Playing Games (Endgame Series Book 3)

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Playing Games (Endgame Series Book 3) Page 2

by Cara E Holt

  Silently, I step towards it and drop to my knees. I lightly follow the inscription with my fingers.

  “Your dad gave me some ashes from your mum’s urn, so now you have somewhere to come and be with her. We can come here together and visit our mum’s.”

  I jump to my feet and throw myself at him as a lone tear rolls down my face.

  “Shit Ev, I didn’t mean to make you cry on your birthday.”

  I smile as I wipe away my tears. “They’re happy tears. This is.., this is so perfect, Gray. Fuck, I love you.” I say with a sigh before I pepper his face with kisses.

  “No swearing in front of your mum,” Grayson chastises me with a grin.

  “She would have liked you,” I tell him. “She would have said you were arrogant and too confident, but the two of you would have got on well, I think.”

  “I think the same. I think my mum would have loved you. She’d have said you’re just what I need to bring me down a peg a two.”

  “Oh, I’m always here to do that. Wouldn’t want that head of yours getting any bigger now.”

  Grayson rolls his eyes, but he does it with a smile. We tease each other a lot and he loves it.

  “Ready for your next present?”

  I blink. “There’s more?”

  “Manchester. You should know by now that I don’t do things by half. Come on.”

  I quickly let go of his hand and press my fingers to my lips and place it on the marble plaque. “I’ll be back soon, Mum.”

  We set off again and I can’t keep still in my seat as I’m too excited to see what he has planned next. We turn off down a dingy country lane and I scrunch my brows. Where on earth is he taking me?

  “The meet.” I realise as we turn a corner and I recognise the place where I come with him, Dom and Izzy and watch him race. As pathetic as it sounds, there is something thrilling about watching him drive around that track and win a race. He will not, however, ever let me sit in the passenger seat and be his co-pilot. He always argues it is too dangerous.

  “What are we doing here?”

  “Racing,” he replies with a lazy grin.

  He pulls to a stop and I look around us, puzzled. “But who are we racing?”


  I jump as Rogers leans in through Grayson’s window, grinning at us both.

  “Hey, birthday girl.”

  “You’re racing?” The surprise must be clear on my face because Rogers laughs.

  “Just this once, seeing as it’s your birthday and all.” He winks. “Doesn’t mean I’m going to let your man win, though.”

  Grayson smirks. “We both know who is going to win this race.”

  Rogers shakes his head, laughing as he leans up off the car and walks backwards away from us. “Oh, we’ll see about that St. Clair.” He hurries round to the driver’s side of his car and climbs in. It’s then that I notice Talia sitting in the passenger seat. She opens her window and waves.

  “Hey Everly, happy birthday!”


  Rogers honks his car horn and makes me jump. “Lets line up.”

  Talia climbs out of the car. It might be freezing out, but she still wears her signature denim shorts that show off her impeccably long and bronzed legs. Both cars take their spots at the starting line and she lifts the red flag above her head.

  “May the best man win. 3,2,1, Go!”

  The force of acceleration pushes me back in my seat, and I yelp in both fear and excitement. We are going fast and the adrenaline in my body kicks in and makes me feel exhilarated. I look over a Grayson with a big smile on my face and he takes his eyes briefly off the road and grins.

  “Having fun, Manchester?”

  I lean back into my seat and lift my hands in the air above me and let out a whoop. We tear around the track and I force myself not to look at the speedometer. I look behind us and see Rogers gaining on us.

  “Faster, Gray!” I demand. “Fucking beast him, baby,” I shout and I turn in my seat so I can see Rogers and smiling I give him the finger.

  Grayson laughs loudly beside me as his foot presses harder on the accelerator and we push ahead and pass the finish line.

  “Wahoo!” I shout in delight as the car slows and we come to a stop. I unbuckle my belt and slide across the central console and straddle my man. “That was so fucking good. Please tell me you’ll let me come in the car with you at your next race?”

  Grayson wraps his arms around my waist. His eyes dance with humour. “We’ll see.”

