Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance

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Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance Page 16

by Corin Cain

  I’m one tiny human between three powerful, muscled alien warriors – warriors who look ready to rip each other’s heads off. I can almost smell the raw testosterone in the air.

  “He’s an agent!” My voice echoes in the small cabin of the spacecraft. “He’s an Aurelian Law Enforcement Agent – working undercover!”

  There’s silence.

  Then, finally, Arok starts laughing. He chuckles dryly, until he’s booming with laughter. Brutan stays cold and silent, his hand motionless above the hilt of his sword.

  “You’re trying to tell me that Korgath, the crime lord, has spent the last two-hundred-years murdering, smuggling, and stealing – but secretly he’s a Law Enforcement Agent?”

  He shakes his head.

  “Good thing you’re pretty, young human,” Arok scoffs, when he’s finally done laughing. His eyes trail up and down my tight woollen dress, and I’m made painfully aware that he’s enjoying what he sees.

  Korgath grabs my shoulder roughly, pulling me back behind him. “Don’t look at my woman like that.”

  Somehow, I feel guilty that I find Arok just as desirable as Korgath. He’s slightly heavier, with a thicker physique than I can only imagine being pinned under. If he held my hands at the wrists, I’d be able to do nothing to stop him from using me as his toy in any way he desires.

  It should disgust me, that thought – but instead I shudder, and that’s even with no pleasure gown to blame for my sudden arousal.

  “Your woman likes the way we look at her,” growls Brutan. He’s got the deepest voice, and a long scar mars the flesh of his neck. “And she’s not yours… Unless you’ve taken to slaving.”

  He doesn’t avert his gaze from me. Brutan drinks me up, his eyes ravishing me, and I know he’s imagining pinning me to the wall and fucking me hard. Korgath’s muscles flex, and I know he’s burning with rage and jealousy.

  I don’t think there’s a man alive who could stand up to him.

  But two of them?

  Brutan and Arok may be the only forces in the universe strong enough to hold Korgath back.

  I’ve had my world turned upside down by this dominant alien. Something of the old me bubbles up – a vestige of the independent ship’s captain, who’s unafraid of a little trouble.

  I look up at Korgath innocently, seeing the tension in his eyes. “Are you sure you want to let these two bid on my virginity, Korgath?” It comes out a little more bratty than I was intending it to.

  His eyes flash with anger. Without a word, Korgath grabs me, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I punch at his huge, muscled back, shocked and appalled that he’d do something like this in front of his blood-brothers.

  “You will not use that tone with me, young lady,” he says, his voice dripping with the promise of punishment… and pleasure.

  Then he pulls my dress up, baring my ass and pussy to his muscled triad. The first spank is hard enough to make me cry out, and he’s relentless with the ones that follow. This isn’t a gentle spanking to show me off. This isn’t even just discipline. He wants me to hurt, and as his palm smacks against the flesh of my bottom again and again, I don’t know what’s worse – the pain of his huge hand against my ass, or the humiliation of being punished in front of his triad.

  Then I shiver between blows, a tremble of lust shooting down my body, as I realize the two other aliens can see everything.

  I moan in pain, but the shameful reality is that the two of them can see how wet being spanked is making me.

  “Your woman is in heat,” growls Brutan, and I shudder, wondering if now will be the last moment I still hold onto my virginity.

  Korgath puts me down slowly, then points at the backroom. “Go, before I claim your cunt as my own.”

  It’s not an empty threat. Every muscle in his body is quivering with the barely suppressed need to mate with me, in front of his triad, to demonstrate his ownership.

  I pause for only a moment, wanting desperately for him to lose control – for the beast to rise inside him, and for him to take me roughly for his pleasure.

  My nipples are hard as rocks, begging for his cruel pinch. Brutan and Arok step towards me instinctively, and only the metal of their armor is between me and their cocks, too.

  Fear hits me through my lust. I turn, escaping to the backroom.

