Urban Justice (A Chicago Vigilantes Novel Book 2)

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Urban Justice (A Chicago Vigilantes Novel Book 2) Page 5

by India Kells

  “The key to the apartment above the shop. It’s safe and stocked. You can stay there for as long as you want. I don’t suggest returning to your apartment for now, as they’re probably still looking for you.”

  “So that’s it? That’s all the explanation I get?”

  Angling her head slightly, she couldn’t really see him, but sensed his anger as if it had materialized between them.

  “You made your decision not to help, so the less you know, the safer you’ll be. That doesn’t mean I’ll leave you out there like a sitting duck. You’ve done nothing wrong, and you need to be protected. Stay here until everything is sorted. Just be careful with your communications. Don’t tell anybody where you are or what happened. I suggest you take a sudden vacation, professor. Take the key and go rest.”

  The door opened, but Professor Radcliffe remained in the car. “What are you planning to do?”

  Sloane hesitated. “What needs to be done. I can’t do anything else.”

  The professor stepped out but leaned back into the car. “It’s been a month since Phantom hit Chicago, and the victim count is rising. How close are you to shutting this operation down?”

  It would have been so easy to lie, but she sensed he deserved the truth. “Not close enough.”

  The professor sighed, and that perfectly reflected how she felt.

  “That woman, the one who came to see me, you say she’s trustworthy?”

  Hope tingled inside her belly. “Very. She wouldn’t hesitate to lay her life on the line for you.”

  It was clear he was debating with himself, and she hoped that his brilliant mind would see their mission, even if she was a killer in his eyes.

  “Her name? What’s her name?”

  For a brief moment, Sloane almost broke character and slumped in her seat. All she wanted was for him to yield, just a little, to trust her enough to take a step to save lives. “Does it matter?”

  “Her real name matters. And I haven’t said yes, yet. I want to talk to her first.”

  Sloane started the engine. “She’ll be here first thing in the morning. In the meantime, ice your sore ribs, professor.”

  “And ice yours, whoever you are.”

  He slammed the door closed, and as she put the car into reverse, Sloane could feel her hands tingle at the prospect of closing in on White, maybe at the idea of choking him to death herself. And maybe at the idea that the professor would help her too.

  Chapter 7

  Luke barely caught a wink of sleep when he reached the apartment above the garage after leaving the Vigilante. His body was thrumming with adrenaline and with what he identified as a need to finish the battle. Something he hadn’t felt in a long time.

  When he opened the door, he had his first surprise. He expected a smelly couch with a toilet in the corner, but instead, when he switched on the light, the place looked like one of those fancy apartments he’d visited but never had the money to rent on his professor’s salary. A kind of modern loft that belonged on a magazine cover.

  The second surprise had been the level of security, both the place and the Internet connection. The alarm code had been written on a scrap of paper on the counter, along with the door and Wi-Fi password. He still had his tablet in his messenger bag, and despite the fight, it was working, so he could use it to notify the university of his sudden absence, as well as his grad students. The holidays were close, so everything could be pushed over to the next year without causing too much trouble.

  Once everything was in order, Luke realized what he was doing. From the moment of the attack, he’d gone through the motions in survival mode, but now that stillness surrounded him, reality set in. The Vigilante, the man described in the press both as a monster and a hero, had saved his life and had requested his help.

  The memory of what happened in the tunnel came to mind. He’d downed a target for someone he didn’t know. Did that mean he’d made his choice?

  His method was questionable, but Luke had to admit he was making a difference. When he was a Marine, he’d had orders to follow and a clear target on their mission. In the line of fire, the only certainty was that the people trying to kill you were the bag guys.

  How was war different from Chicago? He’d accused him of being a killer, but how many lives had he ended himself in the line of duty? And how many heroes had fallen by his side thinking they were doing the right thing?

  Through the maze of his conscience, Luke had finally dozed off, but not long enough. It hadn’t been a restful sleep, not in this setting, not with danger looming close. It reminded him of his last tour in Iraq, and images formed in his mind.

  It was a knock at the door that finished bringing him back to reality. Out of habit, he reached for the weapon he always kept on his side table, but he wasn’t home, far from it.

  He was in this hideaway apartment provided by the Vigilante, and that someone behind the door was probably the mysterious blonde.

  Just in case, he checked the peephole before unlocking it. There she was, her lush mouth quirked up, and if he wasn’t mistaken, those sky-blue eyes slid down his body. It felt like a flame licking his skin, and any other time, Luke would have taken advantage of it, but the current situation felt like being thrown into an ice bath.


  Her gaze zoomed up. “You always welcome guests half-naked?”

  Amusement and appreciation twinkled in her eyes. This time, she’d decided against the suit and was sporting a pair of khaki pants with black boots, a canvas winter coat, and a cable-knit scarf in bright pink. Something was amiss, but he couldn’t put his finger on it yet.

  “I only removed my shirt. You’re lucky as normally I sleep in the nude.”

  With a laugh, she walked past him and discarded her winter gear on a chair. “I don’t blush easily, professor. And this isn’t a booty call, so don’t worry. I’m here because I received a call at an ungodly hour telling me to get my ass here.”

