The Love Between Us

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The Love Between Us Page 7

by Max Hudson

  “You weren’t bossy the other night.”

  “That’s because you don’t need any persuasion.” John put the first-aid kit beside Chris and opened it. “You’re led by a brain, certainly, when you’re in bed.”


  “If it gets through to you, it needs to be painful And speaking of painful,” John brought out some wipes and opened the packet. “Let’s start cleaning that up. God only knows what that blade has been in.”

  Chris grumbled under his breath, but he didn’t fight as John took his hand and started to clean the stray blood. He initially flinched, but then he relaxed as John tended to him. John could feel his eyes on him, and he kept his head down, concentrating on his task. The cut wasn’t as deep as he expected, and it wouldn’t need stitches. It was going to sting like hell, though.

  “Okay, that’s done.” John selected some gauze and a roll of bandages. “I’ll just wrap that up and you’re good to go.”

  “No stitches?”

  “Only if you end up being a fucking idiot with it.”

  Chris grunted.

  “Good thing I’m left-handed, then.”

  He fell into silence as John started to bandage his hand. John tied off the bandage and looked up. Chris was watching him, his expression intense. Then he slid his good hand around John’s neck and kissed him, resting his forehead against John’s as he let out a shuddering sigh.

  “I have to admit that did scare me,” he rasped. “Even after what I’ve faced, standing up to a few stoned children shouldn’t have been a problem.”

  “Why was it a problem?” John asked.

  “Because you were there.” Chris’ hand tightened on John’s neck. “If it was just me, it wouldn’t have done much to me. But I had to look after you.”

  Even though it made John feel like a weak man, he smiled.

  “I can look after myself, Chris. You needn’t have worried.”

  “It’s easier said than done to stop worrying.”

  “I know.” John stroked Chris’ cheek. “You know, I thought you were going to hit that girl.”

  Chris snorted.

  “I was raised properly. I wouldn’t raise my hand to a woman or a girl, even if they are wielding a knife and wanting to gut me.”

  “No exceptions?”

  “No.” Chris’ mouth twitched. “Not even with Violet, even though she’s the most irritating woman I’ve ever met.”

  John didn’t reply. He was tempted to give his sister a smack at times, but Violet loved being in charge. That would end up with Violet having a field day if she was hit. John wasn’t about to go down that road.

  “You okay, John?” Chris nudged John with his nose. “You wandered off there.”

  “Just for a moment.” John’s head was starting to hurt. Maybe his concussion really hadn’t gone away. He eased back. “Do you mind if we take a rain-check on tonight? I’m not in much of a mood to fool around after what happened.”

  Chris frowned. Disappointment flashed in his eyes, his mouth turning down. But he nodded and slowly moved back.

  “Sure. I understand.” He slid off the stool, petting Walrider as the dog rose to his feet. The pooch had been sitting by the stool almost like a guard dog, watching everything in silence. “Sorry, buddy, I’m off now. I’ll see you again shortly.”

  “I didn’t say I wanted you to go, though,” John said hurriedly, jumping to his feet and almost standing on Walrider’s tail. He stumbled over Walrider and nearly careered into Chris. “Dammit!”

  Chris laughed and his arms went around John, shifting him back onto his feet.

  “That dog will be the death of you, I’m sure.”

  “Always there when you don’t want him,” John grumbled. He ran his hands through Chris’ hair. “You can stay, Chris. I may not be in the mood, but I didn’t say you had to leave.”

  Chris sighed.

  “John, if I stay, I won’t be able to keep my hands off you. Now I’ve had a taste of you, I won’t be able to stop myself going back for more.” He took John’s hands and eased them away. “It would be safer for both of us if I went back home.”

  He was right. But John wished he wasn’t. He would be missing Chris before Chris had even left the house.

  “I wish you didn’t have to,” he huffed.

  “Oh?” Chris smirked. “Needy now, are we?”

  “I’m not needy.” John scowled. He looked away, aware his face was getting warm. His cheeks had to be going red. “I feel like you’re going to disappear if you walk out the door.”

  Chris was silent. Then he let out a laugh that had Walrider jumping and barking loudly. Chris slid his arms around John and drew him close, pressing a kiss to his head.

  “You are a crazy bastard.” Chris’ voice was gentle, affectionate. “As if I’m going to disappear. You won’t be able to get rid of me now.”

  “I hope not.”

  Then John realized he had said that out loud. Before he could say anything more, Chris kissed him soundly, silencing his protests. When he lifted his head, Chris was smiling.

  “That’s the nicest thing anyone’s said about me.” He kissed John’s forehead. “Are you going to work tomorrow?”

  “Yes. I only asked for two days off, anyway. That’s as much as I can get away with.”

  “I’ll see you at work tomorrow, then.” Chris’ eyes glinted. “Come into my office for a few minutes. I might have a little something for you.”

  John groaned. He didn’t need to guess what Chris might have for him.

  “We’ll get caught if you let me have that little something at work.”

  “Do you care?”

  John stared at him. Then he realized he didn’t really care at all. The thought of being caught was more thrilling than he cared to admit.

