Felon: The Hellions MC

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Felon: The Hellions MC Page 4

by Leah Wilde

  He hesitated before he answered. I could see in his eyes that he was weighing the options. The hunger and desire of the biker in him took a backseat, though, to the gentleman he’d shown me on our date.

  “No, not tonight,” he said. “As much as I would love to see your place and get to know you that way, I don’t think the time is right for all of that.” He placed a hand under my chin while he talked, holding my gaze with his.

  I blushed. He was doing everything right, and I was still trying to throw myself at him like he was a limited time offer. If I’d heard him correctly, it seemed to me that he had just told me there would be another chance at another time for us to get to know each other better.

  “Thank you,” I told him with a smile, and gave him a hug.

  “So tell me something, Violet. How does a cashier at a card shop afford a place like this?” he asked as we parted from our embrace.

  “I don’t,” I admitted. “My brother pays for it.”

  “Wow, he must really be doing well, then,” he commented, looking up at my tall building.

  “I guess so. Like I said, I don’t really see him as often as I’d like to. But, hey, he’ll be back in town in a week or so. Maybe you can meet him then,” I suggested. “That is, if we’re still doing this by then.”

  There was still a little bit of doubt in my mind as to whether or not Rogue was being genuine with me. It seemed entirely possible to me that he turned me down simply because I was inexperienced. Then again, why was I so worried about it? Once the wine was out of my system and I was away from his mesmerizing emerald stare, I would thank my lucky stars that he hadn’t come up and taken advantage of me. I was starting to get confused by all of this. Why did I want him so much?

  “I’d love to meet your brother sometime,” Rogue said.

  The little girl in me jumped up and down and squealed. I wanted to run inside and call my best friend to share the news, but I didn’t really have anyone to call. I could have called my brother, but he was out of town on business and wouldn’t answer the phone. Plus, we weren’t quite at tell-my-brother status, not after just one date.

  “So, when are we doing this again?” I asked him, trying to keep from sounding too eager.

  “Well, do you know what your schedule looks like?” he asked me.

  “Ah, good point,” I told him. “I’m not sure. I’ll have to check when I go in tomorrow afternoon. Can I call you to let you know?” I asked.

  “Sure.” A sly grin spread across his face. He pulled out his phone and called me. I had forgotten about giving him my number.

  When I went to answer the phone, he hung up and looked at me.

  “Now you have my number. Save it,” he said flatly, as if he were giving orders.

  “Thank you.” I honestly felt like I couldn’t thank him enough. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d gone on an actual date with anyone. Once guys started figuring out that I was serious about my grades and that I wasn’t going to sleep around, they stopped coming around.

  “Don’t mention it,” he said.

  An awkward silence settled on us. I didn’t know how to end our date. Did I just say goodnight and turn around to head upstairs? Did I give him a hug or a kiss and risk bringing him upstairs and giving in to our desires? I thought about asking him about himself and digging into his story a little bit, but I felt like that topic would be better earlier in the night, maybe on our next date. I still didn’t know his last name or what he did for a living, and he’d been to both my work and my home in just a matter of days. It seemed a little off-balance to me.

  “What about the rest of your family?” he asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

  “I was raised by our grandmother, but she passed away while I was here at the university,” I told him. “Titus is all I’ve really got.” He certainly wanted to know a lot about me, especially for someone who hadn’t told me anything about himself.

  “I’m really sorry to hear that, Violet,” he said, taking my hands in his to pull me into his arms. “What happened to your parents?”

  “They passed away when I was younger. There was a terrible accident. Titus moved away right after it happened,” I answered, remembering as much as I could. “No one was really sure what had happened to them. It was just a freak accident,” I explained, unable to keep myself from spilling my guts to him even more. “Titus stayed around long enough to tie up all their loose ends and make sure I was okay to stay with our grandmother.”

  “Why didn’t you go with him?” Rogue asked.

  “He told me to stay, to finish school, and to join him here in the city once I went off to college. We sort of decided together that I would come to school here so he could help me out if I needed him to.” I asked myself why it was so easy to tell this stranger so much about me. I barely knew him, but something about him was oddly comforting, like I’d known him all my life.

  “That sounds like it was a tough time,” he said, stroking my hair and holding my head to his chest. “I’m sorry you had to deal with that.”

  He was so warm and inviting, so tender and comforting. I could have asked him to come upstairs just for more snuggling. I didn’t have to sleep with him. I would have been happy just to lie on the bed in his arms all night. As I breathed into his chest, I caught myself wanting to ask him back up.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’ve been telling you all of this,” I told him, looking up into his green eyes.

  “Hey, I asked,” he said, dismissing my worries.

  “Yes, I guess you did, but I didn’t have to tell you so much. It’s not your problem. I shouldn’t be troubling you with everything,” I insisted.

