The Lord of the Plains

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The Lord of the Plains Page 40

by Sarah Chapman

Chapter 38

  When Riley was called to Colonel Hamnar’s office she was wary.

  The drakilis had been dealt with two weeks ago. Though her injuries had felt like more at the time, they were nothing more than grazes. They hadn’t even needed to be bandaged. Jann was back on duty- and getting special training to deal with his particular problem. Nearly everything was ready for Riley and Aerlid to leave Astar- secretly of course. She certainly didn’t want something messing that up now.

  ‘Sir, you asked for me.’ she said as she entered his office.

  A grey-eyed young man with brown hair and a square jaw was standing by the Colonel’s desk. Riley spared him a glance before turning her attention back to the Colonel.

  ‘Ah, Captain Riley Meilis, this is Captain Alann Turis.’ The Colonel said.

  He watched them shake hands. Riley was surprised at the sudden annoyance she felt at the use of her fake name. She was ready to leave Astar behind, and that meant all the fakery as well. She hid her feelings well though, she didn’t want to make the Colonel suspicious.

  ‘You’ll be serving under him on his upcoming mission. I’m afraid the duration is uncertain, so you’ll have to assign one of your unit members to lead in your absence.’

  ‘S-sir?’ her eyes widened. ‘What mission, sir?’

  He smiled. ‘Coastside.’

  ‘What?’ Coastside?! Riley calmed herself. Surely she could convince him to send someone else.

  ‘The recent report on Coastside was very troubling. The representative sent there described them as depraved, wasteful and careless. A team is being sent to rectify the situation. Captain Turis’ squad will be one part of that team. Captain Turis, why don’t you tell her your part?’

  Alann nodded curtly. ‘Our mission will be to show the Coastsiders the proper behaviour for members of the military. As part of our squad, your duty will be to teach them to fear gemengs.’

  ‘I’m… sir, I don’t believe I’m suitable for such a mission.’ She said, her gaze on Colonel Hamnar.

  He smiled grimly. ‘If the Coastsiders had a proper fear of gemengs then they would not be so wasteful or… depraved, so the thinking goes. You are one of the more… let us say, fearsome gemengs in Astar at the moment. Further, you’re from outside Astar. You were chosen.’

  ‘Fearsome.’ She said, stunned.

  ‘You’ve proven yourself highly capable in combat situations. Your unit has had more combat experience than most. You’ve learnt how to evade the SIGPEWs.’ he raised an eyebrow at her.

  Riley swallowed thickly. Dread settled in. Garis…

  ’Not to mention some find your appearance quite troubling.’

  ‘My appearance too, sir?’ Though her voice was weak, there was a tinge of annoyance in it.

  ‘On occasion I myself find you rather… disconcerting. Other times you seem human to me.’

  ‘When does the mission start?’ she asked. If they just had a few days maybe it would be enough…

  ‘Tonight. You have two hours to get ready and be at the Coastside tunnel entrance. I’m afraid its short notice, however we only discovered the urgency of the situation when the representative returned last night.’

  She closed her eyes in defeat.

  Not enough time. Then she opened them.

  ‘Yes, sir.’ She replied.

  She’d finish this mission as quickly as possible. Then she and Aerlid were leaving Astar.


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