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Pseudopandemic Page 2

by Iain Davis

  COVID 19 was a disease with specific symptoms which required very careful medical diagnosis. Otherwise the wider set of symptoms could appear largely indistinguishable [4] from other respiratory illnesses and the risk of misdiagnosis was high. This risk was compounded by the global reliance upon tests which were not diagnostic tools and were incapable of identifying a COVID 19 “case.”

  Unusually, the hypoxia (low blood oxygen levels) and hypercapnia (high blood Co2 levels) seen in genuine COVID 19 cases did not appear to correspond [5] to the expected loss of respiratory system compliance, common to other causes of Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome (ARDS.) These specific COVID 19 symptoms could only be revealed through detailed medical examination. No test in isolation was capable of identifying COVID 19.

  Far from protecting the public from the disease, the policy response to COVID 19 caused immense additional suffering. Many people died before their time as a direct result of political decisions. If we acknowledge that this was a contrived event, we must also conclude that the perpetrators were willing to use policy as a weapon to cause additional deaths in pursuit of their objectives.

  History is littered with tyrannical despots who killed people for their own ambitions. We have done nothing to guard against this happening again. In many respects the perpetual push towards the centralisation of global authority, coupled with ever more sophisticated and devastating weapons of mass destruction, has increased the risk of genocide.

  In a June 2020 interview, convened by the US Chamber of Commerce, Bill Gates warned the world about the next pandemic. He has an intimate knowledge of the deliberations of the World Health Organisation; he has access to the latest public health research, related science and predictions. We would be wise to take note of his words:

  "We will have to prepare for the next one. That, you know...I'd get attention next time."

  While the COVID 19 pseudopandemic was essentially a confidence trick, this doesn't mean the next pandemic won't pose a real global health threat. It would be foolish to imagine that people who are capable of orchestrating the pseudopandemic wouldn't be willing to exploit a far more deadly contagion.

  Nor does it suggest there is no need to observe proper public health standards or maintain effective health monitoring systems. In fact, awareness of the pseudopandemic demands that we do. If our current systems weren't so corrupt perhaps we could have both spotted the deception and implemented a more effective public health response to COVID 19.

  The pseudopandemic is first and foremost a crime. There are real people who are guilty of it. This book is written in the firm hope that the plan ultimately fails and that we never allow our society to be manipulated by criminals again.

  A crime consists of specific elements. It must be a voluntary act or wilful omission (actus reus) driven by dishonourable or mendacious intent (mens rea - guilty mind). It must also contravene a law. In this case the COVID 19 pseudopandemic appears to be both a conspiracy to commit fraud (under Common Law) or a Joint Criminal Enterprise [6] (under International Law.)

  In order to convict the perpetrators of the pseudopandemic fraud, a jury would need to see evidence of the categorical trinity. They must be satisfied, beyond any reasonable doubt, that the accused had the means, motive and opportunity to commit the crime.

  Obviously a global pseudopandemic is no ordinary fraud. The scale is immense and the complicit number in millions. However, the vast majority involved in perpetuating the scam were innocent. They demonstrated neither actus reus nor mens rea. Just like the billions of victims around the world, they too were duped.

  Contrary to popular belief, in order for a global conspiracy to work, there is no need for a large number of conspirators. In fact, if the conspiracy stands any chance of success, it is vital that only a few have any knowledge of it. The more people who know, the more likely it is to fail.

  A small number of people exerting world-wide control over vast, complex systems is nothing unusual. There are many multinational corporations and government agencies who manage global operations using this top down, compartmentalised, authoritarian structure.

  Nor is it cheap. Only those with the deepest pockets can possibly be the architects of the pseudopandemic. The guilty are among their number.

  At this stage all we can have are suspicions. In order to formerly identify the guilty we would first need to launch a truly independent global investigation. Only the evidence can reveal the suspects and only lawfully convened juries, invested with all judicial authority, can consider that evidence and convict the guilty on its merits.

  For this reason all individuals and organisations named in this book are rightfully considered innocent until proven guilty. No crime is alleged against anyone or any group.

  Centralised global authority and compartmentalisation [7] enabled the COVID 19 pseudopandemic to pass largely undetected. While the voices challenging the "official narrative" were many, they remained a minority. Their objections and the evidence they presented was widely censored and the broader population accepted the pseudopandemic story. The vast majority were deceived into believing they faced a genuine global pandemic and a severe public health threat.

  The evidence is now incontrovertible. The pseudopandemic was a psychological operation used to control billions through fear. By looking at this evidence we can identify the suspects who had the means, opportunity and motive to commit the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on humanity.

  Centralised authority combined with thorough planning and preparation made the pseudopandemic possible. This enabled a tiny group of core conspirators to control the behaviour of billions.

  They abused our trust and sold us nothing but disinformation. Billions of us believe that the global system of authority has our best interests at heart. Consequently we were willing to comply with our orders, wrongly assuming they were intended to keep us safe.

