A Red Sky Has Fallen

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A Red Sky Has Fallen Page 12

by Ryan Gilbert

  Scratching his head, Riggs tried to create a plan. All of his conventional ideas would not work if Garrett knew that they were coming. The traitor could blow them out of the water if he so desired. Riggs reached into the deepest recesses of his crazy mind to come up with the only plan that he could predict being remotely successful.

  Garrett would have no idea what had happened.

  Pushing through his crewmates, Riggs made his way down to the brig. The plan relied on a lot of guesswork and shaky allegiances, but it would have to work. For Julia’s sake, it was imperative.

  Grabbing the keys to the brig, Riggs lit a lantern and hurried into the dark room. He could see Valera sleeping in the corner of the cell, so he knew she was not trying a sneak attack.

  “Wake up,” he said, jamming the key into the lock.

  Stretching her arms, she asked, “What’s going on, Captain? Is something wrong?”

  Letting the door swing open, Riggs said, “Nothin’s wrong ‘less ye make it wrong. I need yer help… now come with me.”

  Eagerly, she followed right behind Riggs. The Captain knew he was taking a risk by turning his back on her, but he was not really thinking straight. He needed to get over to that ship by any means possible, even if it was extremely dangerous.

  Once Riggs and Valera stepped up onto the deck, the crew jumped back. The appearance of the mermaid sent a shock through them as they instinctively drew their swords.

  “Captain, what’re ye doing?”

  “Ye be crazier ‘n me,” exclaimed Doc.

  Hushing his crew, Riggs explained, “Look… she’s the only chance we have to get over to the Red Sky without bein’ seen or heard. Can ye trust me on this?”

  The crew looked around at each other with uneasiness. They did not like the plan. Riggs could see it in their eyes.

  “How about we just take some more time to figure out a… a safer plan? Ye know, one that don’t involve making bargains wit’ a sea wench,” Clint begged his Captain.

  Riggs replied, “We ain’t got time for anythin’ else. I’m headin’ over to get my ship back, and I’m not waitin’ any longer. If ye want to waste time, then your plan better be damn good.”

  Turning to Valera, he asked, “Can I trust you?”

  “I don’t think you have a choice, Captain,” she said as she nervously met his gaze.

  With his trademark grin, Riggs said, “Guess I don’t. Just get us all over to the Red Sky in one piece… then I’ll trust you.”

  Together, both he and Valera stood on the rail of the Dagger, looking down at the cold waters below. As she clasped his hand, he felt as though he had lost control. His life was no longer in his hands. It was in the hands of a mermaid.

  The two dove into the water as Valera’s legs turned into her purple fin once again. In the instant that they hit the water, Riggs felt like he was flying through the air. With Valera speeding through the water, the Captain also felt a twinge of helplessness. He could barely see anything in the water. If he was heading straight for a rock, he would not know until he hit it.

  For as fast as they were going, it still felt like they were swimming forever. He held his breath for as long as he possibly could, but his lungs felt like they were about to burst. He needed to get to the surface.

  Suddenly, he felt Valera let go of his hand and wrap her arms underneath his. He felt himself being lifted upwards.

  Just seconds before he lost consciousness, he broke the surface of the water and gasped for air. Valera clamped her hand over his mouth and raised a finger to her lips.

  Behind them, the Red Sky loomed over the two. It looked much larger from the water level… much more intimidating and fearsome.

  Treading water, Riggs motioned to Valera to go and get the others. With a nod, she disappeared below the water, leaving Riggs alone and waiting. Silently, he wondered how many of his friends would actually let the mermaid transport them to the ship. If their captain could take that risk, then so could they. At least, that is what he hoped.

  It took all of his self-control to not rush onto the ship and kill Garrett all by himself. His hatred was boiling over. He wanted his ship back, and he wanted Julia back. Now, both were right in front of him, but he had to wait.

  *splash* *splash*

  “God Almighty, what’re ye…”

  Riggs spun around, and both he and Valera clapped their hands over Clint’s mouth as he surfaced.

