The Love Between Us

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The Love Between Us Page 5

by Max Hudson

“How is it complicated?” Chris snapped. “Has Violet said something to you and you’ve actually believed her?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. I wouldn’t trust anything my sister said. You know I prefer to keep my distance from her.”

  “Then what?”

  He wasn’t going to let this lie. John knew he should have tried to figure out a way to leave. He took a deep breath.

  “You made me uncomfortable. Is that enough?”

  “Uncomfortable?” Chris blinked. “How do I make you uncomfortable?”

  “You’re going to make me say it, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. We were good friends, John, and I valued what we had. I want to know where I went wrong with you.”

  “Fine.” John gestured at Chris’ sweater. “Take your top off.”

  “I beg your pardon?”

  “You heard me. Take your top off.”

  Chris was still staring at him. Then he grasped at the hem of his sweater and pulled it off, taking his t-shirt with it. Muscles twitched and moved under his skin, practically rippling as Chris tossed his clothes aside, standing before John in just a pair of jeans. He looked even better than before. John licked his lips. Then he looked up at Chris, who was watching him with a heated expression.

  “This is why I kept my distance.” John gestured at Chris’ body. “When you stripped off during the Super Bowl. I…”

  “It turned you on?”

  John could feel his face getting warm. He nodded and looked down. That was when he saw Chris’ erection, a noticeable bulge in his jeans. He stared. Was he…?

  “That was the reaction I was hoping for.”

  John jerked up. Chris was still watching him with that heated look, one that seemed to deepen in intensity as John stared at him. Chris smirked.

  “ intentionally spilled your drink so you could strip?”

  “Of course. I was trying to tell you without using words what I wanted.” Chris’ smile faded and he shook his head. “But you reacted differently and then you wouldn’t come anywhere near me. I thought I’d blown it.”

  He had been trying to seduce him. John couldn’t believe he had read it all wrong.

  “Trust me, you didn’t blow it.” Getting bolder, he stepped closer to Chris. “Just seeing your naked chest made me want you.”

  “Then why did you run away?”

  “Because the intensity of how I wanted you freaked me out.” John flexed his hand and pressed it against Chris’ chest. He could feel Chris’ heartbeat under his palm, his muscles twitching and Chris sighed. “You’re my ex-brother-in-law, Chris. That’s kind of overstepping the line.”

  Chris’ breathing seemed to be getting quicker. His hand covered John’s on his chest, pushing John’s hand lower. Then John’s fingers curled around Chris’ erection, Chris let out a sharp hiss as John gave him a firm squeeze.

  “I wanted you that night.” Chris’ voice was tight. “And I want you now. I don’t care about anything else.”

  John smiled. Then he gave Chris’ cock another firm squeeze.

  “Neither do I.”

  Chapter Ten

  All this avoidance because he got too turned on. Chris had thought he had been rejected, and John was keeping his distance because he didn’t feel the same. But to avoid him because it was too much temptation? Chris hadn’t thought about that.

  Now he had John close to him, touching his naked flesh, with lust in his eyes. His hand rubbed over Chris’ erection, sliding down to rub over Chris’ balls. He grinned as Chris thrust against his hand.

  “Eager, aren’t you?”

  “It’s been a year and then some.” Chris reached up and ran his hands through John’s hair. It really was as soft as he imagined. “Things are going to be more than a little eager in a moment.”

  John’s grin widened. He was looking surer of himself than before. Bolder. It was an erotic sight.

  “I can do eager.”

  Chris groaned. Then he tugged John toward him, kissing him hard. John melted against him, his hand still rubbing Chris’ erection. He allowed Chris to take hold of him, nipping at his lower lip with his teeth. Chris felt the pinch and it shot down to his cock. He growled and sucked John’s tongue into his mouth. John whimpered, and then he was pushing Chris away.

  Confused, Chris stepped back. But John didn’t move out of reach. His hands went to Chris’ waistband and undid his jeans. Then he was kneeling, tugging Chris’ jeans down with him. Chris hadn’t put any boxers on, and from John’s expression he liked the idea that Chris didn’t wear underwear.

