Carried Off

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Carried Off Page 2

by Raven Willow

  “Excuse me, my friend needs me.”

  She slowly wriggled her arm free of his grasp, but Alistair instantly missed her warmth.

  “Good day, sir.”

  She politely nodded her head and turned away, not daring to look back at the strange man. Alistair clenched his fist. His mate would not turn away from him again. The bond was greater than he thought.


  * * *

  Riona... Riona Riona Riona...

  That name, so perfectly fitting for such a delicate-looking female. Alistair thought her looks similar to that of a porcelain doll, capable of breaking if handled too roughly. Far too dainty and exquisite for his hands, which could rip and tear through the toughest of hide.

  And I am too selfish to ever let her go.

  * * *

  The storm he had correctly predicted was rolling in and fast. Tonight; it had to be tonight. Alistair was unsure of what he was waiting for until the urge to howl took over him. The wolf took over, calling for the woman until the natural instinct would coax her from the security of her home right into the arms of who she was meant to be with.

  He would stay away no longer.

  It was dark, which he blended in with perfectly, only being seen when a flash of lightning would illuminate the street. He finally picked up her scent as she peered out of her little home, which he saw was also pitch dark. It was no problem. He would still be able to see her perfectly.

  As if you can hide from me in the dark, little lamb.

  What he saw when his enhanced eyes focused in on her small frame nearly took his breath away.

  Her white nightgown hung loosely down her shoulders, as if she was trying to rip it. Her disheveled curls bounced as she nervously looked around the dark street. Alistair smirked.

  Wondering where that sound is coming from, pet?

  Alistair felt the throbbing, the ache in his lower stomach that also plagued her. Her traitorous body was searching for relief any way it could. And so cleverly right into the hands of the man who would take her on this night. The waves of pleasure that rolled through her projected onto him until he found himself salivating. Riona slumped against the door as he witnessed her run her shaking hands over her chest and down her stomach. She gripped the fabric of her gown and pulled it up, finding her sex as the small moan that escaped her lips reached his ears clear as day. He could hardly control the low rumbles coming from his chest as she threw her head back and let out a guttural cry as she struggled to find her release. Even as she curled her toes and arched her back, her pleasure she was searching for would not find her until she gave in to the man who would take her.

  Alistair lifted his head, letting out another dominant howl. He could not help himself; he needed her to come to him.

  The harsh noise did not scare her, only making her slowly turn her head toward his direction. The hazy sensual look on her face told many stories, as if she were begging him.

  She arched her back once more as she stood upright. She knew he was there. Or that something was there... and she was coming to him.

  Alistair’s heart leapt into his throat, his stomach lurching. More than anything he wanted to leap through the trees and drag her to him that very moment, but something halted him. He could see she sensed something, her sedated gaze pierced through his as she ran a hand over her tangled locks, bringing it down her throat and over her bust, tugging down the lacy neckline with one finger. The same hand moved all the way down her stomach as she got closer and closer to his position.

  Her full hips swayed sensually in her nightdress, the little pooch of her tummy barely visible through the thin fabric. Perfect to breed his pups. He licked his lips and ran his tongue over his pointed teeth as the tops of her breasts swelled with each breath. More than anything, Alistair wanted his mark there. A sign to all others who she belonged to, and a warning to any wolf who dared come close enough.

  Yesss... come to me, my mate... my darling. Open yourself up, little one... it’s time to come to your master... just a little further.

  He knew his voice echoed in her head as she reached out to the darkness with one hand. Touching her again was all he craved in this moment, not caring for anything else in the world other than his mate finally accepting him and forgoing all else in her life. Her sleepy smile warmed his heart as he prepared himself for what was about to occur.

  Live for me... with me... by my side... give me everything you have, my darling...

  Give me your love...

  The flash of bright lightning revealing his appearance before her, combined with the sound, snapped her out of her hypnotic, trancelike state, followed by a shrill scream. Alistair cursed himself and pounced from his position. That scream could likely have woken up the entire village.

  In seconds, he grabbed his woman up in his arms, running as fast as he could from the village as she struggled and clawed at his arms. Her gown caught on branches and bushes when she tried to fight back.

  Alistair knew she would be frightened, but denying him simply would not do. He understood the fear she would almost certainly feel toward him in the beginning. He would use it to his advantage, but eventually she would willingly accept him and the pack, becoming what they were. Then surely, she would come to love him.

  Chapter Three

  The monstrous creature spent the night holding Riona close and shielding her from the storm. He would not let her go for even a second. Even when she hit and clawed at her captor, he merely grunted and pulled her to him. He felt too hot, like a furnace. When she cried and begged for him to speak to her, he only looked down at her and picked her back up again. The creature did not handle her too roughly, only baring his teeth when Riona would not tolerate him holding her.

  Finally, the storm cleared and the sun rose, revealing her ruined gown and a monster even more terrifying up close. He gently set her down, looking around and squinting his golden eyes. Riona frantically looked around and thought about bolting up and running away. If she could just wait for the right moment when his back was turned.

  How far would you get in a tattered nightdress and no shoes? He would catch you in seconds.

  “There you are...”

