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Sergei Page 15

by Roxie Rivera

  With that uncomfortable thought rattling around in my head, I glanced up from my menu to catch Sergei staring at the waitress as she approached the table. They exchanged a smile before he dropped his gaze to his glass of water. Because he was friendly to everyone, I didn't think much of it…until Lidia walked around the table to stand behind Sergei while she took our orders.

  The gorgeous, willowy waitress placed her hand on Sergei's shoulder with a touch that was much too familiar. An unwelcome idea began to form. I batted it away, refusing to even go there, and chalked it up to nothing more than friendship. Sergei spent a lot of time with Nikolai, and his boss was probably at Samovar most of the day. It was only normal that Sergei would be friendly with the staff.

  Ever the alpha male, Sergei placed my order for me and made sure to tack on a glass of wine. I pinched his thigh under the table, but he one-upped me by sliding that big, rough palm of his under my skirt. His fingertips encountered the whisper-thin and exquisitely soft lace of the special panties he had given me. I had nearly died laughing when I had discovered the crotchless undies amid the gorgeous silk, satin and lace intimates, but after a little persuasion from Sergei, I had promised to give them a chance.

  Recognition flashed in his dark eyes. He tried to push aside the lacy fabric to discover that secret part of me, but I squeezed my knees together, trapping his hand and denying him. Leaving his hand right there, he shot me a look that promised yet another night for the record books.

  After his self-imposed celibacy, Sergei seemed to be making up for lost time. I didn't think I'd had as much sex in all the years I had been active as we had had in the last week. The man was insatiable—and inventive. Some of the things we had done together made me blush when I thought about them later. In the heat of the moment, that megawatt smile and sexy charm of his could induce me to try anything. As of yet, I hadn't been disappointed by his adventurousness or skill.

  When our appetizers arrived, the conversation around the table turned to the baby and its precarious breech position. Benny was still hopeful the baby would decide to turn, but I had a feeling that kid was packed in there so tightly there was no room for maneuvering. I understood her fear of a C-section, especially the possibility of complications and recovery, but I sensed Dimitri preferred that route instead of attempting a breech delivery that might go badly.

  Thinking of Benny's situation, I couldn’t help but imagine myself giving motherhood a try someday. With my career in an upswing and the demands of the business rising, I assumed motherhood was a few years away. Sipping my wine, I glanced at Sergei who was deep in conversation with Dimitri and wondered what he would be like as a father.

  The thought made my heart stutter. I shouldn't have even gone there—we were way, way too early in our relationship to even be thinking about strollers and cribs—but I couldn't help myself. After hearing how far Sergei was willing to go to save his mother and brother and having seen with my own eyes what he was willing to do to protect me, I harbored no doubts about his instincts to nurture and love.

  But his current line of work was much too risky for raising a family. So many bad things could happen to him or the people he loved because of his association with Nikolai. Pushing a strange dumpling around my plate, I wondered if that was the reason Vivian seemed hell-bent on keeping her pregnancy a secret. She had already survived so much violence in her short life. The desire to protect her baby from Nikolai's enemies must have been strong.

  The sound of Lidia's husky voice drew me out of my thoughts. She had stopped by to refill glasses and sweep away empty plates between courses. I watched the way she spoke to Sergei, making a point out of conversing with him in their shared language so I couldn't understand what she was saying. Her slender hand slid from his shoulder to brush the spot right above the collar of his steel blue blazer.

  Is she for real? I couldn't decide if this lady was just clueless or actively trying to bait me. Sergei seemed totally oblivious to her come-on so I decided to let it slide for now. Refusing to cause a scene, I pretended not to notice and let Lena draw me into a discussion about her fledgling crisis PR firm dipping their toes into the fashion waters.

  When Lidia returned with our entrees and a couple of runners in tow, she made another point of bending low to chat with Sergei. This time I actually understood one of the words that left her mouth. It was a term I often heard Vivian call Nikolai—and wholly inappropriate for the situation.

  Sergei's low laughter and murmured reply hit me like an ice pick to the chest. I recognized they weren't simply on friendly terms. No, they had been much, much closer than that. So close that she felt comfortable calling him darling...