  Chris stepped out of his jeans, John tossing them aside. Then John looked up at him, smiling as he wrapped a hand around Chris’ cock. Chris gasped, involuntarily thrusting into John’s hand.

  “You really are eager.”

  “Can you blame me?”

  John licked his lips. Then he licked at the tip of Chris’ cock.

  “I’m going to get you even more eager. Hot and wet for me.”

  Chris groaned.

  “I like the sound of that.”

  He closed his eyes as John’s mouth sucked his cock into his mouth, swirling his tongue around Chris’ shaft. That mouth of his was as hot and tight as Chris had imagined. And that was sending shivers of pleasure up Chris’ spine.

  John moaned, the sound vibrating along the skin of Chris’ shaft. He took more of Chris’ cock into his mouth, his lips almost touching the base on each stroke. His hands cupped Chris’ hips, and then his backside, his nails digging into his buttocks. Chris felt a slight pinch from the nails, but pleasure overtook and he allowed John to guide his hips, thrusting slowly into John’s mouth.

  If Chris had known that John was pure fire once he got going, he would have persisted with trying to seduce him. Now he was on an even playing field, John was something else. It was a turn-on.

  He didn’t want it to stop.

  Then John pulled away, giving Chris’ cock one last lick before rising to his feet. He kissed Chris, tugging Chris close. It was then Chris remembered that John was still dressed and he was completely naked. He slid his hands under John’s sweater, feeling the compact muscles shift under his touch.

  “You taste amazing, Chris.” John smiled against his mouth. “If I’d known it was going to be like this, I would have made a move years ago.”

  “You shouldn’t have pushed me away last year.” Chris grasped onto the sweater and started to tug it up. “I would have made you realize this would be mind-blowing.”

  “Mind-blowing?” John smirked. “Are we going there?”


  Chris managed to get the sweater off, tossing it aside as John grabbed his head and kissed him again.

  “I wasn’t talking about last year.” John backed away, his hands going to the waistband of his pants. “I mean before then. A long way before then.”

  “How far back?”

  Chris couldn’t take his eyes off John as the other man shoved his pants down, kicking them aside. Now he stood before Chris, his cock thick and proud in a nest of dark hair at his groin. His tan went all over, never leaving anything out.

  Chris licked his lips as John started stroking his cock.

  “How far? About twenty years.”

  “Since we met?”

  “Pretty much.”

  Chris groaned. He had had no idea. If John had made a move back then, maybe he wouldn’t have the problem of warding off an ex-wife.

  John’s sister. He wouldn’t have married John’s sister if John had made it known he wanted Chris.

  “Well, you’ve certainly got my full attention.”

  “I can tell.” John crooked a finger at him. “Come here. This has been a long time coming.”

  Chris wasn’t about to argue. But he wanted something else. Somewhere a little more romantic than the lounge floor or the couch. He beckoned John to follow him.

  “Come with me. I’ve got a better idea.”

  John fell into step behind h
im as they went toward Chris’ bedroom. They were barely in the doorway before John was pressed up against Chris’ back, kissing his shoulder as he stroked Chris’ cock, his own cock rubbing against Chris’ back. Chris sighed and his head fell back.

  “If you go on like that, I’m not going to last much longer.”

  “Maybe I don’t want you to keep control.” John scraped his teeth against Chris’ shoulder. “Maybe I want to see you fall apart.”

  Chris shuddered. Then he grabbed John’s wrist and spun him around, nudging him toward the bed.

  “Oh, that’s happening.” He said as he tipped John onto the bed, sliding his tongue over John’s collarbone. “But when I fall apart, I want to be inside you. I want to feel you cum around me as I fuck your ass.”

  John was panting. He started shuffling up the bed.

  “Do it.”

  “One moment.”

  Chris went to the bedside cabinet and opened the top drawer. He took out the bottle of lube that he had bought the year before but never opened, tearing open the wrapping with his teeth. Then he saw that John was still watching him, stroking his cock.

