Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance

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Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance Page 18

by Corin Cain

  My leash is in the accountant’s hand. He brings me backstage and looks at me with a condescending glare, arrogant in his belief that his race is inherently superiority. “The first time we met, I told you that you would find pleasure in submission. I can tell that you already have.”

  I want badly to kill the fucker. I wonder how many lives he has bought and sold in his years of service for Xeres. My only comfort is the knowledge that this sale will be one of his last. Once Xeres is fooled, we’ll bring him to justice, and execute this bastard as part of the process.

  That’s why I feel no fear when I take the stage this time. Only anticipation.

  Anticipation for whatever the Aurelians will do to me in the pleasure room.

  Whatever it is, I want it.

  Apparently, people want me, as well. The bidding for my virginity proceeds fast and ferocious. The price rises to a staggering 100,000 before Xeres raises his hand. His hot, red gaze stares at me with lust as I stand on stage.

  Suddenly, a horrible thought hits me.

  Mr. X is the richest man in the room. If he wanted to, he could bid, and bid, and bid… Until even Korgath could no longer afford to pay whatever Arok and Brutan bid for me, pretending to be trillionaires.

  The bidding rises to even more astronomical heights – until, finally, Brutan raises his hand at 190,000.

  A look of disgust crosses Xeres face, and he reluctantly acquiesces.


  When Brutan wins me, I feel a surge of relief. The auctioneer leads me off the stage, and takes me through the back corridors of the manor, until we reach the beautifully-appointed room with a huge bed.

  Coldly, the auctioneer leashes my collar to the bed. He leaves, without uttering a word to me.

  I don’t need to wait long. A moment later, the door opens and Brutan enters. He’s a huge, beastly alien and he looks at me with such hunger that it frightens me…

  …in the most delicious way possible.

  I quiver at my helplessness. Despite myself, I crawl across the bed away from him. Brutan sees my distress, and steps forward – gently stroking my hair.

  “Relax, Juliana. I will do nothing to you. Not unless you ask it of me.”

  I swallow hard.

  “You… You have no choice. I know Aurelians can sense virginity. If I leave this room with mine still intact, Xeres will know my purchase was a ruse.”

  Brutan nods slowly. “Yes. This is true.” He snorts. “Perhaps we should kill him with our bare hands, instead.”

  His huge hand trails down my cheek, and I feel tears well in my eyes.

  Then the door opens again, and Korgath and Arok enter.

  I can’t help it. My body betrays me. My nipples harden beneath the pleasure gown I wear.

  The three massive aliens are staring at me with an intense need – a desire that reminds me of wild, starving beasts at the sight of succulent prey.

  In a moment of clarity, I understand.

  Their lust for me is strong it warps their minds. These Aurelians feel no shame in their utter desire for me. I should not feel shame in my need for them.

  I sit up, thrusting my breasts forward.

  “Take me,” I say proudly.

  There’s no waiver in my voice. I have never felt more sure in my decision.

  And yet, suddenly it’s real. I didn’t truly believe this would ever happen.

  I realize I’m in a room with three huge Aurelians. I’m chained to the bed, my pleasure dress teasing me mercilessly. My lust threatens to drown out my thoughts as the three looming aliens stand and watch me, helpless and vulnerable.

  I realize the beast they’ve all tried to hold back for so long will finally be set free.

  I long for it.

  I’ve committed such an evil in my life. The bond may be my greatest fear – of losing my own identity, and becoming a slutty, submissive wench who exists only to serve her Aurelian masters...

  …but while it’s my greatest fear, it’s also my darkest need.

  The three, massive Aurelians look at me with starving hunger. They don’t speak. The only sound in the room is their harsh breathing, as they stare at me eagerly.

  Their eyes are devouring every contour of my body. I shift my posture, displaying myself for their pleasure.

  Korgath approaches me first, while the other two stand back, their muscles tense.

  Korgath climbs onto the huge bed, and crawls to me, straddling me as I lie chained there.

  I ache for him to crush me against the bed – to take me hard, and succumb to my darkest desires.

