SBMC Miami Box set

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SBMC Miami Box set Page 17

by Erin Trejo

  “Fuck Ramirez. Yeah, we have a deal.”

  “Good. Now we have to have a little fight to make this meeting look authentic,” he says right before his fist collides with my face.

  Chapter 12


  I fidget with the hem of my shirt as we wait to be ushered into the visitation room. Viking stands tall not looking nervous at all. It’s been months since I’ve seen him. My heart hurts just from thinking about him being in here. It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t run away from Tom none of this would be happening. I can’t believe that he actually turned that video in. I wish none of this had ever happened.

  “Stop fuckin’ movin’ so much. You’ll draw attention that we don’t fuckin’ need,” Viking growls at me. I quickly drop my hands to my sides. “Shit, I’m sorry Molly. I know this is all new to you. They see you actin’ all jittery like that they could pull his visitation rights,” he informs me.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just nervous. What if he hates me? What if he doesn’t want to see me?” Viking chuckles and throws an arm around my shoulders.

  “Darlin’ he wants to see you. I promise. He doesn’t hate you either. This was a shit situation, but we’re handlin’ it. It just takes time to get shit straightened out.”

  I take a deep breath and nod my head, when we hear, “Visitors for Sanders, Roland,” called out. Viking pushes me forward to make me start walking, but he stays attached to me.

  “No physical contact of any kind,” the asshole says. I nod my head as Viking chuckles. He opens the door and ushers us inside before he says, “table six.” Viking and I walk through the room until my eyes land of his. Those green orbs of pure light shine back at me so brightly. I gasp and my feet refuse to move any further.

  Viking leans down to whisper in my ear, “Remember what I told you. Keep walkin’ and stay strong.” I nod my head once more and walk as Roland’s eyes dance over my body from head to toe. He doesn’t stop looking until we reach the table. He stands quickly and moves around the table so he can pull me into a hug. It only lasts a second before he steps back and his warmth disappears.

  “Sit down before I get in trouble,” he says as he smiles at me. I sit in the chair across from him as Viking takes the seat next to me. He nods at Viking, but quickly drags his gaze back to mine.

  “God you look so fuckin’ gorgeous.” His words send heat rushing through me. I can feel it as my cheeks heat.

  “Well, you look like shit. What the fuck happened to your face?” Viking asks the question that I’ve been wanting to ask. Roland’s eye is swollen and his lip is busted.

  “Had a little misunderstandin’ of sorts,” he says while grinning.

  “A little, huh? Looks more like a lot. They got ears?” Viking asks.

  I’m so confused. I have no idea what the hell they’re talking about.

  “No, but that doesn’t mean shit. You know that,” Roland tells him. Viking lets out a loud huff next to me.

  “There’s a business deal happenin’. Not by choice either. It’s not just an inside matter either,” Roland says. Viking growls low in his throat next to me.

  “Can I ask who it is?”

  “The Brotherhood. Old MC mixed with some very aggressive bastards that you wouldn’t even think could be involved. Even has a little Ramirez sprinkled in the mix.”

  Their cryptic talk means absolutely nothing to me. None of what either of them have said makes any sense to me. It’s like a foreign language.

  “This somethin’ I need to call church on?” Viking asks as I try to follow their conversation.

  “No, I’ve got it handled. You probably won’t like what it is, but I don’t have a choice in the matter,” Roland responds.

  “What the hell does that mean?” I ask looking between the two of them. Roland laughs and Viking leans back in his chair with a pissed off look on his eyes.

  “Nothin’ you need to worry about darlin’. How are you holdin’ up?” Roland asks me. His eyes are on fire. God I’ve missed him.

  “I don’t know. Drake keeps asking for you. He wants to know when he can see you again. I don’t know what to tell him. I don’t belong at your club Roland,” I admit. That’s the first time I’ve admitted it out loud. Roland’s eyes shift to Viking’s before they come back to meet mine.

  “I’m gonna let you two talk. I’ll wait out front for you Molly. Keep your head down as much as you can brother,” Viking stands and walks out of the room leaving Roland and I alone.

