Coming Home for Christmas

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Coming Home for Christmas Page 9

by Max Hudson

  “Unless you want to be reprimanded by your captain for arresting me due to a false report, which this certainly is, I suggest we have that conversation here.” Stewart sat on the couch and stretched his legs. “That way I won’t sue the police department for barging into my home, assaulting me and intimidating myself and Miss Rodney.”

  Cunniliffe now looked like he was taken aback. The other officers also appeared to be uncomfortable. Finally, Cunniliffe put his handcuffs away with a sigh and sat down.

  “Okay, fine. Tell me what’s going on. Whether I believe you or not is another matter.”


  Jonathan couldn’t believe the farce his parents had gone through. They had called the police again, got through to someone else, and said in a tearful wail that Megan had been groomed by Stewart before he kidnapped her, and he had also stolen from their house.

  The stolen item being Buster.

  No wonder the burly police officer came with Megan when she came to wake him. They were expecting a fight, or an attempt to run. Miles had told a few extra lies to make them believe that Stewart had a record.

  If the idiots had done their research, they would have known that Stewart had no record at all, and that Megan was an adult. Clearly, none of them had many brain cells between them.

  At least Cunniliffe began to realize at some point that they had been duped. He did have the decency to apologize to Stewart and to Megan before he and his pals left the house. The charges of kidnapping and theft were dropped, all men realizing that taking a cat that belonged to the supposed kidnapping victim was not going to hold up at all.

  Jonathan wanted to charge over to his family home and confront his parents. Lynn was certainly involved, but Miles was the driving force. But Stewart told Jonathan that it wasn’t worth it, that they really would end up being arrested if they reacted. It was what Miles wanted, and Jonathan knew Miles was vindictive enough to do it.

  He had gone too far. Although Jonathan found himself smiling at the thought of Miles finding out about him and Stewart. The police would let him know of developments and why Jonathan was there. Not the way he wanted to tell them, and Jonathan did want to be there to see their reaction. Then again, it was probably a good thing he wasn’t there; Miles could get violent when he lost it.

  After the cops had gone, Megan headed up to her room cuddling Buster. Stewart went into his office and closed the door. Jonathan wanted to go after him but decided against it. Stewart had been accused of kidnapping and theft, and he needed a moment alone.

  For a moment, Jonathan felt guilty. He had been the one to bring Stewart into all of this. If he hadn’t, Stewart wouldn’t be having the cops come to him twice in one day.

  Then again, if it hadn’t been Stewart, it would have happened to someone else. Miles wouldn’t let it rest now he knew people would know about Megan’s departure from his home. He would try to get himself back on higher ground, back in control as it slipped away. Even if that meant making everyone else look back.

  Jonathan’s cell phone rang then, buzzing in Jonathan’s back pocket. He fished it out, frowning at the caller ID. It was his commanding officer. Now this wasn’t out of the ordinary, seeing as his boss was currently on-base and in charge over Christmas, but getting a call when he knew Jonathan was on leave was.

  Jonathan sat on the couch as he took the call.

  “Captain Park. I wasn’t expecting to hear from you today.”

  “Sorry, Rodney. Normally, I’d leave you to enjoy your leave, but I’ve just received a very disturbing phone call in the last five minutes. And it involves you.”


  “I’m afraid so.”

  Jonathan didn’t need to think. His father would have found out that his report wouldn’t be followed on, and he would now be taking his revenge.

  “Who was it from?”

  “Anonymous source.”


  “Really. You were expecting a name?”

  “, not really.” Jonathan rubbed at his eyes. “What was it about?”

  “The caller was very concerned. They said that you were currently harboring a criminal, and that you were...well, to put it lightly…”

  “That we were sleeping together.”

  “I think quite a few extra words, some more explicit, were used.” Park grunted. “I’ve heard a lot in my time, but they were making my ears burn even now.”

