Learning To Live (Eternal Flames Book 11)

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Learning To Live (Eternal Flames Book 11) Page 5

by Cree Storm

  “I don’t really know. I was one class away from a degree in computer technology. I had only taken the courses because I always had a knack with computers and figured it would be easy “A’s” for me. The second I finished, Savage called and said he was looking for a good tech guy. I figure Wade must have told the man some things, because he was like a dog with a bone to get me to come and work for him. The second I had my degree in hand, he hired me on the spot. It just kind of pisses me off.”

  “That you went into computer technology instead of electrical engineering?” Donny asked.

  Shaking his head, Rory replied, “No. It pisses me off that I am letting Trey fucking win. I gave up my career path, stopped doing things normal college kids would do because of fear, gave up all my friends because I couldn’t stand the thought of them seeing me, and somehow figured out that I was a statistic. In my mind’s eye, he won, and I don’t know how to return to the man I was supposed to be.”

  “Rory, as long as you stay hidden, he wins. You have this group and help so many of them move forward. Yet, you don’t do the same for yourself. Taking the steps you need to take in order to regain your life back—well, they aren’t easy, and you will need all the support you can get. Remember, they say that serenity is to accept the things you can’t change and having the courage to change the things that you can,” Angelo softly said.

  “Who helped you?” Rory asked so softly Angelo almost didn’t hear him.

  “When I finally accepted the fact that I needed help, I turned to Ethan, Vik, and Justice, but I have to admit, it was Morgan that really changed my life. He brought that light back into my world and if ever I seem to have a dark moment, it’s my mate that’s there to hold me, love me, and help bring me back to the light once more. That is what a mate will do, Rory. Just give them a chance,” Angelo said with as much feeling as he could.

  When Rory didn’t say anything, Angelo stood up, softly saying, “It’s time to stop letting this Trey fuck win, Rory. It’s time to start living your life and showing the world that you were in the bowels of hell, but you clawed, kicked, and scratched your way back to the surface. It’s time to reclaim what is yours, and those two men out there can help you do that. No one is going to look at you as weak. No one is going to look at you with pity. If they do, you tell me who it is, and I’ll beat the shit out of them.”

  “Shit, I’ll shift and scratch their balls off,” Donny said with a sharp nod.

  “How do I tell them, Angelo? How do I tell them that I don’t know if I can ever be the mate they deserve?” Rory asked as he wiped his tears.

  “First off, you are going to be a fantastic mate and any man would be lucky to have you. Second, you don’t have to tell them anything, because they already know. Snake and Ozcog heard everything when they were listening at the door,” Angelo replied as he stood up.

  Rory’s face contorted with shock and horror, then anger. “They fucking eavesdropped!”

  “From what I heard in my vision, Snake has wanted you in his life for a very long time, Rory. He was doing the only thing he knew how. Gathering as much information as he could to obtain his goal and that goal is you. The hard part is over. Your secret is out. Now the question is, are you ready to reclaim your life?” Angelo asked, turning and opening the door.

  Just as Angelo was about to leave, he stopped and turned back. “I don’t know Snake all that well. What I do know is that he seems like a fair, but very intense man and quite loyal to your brother and his team. However, Ozcog I do know. He is a strong, caring, and quite intelligent man. He’s soft spoken, but in battle, I would want that man by my side any day of the week. He loves his people and would do anything and has done many things, to keep them safe, as well as the people in this town. I am only asking that you get past your anger in what they did and know that they did it in order to help you.”

  Angelo walked out of the room, hoping that Rory would do the right thing. Not just for Snake and Ozcog, but for Rory himself. What Angelo didn’t tell Rory is the rest of his visions. Thus far, he has had two. One with his mates and one without. With his mates, Rory will become an integral part of Crystal and Maddox’s survival. Without his mates, Angelo and so many will be placing wreaths on his grave.


