Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance

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Sold to the Alien Cartel: An Alien Menage Romance Page 22

by Corin Cain

It doesn’t take long. Twenty minutes later, the wall in front of me shimmers and becomes clear. Emperor Raegan stands in front of me, his face a mask of fury.

  “You dare you hold my home world hostage?”

  He’s yelling, and I know he wants to take my head from my shoulders.

  If that happens, Colossus will be destroyed. My men are experts at their trade, and when you work an illegal business, that trade involves bloodshed.

  My lieutenants have come for me – and they’ve brought ships with Orb-Beams to bear on the capital city.

  I look the Emperor in the eyes, unwavering.

  “Let Ella go free.”

  Raegan snarls: “Your ships pretended to be merchants to get within range for their Orb-Beams. You’d use subterfuge to render us hostage? You have no honor.”

  I shake my head slowly. “Fuck your honor. You will let her go.”

  Emperor Raegan considers my demand.

  “You have done horrific things in your life, Korgath,” he eventually admits, “but you have never killed innocents.”

  “Don’t push me,” I warn.

  His nostrils flare. “You would rain Orb-Beams down on our city for her? After two centuries of honor, slaughter innocents for a female? Explain to me, Korgath? Why is this criminal so valuable to you?”

  I take a huge breath in. It’s so sweet. It’s sweet because I know Ella exists in this world. She’s so close to me, her aura tingling in my mind like the most precious thing that could ever exist.

  “We are bonded,” I say simply, and suddenly understanding hits the Emperor.

  Raegan is mute, simply watching me, considering the information.

  I challenge him.

  “You would wipe our every life-form in the universe to save your fated mate, Queen Jasmine. You must understand I would do the same.”

  All the rage has suddenly left the Emperor. He looks at me with understanding and determination.

  “Yes,” Raegan admits. “Yes, but I still cannot let you hold my home world hostage. This cannot pass.”

  I look at Emperor Raegan, and understand finally that I have met my match. Xeres was nothing compared to this powerful, royal Aurelian – a man who came from nothing, to become the most powerful man in the universe.

  Raegan has the same strength as me – stemming from the bond; the same hypersensitivity to the world granted only to a lucky few.

  It will be a good battle. An honorable one.

  “Then let us settle this the old way.”

  He nods. “The Arena of the Gods. Tomorrow. Only three must die then.”

  “Triad against triad. Orb-Weapons. Orb-Armor.”

  Emperor Raegan smiles, and a chill goes through me. He’s looking forward to matching himself against me.

  I’ll end his life and plunge the Empire into chaos.

  Nothing matters, but Ella.

  “Agreed,” Raegan says, and our fates are sealed.



  The Aurelian jail cell is cool, comfortable, but psychologically hellish.

  I can feel Korgath nearby, and through him the rest of his triad. They’re there, in the back of my mind, but huge stone walls stand between me and them.

  I haven’t been mistreated, but there is nothing but dullness here – dullness that can’t take away my stress.

  I am the reason Korgath, Brutan and Arok are imprisoned.

  Today was meant to be their day of honor. Instead, it’s become one of shame.

  They were meant to be rewarded with lavish estates. Instead, their new homes are these drab, bland cells.

  Suddenly, the stone walls in front of me shimmer. I take a step back, unsure what it means. They become translucent, and I finally see the Queen Jasmine standing before me.

  Before, I’d looked down on her. Since I learned of Jasmine, I’d believed she’d chosen a life of luxury and service as a mindless breeding sow.

  Now I know the power of the bond. Now, I’m just like her – except for one thing.

  I’d still kill anyone to get free and save my triad.

  “Ella,” she says, and I hear the fear in her voice.

  I don’t understand. She stands in her regal dress and opulent jewelry, a crown on her head. I am trapped in a cell, and yet…

  She’s afraid of me?

  “Come to gloat that you caught me?”

  I know the words are unfair as soon as I say them. Jasmine risked death to catch me before my body hit the floor in the throne room. Despite myself, I feel an instant and powerful connection with her.