  Jonathan stared at his phone. He had to be hearing things. His father must have got straight onto the phone with his commanding officer - somehow getting his direct number - and put in a complaint that he knew would put Jonathan in a bad light and ruin his reputation. Dishonorable conduct, as it was called. Jonathan wondered if Miles was using Jonathan’s sexuality to get him into trouble, or if he hadn’t been told by the cops and was saying it to make the charge hurt even more.

  Either way, Miles was trying to get Jonathan dismissed.

  “You believe all that nonsense?”

  “Of course I don’t. I’ve known you since you joined, and I know you’re a straight shooter. I’m not about to take an anonymous phone call as gospel.”

  “That’s something.”

  “However, it’s procedure that it needs to be investigated. You know that.”

  Jonathan did know. And he hated it. This meant going back to the base and explaining himself to an inquiry. They wouldn’t know him like Park did; this would take a lot more explaining.

  “It was more than likely my dad.” He said grimly. “We’re going through a lot of problems right now and he’s not liking the fact he’s not in control of everyone.”

  “Be that as it may, it still needs to be looked into. I want you back here immediately so we can go from there.”

  Jonathan knew what that meant. He had been involved in too many of these inquiries to know what was happening.

  “I’m suspended, aren’t I?”

  “Until further notice.” Park sighed. “I’m sorry, Jonathan, but you know it’s protocol.”

  “I understand.”

  Jonathan didn’t know what else to say without cursing down the phone. He hung up. Then he threw his phone across the room, which hit the far wall and broke apart, bits and pieces scattering all over the carpet.

  “Damn you, Dad.” Jonathan slumped forward, burying his face in his hands. “Damn you.”

  Chapter Eight

  They hadn’t been arrested, but Stewart was still fuming. Miles had some nerve trying to go after them again, in spite of being told that there was nothing he could do. How petty could one man get?

  Hopefully, it would be on record now. Twice. And that should be enough for the police to leave them alone. Stewart wasn’t about to deal with a third police visit for the same thing. This time he really would kick off.

  All he had done was help a friend in need. There was no crime in it. And yet Miles Rodney was making him feel like he was the worst person alive. Making him feel two inches tall. Worthless. The one in the wrong.

  Not this time. Once Stewart had calmed down, he was going to go after Miles Rodney. He didn’t know how, but he was going to do it.

  A sudden snarl from elsewhere in the house, followed quickly by the sound of something breaking, had Stewart sitting up. What was going on now? If Miles was vandalizing his house, his comeuppance was going to arrive much faster than anyone expected. Stewart jumped to his feet and stormed out into the house. He couldn’t hear any loud voices, any cursing. Just someone breathing heavily, like someone was trying not to cry.

  His anger fading a little, Stewart headed through the house, ending up in the living room. Jonathan was slumped over on the couch, head in his hands. Then Stewart saw his cell phone on the floor, completely smashed.

  “What the...Jonathan?” Stewart hurried across the room and knelt before Jonathan. “Jonathan, what’s wrong? What’s happened?”

  “I’m going to kill him.” Jonathan’s voice was tight. He sounded in pain. “I’m going to kill that bastard.�

  “Miles?” Stewart took Jonathan’s hands and lowered them. “Jonathan, what’s happened?”

  Jonathan looked up. Stewart was shocked to see tears in his eyes. He had never seen Jonathan crying before.

  “I got a call from my commanding officer.” Jonathan swallowed hard, swiping at his eyes with his sleeve. “Dad put an anonymous phone call into them saying that I’ve been harboring a criminal. And that...that I’m also fucking said criminal.”

  “What?” Stewart thought he was going mad. “He really said all that?”

  “I can’t prove it was Dad, but that was exactly what Captain Park told me.”

  Stewart had heard everything about Miles Rodney. At least, he thought he had. Now he was beginning to realize that Miles was opening up to the next level. Jonathan had openly led the rest of the children against him, so he had to go. And what better way than to blacken his name and accuse him of felonies?

