Magic Underground: The Complete Collection (Magic Underground Anthologies Book 4)

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Magic Underground: The Complete Collection (Magic Underground Anthologies Book 4) Page 63

by Melinda Kucsera

  “I’ll see security is doubled. We’ll need to be prepared for anything,” Reevus said. “In the meantime, I have no doubt you’ll stay close to Lady Rhiannon.”

  He nodded. “That’s my job, sir.”

  “I meant even when you’re not on duty.” The general’s lips twisted into a faint smile.

  “What are you implying? There’s nothing—Ann and I just good friends.” Ed rubbed the back of his neck, searching for the right words. Ed didn’t want any more rumours going around about him and Ann being a couple. He always worried how it might affect his job and his position within the Black.

  “Indeed. Rohn, we both know you see Rhiannon as more than a friend. But the archdruid seems to think you’re the best person to keep his daughter safe,” Reevus said. “And I trust his judgement.”

  Ed bowed his head and left to go in search of Ann. He could sense her easily. There had always been a connection between them ever since she used magic to save him from drowning ten years earlier. He’d washed up as an orphan with no memory of his past or where he’d come from. Ann’s aunt, Flora, had taken him in as one of her fosterlings.

  He’d been around eight then, and he and Ann had formed a close bond that day. She saw him as more than just a worthless urchin who no one wanted.

  He and Jax were close too since they’d been raised as brothers, but Ann was the one person he felt he could share anything with.

  Deep down, Ed didn’t care if people thought they were a couple. He’d never acted on his true feelings for her and undoubtedly ever would. That didn’t matter. As one of the Black could never be with the druid’s daughter.

  On his way to find Ann, Ed stumbled upon his foster sister. Ceara sat crying in a small alcove. She was a year or so younger than him and had been taken in by Flora as a baby.

  “Ceara, what’s wrong?” Ed knelt and put a hand on her shoulder. It wasn’t like his strong, wilful sister to weep over anything. He’d rarely seen her cry even as a child.

  “Ann…” She hiccupped. “She—”

  “Is something wrong with her?” He straightened, blood pounding in his ears. Spirits, had that seer been right?

  “No, she… She caught me.” Ceara wiped her eyes. “Urien and I…”

  “Oh. That.” Ed didn’t need to hear more. He’d already seen her sneaking around with Urien. This just confirmed his suspicions. They were having an affair.

  “I don’t know what to do.” She threw herself into his arms.

  Ed blinked, surprised. It was not like her to want comfort from anyone.

  He patted her back, unsure what to say or do. He loved her like she was his own sister but Ceara wasn’t one for sharing emotions, despite being an empath herself. Ed racked his brain, trying to come up with an appropriate response. “Do you love Urien or Xander?” he finally asked.

  Ceara sniffed as she pulled away from him. “I love them both.”

  “Flo always said you can’t be in love with two people at the same time. The question is, who do you love more?”

  Ceara shook her head. “I don’t know,” she admitted.

  “I can’t decide for you. Only you know the answer.”

  She nodded. “Thanks, Ed.”

  Ed went and found Ann in her chamber. “What did you see in the forest earlier?” he asked, leaning against the door frame and shutting the heavy oak door behind him. The fresh scent of rosewater hit him as he walked in. Books were scattered over the heavy blue linens on her four-poster bed and more covered the flagstone floor.

  They never kept secrets from each other—or at least he thought they didn’t.

  She looked up as he came in and frowned. “I never said I saw anything.”

  Ed sighed. “Ann, we used to tell each other everything. So don’t lie to me.”

  Her blue eyes flashed. “Are you saying you don’t have any secrets from me?”

  “None that I’m deliberately trying to hide from you, no.” He crossed his arms. “I thought I heard whispering when you were looking for that woman you saw. But I couldn’t make out what she said.”

  “You believe I saw someone then?” Ann arched an eyebrow.

  “I’ve never doubted you before. So, tell me what you saw.”

  She sighed. “I saw her again—only for a few moments. She said, ‘The house of Valeran will fall, the stars will darken, and my path will be revealed.’”

