Snared (Grizzly MC Book 2)

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Snared (Grizzly MC Book 2) Page 8

by Brook Wilder

  A few minutes later, I kiss him goodbye. He’s fully dressed as he walks outside to his motorcycle, but I blush at the memory of the amazing body hiding underneath those clothes. I can’t wait to see him again. I’ll be counting down the seconds until my shift is over.

  I make myself a pot of coffee and take a quick shower. As I wash my body, I think about the way Dom touched me all over just a few hours ago. ‘Living in the moment’. That’s what he called it. And that moment was amazing.

  I get dressed and head to work. When I walk in, Maddison is organizing books in the reference section. She smiles and waves at me.



  “Did you do something different with your hair?”

  I shake my head.


  “It must be your makeup.”


  “I can’t put my finger on it, but there’s something different about you.”

  I blush as I walk behind the desk. I turn my head in the opposite direction, hoping that she doesn’t notice that I got my brains fucked out last night. I turn on the computer and focus my attention to the screen.



  “What’s going on?”


  I really don’t want to go into details about me and Dominic. I’m not ready to spill the beans. Besides, I’m not sure how Abel is going to react to all of this. In a town this small, secrets don’t last, but I have no intention on fessing up right this minute.

  “Okay. If you say so.”

  Maddison makes her way down a shelf with more books. I can tell that she’s on to me. I smile at the thought of my sexy little secret. But with Dom, it’s much more than just a physical attraction. I feel safe with him, and I haven’t felt that way in long time.

  My emotions are running deep, but I try not to get too wrapped up in it. After all, I’ve been wrong before. I shudder at the thought of how Lyle deceived me. I never want to go through anything like that again.

  The minutes pass by like hours. My thoughts of Dom are all consuming. He’s like a drug, almost. It’s a little scary how much I’ve fallen for him.

  Later in the afternoon, a group of high school kids walk into the library. It’s getting close to the end of the semester, so I’m pretty sure they have a lot of work to do for finals. I try to be as helpful as possible, locating books for their various assignments.

  One of the girls, an attractive brunette with bright blue eyes, Holly, keeps staring out the window. I ignore it at first, but after a while I find it strange. I approach her.

  “Are you waiting for your ride?”

  She shakes her head.


  “Is everything okay?”

  “I thought I saw him outside.”

  “Who are you talking about?”

  “There’s this cop... I’m pretty sure he’s a cop. I’ve seen him in uniform. One day I saw him around school, and he told me I look pretty.”

  “What does he look like?”

  “He’s tall with a shaved head…”

  My stomach drops as she continues to describe Lyle.

  “He’s always hanging around. Some of the girls think he’s cute. I think it’s creepy.”

  “How long has he been doing this?”

  “I don’t know... A few weeks, I guess. I would tell the cops, but seeing as how he is a cop, I really don’t know what to do.”

  “Holly, you have to be safe. You understand?”

  “I thought the police were supposed to keep us safe.”

  “They are, and most of them are good guys, but you still have to use your instincts.”

  I grab one of the small library pencils and a piece of scrap paper. I write down my phone number and hand it to her. She hesitates for a minute before taking it.

  “This is my personal number. If you see him following you or any of the other girls, please call me right away.”

  “Okay, Ms. Miller.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I’m still trying to process everything Holly is telling me. Is Lyle really going around stalking underage girls? It’s a gross and terrible thought. But the worst part of it is, I wouldn’t put it past him. Not at all.


  The past few weeks have been a whirlwind. Days at the library. Nights with Dom. He stays over most of the time. Sometimes, I cook him breakfast, but most of the time we just lay in bed and cuddle, and that always leads to more hot sex. I’m loving every minute of it, but I still haven’t told anyone about us.

  Dom hasn’t either. I guess it’s the unspoken thing that we shouldn’t go blabbing about it. But it’s just a matter of time before everybody finds out. I’m still trying to figure out how to address it with Abel. I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.

  Right now, I stand in the doorway, watching Dominic ride away in his motorcycle. It’s Sunday afternoon. I don’t have to work today. I don’t have to do a damn thing, and I’m really grateful for that. I’m so tired right now, I feel like I could use a nap.

  I sit down on the couch and watch TV. “Sleepless in Seattle” is on. I smile to myself. I feel like I’m inside of my very own love story. But there are some distinct differences for me, like motorcycle gangs and a scandalous ex-lover who happens to wear the sheriff badge. Not to mention that Tomahawk is nothing like Seattle.

