Arousing Family

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Arousing Family Page 140

by Emelia Andersen

  Outside it was a crisp December day, and the house was silent, the rest of the family having gone out to brunch. Livy had begged off, faked sick, wanted time to think over the events of the previous night. Fucked my brother... and her hand slipped beneath the sheets, running over her pointed nipples, down the goose bumped flesh of her stomach, and into the wet spot between her thighs. It's wrong to fuck your brother, she thought as her finger tips played over her clitoris the way his did last night. But it felt so good.

  He was home from college, a new person compared with the nervous high school graduate that left her in the Fall. Now he walked with an air of confidence, bolstered by his new popularity with the ladies at school, sporting mature, intelligent glasses and letting his curly hair grow long and wild. Mother hated it, of course, putting 'hair cut' on his list of vacation chores, but Livy liked the change.

  She herself hadn't changed much in the four months he was gone. She moved into his room, repainted the walls, then it was life as usual, her own life as a community college student trickling by.

  Then came the holidays, Adam returned, and Grandma and Grandpa came up from Florida to spend the week. They got Livy's-old-room-turned-guest-bedroom, and Mother set up a futon at the foot of Livy's bed for Adam.

  "I'm sorry," she'd apologized. "This isn't ideal, but it's just for a couple of nights. I really thought they would want to stay at a hotel."

  Brother, brother, brother. Her fingers swirled around her clit, sending waves of pleasure through her body like radar echoing out from a single point. She replayed every moment behind her eyelids while her fingers slipped inside herself. Fuck me, fuck me fuck me!

  The first night, he brushed his teeth with the bathroom door open and she watched silently from the bed as the shape of his cock jiggled back and forth in his pajama bottoms with each thrust of the brush. Her eyes explored his bare chest and the smooth curve of his back when he turned away to rinse. He came into the room and took off the foreign glasses, becoming her brother Adam again as he climbed under the futon covers. She went to sleep feeling very conflicted, knowing she should feel shame at having looked at him that way, but there was no feeling but lust inside her.

  "Motherfucker this futon sucks." These were the words she awoke to the next morning as Adam sat up, clutching his back and grimacing.

  "Well," she ventured, her heart racing involuntarily, "we could share the bed if you want. It's big enough."

  He looked nervous too. Laughed. "That is my bed you're in. It's only fair."

  So last night he climbed tentatively in beside her, being careful to respect the invisible line down the center of the bed. "Good night, sis."

  "Night," she managed, although her throat felt very narrow and tight.

  Then they lay next to each other in the dark, unmoving, each pretending to be asleep and each wondering what it would be like to reach out and touch the other. He turned his head toward her and Livy could smell the sweetness of his breath, felt the warmth radiating off his body. She surprised herself when her hand inched across the chasm between them and her index finger stroked his thigh.

  She waited, her heart in her throat, for an objection. This isn't right. What are you doing? Only he said nothing, and, emboldened, she caressed the taut muscle of his leg again. Slowly, almost as though he were trying to feign sleep, he rolled his body toward her, his own hand snaking up and over her hip and to her back, and he held her close as their lips met.

  In a mere instant her every nerve ending buzzed, her body felt on fire with sensation, and her pussy was slick and ready for him, her enlarged clit almost begging for him. His soft, cushiony lips were like heaven and she no longer felt guilty for not feeling guilty. She only felt Adam, the length of his body pressed firmly against hers.

  Their kisses were passionate, hungry, the result of years of suppressed desire. In the first moment their bodies touched she knew he'd felt the same as she did, and now all the awkward silences in the car as they drove to school, the flushed cheeks at the pool in the summer, the sidelong glances when they watched movies with sex scenes, made perfect sense. He wanted to fuck her brains out, and she wanted to let him.