  He had to be hearing things wrong, but he knew he wasn’t. Part of him felt so guilty for listening in on his mate’s private conversation, but the other part of him was grateful. Never would he ever have thought he would eavesdrop on his mate, and he wanted to grab his other mate and pull him away, telling him that even if the intention was good, it was wrong. If their mate wanted them to know something then he would tell them, but after hearing what his little human said, Ozcog knew that even if he thought it was wrong, it was probably the only way they would have found out how much pain their mate was in. Ozcog had a feeling that their little mate probably wouldn’t have told them and would have kept running from them.

  Now that he knew what he was dealing with, he could work with it. He had no idea how he was supposed to handle this very delicate situation, but he would find a way. This was one of his mates, so whatever he had to do to help Rory, he would do.

  “We need to hunt this bastard down and kill the fucker. Maybe lock him in a room and show him the error of his ways,” Snake seethed in a whisper beside him.

  Ozcog knew how the man felt, and had visions of ripping this Trey guy apart, but what they needed to focus on right now was Rory and each other. Ozcog placed a hand on Snake’s arm and pulled him away from the door. Once they were back in the living room, he turned to face his large mate, but heard the door to the room Rory was in, open.

  They both turned to see Angelo walk out and close the door behind him. The phoenix came right to them and stopped, then gave them each a sympathetic smile. “I can’t stress enough how much patience is required right now with Rory. If either of you has any hope in breaking through his walls and getting him to trust you and complete your mating, then you need to show him patience above all else. Don’t push him for anything he’s not ready for yet. And that includes talking to either of you about what happened to him. He knows you were listening and besides being angry that you eavesdropped, he is more ashamed.”

  “But he did nothing wrong, Angelo,” Snake insisted. “What that beast did to him wasn’t his fault.”

  “I’m glad you see that, but every rape victim thinks it was something they did, and Rory is no different. Even though he has spent years dealing with it and has made some great strides in understanding it wasn’t his fault, and there was nothing he could do to stop it, a small amount of self-doubt and guilt still lingers. I know firsthand how that is. It has been a very long time for me since my assault and with the love of my mate I have finally moved on, but there are times that that doubt still seeps in. Physically, you are both very strong men, but does that strength go deep into your hearts and souls? Because that is the kind of strength Rory needs right now if you all are to go forward.”

  Angelo reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, then slid a card from within and handed it to Ozcog. “Here, this is the number for the Help Center in Maddox. Marco and another man, Demitri Taylor, started it, and they have many groups and private sessions for people who have been abused in any way, as well as sessions for the loved one of these victims. Give them a call. And I’m always here to help as well.”

  Ozcog took the card and looked at it for a moment, then looked back to Angelo. “Thank you. We’ll definitely call. Would it be okay if I talked to your man too? I think Morgan may have his own insight into how we should handle this.”

  Angelo gave Ozcog an encouraging smile and nodded. “Absolutely. And just from your response I know Rory is in good hands. Where is my mate? The man rarely leaves my side since I got pregnant. Hell, he only goes to work if I allow guards to be placed at our home.”

  Ozcog gave a small laugh. “Day called. I guess it was private and important. Morgan said he would be in the car when you were
ready to leave and one of us should escort you out.”

  Angelo rolled his eyes in annoyance as he replied, “That’s ridiculous. I am perfectly capable of going down some stairs alone.”

  “That might be, but I gave Morgan my word. Nuzan is waiting outside those doors to take you to Morgan.”

  “I swear I’m going to kick that man’s ass when I am no longer carrying his child. Congratulations on finding your mates. I wish you all nothing but peace and love.” And with that, Angelo walked to the door and let himself out.

  Ozcog sat at the kitchen table, staring at the business card wondering where to start. Maybe he should call the center first and talk to them. They may be able to give him a place to start. Or maybe Morgan or Marco? He could pay a visit to the Crystal PD and see if Marco was on duty today. Somehow Ozcog thought that Morgan was going to be a bit busy once Angelo got a hold of him.

  “We’ll figure this out,” Snake said from beside him, bringing Ozcog back to the now.