  Ed fell silent for a moment. “Maybe she was just trying to scare you.”

  Ann shook her head. “I have a bad feeling she was telling the truth. I already tried talking to my father, but he said it was nonsense.” She sighed again. “You know he doesn’t believe in prophecies—not unless they help him in some way. He believes anyone can make their own destiny.”

  “You believe that, too.”

  She nodded and rolled her eyes. “Yes. Ironic, given how he has my entire future planned out for me.” Ann motioned to the piles of books and paperwork. “I’ve been going over every leader and person who will be coming to this meeting in a few days. Trying to work out who might possibly have ulterior motives. The only person I’ve come up with so far is Lord Byron. He’s a minor baron but he has opposed my father for decades.”

  “Let’s try again. I’ll come with you.”

  “You didn’t see her.”

  “No, but I felt someone there. Let’s go.”

  The sight of the archdruid still made Ed nervous even after all these years.

  Darius Valeran stood a head taller than most men with long, dark blond hair, a chiselled face, piercing blue eyes and waves of power that seemed to crackle in the air.

  “Papa, I need to talk to you again about what I saw earlier today,” Ann began.

  “The ogre attack?” Darius didn’t look up from where he sat at his desk reading through paperwork. “I said I’d have it taken care of.”

  “Papa, I told you I saw someone earlier. She said the house of Valeran will fall, doesn’t that concern you?” Ann gripped the edge of his desk.

  “Rhiannon, you know there are people who are unhappy about the treaty. Just ignore—”

  “My lord, I believe we should take this threat seriously,” Ed interrupted.

  “You know Byron has been gathering forces against you. That is why Reevus sent Jax to spy on him,” Ann said. “What if he plans to make a move against you? Attacking when all the leaders are here is—”

  Darius dropped the paper he’d been reading and rose. “I spent decades working on this treaty. I won’t back down now because of some superstitious nonsense.” His cool blue eyes flashed. “Byron isn’t something you should be concerned about either.”

  “How can you not be concerned?” Ann demanded.

  “Rhiannon, I don’t have time for supposed prophecies,” Darius snapped. “This treaty will come to pass, and nothing will stop it.”

  “What if Byron did attack us?” Ann snapped. “You’re not invincible.”

  “Then I’ll be dead, and you will become the next archdruid,” Darius retorted. “Now leave me. Both of you.”

  Ann tried arguing more but Ed took her arm and finally led her out of the room.

  “What did you do that for?” Ann demanded. “I thought you came to support me.”

  “I did, and I do. But I know when to stop fighting a losing battle,” he replied. “If we want to convince your father to take us seriously, we need real proof to show him.”

  Ann’s hands tightened into fists. “I wonder if he takes me seriously at all. He won’t even let me go travelling and offering my services as a druid to help others.” She gritted her teeth. “I’m his heir. I’m just expected to fall in line.”

  “As his heir, you’re one of the most powerful people in the five realms. Use that to your advantage. Track that seer down and find out what she knows.”

  Ann ran a hand through her long blond hair. “That could take days, Ed. That seer had power; I could feel it.”

  “Then use yours to find her.”

  The sounds of trumpets
sounded, indicating the arrival of someone important.

  “Now what?” Ann muttered and moved out onto the balcony.

  Ed followed her and looked down into the courtyard below.

  Lord Byron himself rode in, surrounded by a small company of men on horseback.

  “Looks like some of the leaders are arriving sooner than we expected,” Ed remarked.

  “Then we had better find that seer before it’s too late.”

  Chapter Four

  Ann and Ed reappeared in the forest where they had been attacked the day before. After speaking to Urien again, her brother had vowed to keep an eye on Byron and the other leaders when they arrived whilst Ann and Ed searched for the seer.

  “Do you think whatever that seer saw is connected Byron or one of the other leaders somehow?” Ed asked. He glanced around the tree line, looking anxious.

  “It would be a big coincidence if they weren’t connected. That prophecy and whatever it involves isn’t going to come true,” Ann vowed.

