Nice Until Proven Naughty

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Nice Until Proven Naughty Page 9

by K. L. Grayson

  I nudge her legs apart a little more to make room for my body, and when my cock slides against her slit, she sucks in a long breath. Her back arches off the floor.

  “I feel the same way. And now I want to feel you inside of me. All of you, Ben.”

  One quick thrust and…home.

  A tear leaks from Dani’s eye, and I quickly wipe it away. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No.” She shakes her head and pulls my mouth down to hers. “It just feels so good. Nothing has ever felt this good.”

  “I’m going to spend the next sixty or so years proving you wrong, because it’s going to get better. Every day will be better than last, I promise you.”

  I trail my hand along her hip and guide her leg around me, opening her up. I pull back and thrust again, loving the way her body clenches mine tight.

  Her hips match my rhythm as we become one and lose ourselves in each other.





  I love you.

  Yes, please, right there.

  Ho-ho-holy shit, do that again.

  Feels so good.

  You’re perfect.

  I push my hand between our bodies where I find her clit swollen and throbbing. I rub my thumb over the tight bud, and two seconds later she flies apart. Spasms overtake her body as she cries out my name.

  “Ben. Oh God, Ben.”

  My name has never sounded as sweet as it does falling from her lips. From the lips of my Christmas angel.

  I lower my head and suck a tight nipple into my mouth, wanting to draw out her pleasure as much as I can. Her inner walls squeeze me in response as I move faster and faster, licking and sucking and—

  I squeeze my eyes shut, my cock swollen tighter that it ever has been. A dull ache grows in my stomach and even lower in my balls, and then I groan her name as I empty myself into her sweet, soft body.

  She wraps her arms around my back, holding me against her as everything explodes into a kaleidoscope of colors. In this moment, all is right in the world.

  “I can’t believe we waited so long to do that,” she breathes, her breath tickling my neck.

  I push up and look down at her beautiful face. Her cheeks are rosy, lips puffy, and eyes hooded. “I can’t believe they call you Nice. You clawed the hell out of my back.”

  She laughs and grinds her hips against mine. “Just because I’m nice doesn’t mean I don’t have a naughty side.”

  “I want to see more of the naughty side.”

  A second later she has our positions flipped. Danielle “Nice” Kringle is straddling my hips and looking at me with a gleam in her eye.

  She wiggles her way down my body and licks the head of my cock, which is already starting to swell again.

  “Hold on tight, Bennett, because I’m about to blow your mind.”

  A Naughty Epilogue


  One year later

  “Hey Jody.”

  “Hi, Samantha. Lucas is in his office, if you want to head on back.”


  I drop a Snickers bar on her desk on my way past. They’re her favorite, and well, she’s the one who usually makes sure Lucas gets out of work on time, so I have to treat her right.

  “I’m going to get fat because of you,” she hollers.

  I laugh and keep walking but stop short a few feet from Lucas’s office. We’ve been together for a year, and I’m still not a hundred percent sure what kind of software he develops. All I know is he’s crazy smart, runs his own business, and sometimes doesn’t know when to walk away.

  He reminds me of myself a year ago.

  A lot has changed.

  For starters, we moved in together. After a little coaxing from Hottie McHotterson, as my sister likes to call him, I put my place on the market and moved in with Lucas.

  And then I quit my job.

  Don’t worry, I didn’t walk away from law completely. I worked hard for my degree, and I wasn’t about to throw it away, but I moved my focus from family law to something a little less stressful and sad.

  With encouragement from Lucas and my sister, I started teaching and found out right away that it was my ultimate calling. Plus, I get to be home more, and that makes it a win-win for everyone.

  Leaning a hip against the wall, I watch Lucas work. His hair is still a little shaggy. He’s wearing his glasses, something he only does when he’s staring at a computer screen, and when he takes them off and rubs his eyes, I decide it’s time to get my man home.

  He’s been working so hard lately, trying to wrap up some big project he’s been telling me about, and he’s in desperate need of a break. And maybe a full body massage from yours truly.


  His head pops up at the sound of my voice. “What are you doing here?”

  Lucas stands up and moves around his desk.

  “We missed you.”

  “I missed you too, baby,” he says, lowering his lips to mine. His hand finds my swollen belly. “The babies giving you a hard time today?”

  That’s right. Babies. Two. Two babies. Can you believe that? I thought twins were supposed to skip a generation. Turns out they did—in Lucas’s family! His dad has a fraternal twin, and now here we are about to have two babies of our own.

  I lift a shoulder and let it fall. “Not too bad. They’re running out of room.”

  “Not too much longer. But let’s not rush it. I like you being pregnant.”

  “You do, do you?” With my hands bunched in the front of his shirt, I push him farther into the room and kick the door shut.

  “Mmm-hmm,” he hums against my lips. “You know what else I like?”

  “Me on my knees?” I say, gently pushing him down onto his desk chair.

  “Well, that too, but I was thinking about—what’re you doing? Baby, get up.”

  It takes a second to lower my whale of a body to the floor, but I manage.

  “Samantha, get up.”

