Conveniently Convicted

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Conveniently Convicted Page 16

by Ivy Asher

  For a moment, nobody says anything.

  I look around, my confident smile superglued on but my morale starting to deflate nervously. Fuck. This is gonna be embarrassing.

  But just before I totally slip into mortification mode, it’s like everyone takes a collective breath before they all start shouting at once. Suddenly, the gathered females are shoving, spitting, cursing, hell, even a fist fight breaks out.

  I sell all fifteen pairs in five minutes flat, and I come away that much richer. Snacks, dibs on the front of the lunch line, an extra shower rotation, and even some sexual favors that I definitely won’t be cashing in, but it’s still flattering.

  Smiling as the last of my customers walk away, I glance at the rest of the females who missed out. “Don’t worry, I’ll have more for sale next week.”

  A few of them grumble as they move on, while more start cursing and talking shit about the ones who managed to snag some pairs. One of the female vampires vows that she’s “never talking to that skank Marla again” all because Marla outbid her. I grin. Market day is the best.

  “Well done,” Zen says with a smirk.

  “Better than the shanks?”

  “Much,” she replies before walking away.

  “Here you go, Joe,” I say, tossing him a nice piece of quartzite I found. “Thanks for your help.”

  He munches on it happily and trails away.

  “I thought I told you to behave while I was gone.”

  My lips tilt up at the sound of Rook’s voice, but I sweep it away again before turning around to face him.

  “Oh. Hey, Rookie,” I say coolly. I’m not gonna let him think I’ve forgotten about the last time we talked. I’m still mad at him for calling me a coward.

  He gives me a look. “I’ve been reverted back to Rookie again, huh?” he asks, put out.

  “Mm-hmm. It’s deserved.”

  He moves to get closer to me, then pauses. In the middle of the rec yard, we don’t have any amount of privacy, and he seems to come to that same realization the moment I do. “Come on,” he says before turning to walk away.

  I debate about not following him for a moment, but I missed him, dammit. I haven’t seen him for a couple of days, and despite the fact that I’m still pissy over what he said, I find myself trailing after him.

  Rook goes to the end of the yard to the locked gate, where another guard stands watch on the other side. “I’m taking her in early. She was caught selling in the rec yard.”

  The PG snorts. “I heard,” he says, casting eerily yellow eyes at me. “Where’d you get all that extra underwear?”

  “No comment,” I say, because it’s probably not a good idea to tell a prison guard that I stole it off the laundry cart.

  Following behind Rook, he leads me back inside the building. I’m intensely aware of his body as we walk, my eyes tracking every movement.

  Neither of us say a word, but if anything, it just adds to the sexual tension between us. As I watch, his strong arms swing at his sides, and I’m reminded of how they held me pinned against the wall. His steps remind me of the way he prowled closer to me. His bright hair keeps me riveted, like I’m expecting it to glow any second, and his tail swishes behind him, curling toward me like it wants to reach out and wrap around my leg. I’d like it to reach out and wrap around my ass again instead.

  “Need a bathroom break before I take you to your cell?” he asks, pulling me from my dirty thoughts.

  “What? Oh. No, thanks. I’m good.”

  Rook tosses a pointed look at me. I blink at him and shrug, like, what?

  He sighs. “Okay. I’ll take you back to your cell. To your monitored cell.”

  “Oh. Oh!” I say, realization dawning. He totally wants unmonitored dirty time with me. “Right. Uh. Bathroom break. Definitely need a bathroom break first.”

  “Good choice,” he murmurs before turning down a different hallway and leading me to the bathrooms.

  My tail flicks impatiently, ready to capitalize on the hungry rumble of his voice.

  “Go ahead,” he says, opening the door for me. He leads me to the bathroom that’s blessedly empty, since the rest of the block is either in the cells, in the rec yard, or in the cafeteria.

  “Hmm, I think someone clogged the toilet, Mr. Prison Guard, sir,” I lie. “Can you check it out?”