  Until that moment, I had entertained only the vaguest idea of the women Sergei had dated before me. Sitting here, staring up at this knockout with a trim figure and shapely, long legs, I just wanted to cry. How in the hell did I compete with that?

  The answer came quickly. I couldn't.

  Lidia was a ten, and I was, on my best day, a seven. My self-confidence took a major hit, and I began to deflate. The gorgeous gold dress that I had thought looked so good on me suddenly seemed to be too clingy and tight. I thought of the way it hugged the not so firm parts of me, the spots that jiggled and needed a hefty application of Spanx.

  If Sergei could have a supermodel like Lidia, what the hell was he doing with me?

  All those old feelings of inadequacy began to creep up on me. I didn't even want to consider the what-ifs. I desperately wanted to believe Sergei wanted me—the real me with cellulite and flaws and a big behind—because he liked me. Faced with Lidia and the evidence that he could do and had done much better, I began to wonder how long I could hold his fascination. With all the complications I brought into his life now that my ties to the Night Wolves were front and center, would he grow tired of me and remember how good he'd had it with a beautiful woman who shared his heritage and his language?

  Every fiber of my being screamed for me to publicly stake my claim on him and to put Lidia in her place, but I refused to lower myself to that level. I wasn't about to start brawling over a man—even a man I cared about as much as Sergei—in a freaking restaurant while surrounded by our friends. I had too much self-respect to do something so déclassé.

  Glancing around the table, it seemed only Vivian had picked up on the strange vibes. She narrowed those icy blue eyes at Lidia but waited to say something to our waitress until the woman bent down to place Vivian's plate in front of her. Whatever Vivian hissed into Lidia's ear hit its mark. The waitress snapped up ramrod straight and strode away from the table.

  "Vee," Nikolai addressed his wife in a voice I could barely hear over the clatter of silverware and the low din of conversations all around us. The withering look Vivian pinned him with dissuaded him from continuing whatever he had planned to say. Apparently, there was one person in the whole wide world who could scare Nikolai. Unfortunately for him, it was his wife.

  Choosing not to make it into a big deal, I gave my dinner a test and decided it wasn't half-bad. I doubted the flavors of Russian food would ever please my palate, but I liked the experience of trying new things. Once, I caught Lena shooting me a sympathetic look that made us both smile. It seemed only Benny had developed a true love for the exquisitely prepared dishes. Or maybe it was a pregnancy thing…

  "How was it?" Sergei leaned over to speak with me and brushed his fingertips along my nape as we waited for our dishes to be cleared. With a teasing smile that made my belly swoop, he asked, "Am I going to be making scrambled eggs and toast for you when we get home?"

  "No," I said with a short laugh. "It was okay. It was different, but I liked some of it."

  He picked up the small dessert menu and flashed it in front of me. "Let's find something you'll enjoy."

  "Oh, you're going to let me pick this time?"

  "Dessert should always be the lady's choice." His smoldering gaze heated me right up. That sneaky hand of his glided along my inner thigh and reached its de
stination before I could stop it. The corners of his sexy mouth lifted with the hint of a smile.

  Schooling my features, I managed not to react to the wicked swipe of his fingertips along the seam of my sex. There was just enough lace in the way to impede his exploration but I doubted he was going to let a little thing like that stop him. "What do you recommend?"

  "Something soft, warm and sweet," he murmured, his fingertips dipping beneath the lace to glide over my clitoris.

  My thighs tensed around his hand, and I had to bite my lower lip. Was this really happening? Was I sitting here in a restaurant letting my boyfriend play with my pussy? What in the hell had Sergei done to me to make me behave so wantonly? Why couldn't I stop him?

  Because you don't want to…

  Keeping my gaze focused on the menu, I tried to play it cool. I would die of mortification if one person at the table realized what Sergei was doing with that sinful hand of his. Glad for the long tablecloths and the wall at our back that kept us mostly hidden, I thought of Sergei swearing off desserts until after his fights. "I really shouldn't have dessert. It would be cruel to make you watch me eat."