  “Normally I like it when you’re bossy, but not so much right now. Just sit back and relax. You’ve been taking care of me so much lately—”

  “Because you’re eight months pregnant, and it’s my job to take care of you.”

  “It’s also my job to take care of you. Now shut up and let me do this.”

  He smiles and spreads his legs. “I have a phone meeting in five minutes.”

  “I’ll work fast.” I pop the button of his slacks and he lifts his hips so I can shimmy them down until his cock falls into my waiting hands.

  Pre-cum leaks from the top, and I swirl my thumb around the head before licking it off.

  “I’ve always fantasized about you under my desk, sucking me off while I close an important deal.”

  “You have?” I say, licking a slow path up the underside of his cock.

  He nods and closes his eyes when I sink over the top of his dick. I spend the next several minutes torturing him with slow, leisurely sucks. I can tell he’s trying to rush me by the way he thrusts his hips. Silly man, when will he learn that I’m in control?

  “Christ, Sam, I’m so close and my meeting—”

  His words are cut off when Jody’s voice comes across the line. “Mr. Dahlenberg?”

  “Y-yes, Jody?” Lucas clears his voice and tries again. “Yes, Jody.”

  “Mr. Templeton is on line one.”

  “Thank you.”

  Lucas takes a deep breath and looks down at me.

  “Let’s make that fantasy come true,” I whisper, scooting farther under his desk. I grab the base of his chair and roll it forward. From the outside, no one would even know I’m under here.

  Not sure how in the hell I’m going to get my pregnant self out, but I’ll worry about that when the time comes. Right now, I’m going to focus on Lucas.

  The love of my life.

  He’s about to make one of my dreams come true, and I want to do the same for him.

  “Take the cal
l and don’t mind me.”

  “Yeah, right,” he snorts, picking up the phone. “Mr. Templeton, thank you for meeting with me. Have you had a chance to look over the contract?”

  I’m deaf to the other man’s words, but I don’t need to hear what he says to know the conversation is going the way Lucas had hoped.

  His cock jerks when I take all of him into my mouth, push my tongue toward the roof of my mouth and suck. Hard. Lucas’s voice falters, but only for a second, and he continues to carry on the conversation as though I’m not driving him absolutely wild.

  I suck and lick and tease, and when my hand joins in the ministrations and cups his heavy balls, Lucas pushes his free hand into my hair and grips tight.

  I know from experience that this is a sign that he’s about to lose control, and I keep pushing, wanting to see him try to keep his composure as I push his body toward the proverbial edge.

  “Don’t fight it,” I whisper.

  “Yes, Mr. Templeton, everything is fine. Sorry, I just got distracted by someone in my office.”

  I smile around his cock.

  “That’s wonderful, sir…yes…we’re honored to have you on board.” Lucas scoots his chair back just enough so he can see me under the desk. His face is flushed, lips drawn tight as he watches me suck his cock. The phone is resting against his ear, but I’m not sure if he’s paying attention anymore.

  The first shot of his salty flavor lands on my tongue, and I know I’ve got him.

  “Tomorrow is perfect, sir,” he says, gritting his jaw tight. Lucas starts to rock his hips in the chair and then his movements stop. He floods my mouth at the same time he says, “Yes, two o’clock…talk to you tomorrow.”

  The phone falls from his hand as his body goes limp in the chair. I lick him clean and try to scoot out from under his desk.


  “That was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”


  “Yeah?” He finally looks at me.

  I wave from under the desk. “I’m stuck.”

  “Oh, shit.” He hops from his chair, yanks his pants up, and gently helps me off the floor before pulling me into his arms. “I love you so much, Samantha.”

  “I love you, more.”

  “No way.” I lean my butt against the corner of his desk, because these babies are getting heavy.

  Lucas’s eyes search mine. They’re full of so much love that it’s almost bursting from him.

  “What is it?” I ask, cupping his cheek.

  Lucas rests his hand on mine. “Marry me.”


  I stand up, and he holds my hand in place when I would’ve pulled away. “Marry me.”

  “I don’t want you to ask me just because I’m pregnant.”

  “I’m not.” He shakes his head, reaches inside his coat, and pulls out a red velvet box. “I bought this a month before we found out you were pregnant.”

  “But…we’d only been together for a few months then.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ve known since day one that you’re it for me, and when I saw this ring I knew I had to get it for you. I carried it around, waiting for the perfect time to give it to you, and then we found out you were pregnant, and then we found out we were having twins, and we’ve been so busy trying to get things ready that it sort of got put on the back burner. But not anymore.”

  Lucas takes a knee, and I cover my mouth with my hand to suppress the sob that escapes anyway.

  “Samantha Kringle, you make me happier than I’ve ever been. You’ve given me your heart, and you’re about to make me a father, and now I really want to make you my wife. Please say you’ll marry me.”

  “Yes.” I nod. Lucas slips the emerald-cut diamond onto my ring finger. “It’s beautiful.”

  “Not as beautiful as you.” He stands up and kisses my cheeks and my nose and my forehead before finding my mouth. “Thank you for loving me.”

  “Someone has to.”