  With a smirk, he comes in, and as soon as the door swings shut, he’s on me. Mouth on mine, he swallows up the surprised sound and grinds his hips into me.

  “I fucking missed you,” he breathes before running his mouth against my sensitive neck. “And you’re also due for a punishment.”

  I yelp when his hand smacks against my ass. “Ouch!” I snap.

  “That’s what you get for changing my name tag again. I love cock? Really? I don’t know how you made so many damn bejeweled penises, but it’s good to know that you didn’t run out of those the first time you framed my name tag with them.”

  I snort out a laugh. “I thought it was a good touch. And you can’t be mad. I was simply declaring your love for your own people, you are a cock...atrice,” I say with a wry smile.

  Fast as a snake strike, I reach down and lightly backhand Rook’s balls. He oomphs and slightly folds over, bringing a hand up to plug his nostrils, like that’s gonna block out his pain. He looks like a kid who’s about to cannon ball and doesn’t want to get water up his nose.

  I start to laugh, which earns me a plugged nose glare. I tilt my head and adopt an awww poor baby mien.

  “What the hell?” Rook grinds out.

  I shrug. “Punishment.”

  “For what?” he demands, slowly straightening up.

  “Would hitting a prison guard in the balls be something a coward does?” I ask chirpily.

  Rook huffs out an exasperated breath. “Sunrise, I don’t think you’re a coward. I said the wrong thing, and I’m sorry. I don’t like seeing you in a place like this, that’s all. Yes, you have people watching your back right now, but there are very dangerous people in here that are always looking for chinks in the armor. It’s not safe.”

  Rook steps into me, his large, hard body suddenly flush with mine. He cups my face, and his thumbs caress my cheeks as he looks down at me, his turquoise gaze intense.

  “I care about you. I know that might seem weird because of where we are, but our surroundings don’t change anything for me. I care, and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  I stare up at him, my eyes soaking up his earnest gaze and my mind soaking up his words. He cares for me.

  I fidget, not sure what to say or do. It’s not that I don’t feel those words on the tip of my tongue too. It’s that I don’t know exactly what to think about the taste.

  On one hand, I’m not sure if I should trust whatever is going on between us. And on the other hand, I can’t deny my attraction or the pull I feel whenever he’s around and sometimes, even when he’s not. I think about him maybe a little too much, and that’s probably not a good thing, considering my circumstances.

  But instead of saying any of that jumbled, complicated mess...I just kiss him. I pull his full lips down to mine and kiss him with everything I can’t bring myself to say.

  I tease his tongue with mine and twine them together in the same way it seems fate has twined us. You’re not supposed to find the person you’ve always been looking for in prison. It makes answering innocent questions like how’d you meet really fucking awkward.

  Aww, how’d you two lovebirds get together? Don’t worry about how we met, Patty, worry about yourself.

  See? Awkward. I don’t want to have to scream that at little ol’ Patty from the grocery store. And it’ll only be natural for her to ask, because she saw this totally adorable couple, aka us, and just had to know where I snagged such a specimen. I can picture Patty’s face when I politely say prison just before she asks me if I want to purchase reusable bags.

  The only problem is, this feels so fucking right. Every time I’m with him, my beast settles
into him. I settle into him. We

  And I realize that’s what I’ve been looking for my whole life. As I ran away, as I hid out. I was looking for somewhere where I fit. Somewhere that I could be happy. And now that I found’s heartbreaking to think that I probably won’t be able to keep it.

  As Rook threads his hands in my hair and kisses me passionately, all of those worries and troubled thoughts fall away. I can see myself being happy with Rook, and not just as a passing, fleeting fling, but as a long-term commitment, and that’s something I’ve never felt before. I want to pretend, just for a moment, that a future like that is possible.

  We trade longing hunger and unspoken promises with our lips, and I can feel exactly how deep his I care for you goes, and I know he can feel the same from me. I don’t know what’s going to happen between us, but I want to soak up every moment with him that I can.

  Throwing caution to the wind, I reach for the buckle on his utility belt. We can fuck the unknown out of each other for all I care at this point. I just know I want him in a way that’s consuming and terrifying, and I’m learning to be okay with that.