  His hand ran down her back, fingernails scraping the skin deliciously, grabbed her by the ass and pulled her even closer, until there was no air to breathe between them. They were almost one, and she found with delight that as she ran her hands all over his body, exploring every part of him, he felt exactly like she'd always not quite allowed herself to imagine. He was home, comfort, security. His body was firm, warm, and she found her hands returning over and over to his strong biceps, and to the concave part of his chest where the hair was thick and she could twine her fingers into it and tug. He moaned when she did it, and she delighted in being able to make him react.

  Still, her fingers felt restless and she yearned to know what he felt like in his most private spot, the place she as his sister should never ever touch, shouldn't lay awake at night wondering about. And her clit throbbed and needed to be rubbed, needed to feel his naughty, forbidden touch. please.

  She hooked a finger under the elastic band on his pajamas and slid her hand inside. Her fingers brushed over the dense forest of hair above his cock, and she closed her fist over his manhood. With each pump he grew harder and her pussy got wetter, imagining the veins throbbing on his shaft, throbbing against her pussy, imagining the bulbous head popping in and out of her, rubbing against her clit, shooting hot come onto her stomach.

  He moaned again and reached down into her pajama pants, running his fingers over her soaking wet panties and setting her on fire. A pleading moan escaped her lips and she arched her hips in the air to meet his hand more forcibly. He rubbed harder and she ran her hand down the length of his shaft to his balls, he shivered and suddenly he was kicking off his pants, then straddling her at the hips and tearing off her clothes, throwing them over his shoulder.

  His body held naked against hers felt better than any fantasy she ever had, and she was near orgasm already when he started sliding his cock through her wetness, hitting her clit with an explosion of pleasure at the crest of each thrust. He did it only a few times before she was begging to be fucked.

  "I can't take it anymore, fuck me, please! I want to feel you deep inside me, please," she whined.

  He was all too eager to comply, repositioning slightly, pausing ever so tormentingly with the head of his cock just touching her pussy. "You want me to fuck you?"

  "Please," she said, feeling him press a little more urgently against her.

  "Want to feel your little bro inside you?"


  "Want me to fuck your brains out, sis?"

  "Dammit, Adam, fuck me!" Livy cried out, pulling him into her, and relief and pleasure washed all over her body like the ocean.

  "Oh God!" he cried out, thrusting fast and hard, filling her up. They were both so close already it didn't take long before they were teetering on the edge. His strokes became long and forceful, and he panted while he asked, "where do you want it?"

  "Come in me!"

  "Yeah? You want me to fill up your pussy?"

  "Come in me then suck it out!"

  "Dirty girl!" He chastised, pumping urgently. "I had no idea."

  Then he was exploding inside her, the hot liquid filling her and spilling out of her. He came with a final deep thrust and a groan, then immediately slid down between her legs to slurp up the mess. He slid three fingers inside her and kept pumping, his tongue flicking over her clit, and she came hard. Her body quaked with the effort and hot liquid squirted out of her pussy, puddling in his palm. He kept pumping and lapping it up until the spasms of her muscles quieted and she lay still, breathing hard.

  He lay down next to her, their limbs entwined, their bodies nestled together, and they drifted into sleep.

  Remembering it now, feeling him between her legs, pretending her fingertips were his tongue, she convulsed a second time, rivers running down her legs and she cried out in the quiet of the empty
house. Then she lay still for a while and imagined what the next night would bring.

  The End.

  Wasp Sting

  I was riding my push-bike around a usual circuit I had found some months earlier and had been using to keep my cardiac fitness to an effective level and was enjoying different sections of it as I became more familiar with the hills, rises, berms, which are sharp bends with a sloping surface and I had even found a few jumps to launch myself into.

  There was one treacherous pathway along a back laneway where there seemed to be a number of wasps I would occasionally sprint my bike through to avoid getting a sting. I thought the numbers were building up and a nest must have been established somewhere near the path. It was probably at the stage where the sterile females were developing and growing the nest and protecting the queen's hatching eggs as the numbers increased.

  I had decided it might be better to change the route to avoid aggravating the residents of the nest as I flew past every morning, but force of habit saw me riding past the hidden nest when it had become a problem.