  Jasmine shakes her head, and I get the feeling I might have misjudged her.

  “Ella,” she breathes. “I need your help.”

  “My help? Why would I help the mate of the men who locked me in jail?”

  She shakes her head.

  “I don’t care about what you did. I don’t know why you wanted to break Rav’nok the planet killer out, or what evil lurks in your heart. I… I just need you to stop your triad from doing something terribly foolish.”

  Doing something terribly foolish? What could Korgath, Arok and Brutan possibly do, locked up in a cell?

  “If you want to speak with me, come in.”

  It’s a test. She knows I’m dangerous. There’s no way she’d be brave enough to come into the cell with me – and when she refuses, I’ll gain psychological power over her.

  But Jasmine suddenly steps forward, and the hard stone wall that was fully real to me just moments earlier suddenly shimmers and parts for her.

  Queen Jasmine stands in front of me, her eyes filled with pain. I close my mouth, realizing it hung open at her bravery and boldness.

  “What is it?” I say, my worry increasing. “What are they going to do?”

  “Your mate Korgath used a device to alert his men. He is a shipping magnate, and he’s had his armies disguise themselves as merchant ships to get within range. Even now, a fleet that rivals our own is bearing Orb-Beams down on our capital. He’ll fire down on Colossus and kill billions!”

  My eyes widen.

  I shudder, realizing with absolute certainty that Korgath would level the entire world if it meant freedom for me.

  “Oh, Gods,” I murmur, knowing that if he does so, there will be even more blood on my hands.

  Jasmine shakes her head slowly. “Emperor Raegan, my mate, convinced him not to… They are going to settle it another way.”

  “How?” I say, terrified that I already know the answer.

  “He… He challenged Raegan’s triad to a duel.”

  I gasp. Jasmine seems to understand.

  “Ella, I know you think Korgath is indestructible. I know you think he’s strong. But Raegan is bonded to me. My triad has gained strength through the bond. No man can stand before them… But I fear that if anyone has a chance to kill just one of my loves – any one of the three I am bonded to – then it is your brutal mate.”

  Her words shock me to the core.

  Emperor Raegan has battled in the Arena of the Gods before. I know that Korgath can face any man. I’ve seen him do battle before.

  But… But what if he can’t?

  Even the chance that he will die is too much risk. Similarly, I can’t letting Brutan and Arok risk being beheaded in the arena just for my freedom.

  “Jasmine, you have to let me free. You have to let us all free.”

  She looks at me blankly, and I finally decide to reveal the truth about what happened all those years ago.

  “Jasmine… You must believe me. I didn’t… I didn’t know Rav’nok was in that prison. I was trying to break my friend out, that’s it – one person, imprisoned unfairly. Well… she did wrong, but she was so young, and she was going to face a sentence far too harsh for her actions. Only, everything went horribly wrong. I misjudged my mining beam and breached the entire prison. I’m no mastermind – what happened was an accident. A horrible, horrible accident.”

  Hope springs in her eyes, then I watch it die. She shakes her head.
br />   “Ella… I’m sorry. Raegan is a proud man. He cannot accept this siege on Colossus.”

  I jut my chin up. “Korgath is proud as well. He will fight, and he will kill your man. We are bonded too. Your mate has no advantage.”

  Jasmine gasps, and takes a step back. Her eyes grow wide.

  “Then all of them will die, Ella. All of our bonded mates. They will each wound each other mortally.”

  I wish there was another way.

  I know there is not.

  “Jasmine, you must let us free – or your bonded mates will die. All of them.”

  I give the threat with a steady voice, but inside I’m terrified. I’ve felt alone my entire life, as though no one ever understood me. Now, finally, I have a reason to live. I brought Xeres to justice. I repented, redeemed myself for my mistake.

  If this Queen and her Emperor thinks they will take all I have earned away from me, they are wrong.

  Irredeemably wrong.