  He laughs and wraps an arm around my shoulders. “Let’s go home so I can properly show you how much you mean to me.”

  That’s code for eat my sugar plum. “Okay, but fair warning, once I’m on my back, I probably won’t be getting back up. I’m like a beached whale.”

  “You’re beautiful. And I’ll be there to help you.” He kisses the side of my head. “I’ll always be there to help you.”

  A Nice Epilogue


  “You better not go into labor while I’m gone,” I say, tilting my head toward the sun as I talk on the phone.

  Ben and I are on our pre-honeymoon honeymoon. We’re getting married in T-minus four weeks. We’ve been so stressed out with the remodels we’re doing at Sal’s and the wedding plans and Naughty’s pregnancy, that we decided to get away.

  Well, Ben decided.

  Actually, he surprised me and didn’t give me the chance to say no.

  “Pack your bags, we’re leaving in ten hours.”

  “Would you stop worrying about me and just enjoy yourself?” Sam says.

  “I am enjoying myself. In fact, right now I’ve got a margarita in my hand and my toes in the sand, and I’m staring out into the clearest water I’ve ever seen.”

  “I hate you,” Sam whines.

  I laugh and push up from the chair. I should probably reapply my sunscreen soon or I’ll end up looking like a tomato.

  “No, you don’t,” I tell her.

  “You’re right, I don’t. But when these babies get here, you have to promise to come babysit often so I can get lots of sleep.”

  “I promise.” I hear Sam sniff, and I bring the phone closer to my ear. “Sam, are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” She sniffs again and starts to cry. “That’s a lie. I’m not fine. I’m huge and crabby, and these kids keep kicking me in the bladder. I peed my pants yesterday when I sneezed, and I want them out, Dani.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “I know you do, and you’re almost there. Only a few more weeks.”

  “I don’t think I can make it a few more weeks.”

  “Yes, you can. Just think, this time next month we’ll be sitting around the Christmas tree holding your beautiful babies.”

  “You’re right.”

  “I’m always right.”

  She laughs, and I hear a muted voice, and then the phone shuffles and Lucas comes on the line. “I hate to interrupt the girl talk, but I would really like to love on my baby mama, and Ben is tired of waiting on you.”


  “Hang up and turn around.”

  I lower the phone, press the red button, and turn around to find Ben behind me on one knee in the sand.

  “What’re you doing?”

  “Marry me.”

  I hold up my left ring finger, showing him the giant, sparkling diamond he put on it six months ago. “I am.”

  “I mean today. Right now.”

  “What?” Stunned, I fall to my knees in front of him.

  “I’ve got it all set up; I just need you to say yes.”

  “You want to get married here?”

  He nods.

  “Right now?”

  He nods again.

  “Without our friends and family to witness it?”

  “I know it sounds absurd, but between your mom and mine, this wedding has turned into a shit show. I just want you, Dani. I want you to be my wife. I want you take my last name and when I carry you to bed tonight, I want to make love to my wife.”

  “Ben…” I shake my head, at a complete loss for words.

  “We don’t have to if you’re not ready, but if you say yes, I have a minister ready to go, as well as a steel drum band and three beautiful dresses for you to choose from.”

  Tears leak from my eyes. “You did all of that?”

  “I’ve never needed anything in my life as badly I need you to be my wife.”

  “Yes,” I nod, throwing myself at him. Ben topples to the ground and takes me with him.
/>   “Yes?”

  “Yes!” I kiss him and squeal. “Let’s do it. Let’s get married.”

  “Our parents will be furious. So will Naughty.”

  “We can still have a small ceremony for them when we get back,” I say. “Let’s do this for us.”

  Ben lifts me into his arms and carries me to a giant room on the far side of the resort labeled: bridal suite.

  There I’m whisked away by three island women who do my hair, nails, and makeup, and two hours later I’m standing at the end of an aisle in a gauzy white dress staring at the man I’m going to spend the rest of my life with.


  My heart.

  My soul.

  My lover.

  My best friend.

  In my haste to get to him, I start walking forward before the music starts to play. Ben laughs and meets me halfway.

  “You are breathtaking.”

  “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

  He holds out his arm. “Shall we?”

  I nod and giggle as we step in front of the pastor.

  “I’m thrilled to be performing your wedding ceremony today. I perform quite a few every year—almost every day—but none have been quite like this. You’re soon-to-be husband was adamant that you leave this island as his wife, and when I saw the determination in his eyes, I had to step up to help. Rather than perform traditional vows, Ben has asked that he say his own.”

  The pastor steps back, and I turn to Ben, shocked. “I didn’t write my vows.”

  “That’s okay,” he whispers, taking my hands in his.


  “Dani,” he starts, not giving me a chance to dwell on it. “You are the love of my life. You are the missing half that makes me whole, and today, I ask you to be my wife, my partner, my best friend, my strength. For the rest of my life, I promise our lives will be filled with laughter and love. I will be loyal and faithful to you. I will love you and adore you. I will help you achieve your dreams and conquer your fears. I will laugh with you and hold you and strive to bring out the best in you. For you, I will be the best possible version of myself, as your husband.”


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