  I yawn and drift off to sleep. I dream about Dominic. We’re together by a beautiful pond on a sunny day. This isn’t the first time I’ve dreamed about him, and I know it won’t be the last.

  I wake up from my little cat nap on the couch and head to the kitchen. I’m hungry for something. Not sure what. I spot a chicken salad sandwich leftover from yesterday’s lunch.

  I take a bite and frown. All of the sudden, this is like the worst sandwich ever. I drink some water to wash the taste of out my mouth. Just then, I feel the sensation to throw up. It takes me a minute to regain my composure. False alarm. I’m starting to wonder if the sandwich is spoiled. I open the fridge and toss it in the garbage.

  I’m super nauseous. I feel a burning sensation in my throat. I run to the bathroom. I barely make it in time to vomit into the toilet. I wash my face and take a deep breath.

  I look in the mirror and wonder. Is it the sandwich or something else? My heart is pounding. Am I pregnant? I’m not really sure. I let myself go with Dominic. I can’t even remember how many times I let him cum deep inside me. But I still doubt that I’m expecting.

  Years ago, Adam and I had tried for a baby. When it didn’t happen, I assumed that I was unable to conceive. Right before he was killed, we talked about adopting a child. We were going to get the paperwork and everything, and then he was gone.

  Since that happened, starting a family has been the last thing on my mind. I dated a little, and I had a few encounters with Lyle, but no one was ever serious. The last few months, I’ve haven’t dated anyone. I didn’t even bother to get on the pill.

  This whole thing with Dominic came out of nowhere. I don’t even know what to call it. Are we girlfriend and boyfriend? We haven’t even discussed labels. Now, I’m trying to process the possibility that I might be carrying his child.

  Could it be true? No, I remind myself. I laugh a little. No way. But I make a note to myself to not go to that deli again for a chicken salad sandwich.

  I decide to drive to the pharmacy, to get a pregnancy test just in case. I don’t go to a store in Tomahawk. I don’t want anybody around here knowing about it. I head to a town twenty miles away.

  When I get back home, I follow the instructions and pee on the stick. My heart is beating so fast while I wait. I hold up the stick to the light. There’s a blue line. I can’t believe it. I’m pregnant!

  I hesitate before calling Dominic. I want to tell him, but it doesn’t feel like the right time. I know he has a lot going on. I think it’s for the best if I wait. I’m just not sure how long I can keep this sort of secret from him.

  I go online and see pictures of women in the first trimester. As far as I can tell, I will have a few weeks before I start showing. That will give me time to come up with a game plan.

  I pace the floor and think. It’s sunset. At this minute, I want nothing more than to be in Dominic’s arms. The thought of us being a family would be beautiful: me and him, a kid with his eyes.

  But what if that’s not what he wants? I know he mentioned that he wanted a family with Beth, but they lived together for two years first. With me and Dominic, everything is happening so fast. What if this is too much too soon for him?

  There’s a knock at my door. I walk across the living room, hoping it’s not Lyle. That’s the last thing I need. I open the door and I’m face-to-face with the love of my life, Dominic Jones. He’s holding carryout from the diner.

  “You hungry?”

  “You must be a mind reader.”

  We kiss as he walks inside.

  “This smells good.”

  “It’s hot off the grill. You look beautiful today; it’s almost like you’re glowing.”

  I blush. If only he knew how close he was to the truth…

  “Amy, I’ve been thinking about a lot of things.”

  “Me too.”

  I contemplate telling him, but I just don’t know if I can go through with it. Maybe I should just put that aside for right now. I take a deep breath.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I’m fine.”

  “I don’t want to sound to forward, but I think maybe I should just stay here with you.”

  I smile wide.

  “Somebody has to protect you from Lyle.”

  I nod. The truth is I want him around, with or without the threat of Lyle. I’m deeply in love with Dominic. I’m pregnant with his child. Right here is where he belongs.

  Chapter Twelve


  It’s late at night. I lie in bed next to Amy. I feel like pinching myself. Is this real? It’s been a week since I unofficially moved into her house. Part of my reasoning was to protect her from Lyle, but the bigger part was to spend every waking moment with this beautiful, generous woman. Amy is an angel in my life.

  On top of that, the sex is out of this world. I haven’t been this happy since Beth’s disappearance. This is a new beginning for me, and I don’t want to mess it up.

  Sometimes, I just like to watch her sleeping. Just like now. She looks so peaceful. I never want to leave her side.

