Match Me Perfect

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Match Me Perfect Page 19

by Jessica Ames

  “Stay out of this,” I order and snap my gaze back to Mace. “I get that you’re upset and that’s the only reason you’re getting a pass here, but my patience is not infinite, Mace.”

  “I don’t give a shit.”

  “I get it, man. Seeing me move on hurts; you don’t think it’s been hard for me? You don’t think that I’ve laid awake questioning if I should ever move on?”

  “Again, I don’t give a shit.”

  I scrub a hand over my temple, trying to disperse the headache forming there.

  “Well, what do you want me to do? Be alone and sad and bitter for the rest of my life? Just exist because if that’s the case then you may as well just throw my arse overboard right fucking now.”

  “Cal—” Alex starts, but I talk over him.

  “You don’t think there isn’t a day that goes by when my heart doesn’t bleed over losing your sister? I fucking loved her. I loved her. She was my world and then she was gone. Just like that. For six years, nothing had any meaning for me, Mace. I got up, I did my shit, but it didn’t mean anything. There were days when I thought it would be better to be in that ocean than to be here.”

  “Fuck… Cal…”

  I ignore Alex and I ignore the way Mace’s face is starting to crumple with my words.

  “But then I woke up one morning and I realised I needed to live my life. And against all the odds, I found someone I really, really like. Someone who made life seem easier again, who gave me bright spots in the dark. So, you can hit me and you can call me whatever you want to call me, but I want to have a life. And if you can’t get on board with that then get the fuck off my boat. You’re not welcome here.”



  The day of the gala comes around fast. Too fast. I’m so not prepared, and although I say this every year, this year I really mean it. I don’t feel on top of anything and if it wasn’t for Mel and the rest of my team, I probably would have lost my mind weeks ago.

  I’ve been mentally running through my to-do list for days, trying to work out what I’ve missed, if I’ve done everything, and what I still need to do. I guess by this point if it hasn’t been done it’s not getting done, but I’d prefer the event go off without a hitch.

  Henry comes to see me first thing in the morning as I’m supervising the set up in the venue. He glances around the room at the large round tables and the table decorations as he strides towards me.

  “Everything is under control?”

  I nod, even though I’m not entirely sure how true that is. “Caterers are setting up as we speak, and the only other thing we’re waiting on is the entertainment.”

  His eyes go roving again. “You’ve done a spectacular job yet again.”

  And I’m not going to lie, that feels amazing to hear because this event has stolen a piece of my soul.

  “Thank you. I’d like to take full credit, but Mel and the team worked their arses off.”

  Henry flashes me a smile. “They’re an amazing asset to the company. You lead them well.”

  “They manage themselves. I barely do anything.”

  “Don’t do yourself down; you do plenty.”

  He’s not wrong. I do more than I should but contrary to my bitching this week, I do actually very much enjoy my job.

  “Well, it’s worth it in the end. Any idea what time Lil and Mum are getting here?”

  “About an hour before it starts.”

  That sounds about a good time. It’s going to be a difficult night for Lil. At these events, my younger sister would usually throwback Champagne like it’s juice, but given she’s just over five months pregnant, she’ll be doing tonight teetotal. It might kill her.

  I catch sight of Mel approaching.

  “Excuse me,” she murmurs, stepping around Henry to hand me a stapled list. “The seating plan for tonight.”

  I glance over it, scanning the names.

  “Richard’s on table five,” she tells me. “It’s as far back as I can put Karen without insulting her.”

  “It’ll do.” I spot his name with hers. Jesus, I can’t believe he’s coming. Mentally, I take a calming breath, trying to control my roiling emotions.

  “Your plus one…” Mel says. “I haven’t asked—frankly, there hasn’t been time—but… is he a new boyfriend?”

  I smile in spite of everything. “Yeah. Cal. He’s fabulous. Too good to be true really. And my parents have not met him yet, so this evening should be fun. I’m hoping my mother is on her best behaviour.”

