Break You

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Break You Page 19

by Jennifer Snyder

  Her eyes came up to lock with mine. I didn’t smile or look away, I didn’t flash her a charming grin, or say another word… I simply held her stare.

  “Fine. Thank you,” she said. “Let’s just focus on us and trying to build something between us more than what we have right now before this baby comes into the world.”

  “Sounds good to me.” I grinned. “But, I still do intend to marry you someday, just so you know.” I winked. Blaire’s cheeks flushed pink again and I chuckled at the effect my words had on her.

  “We shall see, Mr. Bryant,” she said, twirling the straw in her water.

  “By the way, now that we have our first picture of our child we really need to set up a time for me to meet your family and vice-versa,” I said. Her smile fell. “I know, I’m not too thrilled about the idea either, but you have to admit, it does need to be done.”

  “Yeah, about that,” she muttered. “My sister is not going to be a big fan of yours, just so you know.”

  “And why is that?” I asked. My lips twisted into a smirk and I lowered myself onto my elbows a little more. “Did you tell her I was an asshole?”

  Her face blanched. “Possibly. Only I may have used the term asshat instead, during a few of our phone conversations.”

  “Sounds like I have my work cut out for me then.” My smirk grew into a full-fledged grin.



  After dinner, Jason drove me back to my place. The entire ride home all I could think about was that he’d asked me to marry him and he’d been one-hundred percent serious. The old-fashioned idea of marrying someone because they were pregnant with your child did not seem appealing to me. In fact, it seemed as though it would be the perfect thing to throw in one another’s face for years to come in the heat of an argument. My shoulders relaxed as I thought about how I’d dodged a bullet by saying no.

  This relationship needed to progress naturally. We needed to get to know one another as a couple before we jumped into something as serious as marriage. And then it hit me, we were already as serious as could be…we were having a baby together.

  “Do you mind if I come in and hang out for a while?” Jason asked. He pulled into the parking space beside my car and cut the engine to his Jeep.

  I shook my head. “No, that’s fine.”

  I led him to the front door and used my key to let us in. The apartment smelled like nail polish remover when we stepped inside. All the lights were off and there was no music playing; Paige must not be home. I had forgotten to search for her car in the parking lot before I’d invited Jason in.

  “Where’s your roommate?” he asked. “Smells like she was just in here, removing nail polish.”

  “I don’t know where she is. Paige is not someone that’s easy to keep tabs on.” I crinkled my nose. “Get used to the smell. She changes her nail polish nearly every day.”

  Flicking a few lights on, I went to the coffee table and scooped up the paper towels drenched in nail polish remover. Grabbing the bottle off the table, I twisted the cap, making sure it was on tightly before making my way to the trash.

  “Have a seat,” I said, gesturing to the couch. “Do you want anything to drink?”

  God, this was awkward. I hated awkward moments.

  “Thanks, I’m fine though.” Jason flopped down on the couch and glanced around.

  I tossed the paper towels in the trash. “So, do you want to watch a movie or something?”

  “Sure, what do you have?”

  “The limited selection is in the cabinets on the TV stand. You can pick one out,” I said, thinking tonight would go so much better if I wasn’t pregnant and could drink alcohol.

  Jason got up and walked over to the TV. He squatted down in front of it and began searching through our selection of movies. The selection wasn’t large by any means, as neither Paige nor I were movie buffs. There were a few comedies and some chick-flicks tossed in together. I grabbed myself a bottle of water from in the fridge and a smirk twisted my lips as I tried to decide which movie he would pick. It was a tossup between Friends with Benefits or 40 Days and 40 Nights, because there was no doubt in my mind that he would pick one with something to do with sex in the title.

  My jaw dropped when he said Friends with Benefits.

  “Are you serious?” I narrowed my eyes at him as I walked to the couch. “That was one of the movies I thought you’d pick.”

  He shifted to look directly at me. “Seriously?”


  “That’s awesome,” he said. “But wait, why did you think I’d pick that one out of all of them?”