  I long to stop fighting the pride – the stubborn streak that still tells me to run and never look back.

  But it’s too late for that now.

  Korgath’s lips graze mine, a gentle, soft kiss. His eyes flash the bright silver, and I see my reflection in them, vulnerable and innocent. His biceps flex as he rips the chain holding me to the bed – breaking the alien alloy with one wrench of his massive arm.

  My hands fall. I keep them at my side, wanting to run them over his body, but feeling so scared and small in his massive shadow.

  I’m not used to feeling this way. I can pilot a ship through an asteroid storm so powerful it would destroy anyone less skilled. I can cut through a hurtling rock with a mining beam. I can rally a crew of belligerent roughnecks.

  I can do anything. Anything, except know how to submit.

  Korgath kisses me again, and trails his fingers down my body, ignoring my hard, desperate nipples. They beg to be touched, but instead he lets his huge fingers trace down my stomach – until it rests above my wetness. His touch sends a dark tingle through me and I moan in pleasure.

  Brutan and Arok step closer, their cocks huge and pressing against their dress pants.

  “Please, be gentle,” I gasp at them, fear mixing with my lust.

  Korgath’s huge eyes stare into mine. “You don’t need to worry anymore. You don’t need to think anymore. I’ll take care of you forever, my sweet, beautiful mate.”

  He kisses me again, deep and passionate, and I feel his huge dick pressing against my body. I ache for Korgath to be naked, and I reach out to touch him, my fingertips against his starchy material of his expensive suit. I long to peel it off him, desperate to see his body.

  It’s as if Korgath can read my mind. He breaks off the kiss and pulls off his clothes. He throws his suit-jacket to the side, then unbuttons his shirt while Brutan and Arok watch from the bedside.

  I know with certainty that the three men will soon take their turns with me, and the thought inflames a torturous lust inside me. If I truly am their fated mate, their powerful seed will fill me one after the other.

  Korgath is now naked on top of me, his huge, powerful body making me feel so tiny beneath him. His massive dick presses against my entrance, and I remember the last time we were so close to actually fucking – back when I almost killed him with that letter opener. Back when I almost ended this majestic alien’s life.

  The thick head of his cock presses against my slit, and fear suddenly grips me. I’m so vulnerable beneath his massive weight.

  “Spread yourself for me,” Korgath commands. I have no idea how his huge dick is ever going to fit inside of me.

  My hand slides down his hard abs, grazing his cock, and finally resting on the folds of my sex. I shudder, and spread the lips of my pussy for him, eager yet terrified at how huge he is. I spread myself open and his huge cock enters me.

  Only the head fits at first, and then I feel a sharp sting as he claims my innocence.

  He slowly works his cock inside of me, and I gasp as the dark pleasure overwhelms me.

  Then I feel it.

  The bond.

  It starts as a tiny awareness of Korgath. I thought the gigantic Aurelian’s presence could not be more omnipresent in my mind, but suddenly it is. I breathe in his scent and feel his lust for me.

  I sense that it’s taking every ounce of self-restraint for him not to plunge his massive dick de
ep inside me, in one harsh, pounding thrust that would ruin me. His cock is so slick with his alien pre-cum, mixing with my wetness, and he stretches me deliciously. My eyes roll back, and a slutty moan escapes my lips as I finally surrender to this alien god.

  Korgath’s eyes stare deeply into mine as he slowly moves his hips, thrusting the first few inches of his cock in and out of me, in deep rolling motion. I ache for him to enter me fully, to stretch me beyond the limits of what I think I can take. His eyes are suddenly molten silver – pools that reflect me, and I watch myself in them as my face contorts in lust.

  “Oh, Korgath,” I moan, and his hand snakes up my body. He pinches my nipple, gently yet firmly.

  I can’t take it. The pleasure makes me whimper. He balances me on the edge of pain as he squeezes and pinches my tender nipple; making the sensation all the more intoxicating. I gasp out, unable to comprehend how good it feels.