  The look she gives me is amused. “Your mother doesn’t know how to do that, Sadie.”

  This is true. Mum has always had a bit of a foot in mouth thing going on—me too, for that matter.

  “Honestly, I have no idea how tonight is going to work out. My ex is here with his new woman; I’m here with my new guy. And Richard isn’t going to like that I’ve seemingly one-upped him. I think he enjoys the fact I’m single and presumably miserable since he left me. And I think he’s going to like lording over me the fact he’s not—or so he thinks. He may just have an apoplexy when he sees me with Cal.”

  “Well, let him. Dirty little rat man.”

  I blow out a huff of air, pushing my hair out of my face. “Is everything ready?”

  “More or less, yes.”

  “If I go and start getting ready for tonight, we should be okay, right?”

  “Absolutely. Go and get ready and I’ll call if there’s any problems.”

  I’ve taken a suite in the hotel, knowing tonight will be a late one and also because Callum will be staying over. I take the lift to the top floor of the hotel and head for the room.

  It’s overly done in the lavish department and will probably be too much for Callum. I know this because it’s too much for me, but we get these rooms at a cheaper rate as part of the event package so the luxury is the payoff for working ridiculous hours in the weeks leading up to it. Mel gets one as well, since she has to put up with all my shit.

  I toe off my high heels and head straight for the bathroom. I don’t rush through my shower, nor do I rush to get ready—although I should, just so I can get back downstairs and help out. I do my hair in loose curls that bounce around my face and I pull on the stunning dark plum dress I bought especially for tonight. Make-up done, handbag changed for a clutch bag, I slip into a pair of matching heels and head back downstairs.

  By the time I make it into the room, Mel is back, dressed and looking stunning. I have no idea how she does everything and manages to look that good. Her dress is teal and hits just above her knee, showing off her legs and a pair of stunning sparkly high heels.

  “You look fabulous,” I tell her and she glows at the praise.

  “You look amazing too.” She sweeps a hand around the room which also looks fantastic. “I think we’re ready. The caterers are set up in the kitchen. The band are setting up as we speak. Everything looks great.”

  I nod and let some of the tension drain out of me. I won’t relax fully until the evening is over but at least I can breathe a little easier right now.

  “Well, in that case, let’s get a drink and get this party started.”

  An hour later my mother and my sister arrive; Garrett is out of town on business, but I can tell Lil is missing his presence.

  As more guests start to arrive, Callum still isn’t here yet and I’m starting to get slightly twitchy. I head out into the hotel foyer, away from the bustle and din to call him. I hope he’s not stuck somewhere. It’s a hell of a journey to get here. I’m looking around for a quiet corner to talk in when I see Richard and Karen. Fuck.

  All that attraction I felt for him is gone. His hair is too styled, his clothes too perfect. Everything about him screams fake. He’s nothing like Callum; everything about this man screams conceited.

  I don’t want to face him, so I try to hide, but there is nowhere to go short of diving behind the concierge’s desk. This means I have no choice but to brazen it out. As his eyes come to me, he gives
me a smug smile and leans down to say something in Karen’s ear. She nods and heads into the hallway alone while Richard makes a beeline for me. Fuck.

  His gaze roves over me, taking in my dress and hair before coming back to rest on my face. It’s not a look I like nor appreciate.

  “Sadie. You look well.”

  I don’t even attempt to feign politeness. “Please go away.”

  Annoyingly, he doesn’t listen.

  “Is that any way to talk to a guest?”

  “You’re not a guest; you weren’t invited.”

  He steps towards me and into my space but I hold my ground. Smug bastard. He was never this overbearing when we were together. Maybe Karen is helping him find his backbone.

  “Oh, but I was invited by Karen.”

  “Hmm, I don’t care. You’re not welcome here and the only reason I’m not throwing you bodily out of the hotel is it would embarrass Karen. Although maybe I should go and tell her the measure of the man she’s with before she actually is embarrassed to learn what a dickless, spineless bastard she’s with.”