  I watched him as he bent back down to put the DVD in the player. “Because it had a reference to sex in the title,” I admitted.

  He laughed. It was rich and loud, filling my apartment and making me laugh as well. “How perceptive of you.”

  “40 Days and 40 Nights was my second choice.” I sat on the couch, tucking one leg beneath me. “I knew you wouldn’t pick Marley & Me or Mean Girls, although Coyote Ugly was a close third.” I winked.

  He moved to sit on the couch beside me. His hand landed on my knee closest to him and he began to rub his thumb across my bare skin there. “Coyote Ugly was a very close call, I must admit.”

  “As much as you enjoy bars and girls dressed trashy hanging all over you, I can see why,” I said, unable to believe the words had come from my mouth. Why the hell had I said that?

  Jason pursed his lips together. “Okay, I guess I deserve that one.”

  The previews started and I jumped, the TV was so loud I wondered how we weren’t deaf. I reached for the remote and quickly turned it down while laughing.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, but I wasn’t apologizing for just the volume of the TV. “I didn’t mean to say that.”

  “No, it’s fine. Really.” He squeezed my knee and grinned. “It was bound to be said at some point. Besides, I should go ahead and grow some pretty thick skin right now, because I’m sure you’ll be saying all kinds of harsh shit at random from here on out, right?”

  I laughed, glad he wasn’t pissed. “Right.”

  We settled in beside each other and shifted our glares to the TV.

  Not even five minutes after the movie had ended and Jason and I were making out on the couch, Paige came storming into the house rattling off about Craig and how he was such an ass. When she realized Jason was here, she shut right up.

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry!” Her hand flung to her chest. “I had no idea you had company.”

  “It’s fine,” I said. My face felt flushed and my hair a mess. “I should have sent you a text letting you know.”

  “No, you didn’t have to do that. I’ll set my stuff down and go straight to my room.” She tossed her purse onto the kitchen counter and kicked off her heeled boots at the door. “You won’t even know I’m here. Promise.”

  “No. It’s cool,” Jason said, standing. “I was just getting ready to leave, actually.”

  “I’ll walk you to your Jeep,” I offered. I hated to see him go, but I could see the questions boiling to the rim in Paige’s eyes. She wanted to know why the hell he was here and when we had made up.

  Walking Jason out was awkward. It was starting to sprinkle and the night sky looked eerie lit by the full moon. There was a slight breeze, and the sound of crickets in the distance met with my ears.

  “So,” I rocked on my heels. “When will I get to see you again?”

  “Tomorrow, for sure,” he said without hesitation.

  “Oh really?”

  “For sure.” He smiled. He leaned in close to me. “Get used to this face, because you’re going to be seeing it for a long time from here on out.”

  I grinned like a schoolgirl. “I could get used to that.”


  “Let me see your phone,” I insisted, holding my hand out. Jason didn’t question why, but instead handed me his phone. I added my number to his contacts and then called it, so
I’d have his as well. “There, now we don’t have to use Facebook anymore.”

  “Facebook was fun.” He grinned.

  “True, but talking can be even more fun.” I winked and turned to head back inside before the rain picked up any more.

  “I think I like the sound of that,” he yelled after me.

  I glanced over my shoulder at him as I continued toward my apartment. “Good,” I yelled in reply.

  As soon as I stepped foot inside, Paige was pelting me with questions in rapid succession. I tuned her out and leaned against the closed door for support. Letting out a massive sigh, I thought to myself that maybe this thing between Jason and me would work out after all. Hope blossomed in my chest as I crossed the apartment to sit on the couch, ready to answer all of Paige’s questions.



  When I got home Mom was still up. She sat on the couch with a glass of red wine in one hand and the remote in the other. The house smelled of burnt plastic.

  “Hey, what did you burn in the kitchen tonight?” I asked as I moved to sit beside her.

  She chuckled and paused her movie. “Nothing, it was a frozen meal. I wasn’t sure when you were coming home tonight, so I didn’t attempt to cook for both of us.”