  “Face the headboard.” Chris ordered. “On your hands and knees.”

  John grinned.

  “Now that’s the man I know.”

  “Did I say you could talk?”

  John laughed and rolled onto his belly, rising up onto his hands and knees and spreading his legs apart. Chris’ hands were shaking as he squirted a generous amount of lube onto his hand, rubbing it all over his cock. Then he tossed the bottle aside and clambered onto the bed, crowding John from behind. He kissed John’s back, licking over his spine as he inserted a slick finger into John’s ass. John’s ass muscles tightened around his finger and John moaned, pushing back against his hand. Chris sighed.

  “God, you feel tight.”

  “It’s been a while.” John panted. He was beginning to push back and forth on Chris’ finger. “I can take more.”

  “Can you?”

  “Yes. Just fuck me, Chris.”

  Chris wasn’t about to argue with that. He eased his finger out and grasped hold of his cock. His hand was shaking. John moaned as Chris pressed the head of his cock against his anus, arching his back. Chris had to take a moment to calm down. At this rate, he was going to cum before he even entered his ass.

  Then he pressed in slowly. His cock passed the entrance, and then Chris slid in easily, right up to the hilt. His hips pressed against John’s backside. John let out a louder moan, and his muscles twitched and tightened around Chris’ cock. It made Chris’ head spin.

  It wasn’t going to take much.

  Chris had planned to take it easy - John had said it had been a while, and he didn’t want to hurt him - but John seemed to have other ideas. He was pushing back against Chris, fucking himself on Chris’ cock. Chris gripped John’s hips, trying to make him stop. But he found himself urging John on. Then he was meeting John’s thrusts with his own.

  This was pure, animalistic fucking. John trembled, his hands clutching at the duvet. Chris picked up the pace and tightened his hold on John’s hips, holding him still. His hips slapped against John’s backside, and Chris could feel John’s ass clenching him even more.

  Then he saw John had reached underneath him. He was stroking himself, propped up on one elbow and his arm moving fast as he kept up with Chris’ strokes.

  Chris eased back on his haunches and urged John to sit up, sitting on his lap. Then he nudged John into moving.

  “Fuck my cock, John.” He growled. “I want to feel you cum around my cock.” He reached around and knocked John’s hand aside, grasping John’s cock with his own hand. “Fuck my cock, fuck my hand. Cum for me.”

  John was shuddering as he bounced on Chris’ cock, his shaft twitching in Chris’ hand. Then he let out a low, loud moan as he came. Chris felt his release splash across his hand and pulled back, gripping John’s hips and urging him to rise up, putting him into a half-sitting position.

  Then he pounded John’s ass. John shouted, his ass tightening so much Chris felt dizzy. That sped up his own climax, and he came with a shout, filling John’s ass with his release.

  Both of them were panting as Chris eased John onto the bed, sprawling over him. They lay on the bed, limbs entwined and both sweating. Chris felt like he had been running a marathon. He could barely move.

  “Wow.” John whispered. He rolled slowly onto his side, smiling at Chris. “Wow.”

  “I’ll second that.” Chris ran his hand up John’s side. “You still want to go back?”

  John laughed and leaned over, brushing his lips across Chris’.

  “Not a chance.”

  Chapter Eleven

  For the first time in a long time, Chris slept like a baby. It had been a while - about two years - since he had slept in bed with someone else, and even longer than that since he had been entwined in someone’s arms. John kept one body part on him throughout the night, whether it was a hand on Chris’ back, a leg wrapped over his thigh or his chest pressed against Chris’ back. It was like John was trying to stake his claim.

  Chris had no objection to that.

  He woke up just before dawn and saw that it was bright and sunny. No sign of a storm at all, except for the mud all over the carport. Chris then remembered John’s car was still up on the road somewhere. Someone would have come across it by now. He made a mental note to contact a friend of his at the garage to get the car down the hill and have it mended. That would be one less thing to worry about for John.