  “What’s happenin’ at the club?” His eyes hold so much concern in them. It’s almost amusing considering where he’s at.

  “I just don’t like being there. I don’t fit in.”

  “Babe if someone is messin’ with you go to Mason or Viking.”

  “They aren’t. I just feel like a burden there. I feel like they all look at me like this is all my fault, and they are right, it is,” I tell him. Roland’s face hardens.

  “None of this is your fault. Do you hear me? Look at me Mols.” I tip my head up to look at him as tears fill my eyes. “This isn’t on you. Tom fucked all of us, but I promise you I’m gonna make it right. Okay? How’s my boy? He in school yet?”

  I reach up and wipe my tears. “No. Taz is homeschooling him for now. I was going to, but he seems to really like her. Mason said he thought it was the best idea until everything is all worked out. He misses you. We talked about you, and he knows what happened wasn’t your fault, that I lied to him, telling him what I thought he needed to hear. Letting him believe you didn’t want him back then was just easier,” I admit.

  “Fuck I want to hold you so bad right now. It’s okay Mols. Just hold on for me. Yeah? Don’t run this time. I need you now more than ever.”

  Looking into his eyes I can see how much he means it. I know he needs me the same way I need him.

  “I need you too,” I whisper.

  “Time’s up!” the guard yells from over Roland’s shoulder. Roland gives me a sad smile before he stands up.

  “Stay strong for me baby. I mean it. When this is over I don’t want to have to chase you down. I want you waitin’ on me. Got it?”

  Shoving out of my seat I stand up as well. Roland peeks over his shoulder before reaching for me. He pulls me into another quick hug, kisses my neck, and whispers, “I love you more than my own life.”

  When he pulls away my heart falls in my chest. His eyes are bright as he walks backwards away from me still watching me. As he reaches the door he gives me a wink and a smile. I raise my hand and give him a small wave as I watch him go back into the darkness that he now has to live in. All because of me.

  Chapter 13


  “Everything is all fucked up Fin,” I tell him yet again.

  Fin chuckles but doesn’t say anything in return. He waves the waitress over and orders more drinks.

  “That it is but have a little faith darlin’. He’s doin’ what he thinks is right. When you’re locked up in hell, you have no choice but to make some deals with the devil. That’s all he’s doin’. He’s protectin’ his ass at any cost.”

  His words do very little to soothe me, but I can see his point. Fin has been a lifesaver the last few months. He’s always there when either Drake or I need him. He’s always at making sure we’re comfortable.

  The waitress comes back and sets our drinks on the table. “Anything else?” she asks while eyeing Fin like he’s a piece of meat. I find myself giggling as she eyes him like that.

  “Nope, I’ve got everything I need. Thanks,” he dismisses her quickly. She huffs, turns on her heel, and stomps back toward the register. I can’t stop the laughter that erupts out of me.


  “You don’t see it do you? That girl was totally flirting with you.”

  “She wasn’t flirtin’.”

  “Uh yeah, she was. Oh my gosh. How can you not see it?” I laugh even harder. Fin looks over at the waitress then back to me. That lopsided grin is back on his face.

��I suppose I was just enjoyin’ the company I already have,” he says softly.

  I stop laughing and grab my drink to suck down half of the water in the glass. “Do you think the lawyer is really working on Roland’s case?” I have to know what he thinks. I need to know.

  Fin nods his head before looking up at me and saying, “I know he is. It just takes time Molly. He’s in there for murder. We can’t just snap our fingers and think they’re going to just let him out. He’ll get out though.”

  “I just hate that he’s in there because of me.”

  “Enough!” His voice thunders across the table. “This isn’t your fault and we’ll handle the fucker that put him in there as soon as we can find his ass.” His voice softens with the second part.

  “Do you think I could stay at Roland’s house for a few days?”

  He looks up from his burger and his eyes meet mine. I watch him as he chews. I can tell that something is bothering him.

  “I don’t trust most of the prospects just yet. I’ll stay with you,” he mumbles around a bite of his food.