  I lean into him and kiss him deeply, and he moans into my mouth. “Did I mention that was incredibly hot? Watching you own that track.”

  Grayson arches a brow. “Does racing make you horny, Manchester?”

  Biting my lip and giving him a coy grin, I lean in and kiss him. I grind my hips into his, making sure he knows exactly what I need from him.

  “Now, now.” Rogers bangs on the window, making us jump. I reluctantly pull my lips from Grayson’s.

  Grayson opens the window and Rogers shakes his head, chuckling at us.

  “Looks like your unblemished record continues for another day, St. Clair.” He offers Grayson his hand, and he takes it, and they both grip each other firmly before Rogers pulls away. “We’ll get off and leave you two lovebirds to whatever it is you were about to start.” Winking playfully, he leaves us and climbs back into his car. With two quick hoots of his horn, he screeches off the track.

  “Now, where were we,” I say as I reach down the side of Grayson’s seats and flip the lever that pushes his seat all the way back. Grayson lies back and places his hands behind his head, his eyes are alight with desire.

  “Now you have me where you want me, what do you intend to do with me?” He asks me.

  I grin, leaning over him, and I pull down the zipper on his college trousers. “Bad, bad things, Gray.”

  I climb back into my seat and finish fastening up my buttons on my school shirt as Grayson re-fastens his trousers.

  We both catch each other’s eyes as we dress and grinning, he leans across to me and kisses me. “We’re going to be late for the next part of your surprise.”

  I shrug and smile. “It was worth being late for.”

  “Sex in my car with you is most definitely worth it,” he agrees.

  We head back into town and I’m excited about where he is taking me next and look around me to try to guess where we might be going. He pulls into a car park just off the main high street and he climbs out and purchases a parking ticket.

  “Ready?” He asks, leaning into the car to place the ticket on the inside of the windscreen.

  “You bet I am,” I say, brimming with excitement. I climb out of the car and race round to his side and place my hand in his.

  Grayson chuckles and kisses my forehead. “You’re unbelievably cute when you’re excited.”

  We walk for a few brief minutes past the many high street shops. I see a jewellers up ahead and my stomach flips. Is he taking me there? As we near the shop, my stomach erupts in butterflies. Is he buying me jewellery? However, we don’t stop outside the jewellers; we carry on past. I laugh internally at myself. Jesus, did I honestly think he was going to do something as crazy as propose? I mean, who gets married at eighteen and only nine months together? Truth be told, though, I’d marry him in a heartbeat. Grayson is it for me.

  He comes to a stop and I look up at the shop sign ‘Reckless vandals.’ Looking through the shop window, I see a guy sitting in a chair, whilst a woman leans over him with a tattoo gun.

  “You’re buying me a tattoo?” I ask him, wide-eyed. This I was not expecting at all.

  “You can have one if you want one, but actually it’s me who is getting a tattoo today.”

  “You are?” I ask in surprise. I’m unsure why him having a tattoo would be part of birthday surprises.

  Grayson pulls open the shop door and tugs me in behind him. The girl looks up as we walk in and she smiles. “Hey, Grayson. Take a seat. Kyle will be out shor

  “Thanks, Emma,” Grayson replies with a polite smile and he leads us over to a small leather sofa in front of the window.

  “So, you’re getting a tattoo?” I whisper.

  A smile tugs at Grayson’s face. He knows I have zero patience. “That’s normally why people come to a tattoo shop.”

  I look around me and notice they also do piercings. I am a little addicted to piercings. I had started out at ten years old with just two piercings, one in each ear. Then at sixteen I’d gone behind my mum’s back and got my belly pierced. Last year I had two more piercings in my earlobes and two conch piercings. I was the same with tattoos; once I’d started, I’d wanted more.

  A guy with a Mohawk and tattoos all up his arms comes out from the back room. “Grayson pal. You ready?”

  Grayson nods and intrigued, I follow him through.

  “So I’ve worked on some designs based on your ideas.” Kyle tells him. He grabs his sketch pad and opens the page and holds it out for Grayson.

  I lean around Grayson to get a better look.