  We were given two days to prepare.

  I say we. Brutan and Arok were given the offer to go free. They’d done nothing wrong. They hadn’t brought a fleet of ships over the home world of Colossus, and trained Orb-Beams on cities filled with innocents.

  And yet they stayed.

  Loyalty seems to be a consistent character trait of people when it comes to me. My lieutenants, for example – the ones who ran my criminal enterprise with me, back on Titus.

  They trust me so fully that they know I’ll never betray them, even after my identity has become open. They know I’ve been an agent all this time – for two-hundred-years – and yet I have men so loyal to my cause that criminals will still come to save their boss, by any means possible.

  An entire fleet of ships, phase shifting across the galaxy to my aid.

  One defensive movement by the fleets of the Empire, orbiting Colossus, and my men were poised to strike.

  My men were willing to rain hellfire and destruction down on the Aurelian home world itself – guaranteeing their own death by laser-blast, beam or worse…

  …and yet they still came.

  No leader should ask for that. No leader deserves that kind of loyalty.

  And yet, I have it.

  It’s scant reassurance that, for now, my fleet have backed off. Emperor Raegan is a man bound by honor. He pledged we’d go free if we won our duel, and I have no need to hold the city hostage when I have his word.

  And yet the ships remain, within easy calling distance…

  …as do my blood-brothers. My bonded triad.

  “Are you sure, my brothers? You can leave.”

  Arok shakes his head, his normally light face grim and focused. “All these years I hated you, Korgath. But I missed you too, dammit. I always wondered how you could go from being so honorable to such a complete and utter bastard. Now that I know the truth, and together we’ve put that bastard Xeres behind bars, I want to know what else we can achieve together.”

  His words touch me, but I keep my face blank and calm. I look to Brutan.

  He just grunts and nods, his hand resting on the hilt of his Orb-Axe.

  I fight with a sword, but the two of them prefer axes. It suits their fighting style – and they’ll need that edge.

  This will be the hardest fight of our lives. Going into the claustrophobic darkness of the asteroid cave is nothing compared to stepping into the sun-soaked sands of the Arena of the Gods, where Aurelians have fought for their honor since time immemorial.

  And we won’t be facing just anybody.

  We’ll be facing the Emperor, and his bonded triad. Thanks to their bond with Jasmine, the most powerful Aurelians in the universe.

  Most powerful…

  …except for us.

  “The Emperor’s blood will flow,” I promise, forcing the regret back.

  Emperor Raegan has done great things for the Aurelian Empire. In the short time he’s been ruler, he and his Queen have worked together to bridge the divide between humanity and our own race. Killing him will be a brutal blow to the Empire.

  To any rational man it would be unthinkable. To kill Raegan and his triad would be to plunge the universe into confusion and despair, opening a void of power easily filled by a tyrant, or worse.

  There are still factions of Aurelians who are cruel and merciless – eager to take Raegan’s place and bring with it a regressive era of conflict, conquering, and slavery.

  What I am doing in unconscionable.

  And yet, I have no other choice.

  Brutan and Arok sense my despair. Even victory will come at an awful price - and victory is far from assured.

  “I’ve never felt so fucking strong. I’m going to rend Raegan’s neck from his shoulders.”

  It’s Arok, inflamed with passion. There’s no trace of the man he was – only his warrior spirit remains.

  I nod. “Aye. We’ll stand victorious, my brothers – and no one will dare put themselves between us and Ella again.”

  Ella. The name suits her.

  The Orb-Armor is light. We chose to fight fully armored, and the battle will be one of slow exertion as we feint and jab, trying to find a weakness. Crushing strength will be the winner.

  The door opens, and an Aurelian enters. He nods to us with respect.

  “It is time.”

  We make our way down the long hallway and the portcullis opens. Ahead of us is the fresh sand of the Arena of the Gods – the most legendary battle place on Colossus, and possibly the universe.

  The sands that cover the arena are already dusted with fresh, heaping piles. After every bloody fight, more sand is brought in to cover the pools of entrails, organs and guts.

