Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance

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Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance Page 13

by Corin Cain

  I love corrupting her. I love the way she gasps and moans, not understanding her own desperate desires as I awaken them.

  When I’m finished with her, she’ll crawl across the floor to me. She’ll arch her ass up to me, and she’ll offer her body and soul to my dominance.

  I will own her, in a way so much deeper than how a master owns a slave. Every breath Juliana has will be for my pleasure. Every thought running through her pretty head will be fixated on how she can best satisfy me.

  I flex my biceps as I stare down at Juliana’s ample breasts, her nipples unconcealed by the sheer material of her pleasure gown. My mouth waters at the sight of those hard nubs of her nipples – that I so eagerly want to pull, and pinch, and tease until she whimpers in delicious pain.

  I ache to have her, to fuck her – to fill her with my seed, and make her breasts and stomach swell with my sons.

  If only.

  If only we were bonded. I wish it were so – so, so deeply do I desire it. The bond is the most precious gift in the universe – but if it were to happen between her and I, surely we would have felt it already.

  Rage fills me for a moment. I’m angry at the Gods – at myself. I’m angry that fate will now allow me to be bonded to this innocent little female – the first woman who has ever made me feel like this.

  I still pledge to take care of her forever, to ensure no harm ever comes to her… But I wish more than anything that she could be mine in a way only the fabled bond can allow. I ache to make her breasts swell with milk, and her belly grow huge with my child.

  I crook my finger at Juliana, and she obediently comes forward, holding her leash out to me. Whether she’s acting the part, or the part is making her act, I can no longer tell.

  I clip the chain to the thin, steel bracelet around my wrist – the traditional slave-owner’s bracelet – and nod at the woman pretending to be my obedient little slave.

  “When we enter the casino, I’ll release you from his bracelet. Perhaps then, you’ll have a chance to escape. Xeres thinks you’ll try. Will you, though?”

  “No, Master,” Juliana responds instantly. My cock surges at her submissive tone.

  I could get used to having her call me master. I could get used to hearing her moan – to watching her squirm in pleasure...

  I swallow hard. Like most Aurelians, I prefer not to show my emotions. If I’m concentrating on Juliana, I won’t be able to succeed tonight. I don’t bother telling her to follow me. I simply walk, knowing an obedient slave would follow behind, and hoping that she’s smart enough to follow suite.

  Would I drag her, if she faltered?

  I have to keep up the pretense that she’s my slave at all costs. Whatever happens tonight, everyone at the casino must be utterly convinced that I’ve tamed this feisty young woman.

  I can’t stop the hint of a smile from coming to my lips. Taming her for real will be an exquisite pleasure for me.

  And such exquisite shame for her.

  “Where is the casino?” Juliana asks, as she follows me to my landing pad. The wind grasps at us, whipping her thin dress against every curve of her body. I know that the robes of the pleasure slave are designed to excited and tease her, and I wonder what the sensation must be like for her – I can almost sense the shudders of arousal teeming through her.

  I suppose I could have given Juliana simpler garb to wear – but I can’t resist forcing her to wear the titillating microfiber gown. I could claim it was all to be more convincing at the casino – when Juliana’s forced to play the part of my obedient slave…

  …but I know the real reason was my own pleasure.

  Still, this pleasure robe is at least a little more suitable than the one she was forced to wear at the auction. The gown I’ve chosen for her is less sheer, hinting at rather than exposing her body.

  Again, that was a decision of mine.

  Juliana’s body is mine now, and only I get to see it.

  My thoughts snap back to the present, and to Juliana’s recent words.

  I move with a suddenness that makes her gasp – grabbing Juliana harshly by the chain leading from her collar, and yanking her roughly towards me. She gasps, staggering forward.

  “You speak when spoken to, slave” I growl, bending to eye-level with her. “And you will keep your eyes below waist level.”

  She gasps as she looks down. My order meant she had to look directly at my crotch, and I can see her eyes fixating on my hardening bulge – tenting out the front of my pants.