  Sprinting through a large cloud of hornets, I could feel a sharp stinging sensation building up on my back below the left shoulder. I slowed the bike and finally dismounted and dropped the bike to the ground and rubbed the area of pain on a nearby tree as I couldn't reach it with my hands to scratch it.

  I felt faint and fell to my knees, unable to hold my balance standing. I felt a pins and needles sensation around the sting. It spread throughout my body. On all fours, it took all my resolve to remain conscious and stay calm.

  All my strength seemed to leave me and I thought I was paralysed, but something else was happening. I was becoming sexually aroused. I could feel my penis filling with blood and hardening. Within about 30 seconds of the original sting, I had the hardest erection I ever had. But I was helpless to hide it, or touch it.

  I wanted to touch every part of my body, but I couldn't move anything. I couldn't even raise my head to try and see how noticeable it was. I felt pulses between my legs and throughout my groin area as my arousal seemed to continue to increase. I felt my sexual response continuing to increase until a climax approached.

  Although I couldn't move, I couldn't relax either and I began to feel tiny twitches build up at the base of my penis and around my testicles until I could not prevent a gasping ejaculation into my clothes. Without any intent whatever, I experienced an intense climax completely outside my control.

  After the intensity of my orgasm ended, I wondered what else was going to happen to me. I started to panic and await some further symptom even beyond paralysis and uncomfortable tingling. Was I going to die from asphyxiation because I would stop breathing, or my heart just stop functioning, or what?

  Once I considered death as a possibility, I became calm and just lay on the ground awaiting my fate. Nothing happened. I kept breathing began to get movement back in my extremities first, then my wrists could bend, my ankles, knees shoulders, hips and finally, my strength returned and I tentatively sat up and moved to my hands and knees, and tentatively climbed to my feet again.

  After resting a little longer, I remounted and continued my ride without any apparent effects. Aware of the possibility of some side effects that a bite or sting from many insects can have, I was relieved to recover unaffected.

  Next evening, I called up Jackie, a friend I have ridden with occasionally and someone I have encountered at the tennis group I play a social match with on weekends. She is shorter and probably slimmer than most serious sporting competitors, but she had legs with defined muscles and seemed to make a difficult game like tennis look easy because of her speed and anticipation.

  She had played a few games with a group of friends but proved to be several levels ahead of the other players and had searched for another group who played at a higher standard. I asked her for a game and told her I would definitely take a few games off her this time. But I admitted that I needed to improve my game and could use some serious opposition to try and improve my reading of the play and particularly a return of serve.

  Jackie agreed to play a set with me. I think she remembered the time I stopped to help when I saw her walking with her bike, about five miles from her home. I repaired her tyre puncture by the road in about 15 minutes. She was grateful at the time and now I thought she was returning the favour.

  We played a one-sided game. She won the toss for who served first and surprisingly said, 'Your Serve Davis.'

  I won the first game in a cooling slight breeze after a tense struggle, but for the rest of that set I couldn't get close to her. We were about to start the second set when the breeze freshened and some clouds darkened the sky and rain restricted any further play.

  I escorted her to the change rooms and we sat together on a bench and had a soft drink from the clubhouse refrigerator. I could feel the fabric rub over the bite I received from the wasp the previous day while I was riding. It was still having a strange, but reduced effect on me after what happened yesterday. I wanted to keep touching it for the effect it was having, but I couldn't reach it. Jackie noticed me unsuccessfully trying to reach the skin to rub it and asked about it.

  'It's a wasp bite I think Jackie,' I said.

  'Show me,' she said with some concern in her voice.

  She lifted the bottom of my shirt and looked at it for a moment.

  'Your skin seems to have inflammation below your left shoulder.

  'I can't reach it to touch it,' I said. 'What does it look like?'

  'It looks like an infected bite. Is it sore Davis?'