  Moments later, I’m comparatively safe.

  I shudder. I know if I’d stayed a second longer, they would have all claimed me as their own.



  I feel tension beyond anything I’ve ever felt before. No trillion-dollar business deal or even the feeling of killing my enemies can compare to the sheer animal need to fuck Juliana.

  My triad’s lust echoes mine. I know I should feel jealous and angry, but somehow the reality that the two of them want her just as badly as I do is different to how it would be if any other man lusted after her.

  I understand instantly.

  Juliana will be the one to bring us back together.

  She will cement the shattered bond between my triad and I.

  “So, what is this lie you’ve told her?” Arok’s voice breaks the silence. “That you work for Law Enforcement?”

  Arok licks his lips. His eyes dart to the backroom, and I know he’s imagining lapping at Juliana’s cunt. I remember the sweet taste of her juices, and it’s all I can do not to go into the back room and make her cum hard. The three of us can sense her innocence, just begging to be claimed.

  But I have to keep her virginity intact, at least until the auction. I need to get close enough to Xeres to make him trust me. Once I’m his partner, I’ll have access to all the proof I need to convict him.

  I look to my two blood-brothers, and answer Arok’s question:

  “I am.”

  Brutan bares his teeth. “You ripped the head off a Bullfrog gangster and put it up on display.”

  “Allegedly,” I snarl. “No one saw me do that.”

  Arok shakes his head. “Just because your crimes cannot be proven does not mean they don’t exist. You may have fooled that fertile young human, but you haven’t fooled us.”

  Fertile. The highest compliment an Aurelian can pay. We all ache to find our fertile, fated mate – and it rankles me to the core that Juliana is not mine.

  “I’ve been working two-hundred years to take down Xeres.”

  I let the words hang in the air. Brutan and Arok weigh my words, and though they try not to show it, I feel through the bond that there is a slight chance they will believe me.

  “Xeres,” says Brutan, with pure hatred in his voice. Like most law-abiding Aurelians, Brutan views slavery as the worst evil possible.

  “I only killed those that were in the game. Drug dealers. Slavers. Rival gangsters. Any man who tried to come against me, I slaughtered. But never any innocents. I never sold or smuggled drugs, expect stimulants used in the mining industry. I never sold or smuggled humans. Until… Until now. It’s taken two hundred years and a cruel reputation just to get into a room with Xeres. Now he’s considering using me as his smuggler. If I do, I’ll be able to get enough evidence to finally convict him.”

  Arok shakes his head in disbelief, but I know he can sense my truth through the bond.

  “Even if you get evidence, you won’t be able to bring him in. That bastard has the best security of any criminal in the galaxy – including you.”

  “You’re right. I can’t. But together, we can. In two days, Xere is hosting a private party. A party where her virginity will be sold.”

  “Sold? What is she, a slave?” Questions Brutan, and his hand inches ever so nearer to his Orb-Blade.

  In the close confines of the spaceship, it’s likely a fight would end with the three of us bleeding out on the cockpit floor. If that is to be, then that is to be - I’ll not go down without doing everything in my power to survive…

  …after all, I’ve got more than just all the riches in the world to live for.

  I’ve got mor
e than just the thought of taking down the universes’ most brutal slaver.

  I have Juliana.

  My core being aches for her. Every second I spend with her, I want her more. If Juliana tried to leave me, I’d simply put her over my shoulder and teach her to stay. I know it’s an evil thought, but the reality that that’s only one thing I could never do:

  Be without her.

  And the vastness of death is the farthest I could possibly be from her. Even if it means ending the lives of my blood-brothers, I’ll fight to my last breath to be with her.

  “Juliana is a slave – but only in appearance. I bought her at Xeres’ first auction on Titus. She is free to leave whenever she wants,” I say, and the lie burns on my tongue.