  “On the contrary,” he said, squeezing me. “I’m glad you told me so much about you today. I feel like I’ve gotten to know you pretty well on our little date.” He laughed. “It’s certainly better than sitting around talking about the weather or our favorite TV shows.”

  “True,” I agreed, putting my head back on his chest. “Maybe next time, you can tell me a little more about yourself,” I added.

  “We’ll see about that,” Rogue said with a nervous laugh. I didn’t like that laugh too much. It told me that he wasn’t too inclined to tell me anything about him even though he was more than happy to learn about me.

  “You better see that I get something out of you. You’re a mystery to me.” I pulled away from him and wrinkled my nose.

  “Maybe it’s better that way,” he responded, and I could tell from his voice that he really believed what he was saying.

  “You might think so,” I told him, “but when you don’t get another invitation to my apartment, you might change your mind.”

  “You like to play dirty, don’t you?” He played along.

  “Maybe. Too bad you might not get to see just how dirty I like to get,” I challenged him.

  “We’ll see about that,” he said again, and he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me back against him. I could feel all of him pressing against me this time, including the result of all of my teasing, pressing against me through his jeans.

  He was so hard I almost felt bad for teasing him so much. I wanted to reach down and stroke it until I helped him release some of that pressure all over my hand. I had never wanted a man the way I wanted Rogue. I had been able to pass all the others by with ease by focusing on my education or my work. Standing out in the parking lot with this experienced man pressing his rock hard manhood against me, all I wanted to do was show him I could please him despite being so inexperienced and sheltered.

  “You might want to go inside before you end up doing something you’ll regret in the morning,” he whispered. His voice was heavy with desire, and I knew he was right. If I didn’t go in, and now, I would end up giving myself to him one way or another tonight. But before I could go anywhere, he put a hand around the back of my head and kissed me.

  Our lips locked together and his tongue opened my mouth. Our tongues met and ran along each other. The desire t
hat had been growing deep within my warm, wet core blossomed into pleasure that filled my entire body. I took the kiss as a promise that there would be more to come later.

  He pulled back, breaking the hold our lips had on each other and looked me in the eyes.

  “Call me when you’re ready to go out again,” he said as he put on his helmet. He slid onto his bike and fired up the engine. A moment later, he was pulling away, leaving me standing in the parking lot to watch him ride away into the night, back to whatever mysterious place he called home.

  I’d never met anyone like Rogue before. No one else intrigued me as much as he did. No one else had made me want them as much as he did. I couldn’t wait to see him again.

  Chapter 5


  We were making progress, and rather quickly. On each date, I got a little further in. It felt like Violet was really starting to fall for me. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I could make my final move and just ruin her, but I was starting to question myself on that end. Did I really just want to use her and toss her away? Sure, she was Titus’s little sister, making her a prime target for revenge, and she was making as easy as she could by throwing herself at me and eagerly welcoming all of my advances. But, at the same time, it wasn’t her fault that he was such a despicable waste. It wasn’t her fault that she was even his sister. It all came down to the simple fact that she just didn’t deserve what I was planning on doing to her.

  I was still planning on fucking her over, but with every date, I pushed the plan back further. I just wasn’t ready to pull the trigger on her yet.

  I picked her up in front of her apartment building for our fourth date. I still hadn’t been up to her place, and she hadn’t been to mine either. I was forcing both of us to take our time. The plan wouldn’t work the way it was supposed to if I allowed either of us to give in too quickly to our desire for each other.

  “So, what’s the plan for tonight?” she asked as she climbed onto the back of the bike.

  “I’m taking you out tonight,” I told her.

  “I thought that’s what you’ve been doing,” she said.

  “No, I’m taking you out tonight, nothing really special, just for a night out.” I knew I was straying some from the original plan by taking her out to a bar, but I was curious to see if she could hang. Again, because this was supposed to be business and I didn’t want her to know that, I couldn’t take her to any places I normally frequented, or any places where I knew there would be rival organizations.

  “Sounds exciting,” she told me. “Let’s go.”

  I was already impressed by the way she had dressed. I’d told her to dress down when I called her to set up the date—blue jeans and a t-shirt. She wore a plain black shirt and a nice pair of jeans that hugged her subtle curves. I wanted to run my hands along that delicious body and spread her open underneath me.

  I drove us away from the bars and clubs downtown to a small sports bar sitting along the river. They had a patio that stretched out over the water where they did what they called open-air karaoke, which was just outdoor karaoke. We weren’t showing up for karaoke, not unless she just wanted to do it. I didn’t do karaoke.

  Instead of karaoke, we were going to hang out inside, have a few drinks, and maybe play some pool if there were any open tables. I figured pool and drinks were a good recipe for a relaxing, seductive night.

  “You weren’t kidding when you said a night out, were you?” Violet asked as we walked into the bar.