  “Is that Celtic?” I ask, recognising the similarity in its style to the one that my mum and I both had done. I look closer and can make out that it is two hearts interwoven with one another. All three designs are similar, but one just looks that bit more alluring. “What does it mean?” I ask Grayson, as my heart hammers in my chest.

  He looks at me from over his shoulder. “It’s a Celtic love knot. It symbolises eternal love.”

  I gulp. Is this tattoo for me?

  I examine the designs again, as my heart hammers at a rapid pace. I inhale a sharp intake of breath when I spot that ever so delicately, something is written along one of the lines of the heart. “Is that?”

  “Manchester.” Grayson confirms. His voice sounds a little uncertain as he watches my face for my reaction.

  I gawp at him in shock. “You’re having me tattooed onto your skin?”

  He nods and continues studying my face. He’s nervous of my reaction. It throws me when Grayson is nervous, because he is usually so self assured.

  “Can you give us a second?” I ask Kyle, who has been sitting quietly holding the sketches out for us to see. Kyle smiles and hands the pad to Grayson and makes himself scarce.

  “Look, if this is freaking you out, I can..”

  He doesn’t get to say anymore because I throw myself at him and kiss the ever loving life out of him. He doesn’t respond at first, clearly not expecting this reaction from me, but then he wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me back.

  “Where are you having it?” I ask him, breathless.

  He taps his chest. “Right here above my heart.”

  “You’re sure you want to do this?” I ask him. I mean, I’m thrilled by the gesture, but he is having a part of me etched into his skin. “That’s a very permanent thing. I mean what if..?”

  He places a finger on my mouth, silencing me. “You are a permanent thing, Manchester.”

  I can’t help the shit-eating smile that breaks out on my face. I mean, he is having me tattooed above his heart.

  “I love it,” I say, and instantly his shoulders relax. “I want to get the same.”

  Grayson smiles but shakes his head. “This isn’t why I am doing this. I don’t want you to feel obliged to do the same.”

  This time it’s me who puts my hand over his mouth. “Shut-up and listen. I don’t feel obliged. I want to do this.”

  He stares at me blankly for a minute, and then he breaks out into a beautiful smile, that I can feel all the way to my soul. “I fucking love you,” he says before he pulls my head back to his and kisses me in a way that makes my toes curl and my heart stutter.

  Kyle comes back in and gives us a knowing grin. He so knows we were making out in here. Grayson takes his top off and Kyle begins his work.

  I sit beside Grayson and quietly watch in fascination as the tattoo takes shape and when he finally adds in ‘Manchester,’ I have to fight the goddamn tears in my eyes.

  We leave a few hours later, and Grayson’s tattoo is complete. I also leave with another piercing in my ear and a booking to come back next week and have the same Celtic knot done as Gray. I asked Grayson to step out of the room whilst I asked Kyle to add in something a little extra into my design. I want it to be a surprise for Gray.

  “I’m starving,” I admit, as we walk back down the high street. I look at my watch and it’s already one-thirty in the afternoon. “Where next?”

  “I’m going to feed you,” he tells me as we reach the car and we both climb inside. We drive for around twenty minutes and as he turns a corner, I recognise where we are.

  “Seriously?” I turn my head and ask him. “Have I told you, you are without doubt the best boyfriend, ever?”

  Grayson laughs and squeezes my thigh. He parks the car outside the place that chocolate dreams are made of. Slater’s is well known in the area. It is a cake and chocolate shop but it also has a restaurant upstairs and they do the most amazing afternoon teas, orgasmic cakes and the chocolate is out of this world.

  I clasp on to Grayson’s hand, buzzing with anticipation as he advises the waitress that we have a table booked. She leads us through the Alice in Wonderland themed restaurant.

  “You booked the cage?” I squeal in delight as I see where we are heading. The cage is a seating area that is contained in what looks like a giant birdcage. Its ceiling is covered in fairy lights and pretty flowers, and the seating consists of comfy sofas and cushions depicting scenes from the book. “How?” I ask him as we take our seats. This place is very popular. You have to book months in advance and you can only book the bird cage if there are at least six of you.