  “Shut… up,” Riggs ordered.

  His impatience grew as the rest of the crew joined him. Doc eventually appeared behind Clint, muttering to himself about underwater travel. Eli surfaced behind him and got an accidental elbow to the face before he could even gasp. Petey had to surface twice because he started coughing underwater. Ripper was the only one other than Riggs to make it over quietly.

  By the time Ripper made it over, Riggs was through waiting. Coral Jack would just have to catch up with them. Quietly as he could, he started swimming around the ship, trying to find the quickest way onto the deck.

  “Captain, what’re you doing?” whispered Clint.

  “What does it look like? I’m boardin’ my ship.”

  Holding on to Riggs’ shoulder, Clint asked, “But Captain, shouldn’t ye wait until Jack gets over here? Maybe you could even have that mermaid help… if she decides to stay, that is.”

  Riggs pulled free of Clint’s grip and resumed circling the ship. He was not waiting any longer.

  “They can have the traitors I don’t kill.”

  Valera climbed onboard the Dagger, expecting to have Jack waiting for the swim over to the pirate ship. When she reached the main deck, he was not there. It was like he had just disappeared.

  Looking around frantically, she could not see him anywhere. He had not left the ship, otherwise she would have seen him on her way back. The pirate had to be somewhere onboard. She just hoped she could find him quickly.

  “Jack! Coral Jack, where are you?”

  The mermaid ran to the head officer’s quarters, but it did not require much searching to see that Jack was not in there. She stood at the stairs to the lower decks, listening to see if she could hear any noises from down below. There were none, not even a footstep.

  As her eyes rested on the cannons, she heard a board creak as if someone had just put weight on it. Hurrying toward the sound, she saw a boot sticking out from behind a stack of barrels. Moving closer, the boot changed to a leg… and then a body… and then Coral Jack. He was sitting on the ground with his arms crossed. His eyes stared straight ahead, even as Valera grabbed his hand to get him to stand.

  “Come on, Jack. Your captain needs you.”

  Jack just pulled his hand back and did not move any further.

  Kneeling down, Valera begged him, “Please, Jack. Don’t make your crewmates suffer because of me.”

  Slowly turning his head to face her, Jack said, “Them? Suffer?”

  “Yes, Jack, now let’s go.”

  “What about me, Val? When did you start to care about people sufferin’ eh?”

  “J-Jack… Riggs… h-he needs you… right now…”

  “Will you shut up about him and listen to me for once?” said Jack, grabbing the mermaid by her arms.

  She could not even bring herself to nod. She had been dreading this confrontation, but she knew it had to come.

  “You left me, Val. You left me without an explanation… without a note… without a word. All I want to know is… why?”

  Timidly picking at her fingers, Valera took a deep breath and said, “Do you think I wanted to leave you? I never wanted to leave you. I loved you, Jack.”

  “Then why did ye abandon me in Rebelde and never tell me you were a mermaid?”

  Pulling her hair behind her ears, she said, “I… I was young, Jack… and scared. I left because I was afraid of what you’d say if you found out that… that I was a monster.”

  Letting go of her arms, Coral Jack turned his back to her and rested his elbows against the rail. As he stood there w
ith a slouched back and shaking fists, he did not even need to say anything. Valera knew he did not believe her.

  “That’s the truth, Jack.”

  Even though she could not see his face, she could tell that Jack was mad and confused. She did not blame him at all.

  Stepping closer, she wrapped her arms around his stomach and rested her head on his back. Memories came rushing back about the good times that they had had in Rebelde… the nights spent watching the stars… the romantic dinners in town. She felt the rising and falling of Jack’s back as she wished for nothing more than to have those days back.

  Placing a hand on her arm, Jack muttered, just loud enough for her to hear, “Val… I ain’t stopped loving you… but I can never trust ye again.”

  Valera closed her eyes, but it was too late. The tears had already begun. She could do nothing but let them come.