  He looked up and met his mate’s gorgeous light brown eyes. Since walking in they had been so focused on Rory, but he had two mates to worry about and get to know. Not that Snake couldn’t take care of himself, because fuck the man was built real nice and hot as hell. He was maybe eleven inches smaller than Ozcog’s own six foot eleven, and Snake looked to be around two hundred and twenty pounds, but there was nothing small or fragile about him. Snake was perfectly toned, and Ozcog could see that he was a fighter. Just from getting to know Wade since the human mated his chimera leader King Suneth, he knew Snake was one of Wade’s Black Op guys and used to be a specialized soldier.

  “Yes, we will, because failure is not an option. Especially when it comes to my mates. I will do whatever I have to do to protect both of you for the rest of my days, and to make you happy.”

  Snake smirked as he raised a brow. “You do know who I am, right? I don’t need anyone to protect me. I do fine all on my own.”

  Ozcog stood, then stepped closer and raised a hand, and cupped Snake’s cheek. “Yes, I know, and from what I hear, you are a very capable and fierce warrior. I have truly been blessed with the mates fate has given me. I didn’t mean to insult you, or suggest you couldn’t handle yourself, I only meant that as a mated trio, we would all protect one another. That is how a mating works. Not one over the other or others, but all equal. We will all be there for each other.”

  Snake’s eyes darkened and Ozcog could scent the desire building within the human. “I like the sound of that.”

  Ozcog took a step, bringing them closer. “I know as humans, you and Rory don’t understand the pull of a mating or the need to be everything to and for your mate, but I promise you, that if you would both at least give it a chance, you will soon understand.”

  “I’ve never seen my friend happier than when he is with Suneth or talking about Suneth. And from witnessing all the matings around Crystal and Maddox, I know there must be something to this whole fate mating thing, so I’m game. I mean, I’ve had a thing for Rory for years and I had only heard his voice on the phone and in my com link. Then when I met him in person, I just knew he was meant for me and that we belonged together. I have never had a threesome in my life and honestly, I have never even given it a thought, but again, with the matings I see around us, I know it’s possible, as well as beautiful,” Snake said as he stared up into Ozcog’s eyes.

  “I must admit I never thought I would have a trio mating either, but I am thrilled that I do. Fate has truly smiled down on me and blessed me. Now, I know as humans go, I have an odd name, but Snake? I know humans don’t typically name their children that way. So what’s your real name, mate, and why Snake?”

  Snake chuckled, his eyes twinkling with mirth. “Snake is my call name from when I was in the SEALs. We all have nicknames and they just stuck in our civilian life. Well, sort of civilian life. My real name is Teagan Keller, and I’m the weapons specialist for our group. I know practically everything about every weapon known to mankind. Knives are my personal specialty. And Snake, because I can slither, or sneak, into just about anywhere unnoticed and strike my enemy with the quickness of a snake’s bite.”

  Ozcog smiled back. “So my mate is deadly, huh? Good to know,” Ozcog said and licked his lips.

  “Yeah, and for all your boasting neither of you had a damn clue we even walked into the room. Geez, why don’t you jump each other already and get it over with? The sexual tension in this room is so thick I can almost taste it,” Donny said from behind Ozcog.

  Ozcog turned and he and Snake faced the duo. Donny stood there with a shit-eating grin on his face and their mate stood frozen watching them, his gaze filled with longing and desire. Well, that was a good sign. Even if it took them some time to get Rory to trust them, that was okay. At least the interest was there.

  “We were just getting to know each other a little better while we waited for you. Is everything okay?” Snake asked, and Ozcog could hear the concern in his voice.

  Rory looked to Snake, then him, and Ozcog could see the pain in his eyes, but he could also see a fire in those gorgeous arctic blue orbs and knew their smaller mate was about to hand them their asses. The thought actually sent a shiver of lust through him and Ozcog found that realization amusing.

  “You mean you don’t know already? I would think with you two having your ears pressed against the door, eavesdropping on a private conversation, then you should know the answer to that question already,” Rory replied heatedly.