  I tell myself my cruelty was just an act. That even here, alone on the rooftop, I can’t be too certain that there are no hostile eyes on us. If anyone saw that I was treating this supposed slave-girl like an employee, and not a mere possession, questions would be asked; and that could jeopardize my mission and her life.

  As if validating my concerns, I see a glimmer of movement from one of the penthouse windows.

  Was Dorothy watching us? It’s good I put on a show.

  Growling, I yank the chain and lead Juliana to my cruiser. As we step through the hatch into the cockpit, I notice she’s breathing quicker.

  Interesting. The crueler I treat her, the more visible the signs of her arousal become.

  I engage the thrusters and take off, the powerful engines of my luxury cruiser powering us upwards. She might look sleek, black and understated, but I’ve got the most heavily armed cruiser on Titus – equipped with two Orb-Beams, a battery of highly illegal missiles, and a few other tricks up my sleeve. It has an arsenal that rivals the Reaver my triad and I used to pilot, back during our century of service against the Scorps.

  I pilot above the city with one hand, letting my other hand rest on Juliana’s thigh… Trailing up beneath the hem of her pleasure gown… Teasing the quivering skin of her inner thigh.

  She licks her lips, uncertain and aroused, and I enjoy keeping her off balance. I remember the ferocity with which Juliana tried to sink that letter opener into my throat - how only my quick reflexes saved me from being stuck like a pig, bleeding out on the floor of my luxurious penthouse.

  And yet, somehow, I feel more complete than ever before with this feisty, dangerous creature sitting beside me. As I pilot my powerful vessel through the crowd, I feel a sense of completeness I’ve not felt for centuries. For a moment, I surrender to wistfulness, and think how the only thing still missing from this moment is the presence of Brutan and Arok; either in the flesh, or at least the tremor of their thoughts and feelings in the back of my mind.

  Brutan and Arok – my bonded blood-brothers. I’d blotted them out from my mind two-hundred-years-ago, subduing our bond in my mind by sheer force of will.

  We were a blood triad when we fought the Scorps, during our hundred years of service for the Aurelian Empire. Then I went undercover – and there was no place for them in my mission. In fact, abandoning my blood triad, and making them believe everything they learned about me in the subsequent years, would be the key to making my cover story believable.

  So, Brutan and Arok watched me make my fortune in the black market while they pursued an honorable life, guarding merchant ships and mining colonies from Scorp attacks. They scorned me, blocking their presences from my mind just as I blocked theirs.

  Sometimes, I can still feel them – ever so faintly, far away and in the heat of battle – and I know I will never feel whole again until they finally know I am not the evil man I seem like.

  Or am I? I have done terrible things. Terrible things.

  Unforgivable things? That remains to be seen.

  All I know is that if I can take down Xeres, I can make everything right in my world again.

  I return to the moment. The soft flesh of Juliana’s thigh is enticing under my fingertips. I ache to take her, to ravage her perfect, tight little cunt and watch her eyes roll back in passion.

  If my plan is to work, that can’t happen… Not yet.

  I land my vessel gracefully on the huge landing pad of the Downtown Casino.

was Xeres’ first real estate acquisition on Titus – and an ambitious one. Then again, he’s an ambitious man. Mr. X is setting down roots. I need to cut them out – tear up those tendrils of corruption and greed before he can intertwine them too far into the organized crime network that I control.

  I don’t want him as my competition.

  Not yet.

  I lift Juliana up out of the cruiser, delighting in how small her tiny, human body is. It’s like lifting a feather. I put her down on the landing pad outside, and she utters an almost inaudible harrumph that makes my heart swell.

  Before she’s even settled on her feet, we are greeted by one of the casino hosts – rushing from the entrance towards our vessel.

  It’s time to start acting.

  “Mr. Korgath,” the host looks flustered and nervous – as do most people in the presence of the most feared criminal on Titus. “We our honored by your presence. Mr. Xeres told us to make sure your experience here is as enjoyable as possible.”

