, but Skeeter grinned. “There you go, problem fucking solved. I’ll leave your horny ass with Holloway to deal with. Look after yourself, hot stuff,” he winked, giving me a sharp crack on the butt before he headed back inside, leaving me with Caden.

  He stalked towards me with a glare firmly set on his face.

  “Fighting, again? Aurora…”

  “I’ll fucking fight if I want to, Caden. Fuck off,” I snapped, but there wasn’t any anger in my tone.

  I was tired, and I just wanted a hot fucking bath.

  I knew I had a cut on my eyebrow too, because it had started to sting.

  He hesitated, his expression softening as he moved directly in front of me, lifting his hand to cup my cheek.

  Yeah, it hurt there too.

  “Hey, let’s go home and clean that cut up. You alright?”

  I nodded silently, not arguing with him as he took one of my bloodied hands in his and led me towards his car.

  I tensed up when he reached into my pocket and took the keys to the Corvette, but I relaxed when Lukas showed up out of nowhere and took them, walking towards my car to drive it home for me.

  Caden opened his passenger door for me, closing it again once I was buckled up inside, then he quickly got into the driver’s seat and started the engine to head towards home, changing the subject to my fucking relief.

  “Party’s at Ty’s tonight. You up for it?”

  I glanced at him with a small smile.

  “Yeah, I guess. Can I have a bath when we get home? Do I have time?”

  “Sure. We’re allowed to be fashionably late anyways. How much damage did you end up with this time?” he asked gently, earning a shrug.

  “Just bruising.”

  He reached his hand out to take mine as we drove along the main road, giving it a gentle squeeze.

  “Make sure you clean your hands. They’re cut to shit again, baby.”

  Yeah, I’d noticed.

  The concern in his voice weakened me more, and I nodded, keeping my hand in his until we reached the house.

  Once inside, Josie glanced up, looking torn as her eyes travelled over my damage, but I moved up to her hesitantly and gave her a hug.

  I needed a hug that only a mother could give.

  Caden was lucky to have her.

  I knew I’d surprised her, but I honestly felt bad for being such a bitch to her since we’d met.

  She was there for me without being obligated to, so it was time I acknowledged my appreciation to her.

  “Everything okay, Rory? What happened to your eyebrow?” she asked, but I just held her tightly and sighed.

  “I’m okay, I just wanted to give you a hug. I’m sorry about my dad being a piece of shit.”

  She cringed, her face becoming upset.

  “I honestly thought you’d gone with him. Have you been okay? Have you heard from him?”

  Caden snorted, heading towards us and talking my elbow.

  I didn’t argue as he led me over to the kitchen sink, gently washing my hands with warm water as he spoke to his mom.

  “Max cut a deal with Dad to get rid of her. She was in Dad’s basement office for five fucking days. Both he and Max are dead cunts.”

  Her e
yes went wide. “Tristan had her? Did he hurt you, Rory?”

  I kept my eyes glued to my hands as Caden continued cleaning them, but he looked up at her with anger in his voice.

  “He raped her for days, Mom. We’ve had her healing at one of Jensen’s places ever since I found her a few days ago.”

  “She needs a hospital, Caden!” she exclaimed with horror, but he shook his head.

  “No, we’ve had her checked out, and nothing needed surgery or stitches and shit. She didn’t want to make a report.”

  “Who checked her out? There needs to be a police report! What dodgy shit have you gotten her into?” she hissed, Caden’s lips flattening into a line of irritation.

  “Mom, it’s fine.”

  “Like hell. You…”

  “A guy from the Psychos checked her out. It’s their emergency doc, so it’s fine,” he sighed, but I knew that was going to make it fucking worse.

  “I thought you’d stopped all connection with that gang? They’re bad people, and I don’t want Rory near them!” She screamed at him.

  She was panicking, but he just smirked, not at all fazed by her mini melt down.

  “Cool it, they’re fine. Besides, Skeet just banned her from the fights and stuff, so…”

  “Let me get this straight. Rory’s been illegally fighting at a gang event, and you let her?”

  He shrugged. “I couldn’t stop her, she was dating Skeet, so she kind of lived in the middle of the crew stuff when she took off. He looked out for her, and now that they aren’t together he’s making sure she’s with us.”

  “Hang on, her boyfriend was Skeeter Maddox? Jesus Christ, Caden. He kills people for a living!” she snapped but I rolled my eyes, speaking up as Caden left the room to grab a clean towel.

  “Skeet looks after me and doesn’t let anything happen to me. I’m safer having him on my side, than not. I know Dad isn’t here anymore, but since he’s taken off and Skeet and I have broken up…”

  “You stay here as long as you want, sweetheart. You’re family still,” Josie cut in with a big smile, making me sigh with relief.

  She’d never replace my mom, but I’d always see her as someone I could turn to.

  Caden walked back in and wrapped my hands to carefully dry them, giving me a cheeky smirk.


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