  Thank goodness for small favors.

  “Yeah, I was out with Blaire. We stopped at Mutton’s for something earlier.” I headed to the fridge and grabbed one of the beers I’d bought the other night. Popping the top, I headed back toward the couch. “I need to tell you something.”

  My throat constricted as soon as the words came out. I wanted to tell her about the little peanut Blaire and I had created together, to tell her she was going to be a grandma, but the words were gonna be harder to say than I’d thought.

  “Oh?” she asked, taking a sip of her wine. She seemed so relaxed, so content. Maybe now would be a good time to spill the beans. “And what’s that?”

  “Well.” I took a sip of my beer and then turned to look directly at her. I thought about pulling the ultrasound picture Dr. Kress had given me out and tossing it in her lap, but thought better of it. My mom would slap me silly for telling her that way for sure. I bit my bottom lip and stared at her. “I have some news.”

  She sat up straighter, sensing my hesitation. “Oh no, what is it?”

  I was freaking her out. Not a good thing. “Nothing bad. Umm, so Blaire, you know Blaire, right?” I asked.

  “Blaire?” she repeated. Obviously she had no idea who I was talking about.

  “Blaire Hayes, I graduated with her.”

  “Lydia Hayes’s daughter?”

  I nodded. “Yeah.”

  Mom took a small sip of her wine. “What about her, honey?”

  “She’s pregnant…and it’s mine.” The words spilled from my lips and I wished I’d thought of a more pleasant way to tell her the news. Now I knew how Blaire had felt when she’d told me.

  Mom stared at me. She took a big swig of her wine, her eyes unmoving from me. I pulled the ultrasound photo of our little peanut from my back pocket and handed it to her. “Here’s your first grandbaby, Mom.”

  Her fingers shook as she took the black-and-white picture from my hand. Once her eyes locked with the little kidney bean, tears sprang from her eyes. “This is for real?” she asked in a whispered tone. “I’m gonna be a grandma?”

  I nodded and smiled at her. “You are. Are you okay with that?”

  Her eyes glistened as they shifted to mine. “Wow, I can’t believe this! When did this happen?”

  The smile on her face made relief slide through me. I felt so alive, bursting with energy. There was no feeling in the world that could top what I felt right now. Mom was happy for me. I was happy for me. All was right within the world in this moment.

  “A few weeks ago.” I took the picture from her hand and stared at it once more. My lips twisted into a smile. “We found out today that she’s about six weeks along.”

  “Six weeks,” she said. “I can’t believe this! I’m gonna be a grandma!”

  I chuckled. “Yeah, you are.”

  Her face changed suddenly. Her expression grew serious and her eyebrows drew together in a thin line. “This is why you suddenly decided to stay in Coldcreek, isn’t it?”

  I shrugged. “Possibly.”

  It was a lie. I hadn’t known Blaire was pregnant when I’d first thought to move here.

  “Well, sweetheart, you really need to get your shit together. You can’t raise a child off a lifeguard salary or living with your mom either. Does Blaire have her own place?”

  “I know.” I dropped my gaze to the coffee table. “I’ve been looking for something else. I really don’t want to be working at the pool right now anyway. It’s not for me. Not now. And she has an apartment, but she also has a roommate.”

  Mom placed a hand on my forearm. “Well, sounds like you have a lot to figure out and get under control before that baby comes in a few months. I’ll help you in any way that I can, but you know money is tight for me right now too. I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

  My happy bubble popped from her sharp dose of reality. “I wasn’t asking for money and I know what I need to do.” I raised my eyes to meet with hers. “I’ll figure it out.”

  “I know you will,” she said. She rubbed my forearm a few quick times and removed her hand. “Let me see my grandbaby one more time.”

  I grinned and handed the picture to her. Then I proceeded to point out all the areas Dr. Kress had. “That’s where the head is.”

  “Honey,” she muttered. “I know. I’ve looked at one of these before, you know.”

  “I know. I’m just excited is all.”