  “Surprise!” Say several voices at once, making me jump in my seat. I turn round with my hand on my chest to find my family here, and Izzy and Lottie.

  I shake my head and tear up. “You guys. Wow, what a surprise.”

  Olly runs at me and throws himself at me, squeezing me tight. “We’re in a birdcage,” he exclaims.

  “I know buddy, isn’t it cool?”

  He leans back so he can see my face and he nods. “I left school early,” he tells me. He whispers in my ear like it is some big secret.

  “You did?” I reply, feigning shock. “I won’t tell if you won’t.”

  “Deal,” he says me with a serious face and offers me his pinkie. I link my little finger with his and we shake it down three times.

  “Olly, come and sit down properly and then we can eat,” Sophie tells him and he puts out his bottom lip but then takes the seat on the other side of me.

  Grayson nods to the waitress, and she disappears and shortly reappears with another server and they bring out cake stands all filled with delicate sandwiches and delicious looking cakes. Next they bring out tea and coffee, and just when I don’t think this can get any better, they bring a bottle of pink champagne to the table.

  When we all have our cups filled with either tea or coffee, my dad stands with his teacup in his hand and clears his throat.

  “Today we are celebrating a very special birthday. My little girl is eighteen today. I have missed all of those eighteen years, but I intend to be a part of every one of your years from now on.” He tears up and it makes me do the same. “I am so proud of you, sweetie. You are such a beautiful, loving and kind soul, but not only that you are a warrior. The past two years you have gone through so much and you survived it, and still kept that sparkle that makes you, you.” My dad clears his throat, fighting with his emotions. Sophie dabs at her eye with a tissue and Abi places an arm around her mum’s shoulders. “Okay, I’d like to raise a toast to my beautiful daughter, Everly.”

  “To Everly,” everyone cheers and raises their tea cups, taking a drink.

  “Speech,” Dom bellows, cupping his hands around his mouth.

  I stand to my feet and clear my throat and look around the table at these people who mean so much to me. “Thank you, everyone of you, for today. As you know, I was both drea
ding and excited about this day. There are two people missing the celebrations today. Two people who meant the world to me. The last twelve months have been so hard, but it is all of you sitting here that have helped me through. So thank you, not just for today, but for welcoming me into your family. I went from having no one, to having all of you in my life, and for that I am so grateful. I love you all.”

  I look around the table and all the females are dabbing their eyes and wiping away tears. My dad I can tell is fighting back his emotions and Grayson looks up at me with such pride and love.

  “Can we eat cake now? My belly is rumbling like a dinosaur,” Olly chirps up, and everyone immediately starts laughing. The atmosphere turns from emotional to celebratory in an instant.

  “You can pick the first cake, Everly,” Olly tells me as leans forward and licks his lips in anticipation.

  “Why thanks, buddy.” I lean forward and look at the cakes on offer.

  “You won’t like that one with the chocolate balls on though,” Olly says, and I have to fight a giggle.

  From beside him, Sophie smiles at me and rolls her eyes.

  “Oh, you don’t think so?”

  Olly shakes his head and pulls his face. “It’s yucky, but I’ll eat it for you.”

  “That is so kind of you. Here you go.” I place the small cake on his plate and Olly salivates looking at it.

  I am used to Olly’s tactics. When there is a food item he really wants, he will tell you it is yucky so that he can eat it for himself.

  “Has Mum been in touch?” My dad asks me.

  I nod as I swallow the piece of sandwich in my mouth. “Yes, she text first thing this morning. She is going to Facetime me later if she can get a decent signal.”

  Grandma was away on a cruise of the med. She had booked the holiday before she even knew I existed but when she had realised that she would be away for my eighteenth birthday she had been adamant that she was going to cancel. I had managed to persuade her not to, and we’d agreed that when she got home, we are going for a weekend to London for cocktails and shopping. I adore my Grandma. She is fun, feisty and independent and lives her life to the full. Her social calendar is a lot more exciting than mine, that is for sure.


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