  “Thank you, Fin. I think I just need a break from the clubhouse.”

  “I get it sweetheart, but if you’re plannin’ on stickin’ around for Reaper this time then you need to get used to it. This is his world. We’re the other part of his family. You get me?”

  I nod my head with a smile on my face. I really do like Fin. “I know, but I just need a few days to recoup.”

  “Then a few days you will get.”

  He smiles. We start to eat in silence. Neither of us really has anything else to say after that. There’s just so much that I hate about our situation.

  By the time we finish eating and head back to the clubhouse it’s starting to get dark. Fin thought it would be nice to just get out for a while today which is why he took me to lunch. I can’t say that it wasn’t appreciated, because it was.

  “Mom, you’re back.”

  Drake runs toward me with his arms out wide. I pull him into me and hug him tightly. Fin smiles as he walks past us and heads toward the bar.

  “Did you really miss me that much today?” I ask as I pull back to look down at him.

  “Yes I did mom. I really miss dad too.”

  His frown rips my heart to shreds. God, just seeing it kills me.

  “I know baby, but things will work out okay,” I tell him. He nods his head, but his little eyes look so tired. “Are you feeling okay? You don’t look so good.” I press my hand to his forehead. He doesn’t feel like he has a fever.

  “I’m just tired.”

  I nod and grab his hand to lead him through the clubhouse and down the hall. Stepping into Roland’s room my chest tightens. I’m here alone and I couldn’t feel any worse about it.

  “We’re going to be staying at your dad’s house for a while. Pack a bag,” I tell Drake.

  He walks around grabbing his things as I do the same. Something about the way he looks is bothering me. Drake has never been the type of child to get tired that often. It makes me worry about him. A knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts.

  “It’s open,” I call out. The door opens and Fin walks in with a small bag thrown over his shoulder.

  “You ready? I’m gonna grab us some pizza for dinner. That sound good little man?” he asks looking at Drake. Drake nods his head as he yawns.

  “Drake go tell Taz goodbye. I need to talk to Fin for a minute.”

  I watch him walk out of the room and my heart leaves with him.

  “What’s wrong?” Fin asks immediately.

  “He keeps saying he’s tired. He isn’t wanting to play much. I’m worried about him,” I say as I sigh and sit on the edge of the bed.

  “He’s got a lot goin’ on darlin’. We can get the doc to come check him out though if that’ll make you feel better.”

  I smile up at him and nod. “It really would. Thank you Fin.”

  “Not a problem sweetheart. I’ll give him a call when we get settled over at Reaper’s place. Thought we could get some movies on his pay-per-view account?” He winks which makes me laugh.

  “I really do appreciate everything you’re doing for us.”

  “Reaper’s my boy. He’s family. I’d do anything for that man. He’s done a lot for me over the years. He pulled my ass back from some pretty bad shit. The least I can do is watch out for his wife and his kid.”

  Chapter 14


  I’m agitated, on edge, and I’m happy as hell to be getting the fuck out of this place. I’ve done my time and somehow the evidence that Tom had went missing. I can thank Ink for that shit later. I’ve been in this hell hole for six months. I’ve handled all the shit that Ramirez wanted handled on the inside. I hate to see what he’s going to throw at me now that I’m getting out. I don’t like making deals with guys like him. They’re fucking snakes that will strike out without warning. I know what Ramirez does and how he makes his money. Being in the midst of that isn’t high on my priority list.

  Getting home to my woman and son are on the top of that list. I want to spend time with them. I need to get to know my son, and then I need to find that bastard that took them away from me to begin with. I want his goddamn head on a platter and I will make that happen. I have no doubt about that.

  “Oh look at your sweet lips. Nice to see you,” Viking teases me as I walk out of the prison and straight to them. Mason and Ink are standing next to the truck with smiles on both of their faces.

  “You wish I had sweet lips motherfucker,” I respond as he pulls me into a hug. He thumps his hand on my back before he pulls away. Mason and Ink takes their turns hugging me next.