  Though the statement was meant for Sergei, it was Lidia who snorted derisively as she bent down to gather up the dishes between Sergei and Yuri. Fully aware that she was making fun of my weight, I stiffened with embarrassment. My lips parted so I could clarify my statement, but Sergei stopped me.

  Without a single glance toward his ex, Sergei kept his gaze fixed on me. He trailed a finger down my cheek. No doubt he could feel the hot flush of my embarrassment. His breath tickled my ear as he moved in so close that no one else would overhear us. With his other hand, he cupped my pussy in the most possessive way. "You eat dessert now, and I'll have mine later, yes?"

  Peering into his eyes, I felt some of my embarrassment melt away. "Yes."

  "Perfect." He kissed my cheek and plucked the menu from my hand. Holding it up to Lidia, he didn't even look at her as he ordered something for me. The hand that had been sensually tormenting me slid down my thigh in a comforting gesture. I rarely dwelled on the numbers that lit up my bathroom scale, but Lidia had found that weak spot in my armor and jabbed her pointy stick right into it. Sergei seemed to sense my self-confidence was under attack and wanted to soothe me with his gently petting hand.

  Glad that everyone else at the table seemed oblivious to what had just occurred, I listened to the discussion of Vivian's upcoming London show.

  "Bianca, did you decide if you two were coming?" Vivian absentmindedly ran her finger back and forth along Nikolai's wedding band.

  I glanced at Sergei who looked surprised by the question. "It slipped my mind."

  "If you want to fly over with us, there's plenty of room in the jet, and we'd love to have you," Yuri said.

  "Oh! Thanks, Yuri." I smiled at the outrageously gracious billionaire. "We'll think about it."

  Sergei addressed Yuri in Russian, probably to thank him for the offer, and Yuri waved his hand. In English, Yuri replied, "What's the use of having all these lovely toys of mine if I can't use them to score points with Lena's friends?"

  Lena playfully rolled her eyes. "And you say I'm competitive."

  "That's not all I say, lyubimaya." Yuri interlaced their fingers atop the table and kissed her temple. Glancing at the rest of us, he asked, "Would you like to come out to Faze after dinner?"

  "Not us," Dimitri said, his arm curved protectively along the back of Benny's chair. "I have a feeling this one is going to keep me busy massaging her cramping legs and fetching antacids all night so I should turn in early."

  Benny just laughed and shrugged. "You can't argue with facts."

  I knew that Nikolai hated busy places like clubs and movie theaters so I was surprised when he looked to Vivian before shooting down the idea outright.

  "Is Coby playing tonight?" she asked Yuri.

  "Of course," he said. Seemingly curious, he asked, "How do you know her?"

  Vivian leaned to the side so her dessert plate could be set in front of her by Lidia. "We have a friend in common, Hadley Rivera, and obviously, we're both fans of electronic music."

  "Then you'll have a fantastic time tonight. She's dropping some new mix tracks." Yuri's gaze slid to me. "What about it, Bianca? You want to come out to Faze?" He smiled at Sergei. "I didn't see the two of you dance at the wedding. It's a perfect night for a first dance, don't you think?"

  Before I could answer, Lidia accidentally knocked her arm into Nikolai's full glass of wine as she placed my dessert in front of me. The deluge of rich, red wine spilled onto my lap and splashed my bodice.

  Gasping, I sat back quickly, but the damage was done. Amid Lidia's apologetic blabbering, Nikolai flipped up the soaking wet tablecloth to catch the rest of the flood while Sergei snapped open his napkin and tried to sop up the mess.

  I caught his wrist and stopped him from rubbing the fabric. "You should blot," I said and took the napkin from him. "Never rub."

  He didn't look pleased by my correction, but I didn't have time to think about bruising his ego right now.

  "I'm so sorry. I didn't see the glass." Lidia gushed with saccharine faux guilt. "I can't believe I did this!"

  "It's okay, Lidochka. Accidents happen."

  I blinked as Sergei's words registered in my brain. Was he seriously excusing her? And Lidochka? I didn't know very much about his language, but I knew those funny little endings to names were commonly applied to form pet names and show affection.