  The way she moved around told Luke it wasn’t the first time she’d been inside this apartment.

  He grabbed his discarded sweater before putting it on. “So you know who the Vigilante is.”

  Her step faltered, but it was so subtle, he almost missed it. “Because he always has a mask on, it’s difficult to identify him. But he said you were willing to help.”

  “I said I’d consider it. Did you know there wasn’t a name on your card, and you weren’t even polite enough to introduce yourself?”

  That at least brought the woman’s attention to him. “You shut me down before I could explain. Can I explain now?”

  Luke went to the small kitchenette and checked for coffee. As he’d expected, he found pods in a cupboard and creamers in the fridge. Once everything was brewing, he turned again. “Not before you come clean. I suspect that you’re accustomed to hiding things, and that you even thrive on it, but that’s not who I am. Even if I care about the people of this city, I have limits. And I may have reached the point of no return, so tread carefully.”

  At his words, the tension between them spiked, and all amusement fled from her. “I don’t like threats, professor.”

  “And I don’t like feeling like a pawn at the hands of strangers and chased by an invisible threat I can’t see coming.”

  The smell of coffee filled the room, but Luke didn’t pick up his cup and instead waited for the woman to answer.

  She opened her mouth once before closing it. It was clear there was a debate going on in her head. “I’m ready to explain the situation. But I’m a believer in that the less you know, the more protected you are.”

  Luke turned his back on her before she could see him snarl. “Then, thank you for saving my life, and as soon as I finish my coffee, I’ll see myself out.”

  “If you leave, you’ll be killed. Even if you don’t plan to help us, stay here until...”

  “Until when? Until the end of time? I don’t think so.” With another gulp of scalding coffee, he felt himself growing restless.

>   The woman was clearly oblivious as she came to stand close beside him. “There are bad guys out there, willing to kidnap or kill you if you don’t reveal what you know about the tunnels!”

  When she grabbed his arm, Luke shrugged it off. When she reached for him again, he snapped. He twisted her arm until her back was plastered against the nearby wall, and they were nose to nose. “And what convinces me you aren’t one of the bad guys? You and that masked man, and everyone else in your little secret circle?”

  The fire in her eyes almost turned the blue to cinders. “I’m not the enemy here. If we were, you’d be dead. Try to remember that, buddy.”

  There was a crack in her sarcastic armor and Luke wasn’t about to let that opportunity slip by. “So you say. Too bad I don’t see any reason to trust you.”

  With the scent of her skin lingering in his nose, Luke pushed himself away. He now loathed the attraction; it was sidetracking him.

  The woman facing him had done nothing to make him trust her, and now that he was surrounded, he had to plan for a safehouse of his own until either the situation calmed down, or he could sort it out. He thought of one of his Marine friends that might be able to help.

  As he was putting on his boots, she paced the kitchen. On the corner of his eye, he saw her, fists clenched, head down, and her lips moving as if she was talking to herself.

  It was fascinating, funny, and frightening, all at the same time. The lady was a powerhouse. There was no doubt about it, even if she worked hard to disguise it.

  He grabbed his coat and before he could head for the door, the woman blocked his way.

  “Wait, please.” Gone was the grin and the steely confidence from the university, as well as the assurance when she’d barged into the loft.

  Luke thought she was about to say something, but instead, she pulled at her hair. The move was so strange, he could only stare when the blond strands fell away to reveal a striking pink mane.

  Uncertain what to say, he waited until the woman continued. “My name, my real name, is Sloane Friday. In my past life, I was a vice cop in Toronto. You can check that out. I have nothing to hide. On that, at least.”

  It was weird how a wig changed a person. From the moment he’d crossed her path, he knew that something was off with her, but he’d never imagined that deep pink hair was the thing. And what twisted him up even more was the sincerity on her face. Luke had seen how she faked it before, and now he was looking at the truth. It was powerful, a real punch in the gut.

  As he remained silent, the woman, Sloane, seemed to tense more. “I can’t offer you more information about the rest.”

  “Because it’s not yours to tell?”

  “You could say that. Professor, I know everything happened fast, and we didn’t expect you to be in the crossfire. The bad guys made a move we didn’t see coming.” With hesitation, she braced again, pushing her shoulders back. “You may be against our methods for taking down the bad guys, but I was a cop, and you don’t know how many times they slip through the cracks, escape, and do it again. I’ve seen it first-hand.”

  And as she spoke, her gaze blurred with her own memories. Luke saw the first glimpse of the real woman in front of him, even though he planned to look into the information she’d given him. Just in case.

  “We really need your help, professor, just to pick your brain. I promise it won’t place you in danger.”

  Something simmered in his gut, a mix he didn’t quite recognize, but knew it was only one step away from being out of control. His hand went to a strand of pink. It was soft between his fingers and caught the light in a peculiar way. Attracted, he wanted to plunge his fingers in it.

  The thought surprised him, but he didn’t have time to analyze any of it when Sloane breached the gap and kissed him.

  Only for half a second could it be defined as a kiss because it caught fire so quickly, Luke thought he could feel his entire skin burn from it.