  “Glad to see you out brother. Missed you around the clubhouse,” Mason tells me.

  “Me too. That place is fucked,” I say pulling my shirt up to reveal the ugly bruises and the random healing stab wounds I now have.

  “Jesus Christ. We’ll fix it man. We’ll go after their fuckin’ families,” Viking says through gritted teeth.

  I shake my head and climb into the back of the truck as the others climb in too. “I’m not in the mood for that shit at this point. I just wanna see my woman and my kid. I wanna take a fuckin’ nap and just say fuck it. Ramirez’s assholes are gonna come callin’ soon.” I lay my head back, close my eyes, and just relax. The truck rumbles as we head home.

  “What exactly is Ramirez after?” Mason asks. His tone is hard and pissed.

  “Guns. The motherfucker wants in. I figured I could toss him to Ripley and let that shit just flow down from there,” I say.

  Ripley is another gun runner that we’re in with. He can run anything, anywhere. Seems like a good place to shove Ramirez’s ass.

  “And on the inside? Did you get any info?” Ink looks over the seat at me as he asks this.

  “I got where Tom might be hidin’. I got information on those Brotherhood bastards. They’re an old MC. Recruitin’ anyone and everyone they can get to agree in there. Had to get in with a few of them to get Ramirez some goddamn information. I don’t think anyone suspected shit on my end, but right after that I heard I was gettin’ out, so I pulled back. Got stabbed three fuckin’ times for my effort.”

  Ink shakes his head as anger crosses his face. I know this is one hell of a shit storm for the club, but it’s the best I could fucking do at the time.

  “You said the club was in danger. What exactly did you mean by that?” Mason asks looking directly at me.

  I turn my head to face him and say, “Not a lot. It’s all about this Brotherhood shit. They’re pullin’ from all over. They killed a few of Ramirez’s guys out in Texas. I was told that Tom was one of them. I want his ass, I just can’t end up back in there. If I do go back in I’m not ever comin’ back out brother. I made some shit decisions while I was in there.”

  Mason nods his head as if he understands what I’m saying. I’m not so sure that he does. The people I infiltrated aren’t exactly easy to escape.

  “Molly is at your house with Drak
e and Fin. She’s been stayin’ over there on the weekends. You wanna head over there?” Viking asks.

  I nod my head and lean back again. I must have dozed off because the next thing I hear is my boy yelling for his dad. Forcing my eyes open I reach for the door handle. As soon as I step out of the truck Drake is in my arms. I hold him close and savor the little boy that I never even knew about.

  “Hey, you’re gonna squeeze the air out of me,” I tease him.

  “I’m glad you’re back. Mom has been freaking out about the doctor,” Drake says pulling out of my arms and falling to his feet.

  “Doctor? What about the doctor?” I ask him.

  He shrugs and then I see her. She’s standing there with those dark eyes that pull me into their depths. I move toward her slowly never pulling my gaze away from hers.

  “Oh, they’re gonna kiss,” Drake giggles behind me.

  I smile at Drake, but I need her in my arms. Now. As soon as I reach her I pull her into me and just inhale her scent. God I’ve missed her.

  “You smell delicious,” I whisper while placing a light kiss on her neck. Molly moans and holds me tighter. That’s just the way I want her.

  “We need to talk,” she whispers.

  “I need to be inside you,” I counter back.

  “It’s about Drake.”

  “Okay, just give me some time, yeah? I’m worn the fuck out babe. I need a shower and some real food at least.” I pull back and look into her eyes. There’s worry and happiness all wrapped up into one beautiful package.

  “Okay. I’ll make you something.”

  “It’s good to see you brother,” Fin says as he moves toward us. I pull away from Molly long enough to pull him into a hug.

  “Good to see you too man. Thanks for takin’ care of them.”

  “Always Reaper. That’s what family does.”

  “I’m going to cook something. You guys starving?” Molly interrupts. We all look to each other.

  “I sure as hell ain’t turnin’ down food,” Mason says heading for the door. We all chuckle and head inside.


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