  Rook sucks on my lip and pulls back while he reaches down to stop my hands. I give a tiny grumble of protest, and he chuckles. “I can’t, Sunrise. Fuck, I want to—you have no idea how badly I want to—but I’m supposed to be on duty out in the tower. They’re going to send someone to look for me if I’m not back soon.”

  My brow dips with consternation, and I suddenly understand why toddlers throw fits the way they do. If they feel anything like this, then I get why a tiny person would toss themselves on the ground and test the strength of their lungs. “Glow Worm,” I whine as I try to lean in for more kisses.

  He pulls back like the tease that he is, and I end up looking like a fish going for food that was just sprinkled at the top of the water. I’d feel embarrassed by it—and will probably relive this moment every night when my brain plays a reel of every embarrassing or awkward thing I’ve ever done in my whole damn life—but I’m too fucking strung out on Rook and turned on to care.

  “Just a quick fuck,” I plead. “Ooh, let’s do the I dropped the soap bit in the shower!” I say excitedly. “You can have your way with me as I bend over real slowly...while I’m handcuffed,” I say with a suggestive eyebrow wag. Prison has really good kinky sex scenarios.

  Rook growls hungrily, leaning in and nipping at my lip before he pushes away from me like I’m a flaring flame. He holds his hands up, either surrendering, or because he’s afraid to touch me, I’m not sure which. I’m going to go with the latter, because if he were surrendering to me, he’d have his cock buried balls deep inside me and I’d be gasping his name in his ear in between begging for more and telling him yes, right there!

  “Don’t give me that look, Sunrise,” he sexily scolds while running his fingers through his bright hair with frustration. His scalp has started to pulse with a sharp glow. “I want you so bad, you have no idea, but I have to get back to work. I’ve already been gone too long.”

  His eyes plead with me to understand, and I give up on a sigh and nod my head. “Fine,” I capitulate.

  Relief fills his features, and he reaches for my hand. “I’ll walk you back real quick,” he offers, but I shake my head no.

  “I’ll stay here for a minute and then find my own way back. You go before you get in trouble or something,” I tell him.

  “If you have to pee, I can wait for a second,” he declares, like it makes him some knight in shining armor.

  I chuckle and shake my head. Poor, innocent Rook. “I don’t need to pee, Rookie. I need to shove my hand down my pants and play with myself. If I can’t wring out at least two orgasms, I’m not going to be able to function for the rest of the day.”

  Rook looks at me, dumbfounded.

  I raise my eyebrows at him. “What? You only have yourself to blame. You can’t get a girl all hot and bothered and think it doesn’t need to be dealt with.”

  I drop my hands to the ties of my scrub pants and start to untie the bow. Rook just watches me like he doesn’t understand what I’m saying. I shove my hand inside my pants and underwear, and I’m so fucking wet I don’t even need to lubricate my clit—it’s plenty juicy already.

  I manage about half a circle before Rook growls, “Fuck it,” and starts to unbuckle his belt.


  My insides explode with a cheer like my body is a stadium and the home team just scored a touchdown. Rook gets his pants down quickly and then sits down on a wood-topped bench that the inmates use when they’re waiting for their turn to shower.

  I kick off my shoes and have my pants and underwear off by the time his ass is hitting the bench. I push him back from where he’s leaning over to untie his boots and crawl into his lap instead. I reach into his open pants and pull out my vagina’s best friend, stroking it for good luck. Then I line myself up and sink down over him, and we both moan out in relief, like suddenly, all is right in the world again.

  He pulls up my shirt and pops my boob out over the top of my sports bra as I rise up on his thick cock and drop myself back down. He brings my other breast out to play with too and pinches the nipple as his mouth closes around the other hard tip. I moan quietly and then start riding him, like he’s the bull of the year and I need these next eight seconds to change my life.