  I nod, not even sparing the host a glance.

  “Check this for me,” I say, undoing the leash around Juliana’s neck and handing it to the well-dressed concierge. He raises an eyebrow as he accepts her chain, and exchanges it for a stack of 100,000 in chips.

  “These are for you, courtesy of Mr. Xeres – as per your… wager, from earlier.”

  I pocket the chips, treating this small fortune as if it’s pocket change. Then I stride towards the entrance of the casino – without even looking back to see if Juliana is following me.

  But I know she is.

  Heads turn as I walk in, which is something I’m not unused to.

  I keep my life as private as I can, but it’s impossible to stay out of the limelight completely. To the people of Titus, I am nothing short of infamous – the brutal, ruthless, terrifying criminal mastermind who controls half the planet.

  Gamblers hush as I walk by, and eyes widen as they then view the gorgeous slave following obediently behind me. I suppose I should feel pride, at all these jealous glances – but in truth, I ache to rip out the eyes of every man who drinks in Juliana’s curves and lusts to make her his.

  That will never happen. She is mine and mine alone.

  I’m surprised at the intensity of my anger. I have to stop myself from growling as we make our way to the poker tables.

  In the centuries since humanity left the teeming shores of its home world, and spread across the universe, there have been few cultural contributions they have made as great as Texas Hold ‘Em.

  It’s a game played in casinos across the universe – and a pastime I and my blood-brothers wiled many an hour away with back on the mothership, between raids on Scorp nests during our hundred years of service.

  Aurelians have an instinctual attraction towards poker, because it resonates with our character. It’s a good test of controlling emotions – especially when it’s ten times as hard to bluff if your bonded-triad can feel your nervousness.

  All Aurelians try to remain poised and in control, and it was through the long nights playing poker that I learned how to master control of my emotions so keenly.

  I’m bidden to a seat of honor at the poker table, and I casually place my enormous stack of chips on the felt. Juliana is about to kneel wordlessly beside me – again, perfectly play-acting the role of slave – but instead I scoop her up. She gasps as I place her on my lap, where she can feel my hardening cock beneath the fabric of my pants, grinding relentlessly against her ass.

  Somehow, this is even more deliciously humiliating to her than forcing her to kneel. Juliana is so tiny, it’s like having a little pet kitten in my lap.

  Although I may sit at the place of honor, I’m the sixth player to join the table. I eye for the blinds, scoffing because the stakes are so low as to be almost meaningless. The job of gambling is the risk, and yet at this table – the highest-limit game in the casino – losing my whole stack in the first hand would cost me less than the residual income I’d have already made back in the same timeframe, through the continually churning engine of my vast business enterprise.

  But that’s half the power I have. Having no qualms about the value of the money allows me to play fearlessly. I bully the table of the humans, an Aurelian, and a Toad, and I swiftly bring my stack of chips from 100,000 to 300,000.

  For a short while I lose myself in the hypnotic pleasure of the game, feeling the surge of triumph every time I win another hand. Then, I hear a gasp from the gathered crowd, and I look up and see Xeres approaching.

  He’s the only other man to make such an impression among the patrons of this casino – as well he might, considering he owns it. The towering Aurelian has two beautiful slaves collared to his wrist leash. He’s dressed them in matching, sheer black pleasure gowns that do nothing to hide their full, hanging tits. The two slaves look straight down, staring intently at their feet, as Xeres leads them towards us.

  Xeres obviously has a taste for big-breasted women. These two almost look pregnant, from the size of their ripe, pendulous breasts.

  For a moment, I consider again my ache to seed Juliana – to make her tits grow to that size, full with milk for the first of our sons.

  Once again, I curse the lack of a bond between us.

  As if reading my mind, Juliana looks up at me. Then I see a flash of annoyance in her eyes, as she sees me looking at the slaves.

  This one is jealous.

  It’s ironic that she thinks I’m lusting after those other women, when in truth I’m considering how they cannot compare to her.