  But I don’t want to fool myself. What I share with Amy isn’t without its complications. Grizzlies. Vipers. That lowlife Lyle. Those are just a few things that come to mind. Then, there’s the dilemma with Abel. How do I tell my best friend about all of this? I don’t even know where to start. But none of that matters now.

  At this moment, the only thing that matters to me is Amy Miller. I smile at her as she snores lightly. I think it’s kind of cute. I love her and everything about her.

  My cell rings. I reach for it on the nightstand and try to press the ‘ignore’ button. But it’s too late. Amy’s awake now. She frowns.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’m sorry, but I gotta go.”


  I hesitate. It pains me that I can’t tell her. But it’s for the best if she doesn’t find out.

  “Dom, talk to me.”

  “I... I’m sorry, I just gotta go.”

  I get out bed and get dressed. She glares at me.

  “I don’t understand.”

  I kiss her lips.

  “I promise to tell you everything. Just not now.”

  “Dom, this doesn’t make any sense.”

  I put my wallet in the back pocket of my jeans.

  “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  In the darkness, Amy looks like she’s on the verge of tears. I kiss her cheek.

  “I promise.”

  She watches me as I walk out the door. My heart sinks. There’s so much I want to say, but now isn’t the time. I don’t want to hurt Amy, but I have no choice. I have to do what I have to do.

  I walk out to my motorcycle and start up the engine. I drive through the streets of Tomahawk. I’m not surprised to see that there aren’t that many cars on the road. This time of night, in a small town, most people are home and tucked into bed. Unfortunately, I can’t be one of them.


  It’s just before dawn when I get back to Amy’s house. I knock on the door and wait. I wonder if she’s going to answer. I wouldn’t blame her for ignoring me. I’m sure she’s pissed.

  Since I left a few hours ago, Amy is all I’ve thought about. I’m determined to make things right with her. If a floral shop was open, I’d pick up a dozen roses. But I doubt that would make much of a difference. More than anything, Amy needs answers. And I’m prepared to give them to her.

  I take a deep breath at the thought of it all. I’m torn about telling Amy everything, but I don’t want her to lose trust in me. That’s the one thing I can’t risk in the middle of all this madness.

  Amy opens the door and stares at me. Usually, she greets me with a smile and steps aside to let me in. This time, it’s very different. Her whole demeanor is like that of a different person. She folds her arms and stands there, blocking the doorway.

  “Where were you?”

  “I’m sorry, Amy. I can explain everything.”

  “Dom, answer me.”

  I look around. I want to make sure no one is within earshot. What I’m about to say needs to remain a secret.

  “Can I please come in?”

  She hesitates for a moment and slowly steps aside. I walk into the house. It’s starting to feel like home. I’ve been here pretty much every day for the last few weeks. I wonder if that’s all about to come to an end.

  “Are you seeing somebody else?”


  “Just tell me, Dom. I don’t need these games. After all I’ve been through, that’s the last thing I need.”

  “I’m not seeing anybody else.”

  “Then what the hell is going on?”

  “I’m helping James and Abel.”


  “The Vipers are off into a lot of criminal shit.”

  “I know that. Everybody knows that. What does any of this have to do with you?”

  “They need evidence. I’m getting close. Abel says he’ll be able to make an arrest if I…”

  “What exactly are you doing?”

  “I don’t want to go into a lot of details, but…”

  “Dom, I don’t get this. Why you?”

  “Nobody suspects me. I’m just a singer in a band. I’m able to find out sorts of shit. They’re telling me everything.”


  “Amy, this can help us. You have to trust me on this.”

  Tears fill her eyes.

  I wrap my arms around her.

  She sobs.


  I kiss her forehead.

  “Hey, it’s gonna be alright. I promise.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  She looks up at me and wipes away a tear.

  “Adam... He was trying to do the same thing. He went looking for dirt on the Vipers, and he... he ended up dead.”

  I can see the fear in her eyes.

  “What you’re doing is dangerous. You need to stop it.”

  “I’m sorry about Adam, I never knew that.”

  “That’s because I never told anybody. Only Abel knows.”

  I take a deep breath.

  “You need to stop this, Dom. I don’t want to lose you.”

  I hold her closer to me.

  “I don’t know what I’d do if something ever happened…”

  “Amy, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m being safe.”

  “That’s the same thing Adam said.”

  There’s an awkward silence between us.

  “The hardest day of my life was when I had to bury my husband. I haven’t
been the same since then. The grief, it never goes away. Not completely. And just when I thought that I had found someone who could…”


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