  “What about Urien? What if he is involved?” Ed asked.

  Ann frowned. “How could Urien be involved? He’s—” her voice trailed off and she shook her head. “We may not see eye to eye at times, but he’s still my brother. He’s a good man.”

  “His mother is a demon,” Ed pointed out.

  “We need more facts before we go jumping to conclusions.” Ann knelt and placed her hands over the ground where she’d seen the seer. She reached out her mind. Around her, the elements buzzed and hummed. Earth, water, air. Her own affinity was fire, but she could use the other elements to an extent. Erthea’s natural lifeblood contained pure magic. Light whirled around her vision, reds, greens and all shades in between. But each line of energy didn’t lead to the person she sought.

  She gritted her teeth. Everyone—even humans—left a trace of energy behind. Yet no sign of the strange seer.

  “Do you sense anything?” Ann asked as she looked up at Edward.

  Ed shook his head. “I’m not as skilled with magic as you are.”

  “You’re good at knowing things. You always seem to know things without people telling you. I swear you have an entire library locked up inside your mind somewhere.”

  Ed laughed. “I wish and no, I don’t sense anything.” He knelt beside her and examined the ground. “No sign of any tracks but they might have been wiped away by now.”

  “She didn’t stand, she hovered over the ground. Floated, which would suggest a lot of power.” She sighed. “Argh, how could she leave no trace?”

  “Perhaps she cloaked herself.”

  Ann muttered numerous revealing spells and tracking spells, but no sign of the elusive seer appeared. “Maybe we should retrace our steps. See if we can locate that sorcerer,” Ed suggested.

  She shook her head. “I don’t think he’s part of this. But go look for him if you want to.”

  “I’m not leaving you alone,” Ed protested.

  “I was alone yesterday. Maybe I need to be again.”


  “Go, I’ll be fine. See if you can find the sorcerer. Maybe he can tell us something.”

  Go, she told him. Seers sometimes hang around watching people. Maybe if I’m alone she’ll appear.

  What if he’s the one who brings the prophecy about? Ed demanded. No, I don’t like this.

  “It’s my job to keep you safe,” Ed said out loud. “What if something goes wrong and I can’t get to you?”

  “Glad to know I’m so important to you.” She scowled.

  “You…” He sighed. “You are important to me and you know it.”

  She bit back a smile. “Good, then trust my judgement and go find the sorcerer.”

  Ed gritted his teeth.

  “I could make it an order, but you know I hate ordering you around.” Ann bit back a smile.

  “Really? You do it all the time.” He snorted. “Fine, I’m going, but at the first sign of trouble, you damn well call for me.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “Yes, but we’re stronger together.” He turned to go then gave her a look. I’m not going far. Stay close. Call for me if you see her.

  She nodded.

  “Be careful,” he added.

  “You too.”

  Ann moved off through the trees and glanced around. The scent of leaves, grass, and earth hung heavy in the air. She scanned the area with her mind, feeling the familiar hum from the earth lines. “Come on, I know you’re around here somewhere,” she called. “Show yourself.”

  Ann moved back to the spot where she’d seen the woman the day before and leaned back against the tree. Come on, you have to be here.

  “Please, I need to talk to you,” she said. “Tell me more about the prophecy. How will the house of Valeran fall? What’s going to happen?”

  A faint laughter carried on the air. “The house of Valeran shall fall and the stars will darken,” a voice whispered in her ear.

  Ann jumped, and fire crackled between her fingers. Yet she found no one standing beside her. “Where are you?” she hissed. “Show yourself.”

  The woman appeared, hovering a few feet away. “Rhiannon Valeran, druid’s daughter.”

  How she hated that name. There were other druids on Erthea, despite their race’s dwindling numbers. No doubt they had daughters too.

  “Tell me what you’ve seen,” Ann said. “Who are you?”

  “I’ve been here since the world was young, I will be here when it ends.” The woman grinned; her black eyes gleamed like obsidian.