  I may have told her she could leave, but I’d follow her to the ends of the known universe if she did. Any man she tried to take as consort would die at my sword. I want to own her, own her so deeply and fully that her every waking thought is service to me.

  Juliana ignites something in me I can barely control.

  I understand now my weakness.

  In the past, when I’ve raced into a room of armed enemies, with bloodshed on my mind, I have no thought to my own safety…

  …but now I have the greatest weakness of all: I cannot die.

  I cannot die, because then I would be away from Juliana.

  Whereas before I was fearless, now I have the greatest fear in the world. Having Juliana taken from me.

  Arok taps his fingers against the side of my ship. He’s one of the few Aurelians who cares little enough about our customary emotionlessness to show his agitation.

  I can see and feel through the bond that he doesn’t like the idea of Juliana being put on a stage and auctioned off.

  “I will sell her, and you two will buy her. Bankrolled by me. No matter how high the bidding goes, you will not let her be sold to anyone else. I don’t care if I have to spend every cent. But you will not touch her – understood?”

  Arok breathes in sharply. “I saw the way she looks at me. She aches for me, Korgath.”

  “And I,” says Brutan, with a dark certainty.

  I consider my blood-triad. “Yes. You’re right… And though I don’t understand it, though I’d kill any other man who even thought about her… Somehow I do not hate you, my brothers, for the way she desires you. She… She is not my bonded mate.”

  I say that with a deep sadness – one that makes me ache to the bone. “Perhaps… Perhaps she will be one of yours.”

  The two of them can see the pain in my face. I can’t hide it, nor can I mute the emotions that flow through our bond.

  Arok shakes his head slowly. “Emperor Raegan, and his blood-brothers Karan and Baldur, are all three bonded to their Queen. There is a chance, albeit a slim one, that the bond will be dormant until all three of us have sated our lust in her perfect body.”

  I shudder at the thought. I can imagine Juliana on her back, my seed dripping from her slit, exhausted and sated, trembling as my triad uses her – taking turns with her, one by one.

  I ache for the chance, no matter how slim, for it to be true. For her to be ours.

  “Then that is what we must do,” I say, and my triad looks at me without disgust or contempt for the first time in two-hundred years.



  A tremble runs through my body.

  Their words are muffled through the door, but I still heard them clear enough.

  …the bond will be dormant until all three of us have sated our lust in her perfect body.

  I know all about the bond between Aurelians and humans. I shudder, remembering the flashes of silver in Korgath’s eyes when he looks at me, during the frenzy of arousal.

  I’ve suddenly never been more certain of anything in my life. There is a bond between us, and I can’t let it activate. The bond warps the minds of those caught in its thrall – enhances and amplifying every submissive instinct in a human female’s mind.

  Before, I thought I didn’t have a submissive bone in my body. Now, the memory of licking custard from Korgath’s fingers – all while stunned gamblers watched – makes me shudder.

  I realize now that Korgath controls my delicious shame. He controls every aching need I have to be his.

  And that’s just the start of it – especially if we truly are bonded.

  I’ve seen news reports on the Queen of the Aurelian Empire. Her name is Jasmine, and she might wear the finest silks and jewels that money can buy, but when the bond is activated she is nothing more than an animal, to be bred by the three Aurelian warriors who share a bond with her.

  Maybe she wanted that fate – but I truly hate the idea of being forced to sire child after child with an Aurelian master, let alone three of them!

  There’s only one benefit I can think of for the female – that it can extend the life of a human for thousands of years.

  But thousands of years of being bred, spanked, and dominated? Could I even endure a decade of such treatment?

  I open the doors and the three aliens instantly stop talking. They stare at me with open hunger.

  I hold my hand up.

  “No,” I say, firmly.

  Korgath gives me a strange glance. “No… No what?”

  I shake my head. “Your eyes flashed silver when you were… Doing things with me. You and I are bonded, Korgath. You, and I, and your blood-brothers. And I think your triad is right – I think the bond is dormant, and it’s just waiting to come alive.”