  This belief in benign authority isn't rational. History should teach us to be sceptical. Unfortunately, our collective faith in authority allowed the pseudopandemic to proceed largely unchecked.

  When a global health authority told us the threat level was severe we were already programmed to accept it. The global authority had no need to prove anything. A simple declaration sufficed, as their authoritarian status imbued them with the power to define reality. No lesser authority could challenge them.

  The core conspirators control the system of global, compartmentalised authority. For the pseudopandemic to succeed they only needed to command a small cadre of well placed individuals. They formed the inner ring [8], protecting the core conspirators. We will refer to these individuals as the informed influencers.

  Informed influencers were tasked to facilitate the pseudopandemic by exercising their invested authority. They worked at the intergovernmental, governmental and corporate level to further pseudopandemic objectives. For the plan to work, the core conspirators required only that the informed influencers were committed to the cause. No one else needed to have any idea about the nature of the deception. In fact, it was essential that they didn't.

  The informed influencer's role was twofold. Firstly they had to convince their colleagues, and their wider networks, that the claimed threat level was real. Informed influencers were placed within academic and scientific bodies to achieve this. Once convinced, the remaining deceived influencers unwittingly contributed towards the success of the pseudopandemic.

  The core conspirators initial goal was to create a global policy response to the pseudopandemic that would lay the foundations for their longer term objectives. The deceived influencers genuinely believed these policies were necessary to combat the perceived scale of the threat. Once careers were invested in the deception, even those who perhaps realised they were complicit, were unable, or unwilling, to stop the policy juggernaut.

  This left the informed influencers free to shape policies which, had the scale of the threat been genuine, would have made no sense. These policies were specifically
designed to instil fear in the public, reinforce the pseudopandemic narrative and introduce the population to new forms of dictatorial governance.

  The seismic shift towards new technocratic social control systems would not have been possible unless the population were terrorised. Once the people were suitably cowed, the informed influencers were able to use the cover of the pseudopandemic to create the form of governance (technocracy) the core conspirators ultimately desired.

  Fearing COVID 19 and trusting the authorities, the global population was deceived. The only remaining task for the core conspirators was to command the narrative. As they own and control most of the world's mainstream media [9] (MSM) this wasn't too difficult.

  Any who were suspicious, or those who asked questions likely to expose the pseudopandemic, regardless of their qualifications or experience, were isolated and attacked [10] by the MSM. With marginally less control over social media, the core conspirators had to accuse all who questioned them [11] of the deceit which they were themselves guilty of.

  This was achieved by funding so called fact checkers [12] to infiltrate and control the social media [13] platforms. They policed online free speech. Informed influencers also deployed the military [14] to attack the psyche of the public using applied psychological techniques. The people were subjected to a pseudopandemic terror campaign.

  In preparation for this hybrid war, a propaganda tsunami was unleashed to create the myth of the so called infodemic [15]. This was done both to protect the pseudopandemic, in the short term, and to manufacture the claimed rationale for the eventual removal of free speech.

  The pseudopandemic presented the public with a stark choice. They could either make the effort to research and verify information for themselves or rely upon whatever they were told by influencers, either deceived or informed, in the mainstream media. [16] and government.

  For whatever reason, most were unable or unaware of the need to think critically. Consequently widespread disinformation was believed. Utterly bamboozled, many victims came to view their own freedom of speech, inalienable right and liberties as dangerous. They conceded that their own freedoms were an unacceptable risk to their safety.

  The second aspect of the informed influencers role was to provide plausible deniability [17] for the core conspirators and, to a great extent, themselves. They obfuscated their responsibility by claiming decisions were made by a wider group. They were either led by science or serving the wishes of the public. Although many scientists disagreed with the policies and the public weren't asked to approve any of them.

  By slotting themselves into the right committees, think tanks, representative bodies and governance institutions, the informed influencers steered the policies while obscuring their individual culpability. At the same time, a bulwark was created between the core conspirators and the controlled authorities who implemented the policies.

  Whenever objections crept into the decision or policy making process, the informed influencers called upon the core conspirators. They marshalled their practically limitless resources to cherry pick the expert opinion they needed to convince wavering deceived influencers. Ultimately any firm resistance from objecting influencers was simply overruled, outvoted, ignored or removed.

  The core conspirators must therefore have enormous financial power. While they only needed to control a relatively small number of informed influencers, they also had to maintain a watchful eye and command over many other important influencing groups and authorities.

  This was done, without raising too much alarm, through careful investment planning and grant making. This so-called philanthropy was then combined with a few informed influencers, appointed to key positions, to achieve international and national systemic control.

  We will largely focus upon the UK to illustrate how some had the means, opportunity and motivation required to orchestrate the pseudopandemic. However, events in the UK were not unique. The same modus operandi was evident in countries across the world.