  I go to step around him and he grabs my wrist. To be honest, it takes me completely by surprise so I don’t react at all other than to let out a pitiful sounding squeak.

  “You always did have a dirty mouth.”

  Finally finding my anger, I tear my arm free and shove his chest. I’m slightly smug when he goes back on a foot.

  “Don’t ever do that again,” I warn and I mean it. I will kick his arse if he touches me again.

  He looks slightly concerned but hides it fast. Beneath the bravado he’s still the weak, simpering man he’s always been and I have to say I don’t like this front he’s putting on.

  “Does Karen like her men with more fire? This lie you’re peddling doesn’t suit you.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Good Lord, what did I ever see in you?”

  That stings and it shouldn’t because the man is a worthless slimebag, but it does hurt to know he thinks so little of me. Why did he even stay with me for as long as he did if I mean nothing to him?

  “Why are you here?” I demand, glaring up at him. I want to step around him, but he’s somehow manoeuvred us so my back is against the wall and he’s penning me in.

  I should shove him again, but the foyer is now starting to fill with guests and the last thing I want to do is ruin months of hard work by causing a scene. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to lie down and take this from him.

  I glare up at him. “And while we’re at it, back up.”

  He doesn’t, he just dips his head closer to mine.

  “I told you: I was invited.”

  “Doesn’t mean you had to come. What is this, Richard? If you’re trying to hurt me then this won’t work. I don’t care enough about you in the first place to give a shit.”

  His hand goes to the wall at the side of my head and I stiffen. What the hell is he doing? Is this some kind of alpha-wannabe display?

  “You want to know why I left you? It’s because you’re a classless, washed up, pathetic waste of space. I couldn’t see my future going anywhere with you. Getting rid of you was the best thing I ever—”

  He doesn’t finish what he’s going to say because suddenly there is a body shoving between us and Callum is standing in front of me. He’s shorter than Richard—a hell of a lot shorter, in fact—but he doesn’t seem to care. I can feel the fury rolling off him.

  “Who do you think you are?” he demands in a low voice. “How dare you speak to her like that. The only pathetic, classless waste of space I can see is you.” He shoves him back and Richard goes back on a foot.

  “Don’t you put your hands on me.”

  “You come near Sadie again and I’ll do more than put my hands on you.” His threat is quiet but no less chilling than if he’d thrown a punch. “You better get gone before I throw you out into the street.”

  Richard looks ruffled but he sneers at me before storming off. I hear him mutter something about me being trash but I don’t care. All my focus is on the man standing in front of me, his back to me.

  “Cal?” And I hate how wobbly my voice sounds.

  His shoulders drop a little as he relaxes them and then he turns. And I gasp at his face.



  The urge to pound that guy’s face into the carpet is overwhelming. Truthfully, I have no idea how I keep my temper because the stuff he was saying to Sadie absolutely turns my stomach.

  He’s a big guy, bigger than me and definitely bigger than Sadie and I don’t like that he used that size to try to intimidate her. He’s lucky I know how important tonight is to her otherwise he’d be picking his teeth off the floor.

  I watch as he heads through a set of double doors opposite where we’re standing and disappears into the crowd of people.

  “Cal?” Sadie’s voice sounds from behind me and there’s a hint of a wobble in it that makes my teeth grind. Forget everything I just said; I should go find that guy and hit him. Hard.

  I turn to her, and she sucks in breath in a gasp. Crap. I forgot my face is busted up and I look like hell.

  “Oh my God! What happened?”

  I scrub a hand over my jaw. “You need to be in the room doing your thing?”

  “I’ve got a minute.”

  She seizes my arm and pulls me out of the main foyer and into quiet corner. Her fingers trail over the bruised eye socket and I wince a little.

  “What happened?” she repeats and I really don’t want to tell her this but I know I need to be honest with her.

  “Mace punched me.”

  She blinks then frowns. “Why did Mace punch you?”

  Damn. Straight to the point. “He’s having trouble accepting I’m moving on from his sister.”