  Riggs and the crew climbed the side of the Red Sky, careful to make as little noise as possible. After some quick deliberation, they had all decided that the sides of the ship were the easiest way to get onboard. As they neared the rail, Riggs started to direct his climbing path toward the stern.

  Clint whispered in his quietest voice, “Captain, shouldn’t we all stick together?”

  Riggs jerked his head toward the captain’s quarters, mouthing the name, “Garrett.” He needed to see where his former crewmate was and what he was doing. In little time, he was hanging from the bottom of the cabin windows.

  As the crew waited at the rail, Riggs pulled himself up just high enough so that he could peek into the cabin windows. There was light pouring out of them, so Garrett must have been doing something.

  Quick as he could, Riggs peered through the glass and saw the traitor bent over, apparently studying the map. From his posture, Riggs could not tell if he was awake or sleeping.

  Ducking down to stay out of sight, Riggs shimmied his way to the side of the helm and pulled himself up to the rail. Looking over the rail, he only saw one person: the navigator. He was standing by the wheel, drinking a bottle of rum and not doing a very good job of keeping watch.

  Riggs crept over the rail and sneaked up behind the drunken pirate. Silently taking out his knife, the Captain grabbed the man by the hair and slit his throat. It was so quick that the pirate did not even have time to cry out for help. He just dropped to the deck, dead.

  Wiping the blade of his knife on the corpse’s sleeve, Riggs surveyed the ship with eyes like an eagle. Almost instantly, he saw Julia.

  She was still tied to the mast, the ropes so tight that they held her there even though her legs had given out from exhaustion. Her head hung forward, her disheveled hair hiding her face.

  He walked ever so cautiously towards her, sword at the ready in case someone should appear. By now, the rest of his crew had joined him on the deck. Ever vigilant, they formed a perimeter around their captain as he arrived at his captive lover’s side.

  “Julia, wake up,” Riggs whispered.

  Instantly, all of her muscles tightened and she jolted herself awake. As she flung her head back, Riggs could see the bruises on her face. Her beautiful face was covered with black and blue on one half and a red blush on the other. If he was angry before, then he was furious now.

  With a quick slice, the ropes fell to the ground. Once she was free, Julia flung herself onto Riggs and would not let go. Her fingers dug into his skin.

  “I don’t want you to leave again,” she whispered in his ear.

  “I promise ye… I won’t.”

  “That monster’s men killed my father,” Julia said through gritted teeth.

  Confused, Riggs said, “Julia, your father’s fine… other than havin’ to use a cane.”

  Julia’s face lit up.

  “He’s not dead?”

  “No, he’s the one I stole a ship from… but there’s no time to talk about that now. We need to get you somewhere safe.”


  Once they heard the footstep, all of the pirates tried to hurry to the side of the ship. They weaved between barrels and cannons, trying to get off the ship. They needed to regroup. They needed a plan.


  Riggs, Julia, and the crew could hear the rumbling coming from the lower decks. If they did not escape soon, the entirety of Garrett’s crew would be on them in seconds.


  The cabin door burst open, and there stood Garrett, holding a pistol in one hand and brandishing his hook as the other. Riggs froze, along with Julia and the rest of his crew. It was too late.

  “Such a happy reunion… now get back ‘ere before I blow yer brains out.”

  A whole group of pirates rushed up from the lower decks and had their guns trained on Riggs’ crew. In moments, the crew were defenseless captives. The mutineers had been lying in wait for them. It was a trap.

  “Did ye really think that I didn’t see that Navy ship approachin’? Throwin’ in your lot wit’ ‘em now, are ye, Riggs?” laughed Garrett.

  Riggs tried to control himself. Any sort of aggressive movement would get all of them killed. Much as he wanted to kill Garrett, he would have to wait.

  “I throw in my lot with whoever helps me get what I want, you dog,” said Riggs.

  Approaching his former captain, Garrett raised his hook in front of his face and said, “Ye want to know what I want? This hook driven through your heart… but I can’t do that just yet.”

  “Why not just get it over with right now?” Riggs goaded his enemy.