  “The bond,” explains Korgath reverentially, reading my mind, answering my question as if he’s found his life’s purpose. He’s so close to defeating the rival he spent the last two-hundred years of his life trying to get close to, and yet in this moment he seems more complete in his hunger for me.

  “It’s the bond,” he repeats. “It makes everything more intense. I will make punishment feel even more pleasurable.” His voice hardens as he pulls my hard nipple through the gossamer of the pleasure dress.

  “Oh, Gods!” I moan, as the pain and pleasure mixes into a torrent of lust. He growls and rips the pleasure slave’s gown from my body and thrusts his cock even deeper into me, slowly working inch after lavish inch deeper and deeper.

  I can’t handle it. It just keeps going, so huge and powerful. His cock twitches inside of me, and I suddenly know he’s going to deposit his seed deep inside.

  “I’m going to breed you, Juliana. I’m going to breed you until you bear my sons.” His eyes are stern and powerful as he meets my gaze, murmuring his promise.

  “I’m… My real name is Ella,” I gasp, suddenly unable to keep my secret. He won’t know my identity, not with just a first name – but it’s still a foolish mistake to tell an Aurelian Officer anything, even if he is deep undercover…

  …and deep inside me.

  I feel Korgath’s surprise through our bond. Then it quiets.

  “Ella,” he says, tasting the name as if it’s the plumpest, ripest fruit exploding in his mouth. His eyes glow silver and deep as he drinks in my being, and our souls merge.

  I let go. That’s the only way to put it. All my shame, my fight for respect, my self-hatred at needing this. I let go of all of it, losing myself to the pleasure of this huge, dominant alien. His scent fills my nostrils as he presses himself fully into me, his huge cock throbbing and pulsing.

  His hips roll back and forth, and my hands grasp desperately at Korgath’s immense back. I cling to him, just like I cling for something – anything – to restore my sanity.

  As he fucks me, my hands slip down to his muscled ass – and I surrender as he pistons his cock into me like a machine.

  My breasts are crushed against me as his huge, sweaty chest presses against my body. He’s so fucking big that I disappear beneath him, just a tiny form just trying desperately to handle what he’s doing to me.

  Golden pleasure is building and building in me as Korgath fucks me harder and harder, the wet slaps of flesh against flesh filling the room, mixing with my moans of pleasure. He growls like an animal – a beastly being born to dominate me. His massive cock pumps in and out of me, and his hands move down to my ass, groping my cheeks, pulling me closer to meet every hard thrust.

  And then suddenly, Korgath loses all control. He’s suddenly a beast, mating me for his own pleasure. My moans crescendo into a single scream of pleasure as my entire body quivers beneath him. Korgath makes me cum so hard I lose all sense of myself.

  And then, deep inside me, Korgath’s cock flexes and spurts – his hot seed filling me.

  I pant and moan, and finally he’s drained.

  With a panting groan, Korgath climbs from me, his seed dripping from my ravished cunt.

  Brutan and Arok stand hungrily, and Korgath stares them down.

  “She needs to recover. Only after we defeat Xeres will we take her as one.”

  The two warriors nod, and though I’m completely, utterly satisfied, part of me aches for the three men to take me as one – for all our bodies to mingle and merge, and for the sounds of my moans and their growls to fill the room.

  But now I can feel Korgath in my mind. He’s a firm, unyielding presence – a powerful force that is both as cold as a glacier, and as deep as the ocean. I wonder what I feel like to him – and whether he views me as just another foolish human girl…

  …or something more.

  Korgath turns to stare at me, and his eyes are full of adoration.

  “I can feel you in my mind,” he murmurs with wonder, and for the first time in my life I see Korgath smile.

  His smile is beautiful – his teeth white and brilliant. It saddens me when his smile disappears as fast as it came. His aura sparkled with joy for a moment; but now it returns to his solid, cold state.

  “Time to reel Xeres in,” he growls, and Korgath grabs his clothes to dress.



  I can taste what I’ve been working towards for the last two-hundred years approaching.

  I’ve earned Xeres’ trust. Soon, the evil man I’ve been tasked to bring down will be in shackles, shipped off to execution. All it will take is for me to get into a room with him, and have him admit on a hidden recording device that he is indeed a slaver – a trafficker of women.