  The most influential authority, central to the pseudopandemic, was the United Nation's special agency the World Health Organisation (WHO). They have pseudopandemic form: there is a precedent. For the moment, we will also focus upon the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) as exemplars of the financial control mechanism.

  The BMGF are just one part of a global network of authority. The core conspirators lead that network, but many of their ambitions are shared by the network as a whole. Primarily because they serve the interests of network participants (stakeholders).

  The WHO receives funding from two sources [18]. Assessed contributions are a percentage of GDP which nation member states have agreed to pay. These represent a little less than 20% of the WHO's total budget. Voluntary contributions comprise the remaining 80%.

  Voluntary contributions are those which member states choose to donate. They also include contributions from private grant making foundation, industry bodies, intergovernmental organisations, pharmaceutical corporations and other private sector interests.

  With the Trump administration's temporary withholding of the US voluntary contribution [19] (and a small portion of its assessed contribution), Germany were claimed to be the largest single donor. The BMGF were said to be the second [20]. These claims, both by the Trump administration and by the WHO, were deceptive.

  The BMGF are also the leading donors to other significant WHO contributors. Most notably the GAVI Vaccine alliance, the COVID Solidarity Fund and Rotary International. This made the private BMGF the largest single contributor to the WHO's overall budget, by some margin.

  While former US President Trump made the headlines with his apparent decision to withhold the US voluntary contribution of around $1 billion, at the same time his administration increased the US tax payer's contribution to the BMGF controlled GAVI by $1.16 billion [21]. Effectively reducing the US tax payer's theoretical influence over the WHO, while significantly increasing their contribution to it via GAVI and the BMGF.

  Many claim that the BMGF investment in the WHO does not buy influence. This is possible but implausible.

  Whether you consider the BMGF to be simply a philanthropic organisation or not, the WHO consistently promote the BMGF's publicly stated agenda. It is far more plausible that the BMGF funding does influence WHO policy recommendations.

  In an article titled "Meet The World's Most Powerful Doctor: Bill Gates," Politico observed [22]:

  "Some billionaires are satisfied with buying themselves an island. Bill Gates got a United Nations health agency in Geneva."

  Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard to focus on his fledgling Microsoft business. It isn't clear whether he did so in the knowledge that his mother would secure him [23] the IBM contract that would ultimately make him a billionaire. Though perhaps we should note it was nepotism, not business genius, which assured his future.

  Gates has a few honorary degrees but he is neither scientifically nor medically qualified. Yet Politico's headline was not entirely inaccurate. Somehow, he is seen by millions [24] as some sort of leading global health expert. While academic qualifications are no guarantee of expertise and experience is often a better measure, would anyone listen to Bill Gates' opinion on global health were it not for his so-called philanthropy? How does money make you an expert?

  We are about the cover the reasons why we might suspect that Gates may have been among the core conspirators. In so doing, we can see how the core conspirator's authority was devolved to the informed influencer who were then able to shape policy in the interest of their handlers.

  The WHO's current Secretary General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, is a potential example of an informed influencer. Ghebreyesus' career has benefited considerably from his relationship with the BMGF. He was the Director of the Global Fund [25], founded by the BMGF in partnership with G8 [26] governments. He was also a board member of the GAVI vaccine alliance [27], again founded in partnership with the BMGF. The BMGF also backed his bid, along with China, to become WHO director gen
eral in 2017.

  The BMGF don't just fund the WHO. They are entwined with public health, biotech and agricultural initiatives [28] the world over. Often in stakeholder partnership with the WHO and various governments.

  For example, they have heavily backed [29] a bio-metric payment system called Trust Stamp [30] in West Africa. This combines Mastercard's AI payment technology with the GAVI - Mastercard Wellness Pass.

  This creates a technology linking biometric ID and immunity status (based upon vaccination, not health) with access to money. With a rather unpalatable whiff of neocolonialism, so called fact checkers have been eager to point out [31] that the Trust Stamp initiative currently only impacts people in developing nations. They conclude:

  "There is nothing to suggest vaccination refusal would result in prevention or loss of any financial freedom."

  Then why design a system specifically capable of doing so? Undoubtedly many will say this is just another coincidence. Though, as we shall explore later, bio-metric ID linked to vaccine derived immunity, controlling access to finance in a cashless society, is very much part of the core conspirators motive for the pseudopandemic.

  If we suspect that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was a likely informed influencer for the BMGF within the WHO, it should come as no surprise that the WHO warned the world [32] about the COVID dangers of using cash. Despite there being no plausible evidence that handling cash presents any COVID 19 infection risk [33].

  For the WHO, making wildly inaccurate statements is a habit. Though incorrect, these errors consistently benefit the interests of the BMGF and their partners.

  The Pfizer and BioNTech's BNT162b2 was the first vaccine approved for global distribution to combat COVID 19. As we shall see, none of the COVID 19 vaccines stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infections. Instead, they are said to reduce the health impacts of the resultant COVID 19 disease.


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