  Korgath’s body tenses. He stands a little straighter, his eyes burning with need. “You were eavesdropping?”

  I shudder. I know what he wants to do. He’s going to want to punish me for listening to the conversation. He’s aching for excuses to get his hands on me, to justify his need for me. Every time he disciplines me, he comes closer to losing control – to finally obeying his animal instincts to dominate me.

  And every time he spanks me, I come closer to losing all self-respect and allowing him to do just that.

  I take a step back, holding my hand up high.

  “No, Korgath. I’m serious. I… I don’t want my mind warped. I don’t want the bond.”

  He growls, and for the first time I see him truly angry. His eyes widen with rage, and Brutan and Arok grab his arms, holding their blood-brother back as he tries to approach me. It takes the full effort of these two aliens to stop their blood-brother from breaking free.

  “You tell me we are bonded, and then you reject it? You are mine Juliana! Mine!”

  He says it like it’s a dark promise. I realize with horrific certainty that this alien is more beast than man. If Brutan and Arok were to stop holding him back, Korgath would descend on me with the vengeance of a conquering army.

  The image of them letting go – of Korgath leaping forward and crushing me against the bulkhead wall, of him pushing my legs apart and forcing his huge cock into me makes me gasp in lust. I ache for him.

  My body betrays my mind.

  “I… I’ve done things in my life I have to atone for, Korgath. I’ll help you take down Xeres. But after the auction – you’ll let me go. I’ll have done my part. The rest is up to you.”

  I turn, closing the doors behind me and locking them. I know he could beat through them – or that he could rend them apart with his Orb-Blade as if they were butter. In fact, it’s terrifying – knowing that the only thing keeping my virginity intact against Korgath’s mindless mating frenzy is the presence of the two other Aurelians… Both of whom have stared at me with the same overwhelming lust...

  I hear grunts through the door, and then a bone-crunching thud. I realize Korgath is trying to break free. Aurelians search their entire lives for their fated mate, and I know my refusal to sire his children is the greatest insult any woman could give to him.

  But it can’t work. He has to come to understand that.

  I’m not going to let myself devolve into a mindless bimbo, every thought controlled by his dominant body. I�
�m not going to surrender all my personal hopes and ambitions – let them be overwhelmed by sweetness of surrender to a bond-driven, biological urge.

  Not that it’s not tempting. That’s what makes the concept so utterly terrifying to me – it’s so, so tempting. I remember the pure ecstasy of letting go when Korgath spanks me; the bliss of utter surrender that makes me burn hotly to my core.

  Growls and snarls come through the door, and I know that Korgath is fighting for my body. He’s descended into the Aurelian mating frenzy – an uncontrollable, beastly lust that drives his every action.

  If he breaks free of his blood-brothers, and manages to get through that door, there’ll be no stopping him – and Korgath won’t be gentle. He’ll take me, right then and there – and use me like a toy, no matter how much I plead and beg.

  He’ll push my hands aside as I try to beat him off. He’ll force my legs open with his knees. He’ll thrust that massive cock inside me even if it ruins me.

  He’d do that right now, if his blood-brothers release him. He’s so driven by the mating frenzy that all thought of our greater purpose has been forgotten. But even when he regains self-control – if he regains it – the same inevitable fate awaits me…

  …only worse.

  When my virginity is sold, as part of the ruse to get closer to Xeres, I’ll be brought back to a private room with my ‘buyers’ – one of Korgath’s blood-brothers.

  Then they’ll take my virginity. It’s bought and paid for, after all. Korgath has already pledged that he will, and I’ve seen the way his blood-brothers look at me. They’ve already spoken of sating their lust with me, to see if we were truly bonded…

  When I’m finally alone with those three, I don’t know if they’d be able to hold back their mating frenzy if they wanted to.

  And the worst part? The reason I can never let that happen?

  I don’t know if I’d want them to.




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