  Xeres steps forward. He towers over me, standing as I sit, but I don’t let the slightest suggestion of intimidation cross my face. Half of all battles are lost by those who show weakness first.

  “I see you’ve turned my 100,000 into 300,000,” Xeres murmurs respectfully.

  I shrug. “Like I said: My opponents think I’m lucky.”

  Xeres laughs that unusually high-pitched laugh of his – the one that sounds so foreign coming from an Aurelian’s mouth. We are a deep-voiced people, and a reserved one.

  In fact, the other Aurelian at the table barely hides a wince at Xeres’ very public display of amusement. It’s considered gauche for one of our kind of be so jovial.

  I catch my breath, as I suddenly see Juliana looking up from my lap.

  She meets Xeres’ eyes, bold and shameless. I wince. His two slaves are perfectly submissive, with their eyes to the ground. That’s how a slave is supposed to act around her master.

  Xeres looks more amused than angry. He sniffs the air, his nostrils flaring. I can see he’s drinking in her scent, and I almost feel jealous at him stealing the very smell of her.

  Then Xeres’ eyes widen. He looks down at Juliana with surprise.

  “You have still not claimed her virginity?”

  I shrug, as if such things are inconsequential to me.

  Xeres nods, but comments: “She’s quite docile on your lap – but you’re going to have to punish her, or she’ll keep up that bad habit of looking her betters in the eye.”

  Juliana shivers on my lap, and I know it’s a mixture of fear and pleasure. I rub her thigh to calm her, like you might pet a nervous kitten.

  Xeres watches with amusement. Then he challenges me:

  “You said you’d have this one perfectly trained within a day… But not just that.” His abnormally thin lips curl. “I believe you said you’d have her eating from your hand.”

  Juliana’s cheeks burn red.

  I can tell our subterfuge is about to be tested. I just pray Juliana is up to the challenge.

  Turning in my seat, I snap my fingers at a passing waitress.



  I can see Korgath is about to play the role he’s mastered over the course of the last two centuries. But as I watch his statue-like face, I begin to fear how much he likes it.

  Looking up at Xeres, Korgath boldly says: “I did say that, did I not? Well, then – before I punish her for meeting your
gaze, I’ll show you just how well-trained my little slave is.”

  My pride bubbles up, and I have to force my rebellious nature down deep inside.

  Korgath snaps his fingers.

  “Waitress, bring us…” he pauses, and my mind rebels. I think through a list of different desserts that he might force me to eat from his hand. “…bring us custard,” he finishes.

  My cheeks redden with shame.

  Xeres smiles that awful smile of his, through his thin lips. We wait mere moments before the waitress comes back, bearing a small dish of custard.

  I remember the promise I made to myself, back in that cell, before I was marched onto the auction block and sold like a piece of meat.

  That I would never eat from the Aurelian’s hand.

  The poker game has halted in its tracks. Slavery is a rare sight on Titus – and only the most powerful flaunt their slaves in public. Even out here, on a fringe planet, most are too scared of Aurelian Law Enforcement to so brazenly defy one of their most sacred laws.

  Yet the likes of Korgath and Xeres are not most people.

  Korgath places his huge finger into the bowl of custard and scoops a good-sized dollop out onto the tip of his index finger. I shudder as I realize that this huge Aurelians’ finger is roughly the same dimensions as a good-sized human cock.

  Korgath presses his finger against my lips, and instantly I face the choice between having custard smearing across my face…

  …or surrendering, and breaking that promise I gave myself so recently.

  But in truth, do I have any other choice?

  I can’t do anything but open my mouth, and Korgath slides his think finger slowly past my lips. I’m forced to suck the custard off his huge digit, as if slobbering on a cock, and I shudder in shameful lust as the crowd gathered around us watches.

  Xeres claps his fleshy palms together in glee, and Korgath slips his finger in a little deeper, testing the depths of my mouth – perhaps considering it for later.

  I shiver at such a thought.

  Finally, Korgath pulls his finger from my mouth. I’ve slurped it clean.


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