  Here we go…

  I don’t know what reaction I expect, maybe for her to be upset but Sadie’s eyes narrow and her arms fold over her chest which pumps her tits up. It takes all the willpower I have not to skim my fingers over those creamy white globes.

  “He punched you because we’re dating?”

  “I get it; he’s hurting and I kind of think it made it seem all the more real that I’m moving on. I mean, that sounds stupid because he knows Mara’s gone—he’s not in denial—but I think it just hit him again.”

  Her face softens at my words. “It must be hard for him.”

  Also not what I expect her to say. She just surprises me at every turn.

  “Him and Mara were close. But he shouldn’t have whacked me around the face and he knows that.”

  “It’s hard seeing a loved one move on. It reminds you the person you lost is never coming back. I found it hard after my dad died and Mum found Henry, so I get it too.”

  “Difference is, Sadie, you were a little kid. Mace is a grown man who needs to get control of his temper.”

  And that is the truth as well. Mace has a hell of a short fuse since Mara passed. If he wants to be a skipper on his own vessel then he definitely needs to get command of that.

  She kisses my face just beneath the bruising.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “We’ll sort things out once he’s had a chance to cool off. He has a hot temper but it’s fast to burn out.” I run my hand over the back of her neck. “Anyway, I nearly had a matching set of black eyes tonight. Who the hell was that guy giving you grief?”

  She shifts a little uncomfortably. “My ex.”

  I’m fairly sure my eyebrows lift into my hairline. That guy is her ex? “That’s Richard?”

  “Yeah. I don’t know what I was thinking either.”

  I would normally laugh at her joke but right now all I’m focused on is the fact her ex is here and was up in her face like that.

  “What the hell was he yelling about? I caught some of it, which I still want to beat the living snot out of him for.”

  She shifts her shoulders, a weariness settling over her. “Who knows with him? I don’t even know why he came anyway. Most people in their right minds
would avoid a party they know their ex will be at. Not him. He acts as if he’s doing some huge favour for all of humanity by being here.”

  “Well, you stick with me tonight, babe.”

  A smile graces her lips but it’s forced. This is made clearer when she drops her head against my chest and groans. “I really do not need Richard here tonight. This is stressful enough as it is.”

  “I can really toss him out if you want. I’m pretty strong.” I grin at her which earns me a lift of her lips that is genuine.

  “The food will be served soon so we’d best take our seats. Oh, and just to forewarn you, you’re probably about to get the most intense grilling of your life off my parents and sister. I’ll apologise in advance for anything they say or do.”

  I drop a hand to her hip and squeeze gently. “It’ll be fine. Although maybe we should tell them I got my shiner on the boat.”

  Her brow arches. “Yeah, probably a good idea.”

  Cupping her face, I kiss her—slow and soft. I love kissing Sadie any way I can, but this way is definitely one of my favourites. She grips the lapels of my suit jacket, pulling me closer and when the kiss ends she doesn’t let go, as if she needs to hold on to stabilise herself.

  “I feel better now,” she tells me.

  “I’m glad to have been of service.”

  Her gaze moves down to my suit. “I like you in jeans and a tee, but I have to say I’m loving this look too.”

  “Then I’ll start wearing suits more.” I kiss the end of her nose.

  “Truthfully, I like you anyway I can get you.”

  “That’s just as well because I feel the same.” I pull back slightly from her. “Come on; we better head inside, sweetheart, give your parents the opportunity to grill me before the food comes out.”

  She laughs, then sobers. “That’s not even funny because they are going to grill you.”

  “And they can; I have nothing to hide.”

  Not more than ten minutes later I regret that confidence. Margaret Greenwood is an older version of her daughter but she’s nothing like her personality wise. I’m pretty sure she puts me through an interrogation that would have scared the pants off fully trained military personnel. Her stepfather, Henry, isn’t much better. I’m fully expecting him to grab me on the way out for a blood test. Her sister seems to be the only normal one between them but she spends a lot of her evening trying not to throw up.


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