  “You’re cryptic; I hate cryptic. What did you say?” Ann put her hands on her hips. “How will the house of Valeran fall? Are you going to do it?”

  The seer giggled, her obsidian eyes glittering like gems. “The house of Valeran will fall, the stars will—”

  “Yes, we’ve established that. What does that mean?” Ann demanded, hands clenching into fists.

  The woman smirked then turned upside down as she stared at Ann. “You have her temper.”

  “Who’s temper?” Her eyes narrowed when she crossed her arms.

  “Your mother’s.”

  She snorted. “My mother is a gentle woman. She has no temper. My father, on the other hand, does.”

  “I did not mean your father’s wife.”

  Ann flinched at that. She would not discuss that with a complete stranger. “You’re not going to tell me anything,” she said. “I should have known you were a fraud, coming here was a waste of time when I should be figuring out how to keep my family safe.” Her lip curled. “You’re probably not even a real seer.”

  Ann, be careful, Ed said. You don’t know what she is capable of.

  The seer’s button-like eyes flashed. “Watch your tongue, girl,” she hissed. “Do not question my power.”

  “I do question it.” And put her hands back on her hips. “Why warn me if you don’t intend to stop it?”

  “Some things cannot be stopped. The house of Valeran will fall,” the woman repeated.

  “How? When?”

  The seer’s lips curved into a twisted smile. “Soon, girl. Very soon.”

  “Then how…argh! Why am I wasting my time with you?” she asked. “Whatever you think will happen, won’t. I won’t let it.”

  The seer laughed. “The stars will darken, blood will spill, and the Crimson will grow. Then your path will be revealed.” The woman vanished in a plume of smoke. “You can’t stop what’s meant to be.”

  “Please tell me you saw that,” Ann said after they transported back to her chamber.

  Ed nodded. “I did.”

  “So, what is she?”

  “I have no idea. Her magic seemed…old and powerful. Maybe she’s from beyond the veil.”

  “Something bad is going to happen—we both feel it.” She pulled off her cloak and tossed it aside. “The question is how do we stop it?”

  “It would be a big coincidence if something didn’t go down at the meeting. If so many leaders are there
—” Ed rubbed his chin. “Maybe we can convince Reevus it’s too much of a security risk.”

  “That won’t work. My father spent years working to bring this peace. Three out of five realms are better than nothing.” Ann turned when she heard the sound of something breaking and frowned. Her heart lurched as she hurried into the hall and found both her brothers pummelling each other.

  Oh no, Urien must have told Xander about him and Ceara’s affair. I should have known he wouldn’t take it well.

  Xander swung at Urien, who dodged the blow and struck Xander with a lightning bolt. Xander stumbled backward and fell to the ground. More lightning flared between Urien’s fingers.

  “Enough!” a voice thundered.

  Ann felt the wall behind her tremble as Darius marched down the hall. She hurried over to Xander.

  Darius rounded on Urien and shoved him, grabbing hold of his tunic. “What is wrong with you two?” Darius hissed. “We’re days away from the most important day in history and here you two are fighting like common thugs. I won’t have either of you ruining this.”

  “He attacked me,” Urien seethed.

  “Maybe shouldn’t have bedded my woman.” Xander shoved Ann’s hand away and scrambled up.

  Urien’s lip curled. “It’s not my fault you can’t satisfy Ceara.”

  Xander tried to lunge Urien again but Darius put a hand out to stop him.

  “Enough. Stop behaving like children,” Darius snapped. “If you can’t control yourself, then leave. I won’t have all the realms thinking I can’t contain my own sons.”

  “I won’t miss the meeting of the leaders,” Urien retorted.

  “Then start acting like a grown man instead of a spoilt brat.”

  Urien stalked away, muttering curses as he went.

  Ann hurried after her older brother. “What did you say to Xander?”

  Urien wiped his bloodied lip. “Nothing. Ceara told him after Xander caught us together.”

  “Damn it, Urien. You should have told him.” She shook her head, sighing. “This is the worst possible way for him to find out. And you didn’t need to antagonise him like that. This will be hard enough for him to accept already.”


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