  He gulped and stepped away, resisting the urge to take hold of Chris again. He might not have let go this time.

  “You’d better head home now.”

  “Okay.” Chris’ expression softened. “Night, John. Want to walk me out, Walrider?”

  Walrider yipped and led the way out of the kitchen. John slumped onto the stool and listened to the front door opening, Chris’ farewell to Walrider, and the door closing again. A moment later, Walrider came trotting back into the kitchen. He sat beside John’s stool and nudged John’s hand with his nose. John stroked his head.

  “I’m getting in too deep for myself, aren’t I, boy?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Even after saying he wasn’t in the mood for sex, John found himself in a state of intense arousal as he tried to get to sleep. Every time he closed his eyes, he saw Chris there. Chris, with his smile and that delicious kiss of his, his hands trailing over John’s body. John’s cock just wouldn’t let the images go.

  It was well after one in the morning by the time John managed to get any sort of sleep. Even then, Chris seemed to invade his dreams, bothering him when he wanted to be left alone. By the time John’s alarm went off for his morning routine before work, John had only had about four hours sleep.

  He was going to be falling asleep at his desk at this rate. Maybe having Chris over and being fucked into an orgasm that knocked him out had been the better option.

  Grumbling over his frustration, John showered, shaved and brushed his teeth. Walrider jumped around his feet, yipping and nudging John’s thigh with his nose.

  “Okay, boy, hang on,” John grumbled as he stumbled into the bedroom. “Just let me put some clothes on and then you can do your business. I don’t want to scare the neighbors.”

  Walrider barked and went to sit by the bedroom door, giving John a pointed look. The animal was more needy than a child. John couldn’t begin to think how his parents had coped with both him and Violet as kids. Anyone who had children deserved medals.

  He was getting dressed when there was a loud banging at the door. There was barely a pause before it started again. Then the doorbell was sounding, making John’s ears ring.

  Groaning, he finis
hed zipping up his pants and padded barefoot through the house. He was pushing it as it was. This visitor was going to make him late. John hated being late.

  As they neared the door, Walrider slowed. He began to growl. John paused. His dog’s instincts were very good, and John trusted them. Someone unsavory was outside.

  Then John heard a familiar voice screaming from behind the door.

  “Open the door, John! I know you’re awake!”

  Violet. John groaned. What was she doing here? Couldn’t she just leave him alone? John debated about ignoring her and getting on with his business, but Violet was not one to be ignored. And the neighbors would be complaining. The last time John ignored Violet, she had kicked up such a fuss that the police had been called. And Violet still tried to pin it on John.

  John didn’t have time to deal with his sister’s dramatics. And he didn’t want anyone else to deal with it at this time of the morning. Sighing, he went to the front door and unlocked it. Violet pushed her way in before John fully got the door open, stomping on his foot as she passed.

  “You fucking bastard!”

  “Well.” John hopped on one foot as his injured foot throbbed. “Good morning to you too, Violet. I hope you’re having a pleasant morning, what little there is.”

  Violet snorted.

  “Spare me the pleasantries, John.” Her eyes were flashing in anger. “I know about you and Chris.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “He said to me yesterday that he was dating again. Wouldn’t tell me who, though.”

  She was angry about that? John sighed and closed the door. He didn’t need the neighbors listening in.

  “And what’s that got to go with me?”

  “I know it’s you he’s talking about.” Violet hissed.

  “And why should you be concerned about anything? Good for Chris if he is dating again. It’s about time,” John snorted. “God only knows how many boyfriends you’ve had since the divorce. Or during the marriage.”

  Violet looked ready to fly at him in a rage. John could never truly understand his sister. She and Chris were not together anymore, and so Violet shouldn’t have needed to be angry at Chris’ relationship status. She hadn’t been concerned about Chris’ feelings over her extra-marital affairs, so why should she care about now?

  The woman wanted to be in control over everything, and that included the man she had once been married to.

  “John, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Violet demanded. “He’s my husband!”

  “Ex-husband,” John corrected. “You seem to keep forgetting that it’s been two years since the two of you ceased to be husband and wife. Chris doesn’t belong to you anymore.”

  Violet lifted her chin defiantly. Her lips were pursed.

  “I had prior claim over Chris.”

  “Because you married him?” John drawled. He hooked his thumbs into his belt loops. “I’m sure Chris will love that when he hears that. It’s none of your business if we’re seeing each other, Violet, nor is it anyone else’s.”

  “Oh, really?” Violet sneered. “You think it’s none of my business?”

  “No, it isn’t.” John couldn’t believe he was even having this conversation. He glanced at his watch. He really was going to be late if this carried on. “Look, I’ve got to finish getting ready. Just leave Chris alone. He wants nothing to do with you.”

  Violet was seething. John would have found it amusing had he not been focused on leaving for work. He loved to goad his sister - she was quick to rise into a temper - but this was beginning to be ridiculous. She was having a fit over something that didn’t concern her anymore. If Chris was still married to her, John would understand. But they hadn’t been together for a long time. Violet seemed to forget that she needed to let go.