  Much more sand will be needed when we’re done today.

  Because of the notoriety of the duel, the Arena of the Gods is already packed with Aurelians. The Elites flood the more prominent seats, and elsewhere in the arena there isn’t even room to sit – the long stairways themselves filled with more eager spectators than they can hold.

  And the thousands watching live are just a fraction of the true audience. The entire universe will be watching this battle, as drones broadcast it live across all frequencies.

  Up at the raised dias, overlooking the arena, the chair of honor is empty.

  Normally, the Emperor sits there, flanked by his triad and bonded mate. But today, the three Aurelian warriors are in the pit with us.

  I’m only surprised that Queen Jasmine does not sit and watch. She must know that her men may die here today.

  Perhaps that’s why. Perhaps she could not bear to witness it.

  I understand how she feels – after all, I can feel Ella in my mind. She’s somewhere at the side of the coliseum, and I know she’s watching me from somewhere.

  Emperor Raegan strides onto the sound, proudly followed by his triad, Koran and Baldur. They’re in the Orb-Armor of Elites, and all three of them wield long-humming swords.

  I snarl, and my blade hums to life. It’s hungry, just like I am. I stride forward, until my own triad is ten feet from his.

  We stop.

  I met Raegan’s eyes the entire walk. I’m looking for any weakness, for him to avert his gaze for a single moment so I can know that he is mine.

  Every opponent I’ve ever faced before looked down or glanced away when I locked eyes with them, if only for a moment.

  He does not, and I suddenly realize the truth.

  Not all of us will live through this battle.

  “Emperor Raegan! I challenge you to combat until death for my honor! You will release my fated mate!”

  He shows no fear.

  “Korgath. I accept your challenge. You held my world hostage, and you will die for it.”

  So, this is it. My heart pounds and I realize that Ella is near. Her presence fills my mind with a dark resolve.

  I will die, or I will be with her forever.

  “Enough talk. Time to war,” growls Brutan, and his Orb-Axe hums to life, the re
ality distorting blades thirsty and filled with a dark rage.

  A door opens at the side of the arena, and Jasmine and Ella run forward. I stop, paralyzed in confusion, as the two women run across the sand and stand defiantly between us and our rivals.

  “What is the meaning of this!” Emperor Raegan’s voice is booming. The crowd looming above us hushes.

  Queen Jasmine faces him. “You can’t battle these men, my love. If the three of you die – your bonded triad, my loves – then the Empire will be ruined. All of our work will be for nought. We are the future of the Empire - don’t you want to see your children grow to be strong men like you?”

  Raegan’s eyes narrow.

  “You have born me many sons, my love – and I owe you everything for that. The Empire does. But right now, you overstep. This man has brought violence to our world – to my Empire. Violence demands violence.”

  Ella looks up at me, her eyes big and wet. “Korgath, please! I’m begging you! Don’t fight these men!”

  I remember what feels like a lifetime ago, when I warned my fated mate that one day she’d beg for it.

  This was not what I was picturing.

  And then I realize that she’s right. All that we built together in that time will disappear, in the blood of battle. All that I have spent my life fighting for will be taken from me. If I fight the proud Emperor, my life’s work will be rendered like blood upon the sand.

  I’m no coward, but I have so much to lose.

  “I have no choice,” I reply, wishing there was another way.

  Ella turns to Emperor Raegan. “Emperor, you would do anything for your fated mate, correct?”

  The Emperor studies Ella carefully, as if he’s weighing a potential trap in her words.

  Eventually, however, he nods.

  “Then you have to understand – Korgath is only following those same instincts. He would level this planet to save me. But so would you. We’re bonded, Emperor, and we are part of the future of your great race, just as you and your triad are.”

  Emperor Raegan’s lips curl back. He’s full of anger and violence, a violence that once wakened can only be put to rest by blood.

  “You’re wasting your breath, my pet. This one has decided his fate.”


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