  It took John a little more time to wake up, still looking dozy. Chris felt a pang of regret. They had been up half the night talking and fucking - mostly fucking - and he had forgotten about John’s concussion. He was one of the worst nurses to have John rolling around when he should have been resting.

  Then again, John hadn’t been complaining.

  He was silent, however. Chris could tell he was in his own thoughts and kept quiet, allowing John to go through his morning ritual of showering and dressing, his clothes now dry and ready to be worn again. John didn’t eat anything again, and he was silent still as he got into Chris’ Jeep. Chris glanced at him as they headed down the hill and into the city.



  “You’re very quiet. Is something wrong?”

  “Oh, I’m okay.” John rubbed his head. “I’ve still got a headache. I feel like I’ve got a hangover.”

  Chris winced.

  “Maybe we shouldn’t have…” he began, but John cut him off abruptly.

  “Don’t you dare say we shouldn’t have got into bed together last night.”

  “You had a concussion. You might be thinking I took advantage of you in a vulnerable state.”

  John stared at him. Then he threw back his head and laughed.

  “Chris, you fucking idiot.”


  “I would never have thought that of you. Besides, I seem to remember I was the one who started it all.”

  “Yes, you are.” Chris managed a slight smile. “I was just getting concerned at why you were so quiet. You’ve barely said a word since you woke up.”

  “Like I said, I feel like I have a hangover.” John made a face. “I’m not really a morning person. I have to be up about two hours before I want to talk to someone.”

  “I’ll remember that.” Chris paused. “But no regrets about what we did?”

  “Of course not. And don’t think this is a one-off. One-night stands aren’t my thing.”

  Chris felt his heartbeat picking up. He wanted more. That felt like a fantasy coming true. He had wondered what something with John would be like, be it a one-off or more long-term. Then he had discarded it, telling himself that John didn’t find him attractive.

  That had been far from the truth.

  “You want more from me?” Chris asked.

  “Don’t you want more of me?”

  Chris didn’t need to think about that.

  “Definitely,” he hissed as he felt John’s hand on his leg. “Careful, John. I can’t multitask that well.”

  “Just testing.” John laughed and sat back. His eyes were twinkling. “It’s an arrestable offence to be committing sex acts behind the wheel of a moving car.”

  “Been there and done that, have you?”

  John winked.

  “Not for a while.”

  Chris groaned. Now he had got over his nerves, John was certainly more confident. He was as relaxed as he had been before, back to the old John Chris remembered. And then some. John was softer somehow, more affectionate. Chris liked it.

  He had been a fool to let it go on this long.

  Finally, they pulled up outside John’s house. Walrider was coming along the sidewalk with John’s neighbor. He began tugging at the leash when he saw his master, barking loudly.

  “I think someone’s pleased to see you.” Chris laughed.

  “I’m not surprised. I’ve been away longer than I promised.” John pressed his hands to his head. “I think I’ll call in sick. There’s no way I’m going to be able to concentrate with my head like this.”

  “Trust me, a concussion is not advisable at work.” Chris winced as Walrider’s bark got louder. “Maybe you should find the mute button on Walrider. He’s not going to be good for your head.”

  “Walrider’s good when he needs to be. He’s a good nurse.”

  “I don’t doubt it.” Chris paused. “Listen, I’ve got the evening off tomorrow night. Wanna go for a drink? We can discuss things then.”

  John grinned.

  “As long as it’s good things we discuss, I’m up for it.” He leaned over and kissed Chris. “See you tomorrow. Let me know where we’re going.”

  “Will do. Take care.”

  Chris watched as John got out and walked around the Jeep. He greeted Walrider warmly, the dog bouncing up at him excitedly, and then he hugged his neighbor. The young woman looked concerned as she inspected his head, but John waved her away. He gave Chris a wave before he and the woman walked toward the house, Walrider jumping around them as he tried to get his master’s attention.

  Chris turned his Jeep around and headed back to his cabin. He was off tonight, not tomorrow, but he was sure he could swap a shift with someone. Then he could be free to go out for a drink with John and discuss their relationship in more detail.


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