  Stewart wondered if Miles and Lynn had been told why Jonathan was also there, and then guessed there was a good chance Cunniliffe hadn’t said a word. Jonathan had asked for discretion, and hopefully the guy had been good in keeping his promise. Miles would have tried the homosexuality line to embarrass him.

  That was the last thing that would have embarrassed Jonathan.

  “I’ve now got to go back to base and explain myself to an inquiry.” Jonathan said, his head down. “I’ve been suspended, effective immediately, until they can sort this out.”

  “Damn.” For the first time in his life, Stewart felt helpless. He kissed Jonathan’s head. “It won’t be long. They’ll know it’s lies.”

  “Captain Park knows that it’s all lies, but with an allegation like that against a senior officer, they have to follow through and make sure. Cross the t’s and dot the i’s, you know.” Jonathan rubbed his hands over his face. “My sexuality is going to be brought out into the open, I’m sure of it.”

  “At least you can’t be humiliated with your sexuality.” Stewart shrugged. “It will make things a little uncomfortable coming out to your colleagues, but it won’t have the same impact on you as your father thought it would.”

  “I’d like to see his face when he finds out.” Jonathan grunted. “If Cunniliffe hasn’t told him already.”

  “You would’ve ended up with Miles coming out here screaming that I’ve turned you gay and I’ve kidnapped you as well. Calling your senior officer says that he wasn’t told and he’s just looking for embarrassment points.”

  “Fair point.” Jonathan leaned into Stewart, pressing his forehead against his. “I hate this now. I feel like I don’t have control anymore. My life, I should be able to control it.”

  “I know.” Stewart stroked Jonathan’s head. He could feel the man trembling. “He needs to realize that now. Throwing a hissy fit because he’s not getting his own way isn’t going to get him anywhere.”

  Miles and Lynn just didn’t know when to leave things alone. Miles more than his wife. Lynn was just following on, quieter than her husband but just as firm in her ideals. She saw her children’s successes as something they should all enjoy. Stewart had heard her scolding Carly before about joining immigration for work, even though Carly was clearly capable of taking care of herself. It had sent Carly into tears.

  Coming from two loving parents, Stewart couldn’t imagine how much the seven Rodney children strived to make their parents proud, only to be told that they should’ve done what they were told in the beginning. That had to be soul-destroying.

  “I’ve got to head back to the base today.” Jonathan’s head was still down. “The sooner I get this out of the way, the better.”

  “Do you want me to come with you for support?”

  Stewart would have jumped up and packed as soon as Jonathan gave him the nod. But then that would mean leaving Megan alone. And neither he nor Megan were currently permitted on base at such short notice. It wasn’t something they could call ahead with to be available once they got there; the security checks for going onto the base for even five minutes were remarkable.

  Jonathan gave Stewart a grateful smile, his hand resting on Stewart’s shoulder.

  “I appreciate the offer, Stewart, but you need to stay here. Megan needs you. As long as you’re on the other end of the phone when I need someone. That’s all I ask.”

  “Of course.” Stewart gestured over his shoulder at the smashed cell phone. “I’ll give you my spare to use until you get a new one.”

  “Okay.” Jonathan pulled back and watched him, a moment of doubt creeping in behind his eyes. “Are you promising me that you’ll be at the other end? I really need some support right now.”

  Stewart didn’t even need to think. He nodded and hugged Jonathan, feeling the tension relaxing just a little in the man’s shoulders.

  “I promise.”


  The next three days were incredibly slow. Stewart couldn’t believe how much they were dragging on. Jonathan had left shortly after they had spoken, packing his things quickly so as not to let Megan know. He didn’t want to upset her and make her feel guilty. Stewart had told him she deserved to know, but Jonathan had pointed out that it was his problem, not hers.

  Even so, when Stewart told her later in the evening, Megan did feel guilty. She cried in Stewart’s arms, and Stewart hadn’t known what to do or say. It had been an awful evening. Hell, it had been an awful day. Miles Rodney hadn’t approached them himself, but he had made damn sure they knew they had done wrong.