  “Well, when do I get to meet her?”

  I scrunched my eyebrows together. “Who?” I’d honestly thought she’d been able to see something in the picture I hadn’t.

  “Blaire,” she said, looking at me like I was a blubbering idiot. “We should set something up for one night this week. Let’s do a dinner or something.”

  “Umm, I’ll have to ask her when the next time she’s off is.”

  Nerves set in. I swallowed hard, already feeling the anxiety from the dinner pressing on my shoulders and constricting my throat.



  The week flew by at breakneck speed. I knew it was only because I was so nervous about having dinner with Jason and his mother on Sunday. I was sure Mrs. Bryant was nice, it was just the entire situation and the way things had happened that made me nervous. Telling Bonnie had been hard enough, but telling Jason’s mom seemed as though it would be even harder, simply because there was that fear eating at my insides that she would think I wasn’t good enough for her son, that she would assume I was some slut who had somehow taken advantage of her precious baby boy.

  Maybe I’d seen too many reality TV shows lately. There was no reason for Jason’s mother to not like me.

  “How do I look?” I asked Paige. She was lying across my bed, flipping through some beauty magazine, when I came out of my bathroom. “Is it too much? Do I look like I’m trying too hard?”

  Paige glanced up from the glossy pages of her magazine and did a once-over on me. “No, you look super cute!”

  “Really?” I was shocked. It was rare that I ever coordinated an outfit to Paige’s liking.

  “Yeah, the only thing I would do is change out your earrings.” She hopped off my bed and walked to the jewelry box on my dresser. “Put in these ones, they’ll look more fun and happy.”

  She handed me my newest pair of chandelier earrings and I popped them into place. “Better?”


  Glancing at myself in the mirror above my dresser, I smoothed my hands over the deep blue cotton T-shirt I wore and let out a breath. My stomach wasn’t poking out much yet, but it did have a slightly noticeable bump to me. Placing my hand over my little pooch tenderly, I pulled another deep, calming breath into my lungs.

  “What time is Ja
son supposed to pick you up?” Paige asked.

  I ran my fingers through my hair and dragged my fingertips under my eyes to erase any smudges of eyeliner there. “Around six.”

  My stomach knotted as I glanced at my phone; he’d be here any minute now.

  “Take another deep breath,” Paige insisted. Her hand came up to rub my back and she smiled at me through the mirror. “It’s going to be okay, his mom will love you!”


  A knock sounded at the front door and Paige left the room to go answer it. I started down the hall after her, ready to grab my purse off the kitchen counter and get this dinner over with. Jason stood in the door when Paige opened it, looking calm and collected. I smiled at him and felt some of my anxiety roll off me at the sight of him. He was dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and a simple white-and-tan striped polo shirt. He looked nice, but not too nice, making me feel as though I’d dressed along the same level. This relaxed me even more.

  “You ready?” he asked.

  “Yeah.” I tucked my purse underneath my arm and waved goodbye to Paige on my way out the door.

  “See you later!” she shouted after me.

  Jason threaded his fingers through mine as we walked down the sidewalk to his Jeep. After an entire week of us hanging out and getting to know one another, the sensation of his large, warm hand in mine still gave me a fuzzy feeling in my stomach. A warm breeze blew across my skin and I inhaled deeply.

  “You nervous?” he asked.


  “Don’t be, my mom was happy about the whole thing, remember? Everything will be fine. She isn’t even cooking; she ordered out, so you don’t have to pretend to like her horrible cooking.” Jason smirked.

  I slapped his chest with my free hand. “That’s a nasty thing to say about your mother, that her cooking is horrible. Piss me off and I will so tell her you said that,” I teased.

  He shrugged a shoulder. “She already knows, why else do you think she would order out for tonight?”

  I pursed my lips. “Okay, point proven.”

  “Seriously though, you have nothing to worry about. Trust me,” he said, his voice soft and sweet.

  “Thanks, but that’s easier said than done. You wait till it’s your turn, you’ll understand then.”


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