  He realized his own hands were on her when he felt his palms being filled with that lush ass of hers. The sensation went straight to his cock. Being aroused so suddenly took him by surprise, but he had no time to think as a female body pressed against him and busy fingers unfastened his pants at lightning speed.

  All civility fled as a warm palm closed around his cock. Bowing back with a groan, it was obvious he was about to make the worst kind of mistake, but when her grip tightened, stoking him, could he form the words to tell her to stop? Fuck no.

  Instead, he opened his mouth to her and let their tongues battle for a moment. She tasted like a sugary mint with a hint of chocolate.

  Hunger settled in his stomach, making him ravenous, his blood rushing with lust. He abandoned her mouth to toss her sweater away, unhooking her black lace bra until he could finally trace a moist path with his tongue from the swell of her breast to the taut peak of her nipple.

  Sloane removed her hand from his pants and pulled harshly at his hair. “I need more, now. No teasing.”

  He knew desperation when he heard it, and he was too far lost to deny her.

  It was clear she wasn’t the kind of woman afraid of being physical, and there was no way he could be gentle at the moment.

  When she worked at unfastening her own pants, he fell to his knees as she revealed those creamy toned thighs and her bare, rosy apex. The smell of her arousal made it impossible for him not to dip in for a taste.

  Teasing was on his mind, but when he made contact, his tongue pushing through her folds, her shiver convinced him otherwise. His hands came up and spread her to his view, all glistening and pink, just before he closed his lips over her.

  The sound of pure ecstasy that filled the room as he licked and sucked at her made him lose his mind. His mouth filled with her, Luke clasped her restless thighs as his other palm trailed down, taking himself in hand, pumping.

  It was obvious he wouldn’t last. The only thing keeping him from spilling his seed was that he wanted her to come undone first.

  However, the lady had other ideas and broke from his hold, taking his mouth once more. “I love tasting myself on you.”

  It was clear that the fierce lady wanted to return the favor, but he was too far gone to allow her. Her body moved restlessly against his as her mouth bit his jawline. Her hands were everywhere, and Luke needed to focus.

  With brute strength, he got to his knees, and twisted her around pulling her down at the same time. She fought a bit but stopped when he grabbed a fistful of her hair and made her bow back against him.

  “Lady, behave.”

  In answer, her hips undulated. “I’m not a lady.”

  Luke smiled when he reached for his cock and rubbed against her entrance. He bit her shoulder, making her jump, just as he sank balls deep into her heat.

  “I don’t want a lady. Now, move.”

  Darkness engulfed him as she obeyed his order. Despite her awkward position, her body tightly stroked him.

  With his free hand, he roamed her silky skin until he cupped her breast. She pushed forward, as if to increase the pressure, but he held her back by pulling at her hair.

  “Oh, no, lady. I’m not letting you lead this so easily, not until you beg me.”

  To prove a point, he pushed his hips up, slamming into her with greater force. A sharp breath told him he was on to something.

  His hips slapped against her ass again and again, each time increasing in force. He should slow down, be careful of her and her pleasure, but he was caught in the moment, in the storm between them.

  “More, I want more, professor. Please.”

  The voice of his unexpected lover started out strong before breaking a little with her plea.

  “Yes, oh, yes. Sloane.” His voice was all but a harsh whisper, a plea of his own.

  When her body tensed, he let go of her hair to grab her hips, ravaging her with his own, pushing himself to join her in orgasm.

  When he fell off the cliff, his hands loosened to sink around her waist as he allowed himself to bury his
nose in a sea of pink.

  Chapter 8

  It was difficult to know how she felt as she lay on the floor, cradled in the arms of the man still deep inside her, his head in her neck while his breathing slowed bit by bit.

  Damn, she’d had one night stands, but never with colleagues. It couldn’t even be considered as such as she’d jumped the poor man. Not that it wasn’t like her, but certainly not when so much was on the line.

  So if she was wrong, why did she want to wince when his arms loosened around her?

  He was gentle now as he touched her. The roughness gone, his fingers almost caressing as he disengaged himself and helped her up.

  Sloane wasn’t shy or awkward, but she still gathered her clothes and went to the bathroom to clean herself up. Maybe to also gather her thoughts.

  She heard him move on the other side of the door, which pushed her to get ready fast, way before she had the chance to be grounded again.

  Luke had dressed too, and was making another coffee, or two. When he turned, Sloane was ready to give her usual speech, the one that worked like a charm. However, when he handed her a cup, he cut her off. “Now that is out of the way, I think we need to talk, Ms. Sloane Friday.”

  The cup was in her hands before she could utter a syllable. It was a simple fuck, although a mind-blowing one, and he agreed. Everything was settled before it even started.

  “I think you’re right, Professor Radcliffe.”

  He gestured for her to sit on a stool at the breakfast nook beside him.

  Everything seemed so cozy, so friendly, even though appearances could be so deceiving. She took a sip of coffee, the caffeine pushing the remnants of bliss out of her system. “Back to business, professor. Does that mean you’re in?”

  With a laser-like gaze from over his coffee mug, he nodded. “As long as you’re straight with me and I’m not being played, I see an opportunity for a temporary partnership.”


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