  Stewart wished he could go to the bastard and wring his neck. But that wouldn’t solve anything.

  So, for the next three days, the three of them tried to go on about their business as usual, but it wasn’t easy at all. Megan had to sneak out the back door when she went out in case her parents were spying on them and accosted her. Jonathan was six hours away being interrogated, and Stewart was struggling to get his work in order when his mind was elsewhere. He had three big clients wanting everything on New Year’s Day, and he was nowhere near finishing any of the projects. His head just wasn’t in for digging into old records in the archives or doing any research.

  He had been in relationships before, but none of them had had crazy parents. Nothing like this. Stewart had told people before about his neighbors, and they had dismissed his stories saying it couldn’t happen. People surely couldn’t be like that.

  Oh, they could. Stewart had witnessed it and been on the receiving end several times. Truth was always stranger than fiction.

  It was just before his lunch break on the third day when Stewart finally got a spurt of energy for his work. Finally, he was able to sit in his office without twirling around in his chair like a little kid and get on with searching back several generations of one family tree before making his way down. It seemed like the fire had been built again, and it was burning brightly.

  It was feeling like he was back to his old self. The problems could keep out of the way until he finished work, as far as he was concerned.

  About an hour before Stewart was due to leave for home, his work phone started ringing. Not looking up from the census records on his desk, Stewart picked up the phone.

  “Genealogy department. Stewart Houghton speaking.”

  “Hey, it’s me.”

  Jonathan. Stewart sat up. Jonathan always called his cell phone, not his work phone. Something had to be really wrong.

  “Jonathan. Is something wrong?”

  “No, nothing’s wrong. I was calling your cell phone, but it kept going straight to voicemail.”

  “Eh?” Stewart reached into his drawer and pulled out his phone. It wouldn’t turn on when he tried to light up the screen. “Damn, it’s run out of battery. I forgot to charge it last night.”

  “At least you’re okay.” Jonathan sounded relieved. “I was beginning to worry.”

  Stewart sat back. Just speaking to Jonathan put a smile on his face. Those were some bright moments for him recently. Even when Jonathan was dealing with his work crisis, th
ese phone calls made Stewart feel better. He needed to hear Jonathan’s voice.

  Jonathan seemed to reciprocate it, and it could result in talks lasting for hours. Some of them very spicy. Stewart felt his cock twitching at the thought of more moments like that but pushed it aside. It wouldn’t help him at all for his boss to suddenly come in and see that Stewart was at his desk sporting an erection.

  “How are things on base? Any news on the investigation?”

  “That’s what I’m calling about.” Jonathan’s voice sounded a little more upbeat than before. “It’s all been wrapped up now.”

  “Took them long enough, didn’t it?”

  “Well, they did have to do an interview with the ‘anonymous’ caller. Turns out it really was Dad who made the call. The two commanders who went to do the interview were very surprised.” Jonathan sighed. “Dad made a lot more accusations about me, saying that I was not good enough for the navy and I had done quite a few more criminal acts that they didn’t know about. Thankfully, my record was excellent and they realized it was nothing short of malicious.”

  Stewart could imagine how that interview went. He wished he had been a witness to it, but he had been at work until very late, although not really doing anything. Megan had mentioned an important-looking car had been outside her parents’ house, but she didn’t say anything more.

  “They saw that your dad is a nutcase?”

  “Yep. And Mom when she just sat there nodding away like one of those damn nodding dogs Carly loves so much. They came back here, told me that I was nothing short of a miracle to come away not being like them, and that the charges would be dropped.”

  Stewart couldn’t help himself. He burst out laughing.

  “To think that he thought he could get away with it...did the two commanders know that you’re gay?”

  “Of course, they did. I came out to the inquiry board on the first day. But they kept that to themselves, although one did admit that he was trying his best not to laugh at how ludicrous my dad’s actions were in thinking that this would be the end of my career.”


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