  'No, it's not at all. Is it swollen on my skin or smooth?'

  She touched it and said, 'Your skin is very smooth and cool to my touch. Can you feel anything tingly where the sting is?'

  'Tingly? Not at all. What do you mean, Jackie?' I asked doubtfully.

  She answered, 'I guess it's me. My whole body is buzzing. Oh dear. Something's happening to me?'

  Jackie began to fall forward and I caught her before she lost her balance. She was looking right at my face as she swooned a little. I thought she was going to pass out and I held her to stop her from falling. I gently lowered her to the floor and checked her breathing and pulse to see if anything was wrong. She seemed to be normal as far as I could tell.

  She must have been affected as soon as she touched my healing wound.

  I was bewildered. If she was affected in this manner and to this degree by touching my almost healed wound, why was it having such a reduced effect on me?

  'Can you talk Jackie? What can you feel? Is there pain anywhere?' I asked, concerned for her well-being.

  'I'm feeling incredible. Touch my arms Davis, then my legs. You have to touch me.' I held her hand and she ran my hand up along her arm.

  'Take my socks and shoes off and touch my feet and my legs. I feel it like a need. Please Davis?'

  With every new part of her body I touched, she reacted with a soft high-pitched sigh. I slowly moved my hands up along her legs and felt under her shorts.

  She said, 'I don't think I can move. I want to take my shorts off. Can you do it for me please?'

  She sounded very serious, but even more than that, she was beginning to sound desperate.

  'Are you sure. Here let me pull them down for you.'

  I pulled her tennis shorts down and her nickers came down with them. I could see the light wispy hair at the top of her impressive lightly muscled legs

  My cock became instantly hard. Her legs were her best asset and I had stripped them bare.

  'Your nickers have come off. Shall I put them back on for you?' I asked.

  'Leave them off. Just feel everything. Strip everything off me and feel everything. Why is it I can speak and not do anything else? Am I paralysed or what?'

  'You seem to be able to feel everything. We'll keep testing everything and if you don't respond, we should probably call for help.'

  I was in intense conflict. My relationship with Jackie had not to this point been tactile, and in n
o way included any exchange of body fluid, although her body was extremely appealing. Now that I had seen her almost naked, I was caught between her demands for assertive carnal exploration and a possible change of mind. As I removed my telephone from my shorts, I set it to record and caught the rest of our personal encounter on a clear audio recording with the mobile phone recording beside her head, our voices would be clearly be heard.

  'Forget about all that shit now. For God's sake will you take the rest of my clothes off, and your own while you're at it. Just feel me all over, every part of my body and do anything you want with me. Roll me over and feel my arse. Stretch me and pinch me and slap me. I'm abandoning my body to you. I'm ready and very willing. Are you able Davis? Make no mistake. I want everything.'

  My God. My prick responded to that little homily with impatient excitement. That short speech was almost enough to trigger my orgasm.

  I quickly but awkwardly removed all my clothes, and my swollen cock sprung to attention as I freed it from my jocks.

  When we were both naked, I turned her over on to her stomach and began kneading her arse cheeks, firstly with light touches, then firmer and firmer until I wanted more access to her light pink/brown hole. I pinched her rim harder and harder until I was using all the strength I could summon and she continued to sigh.

  She voiced a long soft moan as I explored her tight arse hole, revolving my fingertip in her light brown hole. I thought I detected a small movement of her own as she tried to move her derriere to accept more of my finger.

  I penetrated her hole with my index finger and rotated it around and around until she began to shake as though a spasm had racked her body.

  When she stopped gasping, I slowly ran all my fingertips spidering down her back from her neck, shoulders, over her shoulder blades, the small of her back, over her buttocks, down the outside of her legs, each leg a few inches at a time, to try and give maximum effect to her. It seemed to be working.

  Reaching her feet, I proceeded back up the inside of her legs, and her sighs became soft moans again. I was gradually torturing her as she expected my fingertips to invade her dripping wet cunt.


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