  Garrett cocked his head to the side and said, “I haven’t caused you enough pain yet… Riggs. I’ve taken yer ship, and you’ve lost a crewmember.”

  Once Garrett turned his back, Riggs’ eyes scanned his loyal crew. Coral Jack was not there. He had completely forgotten about him.

  “How did he die, Riggs? Was it the swim?”

  Garrett actually thought that Coral Jack was dead. Right now, he and Valera were the pirates’ only hope.

  Hastily making up a story, Riggs spouted, “Yes… a shark got ‘im. He died savin’ us.”

  Clint and Ripper were close enough to hear what Riggs was saying, but they were utterly confused. After a quick search for their missing crewmember, they realized their Captain’s plan.

  “If ye think I’m helpin’ you because of that, you’re more insane than I am.”

  Garrett cackled and said, “Oh no, Riggs, I KNOW ye’ll help me for a diff’rent reason. Why do ye think that dear Ms. Hamond has survived this long?”

  Pushing Riggs aside, he grabbed Julia and held his hook to her throat. She flinched as the cold metal grazed her skin.

  “Let her go, Garrett.”

  “Nuh uh uh,” he said, wagging his finger on his good hand, “she ain’t goin’ anywhere… unless you tell me the secrets of that map. You don’t want this pretty face to be blemished, now do ye?”

  Riggs growled.

  “Well… no more than it is already,” said Garrett, running his hand across Julia’s bruised cheek.

  There was nothing Riggs could do but agree. Too much was at stake.

  “Bring me the map and I’ll tell you what ye want.”

  Garrett yanked the pistol from his belt and held it to Riggs’ forehead.

  “That’s not how it works on my ship. You’re going to follow me into my cabin and we’re gonna decipher this together.”

  Rubbing his hook against Julia’s neck, he asked, “Does that sound like a pleasant time, Ms. Hamond?”

  She could not respond. She was too busy trying to keep from getting cut.

  “Will you let Julia go now? She’s not what you want,” Riggs begged.

  “No. She’ll be joining us fer our little chat. If ye try anything, she dies.”

  Turning to his crew, Garrett ordered, “Weigh anchor. Stow those rats in the brig and make ready to sail. We’re on our way to the greatest power of all, mateys.”

  The red sails dropped and immediately filled with wind as the anchor broke through the water. The Red Sky was on the sea
rch for power once more.

  “Jack, please just come with me.”

  “No, I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  Valera was not having any luck getting Coral Jack to go with her to the Red Sky. Even though it was in the crew’s best interest, he would still not go with her.

  “I’m trying to help you,” she pleaded as she followed him to the rail.

  “I don’t need your help. I can swim over there myself. If ye want to help, go and help my friends get the ship back.”

  It was obvious to Valera that the boatswain was not going to listen to her. At least for now, he was not going to let anything sway him.

  As Jack hopped onto the rail, the mermaid heard something like the waves crashing, but it was not coming from the Dagger.

  “What’re ye waitin’ for? Go help…”

  Valera yanked him back onto the deck and pulled him below the rail.

  “Are ye tryin’ to kill me?” he yelled.


  She peeked over the rail.

  “… I’m saving you,” she said in a hushed voice.

  Jack hauled himself to his knees just in time to see the Red Sky sail around the island. In that brief bit of time, he was able to see his fellow crewmates being escorted to the brig and Riggs and Julia being brought into the captain’s quarters. Valera pulled him down before he could see anything else.

  “We’ve got to go after ‘em. We’ve got to save ‘em,” said Jack, crawling over to the anchor.

  The mermaid grabbed his sleeve and held him back as the pirate ship sailed past the Navy vessel.

  “If they are going to have any chance, you need to wait, Jack.”

  The Red Sky sailed away, into the light of the rising sun. Coral Jack fought against Valera’s meek commands and wrestled with her to get free from her grip. For a small mermaid, she had a surprisingly strong grip. Once the pirate succeeded in freeing himself, the Red Sky was far away, but still visible. None of the pirates could possibly see that there was anybody onboard the Dagger.


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