  Here in his manor, after the security scan and pat-down I had to go through, I was almost prevented from bringing a recording device with me.


  But I had already earned some trust from Xeres, and his security officers didn’t check me as thoroughly as they did the first time I was invited to this manor.

  That’s how, in my ear canal, I’ve been able to conceal a tiny device that can record sound. It also has an uplink to my lieutenants – the men who serve me in my criminal empire.

  They’re no strangers to combat, or feuds with rival cartels. If anything happens, my men can be here with guns blazing, launching a strike in less than ten minutes.

  That’s always been my secret. As a smuggler, many of my ships merely look like merchant vessels on the outside. In reality, just like my own personal craft, they’re loaded with guns and weapons. Each of them packs as much punch as a small warship – and that’s been a dark surprise for many a would-be pirate in the past – expecting an easy prize, but receiving oblivion instead.

  Leaving Ella with my blood-brothers, I am led to Xeres office. I sit before his desk, feeling a calmness over me that I’ve never felt before. Everything is more precise. The bond between Ella and I has given me a strength I never knew before. Colors are brighter. Everyone else movements seem slower, as though I can snap my hand forward with a quickness I’ve never known.

  It’s the calmness of near-victory. I’m so close to bringing Xeres down, and yet even that hardly seems to matter anymore.

  It’s because of her – my fated mate. I can’t believe how my wildest, most desperate wish has come true – she and I share the bond.

  I can feel Ella in my mind. Her aura is like a lotus, unfurled and blossomed. She is mine now, and she even submitted to me willingly. Her mind will be mine, and mine hers.

  The door opens, and Xeres enters.

  “190,000? I’ve never seen a slave’s virginity sell for so high a price. Those off-world trillionaires really wanted her.” He titters that high-pitched laugh of his. “They looked rough. I hope they didn’t bruise her.”

  I feign indifference. “As long as she’s in one piece, she’s earned me plenty.”

  “Good. I’m glad you’re enjoying your purchase. A drink? To new business?”

  He pours two shots of old whisky, aged for hundred
s of years. I smell it. There’s no harshness to it, unlike the stuff distilled here on Titus.

  We clink glasses, and I bring the liquor to my mouth – but I don’t sip. I merely smell the peaty burn. I’ve come too far to let myself get poisoned at the last moment. I know that Xeres wouldn’t kill me – not when I’m about to give him access to a massive market for his wares. Still, you can never be too careful.

  Not sharing my concern, Xeres drains his whisky in a single gulp, and sighs. His face is a picture of satisfaction.

  I feel Ella approaching before the knock comes at the door, and I glance up. Xeres is perceptive, and I curse my mistake as the knock sounds on the door.

  My hearing is acute. Even through the door, the steps of feet I hear are enough to tell me that Ella approaches with that gaunt Aurelian – the one she calls the accountant, who works for Xeres as his right-hand man.

  “Come in,” Xeres responds, watching me, curious how I managed to look up even before the sound of the knock on the door.

  The door opens, and in comes the gaunt Aurelian. My hackles rise as I see the leash in his hand. He’s practically dragging Ella along behind him.

  He’ll die by my hand. I’ve decided that now.

  The accountant hands the leash to me, and it’s all I can do to stop myself from ripping his fucking throat out, right at that second.

  Ella is naked. I tore her pleasure gown clean off her body, and now she has nothing else to wear. The sight of my pearly cum on her inner thigh inflames me with desire, and my cock surges again, eager to claim her once more.

  Not that Xeres or the gaunt Aurelian think anything of that. Slaves are often kept naked by their masters.

  Ella stands with her eyes demurely looking downward – but her shame is gone. When I first met her, the idea of being nude would have made Ella’s cheeks burn red. Now her aura is strong and steady, and I’m filled with respect for her. Her eyes flicker upwards as she feels my emotions through the bond, and a wave of happiness floats back from her mind to mine.

  I understand her, finally. There is one thing she craves more than anything else: Respect.


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