  “I still love him, John,” Violet snapped. “And I will not let him go.”

  “Did you love him when you were fucking other people?” John shot back. He watched as Violet’s face paled. “Clearly you didn’t, or you wouldn’t have cheated on him. You simply love the thought of a man wanting you, being under your control. And you keep trying to get Chris back because he refuses to let you have control over him.”

  They glared at each other. John wasn’t about to back down, not in his own house. Violet looked as though she was going to fly at him. She had barely changed since they were children. Violet was never content with life, even when everything was given to her on a platter. Chris had given her a chance to settle down, and she had thrown it away.

  The only person Violet should be blaming for the breakdown of her marriage was herself.

  “I preferred you when you were meek,” Violet grumbled.

  John smirked.

  “Chris has given me that confidence that I needed. He’s certainly good for people. You would’ve realized that if you weren’t sleeping around with other men and women.”

  “A girl has needs, John, much like any guy.”

  “And if a girl has needs, she should be going to her husband, not other people.” John looked at his watch again. “Look, Violet, just get out. I’m late now and I haven’t even finished getting dressed.”

  “I’m not leaving until…”

  Violet shrieked when Walrider started growling. He hadn’t moved since John had made him stay put, but he was staring at Violet as he growled, looking ready to pounce on her. Violet backed away from him.

  “Keep that mutt away from me,” she said in a shrill voice. “I don’t want it coming anywhere near me.”

  “If you don’t want him near you, you should be leaving. Simple as that.” John opened the door, stepping to the side. “And don’t bother Chris. It’s up to him who he wants to be in a relationship with, not you.”

  “Oh, it is up to me.” Violet glowered at him. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  It was so ludicrous that John found himself laughing.

  “Seriously, Violet? It’s been two years. Can you not let go of anything? Stop chasing something that’s never going to be yours again.” He pointed toward the door and at Violet’s car parked haphazardly on the curb. “Now, get out.”

  Violet snarled at him, backing away from Walrider as he herded her toward the door.

  “Bastard,” she hissed. “The pair of you.”

  Then she was gone, striding toward her car with a quick step, holding her head high. John shut the door with a heavy sigh. That woman was insufferable. She didn’t like losing her grip on control. Everything was on her terms.

  It was tiring, to say the least.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chris was looking forward to getting into work. He couldn’t wait to see John again. Working different shifts was going to be tough, but Chris knew he could make it work. Maybe he could change to the day shift again, even if it was for slightly lower pay. That way he could coincide his work hours with John’s. More time with him. Maybe even more than a few nights holding him as he slept.

  Chris knew he shouldn’t be getting ahead of himself, moving the relationship faster. But he couldn’t help it. After realizing that a relationship between them could have happened a long time ago, Chris wanted more. John was it for him. He didn’t need to have sex with the man to know it. John was one of those people who was a stable influence. He was a long-term man. And Chris wanted that.

  Of course, he knew he needed to talk to John about it. John wanted to take things slow and steady - it had been a while since he had been in a relationship close to long-term - and Chris respected that. But he wanted more.

  He knew he had to be careful. This could go wrong if Chris rushed it. And he didn’t want to become a control-freak like Violet. That would have John running away.

  He deserved someone who treated him like a king. Chris was prepared to do that. John was worth it.

  It was just beginning to get dark as Chris arrived at work. He parked his car and headed into the elevator, whistling jovially. He nodded a greeting at the employees coming out, all three of them giv
ing him odd looks, and he whistled all the way up to the ground floor. Now he had made up his mind about his future, Chris felt as though his step was lighter. He felt better, happier. It had been a while since that had happened.

  John was better for him than Chris could imagine.

  He waltzed into the security room, opening his locker.

  “Evening, Alex.”

  “Evening.” At the terminal, Alex swiveled his chair around to watch Chris curiously. “You’re more chipper than normal. What have you been up to?”

  “Nothing much.” Chris stored his bag and jacket into his locker, shutting it with a resounding bang and then closing the door to the office. “I’ve just had a good couple of days off. Maybe that break I had was just what I needed.”

  Alex chuckled.

  “I’ll say?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Chris pulled his chair out and sat, stretching his legs out. “Aren’t I allowed to enjoy my break?”

  “Of course you are. Especially if you’re not alone.” Alex smirked. “Who’s the lucky girl, then? The one who’s made you smile like that.”

  Chris licked his lips. He had certainly tasted cream, but not off a woman. He winked.

  “That’s for me to know and you not to find out.”


  “Always.” Chris stretched his arms above his head and then indicated the coffee takeout cup on the console in front of him. “Is that mine?”

  “Yes. I got it about two minutes ago.”

  “Good.” Chris picked up the cup and took a sip. The coffee was still warm, the bitter taste filling his mouth. “I’m going to need this tonight.”

  “You look like you’re bouncing off the walls.”

  “I still need my coffee to keep doing that.” Chris nodded at the various computer screens. “Is there anything we need to concentrate on?”

  “No, it’s very quiet right now. Saul and David said it was very calm today. People are starting to trickle out and go home now.”

  “Good. Hopefully, that means another quiet night.”


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