  Riona’s eyes shot up. It finally spoke to her, but her body froze. He had... changed appearances.

  “Why, hello there, little dove.” A man looked upon her now, and he was barely clothed. His long dark hair matched his scruffy beard. Unkempt. Wild. Like the men of the mountains rumored to have been ‘afflicted by evil.’

  Riona didn’t answer; she barely took a shaky breath in.

  He will kill me. I know it!

  “The standard practice is to say ‘hello’ back. Is it not, my pet?”

  The man’s thick accent was almost inaudible, but it seemed to reach her ears. He made his way down the small hill and walked closer to her, as she backed away slowly.

  “It’s-it’s... you...”

  “Do you refer to this version of me?” He gestured to himself then shifted before her eyes, from man to the beast he knew she would recognize on sight. “Or do you mean this one?” He now looked upon her as a man again, smirking as he slowly inched his way toward her. The hungry expression on his face filled her with dread.

  “Oh, Gods...”

  “Hmmm, no, I do not think they will be of any help here, pet. Not now that I finally have you for myself.”

  He grinned, exposing his canines. Riona made a move to run from him, only the man mirrored her movements, blocking her wherever she turned.

  “Ah ah ah, little one, not so fast; why don’t you be a good girl now and come to me.”

  He crooked his finger at Riona, but she would not budge.

  “Please, I haven’t any money, if you let me go, I can go get some, and I only have very little, please!”

  The man just snickered and shook his head. “I have revealed myself to you and you figure it is your silver I desire? My desires run far deeper than mere possessions, little one.” He narrowed his eyes at
her as they flashed.

  Desires? What desires?

  “I said, come to me.” He lowered his eyes, intimidating her enough to slowly shuffle toward his open arms.

  “There’s a good girl now, Riona.”

  Riona shook as her hands made contact with his skin. Her body nearly jolted when he began to wrap his arms around her, which she allowed to a point. Until she brought her knee up to his groin, which sent him roaring and doubled over in pain.

  Riona ran from him as fast as she could, only the stranger had recovered faster than she had anticipated. Her heart beat loudly, drumming in her ears as he laughed and caught up with her. She had been attempting to climb back up the hill but slipped as her bare feet failed her.

  “No, no, dove, come here now.”

  He lifted her into his arms as if she weighed nothing, holding her there for some seconds as she kicked her legs and clawed at his arms pathetically.

  “Let go of me! Let go of me!”

  Unfazed by the kicks and scratches, he lowered her onto the ground. Another attempt to flee from him caused her to trip on some shrubbery. Using the opportunity while she was still, he climbed on top of her, cupping her chin with two fingers.

  “Have you had enough, Riona?”

  She responded by more struggling beneath him. Surely he would grow tired and leave her alone.

  “Ohhh, I knew you would be feisty, but you are strong-willed indeed.” Alistair promptly brought a hand to her throat, applying gentle pressure.

  Riona froze. No man ever dared to touch her this way.

  “Disrespect me in such a way again, Riona, and there will be consequences.”

  She shook beneath him as her eyes stung and filled with tears while he lowered his head to her throat and kissed the sensitive flesh there.

  “Shhhhh...” The attempts to soothe her would not work as he ran his large hands up her sides and he nibbled at her earlobe. “You smell so sweet...”

  “P-please... just let me go... I’ll give you everything I have, just please... do not do this!” Riona pleaded with him as he made quick work of the lacings of what was left of her nightdress.

  “Silly girl, have you not grasped by now that all I want is you?” His gruff voice frightened her yet aroused her as he ran his hands up her gown, causing her to buck under his touch. He seemed reluctant to remove his lips from her neck, leaving behind a red mark on her fair skin.

  “Why are you doing this? What are you! Just let me go, I won’t tell, I swear!”

  She tried to pry his hands away, but it was useless. He was far stronger than her. It felt like hitting a brick wall when her fists connected with his body.

  “My darling, I know you will not tell. Because you will never see anyone from your village again, for after this, you will never leave my side.”

  He ripped through her nightdress, impatient with the complicated material, tossing away the shreds of fabric. His body positioned itself between her legs, but held off entering her. He was simply looking at her now. Like a prized possession he never wanted to lose.

  She sniffled as she defensively held up her hands, which he then pinned next to either side of her head. Her arousal hit the air, which seemed to affect him. The golden eyes that peered back at her flashed and changed shape. The inner corners cut toward the bridge of his nose, like a wild animal.

  “Shhhh, it’s alright, I’m here now. I know what you want, little one... I know...”

  He dipped his head in the crook of her neck again. Riona shut her eyes tight and whimpered.

  Why must he do this? Please make this stop...

  He inhaled the scent of her flesh while he kissed and nibbled on both sides. Riona’s captor chuckled and licked her ear as he grinded his hips into her, causing her to gasp when she felt his hard member press into her thigh. He seemed to relish her moans as he slightly bit into her neck, but not breaking the skin. Not yet, Riona thought.

  Riona couldn’t fight her moans as he rubbed against her. The man groaned some words about it being a sound he had waited so long to hear, and now that he had it, it was almost too much. Her head jerked back involuntarily when his member rubbed against an especially sensitive place, making a familiar heat stir deep in her belly.