  “I figured a night for us just to let our hair down and relax would be a good thing,” I told her as I looked around the bar to make sure there wasn’t anyone watching us. I didn’t think River Town Bar and Grill was part of anyone’s territory, but I wanted to be sure before we got too comfortable and had to leave to avoid trouble.

  “Sounds good to me,” she said.

  I led her over to one of the tables in the back, near the pool tables. I figured we’d get a few drinks in us, and once a table opened, we could play, but she had other plans up her sleeve it seemed.

  “Hey, let’s go sit outside on the deck,” she said, nodding toward one of the large bay doors that opened onto the deck over the river.

  “Okay, let’s do that.” I got up from the table and followed Violet outside. The lights were dim, and there were only a few other people sitting on the deck.

  We could see cars passing over the nearby bridge, crossing into downtown from the surrounding areas. We could see the towering glass and brick structures of downtown across the river from us, and the music played softly over the outdoor speakers so that we didn’t have to shout to be heard. I didn’t want to admit it, but sitting outside was a much better idea than trying to get in on a pool table.

  The atmosphere was more relaxed. The air was free of smoke. And it was a beautiful evening to sit out in the open air. The karaoke equipment wasn’t out, so I figured we were lucky enough to miss it somehow. That was a bullet I was thankful we dodged.

  “Are you hungry?” I asked her after we sat down. “They have pretty decent food here.”

  “Yeah, I could eat. Why kind of food do they have?” she asked.

  “You really don’t get out much, do you?” I asked, laughing.

  “I mean, I occasionally go out to eat, and I’ve been dancing a few times, but I’ve never really spent much time in bars,” she admitted.

  “Well, you’re missing out,” I told her. “Bar food is some of the best you’ll ever eat.” I winked.

  I had to admit it was fun being Violet’s guide to the world. There were so many things I took for granted that she’d never done, like riding a motorcycle, or eating and drinking at a bar, or fucking. I was sure that if she really sat down and told me, the list of firsts I’d taken care of for her would be pretty shocking.

  There was one last first I knew I wanted to handle for her, one last thing I knew I wanted to do with her. I just wasn’t sure of when I wanted to do it.

  We ordered cheeseburgers and fries, and I laughed while she tried to fit the whole burger in her mouth. Once she managed to flatten it enough to fit, though, those lips of hers wrapped around that bun and manhandled that sandwich. I couldn’t help but wonder what else she could manhandle with those lips. If they could tackle a sandwich that size, it made me wonder what they could do along my shaft.

  I tried to push the thoughts and images of her out of my head, but it wasn’t working anymore. I wanted her, even as we both laughed at how awkward dinner was this time. She didn’t finish her burger. It was easily bigger around than she was, so I couldn’t blame her for it.

  What was supposed to be a fun night of pool and sexual suggestion turned into just a quiet night outside with a few drinks and a couple of large sandwiches. As we finished our food, I noticed that the deck was clearing off. We were the only two people out, which was hard to believe. I pulled my chair around next to hers at the table and sat close to her so we could both look out over the river.

  “What are you doing?” she asked playfully.

  “Just getting a better view,” I said in an assuring tone as I put my arm across the back of her chair.

  “You’d better watch yourself, Mr. Rogue,” she said, looking down at my lips, just a breath away from hers.

  We kissed. We had kissed a lot over the last couple of dates. I enjoyed the way she kissed, so innocent and yet so eager for pleasure and that special physical connection. She tasted like desire.

  While I kissed her, I put one hand behind the back of her head and held her to me. Our lips and tongues worked each other over with a frantic sexual hunger that was bleeding over into every touch we shared. My other hand made its way under her t-shirt and ran across her smooth, flat stomach. Her skin was so soft, so smooth, so delicate.

  My erection ached against my jeans as it tried to push its way through the fabric to get to her. Oh, if only tonight were the night. We weren’t quite ready yet, but I was going to try to speed things up a little bit out there on the wooden deck overlookin
g the river at night.

  My hand brushed along the waist band of her jeans, and I felt myself growing harder, as if my cock were telling me that I was heading in the right direction. I unbuckled her belt and opened her jeans underneath the table so I could slide my hand down between her legs. First, I ran my fingers over her solid cotton panties, pressing against her so I could feel the folds in her skin.

  She gasped and pulled away from our kiss. She grabbed my arm with one of her petite, tender hands, wrapping her fingers around as much of my forearm as she could. Her fingertips were electric against my skin, sending serious jolts of pleasure through my arm. But she wasn’t trying to pull me away. She was simply holding onto me, the same way she had on the motorcycle.

  She rolled her hips forward in the chair, making herself more accessible to my hand. I ran my fingers up to the top of her slit and felt her skin spreading open behind the fabric so that I was rubbing against her clit. Her legs clenched my hand immediately and she sucked her breath in through her teeth.


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