  Rook moans and nips at my nipple while pinching the other even tighter, and a flash of sensation moves from my needy tits down to my clit. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh fills the bathroom, and the base of his cock gets wetter and wetter with every downstroke of my pussy.

  It’s a race to the finish line for both of us. We’re carnal and animalistic in our fight for what we need as I bounce on his dick. I’m bucking up and down over his cock like he’s a bounce house and I’m trying to catch enough air to do a backflip.

  Finally, we’re both getting a taste of what we’ve been craving since the last time he was deep inside of me. It’s not enough. I just can’t seem to get enough of this male.

  I grab the back of his head as he switches nipples and flicks the hard tip with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth. I encourage what he’s doing as I grind on him and lean down to whisper in his ear. “You feel so fucking good,” I purr. “Do you feel how wet you make me, Glow Worm? Do you feel my pussy fluttering around your cock as you go deeper and deeper?”

  Rook moans and pops off my nipple. “Fucking hell, female.”

  He pulls my lips to his and kisses me stupid, while lifting us up and switching our positions. My back touches the wood of the bench, and I spread wide for him. Rook starts to fuck me like he’s drowning and can only breathe once I’m screaming his name. He holds my shoulders so I don’t scoot up the bench while he drives into me over and over again. I try to bite back the screams of ecstasy, not wanting to give us away, but it’s so fucking hard. And the fact that we could be caught any’s a dangerous, titillating turn on.

  My body fills with tingles that are steadily collecting at my core. “Yes,” I encourage, throwing my head back to revel in the building orgasm. “Just like that.”

  “Look at me,” Rook demands. “I want to see your eyes when I make you come all over my cock.”

  My lids snap open at his dirty words, and I stare up at him as pleasure builds to its peak. I can tell by his face that he’s right there on the cusp with me. I’ve never come at the same time as someone else, and I’m suddenly super into watching him as he orgasms and fills me up.

  I start chanting his name every time our hips connect, and then seconds later, we both explode into nothing but a culmination of passion, desire, pleasure, and rapture.

  Rook and I watch each other orgasm, but it’s not weird like it has the potential to be, it’s intimate in a way I didn’t understand before. His eyes drink in my pleasure, and I can almost feel it add to his own.

  We both pant as we come down, and then he bends to kiss me sweetly. “You were way too loud,” he say
s before pinching a nipple and pulling out of me to get cleaned up. I watch him from my back, legs spread, boobs out, shirt pushed up, and he watches me right back like a lion planning his next hunt.

  “You made me,” I retort as he buckles his utility belt back into place and caresses every inch of my body with a still-hungry stare.

  “Damn right.”

  I thought that a quick fuck would take the edge off my need for him, but I was wrong. I could spend every second of the day with his cock buried deep in my pussy, and I still don’t think I could get enough.

  That’s when realization hits me like another orgasm. It’s not just the sex I crave, it’s him. All of him. This self-assured, funny, thoughtful asshole has wormed his way into my heart. It doesn’t matter how rational I try to be about it all. I’m falling for him.

  Rook looks at me like the cat that’s got the cream, and all I want to do is stay here for the next day and give him plenty more for him to lap up. I can see in his eyes that he wants the same thing, but reality is a bitch of a cockblock.

  “I’m going to think about you just like this for the rest of the day,” he tells me as he prowls over and leans down to claim my lips one more time.

  His hand runs down my arm, and I do my best to convince him with my lips that we should spend the rest of the day seeing how many orgasms a female cockatrice body can take, but he straightens up. He lifts my hand in his and slowly brings my fingers to his face before picking out my pointer finger and putting it in his mouth. His lips close around it and he sucks, his tongue swirling.

  At first I’m irritated, because he’s getting me all riled up again just before he’s about to leave, but then I remember that’s the finger I dipped between my lips and circled my clit with when I was teasing him by playing with myself.

  He moans as he pulls my finger out of his mouth. “Now I’ll get to taste you for the rest of the day too.”

  With that, he backs up, his heated gaze drinking me in one last time before he turns and disappears out of the door. I sigh and sit up. What the hell am I supposed to do about him?


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