  “Ohhh, my mate likes that.”

  She stilled at the word mate, remembering herself as she began frantically kicking and struggling beneath him at the idea. Riona was so confused and frightened, her only response was to cry. Too far from the village now, in the arms of a stranger who was currently trying his hardest to make her submit to him.

  “Oh, sweetling, you were enjoying yourself for a moment, why ruin the fun now?”

  He held her hands above her head with one hand as he brought the other between her legs, cupping her womanhood. She could no longer turn away as her shame coated his fingers. It had been this way since the night before. Ever since the strange conversation she had with him that morning, Riona had spent the day feeling desperate and needy. She had tossed and turned all night, sweating and using her fingers to bring herself her woman’s pleasure. But the persistent howling outside her window had begun to awaken a deep need. Against her own volition, she had wandered too far outside, and now she was beneath one of the creatures of the mountain, nearly naked and wet.

  “Riona, be still. Be still.”

  His wolf eyes sharpened, commanding her obedience until she stopped squirming. She didn’t know why, but she felt compelled to stare into his eyes.

  “One way or the other, I will fill you with my seed, and you will take every bit of what I give you because you will be mine. Have I made myself clear?”

  Riona tearfully nodded, giving up her fight. She took a deep breath as he finally released her hands.

  “Ohh... so beautiful...” She could hear only his own heavy breathing and her heart beating as he brushed his fingertips over her cheek. His hands were massive. No longer paws, but surprisingly smooth. He pushed up her dirty shift and exposed the tops of her pale thighs. He licked his lips as her legs found their way to either side of him. Somehow, she could not control her body’s growing submission to him.

  “Mine.” He pushed her shift up further to reveal the patch of dark curls at her mound. The smell of her arousal caught his attention as he lowered his head and kissed the area where abdomen and thigh met, dangerously close to her pussy. The man inhaled as he familiarized himself with her heady scent. When Riona dared to look between his legs, she bit her lip and tried to squeeze her thighs shut again.

  No, not this way.

  “I told you, be still. Just lie back, and let your mate take care of you.”

  He easily opened her legs again.

  His teeth bit into her flesh, his hands on her hips gripping tight as she felt every muscle in his body begin to tense at her attempts to push on his bare shoulders. The wolf man glared at her from his position. A frightening sound came from his throat as he bared his teeth to dissuade her from pushing him away. Once she removed her hands, his lips traveled across her body, his mouth making feather-light contact with her mound. He grinned as her womb jumped and her whole body seemed to jerk. She could feel his smug smile against her sensitive flesh as he moved up and pressed a kiss to her tummy.

  Why am I doing this? This is not right.

  “Please... do not harm me.” Riona whimpered.

  “Harming you never has nor will it ever be my intent, little one.” The man began running his hands over her ribs underneath her shift, which he seemed to become more and more irritated with.

  “This dirty piece of fabric is keeping me from gazing upon what is mine.”

  A curse followed a snarl as he moved from his position between her thighs and ripped the shift right down the middle effortlessly.

  Riona couldn’t move, she couldn’t think, all she could do was lie there as she fearfully looked up at the hulking beast of a man, if she could even call him a man.

  The gold eyes traveled down her form, boyish and plain. How could any man desire her?
Riona never believed herself to be anything special. They stopped when he noticed how wet she had become; she was quite literally dripping on the ground.

  “What have we here?” He slipped his fingers over her little slit, coating them with her juices.

  “Is this just for me?” The sound of her obscene wetness and his fingers only made Riona more embarrassed. This was not how a woman behaved. Her cheeks flushed as she covered her face.

  “Please don’t... ohh...” He circled over her swollen clit, making her legs spread slightly at the pleasure he was giving her.

  “You see? You already crave this. You wanted this from the second you allowed me to touch you, didn’t you, sweet girl?”

  Riona’s cry of pleasure as his fingers pressed against the epicenter of her clit served as his answer, much to her dismay.

  “Good girl, just lie still for me now. This will only hurt a moment.”

  His thick finger slid inside her tight channel, making her scream.

  “Ah! I-it hurts!” The brief pain faded when he paused. Her womb contracted around him.

  “Hush, just take it, little one.” He slowly moved his finger in and out of her dripping pussy and added a second digit. Her whole body jerked.

  “Ahhh! It’s too much!”

  The beast wiggled his fingers in a come hither motion against a hidden spot inside her not even she had been able to unlock, and her body convulsed.

  “Please... ohh, Gods...” She turned her head away, arching her back, which only offered her full breasts to him. His warm wet mouth circled around her breast, suckling as he groped the other with his free hand. He grunted against her as he sent her entire body into sensory overload, forcing her to accept the pleasure that was being given to her.

  He pulled his fingers from her, leaving her feeling achy and empty. His cock was released from the confines of his torn-up breeches, likely due to repeated shifting.

  “You’ve no idea... how long I have waited for this moment, sweet one. You could hardly begin to grasp how hard it was for me not to rip you from the courtyard of that village and mount you then and there so everyone knew who owned you.” The man’s beast began fighting for release, the rough grunt of his voice giving away just how close he was.


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