  And there it was, the little spitfire he knew lay within his mate, and he fucking loved it. It showed him that no matter what Rory had been through, his mate was not a pushover and wouldn’t allow him or Snake to get anything over on him. Pride filled Ozcog as he thought about both his mates. One was a fierce warrior and the other brilliant, and both hot as hell. Wanting to see a bit more fire, Ozcog replied, “Technically, I didn’t press my ear anywhere. I can hear from yards away. Perks of being a shifter.”

  "And I can shoot your balls off from yards away. Perks of being the brother of a SEAL team leader,” Rory stated with a smart-ass smirk.

  Ozcog felt and heard his own tone rumble, noting how the sound came through when he replied, “Noted.”

  “I’m sorry, Rory, but sometimes it’s habit from the job. I’m sorry if it hurt you. That was not my intent. I could see that something was really wrong, and I was very worried about you. I had no idea what we would hear, and I honestly never thought it would be what we did. I only wanted to know how I could help you. How we, could help you,” Snake said as he took a step toward Rory.

  “You want to know how you can help me? Then back off and give me my space. So much has happened tonight and I’m exhausted. I just want to climb into bed and sleep for a week.”

  “We’ll give you whatever time you need, mate and even some space, but we’re not going anywhere. We’re here for you if you need us. No matter what that may be,” Ozcog said.

  Shock filled Rory’s eyes, but he quickly covered it up, and Ozcog could see relief take its place. Yeah, Rory wanted them. He may be afraid, and try to push them away, but it’s not what he really wanted.

  Rory nodded. “Okay then. Well, I’m…um…going to walk Donny to the guest room, then I’m going to bed. And you―”

  “I’ll be right out here on the couch, making sure you’re both safe,” Snake replied.

  “And I’ll be outside, flying above, watching the perimeter to make sure of the same. No one will get in or out of here without my knowing. Have a good night, mate, and sleep sound knowing you and Donny are safe,” Ozcog added.

  “Um…yeah, well…fine. Goodnight,” Rory said nervously, then turned and grabbed Donny’s arm. The two of them headed back down the hall to the rear of the house and Ozcog heard them talking softly in one of the rooms.

  He turned to face Snake and pulled out his cell phone. “What is your number?”

  Snake rattled it off and Ozcog called it, then hung up when it rang. “Now we have each other’s numbers. Call i
f you need anything, I’ll just be outside. Have a good night, mate.”

  Snake smiled and mover closer, then lightly brushed his lips against his. It was just a whisper of a touch, but it sent a thrill through him like he had never experienced before. “Be careful out there and call me if you see or hear anything.”

  Ozcog gave a sharp nod as he smiled, then turned and headed out the door.

  * * * *

  After taking Donny to the guest room and saying goodnight, Rory went to his own room, then closed and locked the door. His hand froze as he did it and he thought about unlocking it. He actually didn’t need it locked, not with two big, fierce men around, one inside, and one out, but it was force of habit. Even though he knew the lock meant nothing to anyone who truly wanted to get in, it was something that he did every night since that night so long ago with Trey. It gave him a small sense of protection.

  Deciding to just leave it, Rory moved away from the door and walked to the bed. Kicking off his shoes, he stripped down to his briefs, then pulled the covers back and climbed in, sighing as it welcomed him and wrapped around his body. He loved his bed.

  Rory had paid a lot for it, as well as the sheets, pillows, and blankets, but it had all been worth every damn penny. There was nothing like climbing into a big, soft bed at night and getting a wonderful night's sleep. And when he got into this bed he always felt a sense of peace and contentment. Rory cuddled down deeper into the foam mattress and pulled the blankets up to his chin, then closed his eyes.

  Instantly, his mind started to race with everything that had happened tonight. First Donny’s attack, then Snake coming back with them, and the gorgeous fucking gargoyle, Ozcog, showing up and declaring they were mates. Then to top it all off, Angelo shows up because he had some kind of vision and he ended up spilling the beans on his past. He never told anyone about what happened to him, except for his counselor and in the group chats he did.


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