  My gaze clashed with Sergei, and I instantly saw the regret in his dark eyes. Clenching my teeth together, I glanced away from him and continued blotting at my dress. Anger surged through me. Lidochka, huh? Screw this.

  "I'll grab some towels and club soda." Scowling at Lidia, Vivian shoved out of her chair and scurried away from the table.

  She had disappeared from sight before I could tell her that club soda wasn't going to be enough to help a stain this massive. Nikolai seemed to understand as he handed me a dry napkin and thrust the wet one at Lidia. "Send me the dry cleaning bill. If it can't be fixed, I'll replace your dress."

  "Don't worry about it, Nikolai." I smiled at him and finished blotting up the excess. I needed to get away from the table and clear my head. Already, my heart was racing and my stomach was in knots. Playing up the nonchalance, I said, "That's the risk a girl takes when she goes out for dinner and drinks."

  "That might be true at other establishments, but it's not at mine." His ice cold gaze slid to Lidia who had the good sense to keep her mouth shut. Did he suspect she had done it on purpose as I did?

  I reached for my purse and rose from my chair. "Sorry, Yuri. It looks like there won't be any dancing for me tonight."

  Excusing myself and shaking off Sergei's grasping hand, I made a beeline for the bathroom so I could wipe away the wine slicking my thighs and splashed on my breasts. I ignored the pitying looks from the other diners. When I got a good luck at myself in one of the beautifully framed mirrors, I understood those sad frowns. The maroon splotches ruining my gold dress looked awful.

  The door swung open and Lena joined me. "Girl, that dress is beyond saving."

  "Yeah," I said with a sigh. Then, with a halfhearted shrug, I added, "That's okay. I got it for seventy percent off during a flash sale."

  She grabbed a handful of paper towels from the dispenser and wet them under the closest faucet. "Well, don't tell Nikolai that! Make him pay for the full cost of the dress. That lemon-faced ved'ma on his payroll did this on purpose."

  "That lemon-faced what?"

  "Ved'ma," she said again and thrust the paper towels into my hand. "It means witch."

  "And you know this how?"

  "I've been reading a lot of Russian children's books lately."


  "I'm trying to practice my comprehension and language skills." She shooed me toward a stall. "You better hurry or you're going to get all sticky."

  I ducked into the stall and locked the door. I heard a
door a few stalls down open and close and realized Lena was multitasking. "So what's the story between that big Russian beast of yours and the red-haired succubus?"

  Grinning at Lena's description of the situation, I admitted, "I'm not sure. I think they must have dated."

  The image of Sergei kissing Lidia twisted in my chest like a knife plunged deep into my heart. I didn't even want to think about the two of them making love. They were so perfectly matched in height and looks. The image of me—chubby, jiggly me—in bed with the Russian Adonis seemed almost comical now.

  "Apparently, that whackjob waitress didn't get the memo that it's over. Was it a recent thing?"

  I swiped the wine from my legs. "I don't think so. Sergei told me he hadn't gone on a date or been intimate with a woman since December."

  "Seriously? Do you believe him?"

  Even as hurt as I was by the pet name, I gave her the truth. "Yes."

  "Is that when you two met? In December, I mean."


  "Well, you've got to love a man who is committed, right?"

  "Yes," I agreed softly. Was he committed to this? To us? I wanted to believe that was true, but how could he not be having second thoughts after his run-in with Lidia?

  The door whined as it opened again. Assuming Vivian had finally tracked me down, I unlocked my stall and stepped out to ask her for one those towels she had gone to fetch.

  Except it wasn't Vivian waiting for me. It was the red-haired ved'ma.

  Arms crossed, she glared at me with such a haughty look on that pretty face. What in the world had Sergei ever found attractive in this woman?

  "You'll never be able to make him happy."

  "Oh, so that's what this is about, huh?" I gestured to my stained dress. "See, I thought maybe you were just the slightest bit jealous that Sergei was going to take me to Faze. I got the feeling you had never been invited to VIP section there so you wanted to make sure that I didn't get to go either."

  Lidia rolled her light-colored eyes. "Big fucking deal. All the waitresses around here know that all they have to do is offer Yuri Novakovsky a peek at their panties, and he'll get them VIP bracelets."


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