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Pseudopandemic Page 42

by Iain Davis

  Rather than pause for a moment to question if any of this is necessary the solution, according to the GPPP, is to increase the scale of the money-go-round. Despite commitments to inclusivity, developing nations will continue to be the carbon sinks and credit generators for the neocolonialist offset swindle.

  There is no choice in any of this. People like Carney aren't elected by us, small businesses haven't been asked for their contribution, it is simply global economic planning by authoritarian diktat. Everyone will have to adjust their business models and those who can't will be punished.

  The transition to Futurescape requires staggering levels of global investment. This investment will be raised through the issuance of green bonds.

  A bond is effectively an i.o.u (fixed income instrument) which the issuer (borrower) offers in exchange for investment from the lender (creditor.) Bond issuers, such as State franchises, financial institutions like the World Bank and global corporations, issue bonds to raise finance for large scale projects. This enables them fund operations which a single lender might be unable to finance alone.

  State franchise bonds have their own names. US bonds are Treasuries, in the UK they are "gilt-edged securities," or simply gilts, and in Germany they are Bunds.

  The bond will have a maturity date, called the principle, which determines when the bond (loan agreement) must be repaid to the lender. This maturity will offer a fixed interest payment to the lender. The interest received, either as a series of scheduled payments (coupons) during the loan period or a fixed repayment when the bond matures, is called the bond yield. Consequently, bonds are considered fixed income securities and can be traded on the bond markets. They are a form of asset.

  Bonds can be bought by a wide variety of professional investors. Corporate bonds can be bought directly by insurance companies, pension funds, banks or private venture capitalists etc. State franchise bonds are auctioned to primary dealers. The primary dealers in the UK are called Guilt Edged Market Makers [52] (GEMM's). They include Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan and HSBC. The primary dealers can then resell their bonds on the bond secondary markets to any investor.

  The Green Bond [53] is the investment vehicle for the transition to the carbon neutral, net zero global economy. Philip Hammond's ambition to liberate $90 trillion in investment meant a potential $90 trillion green bond market. The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has issued a set of guidelines outlining the kind of projects which can legitimately be called sustainable development to be financed by bond investors.

  They are any investment in renewable energy or energy efficiency; anything called pollution control or any investment in agriculture, aquaculture or land management (buying land); investment in protecting the natural environment, such as conservation projects (buying land); transportation infrastructure, buying more land, low emission vehicles, eco-efficient products, low carbon construction and something called climate change adaptation (which could be anything.)

  As long as you can put the sustainability label on whatever you want to make money out of, or offer some half baked argument that what you intend to do is green, then the idea is that State franchises, global financial institutions and multinational corporations will raise the necessary investment capital through green bonds. From which private investors will earn a yield (profit).

  This is why groups like the Rockefeller Foundation Endowment Fund are divesting from their fossil fuel investments [54]. They are no longer concerned about stimulating world demand for oil. The population control technocracy will be based upon green finance, trading carbon credits backed by green bonds providing profits (yields) directly to the investor. All funded for by the tax payer.

  As we transition the GPPP can continue to rely upon an offset but stable fossil fuel energy supply while those who can't will be stuck in the development backwater of renewable energy shortages. Leaving them vulnerable to "flexible investment mechanisms" harvesting an ever increasing volume of their natural resources.

  The Rockefeller's claim the reason they are pulling some of their investments out of fossil fuels is because they want to "promote the well-being of humanity throughout the world, based on science and innovation." It is just an extremely fortunate coincidence for them that they are also leading the way in a parasitic system that is going to hoover up wealth and grab vast swathes of the Earth (and the oceans, the atmosphere and space) in the process.

  No matter what the origin of SARS-CoV-2 may be, the pseudopandemic was planned. Our freedom of movement was restricted, our access to shared resources limited, supermarket shelves were laid bare and we were required to adapt our behaviour to an emergency situation. As the GPPP install the new net zero normal the economic, political, social and cultural impact will be immense.

  The parasite class and stakeholder capitalists who form the GPPP have financed the international scientific consensus on climate change. They have constructed the intergovernmental system which issues the approved, sustainable and resilient truth. The same people also created the scientific consensus on the pseudopandemic.

  The pseudopandemic response ensured that we worked from home or stayed at home. We didn't travel, didn't go to pubs, restaurants or cafes. We didn't socialise or attend events. Our world became a lot smaller and we increasingly relied upon the services provided to our homes. This is exactly the behavioural change we will be required to make in the low carbon, net zero economy.

  The pseudopandemic was used to introduce us to the permanent state of intermittent lockdowns which Deutsche bank alluded to as the eco-dictatorship. These will enable the GPPP to seize the global commons as they propel us towards their Agenda 21 Futurescape.

  If society wants to make it happen.


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  Chapter 20 - Behaviour Change

  The pseudopandemic accelerated the pace of the socio-economic adaptation required to meet Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This transition will produce a few winners and a tremendous amount of losers. Once reality dawns, the losers are unlikely to react very well.

  The core conspirators and their informed influencers need to have their technocratic dictatorship established as quickly as possible. One of the main motives for their pseudopandemic was to use behavioural change to transition us into the biosecurity surveillance state they need to control us. Fear was used to radically alter our culture and our society while quelling possible resistance. The long term objective is to transform humanity.

  The basis of our democratic society is freedom. Freedom of speech and expression, the freedom to roam, freedom of association, freedom to protest and to petition, freedom of religion and tolerance for others views are the foundational principles we supposedly believe in. Yet, for the vast majority of us, it seems a low level public health threat was sufficient reason to cast these principles aside.

  Many did so as a result of the propaganda and disinformation that convinced them that they, and their families, faced a significant threat. Others did so believing the new rules were temporary.

  Even 15 months after we were first given the sound-bite of "three weeks to flatten the curve," as the restrictions and the intrusions continue, many still cling to this hope. Sadly their faith is misplaced. The new normal is, and always was, intended to be permanent and compliance with the rules only encourages further State franchise oppression.

  In order for their neofeudalism to take hold globally, the parasite class needed to psychologically condition the population to accept it. The pseudopandemic was created as the existential threat and the mainstream media (MSM) and hybrid warfare troops were deployed to use it to terrorise the population. The resultant fear then compelled the majority to adapt their behaviour as instructed, in order to stay safe.

  This new conditioned behaviour was a key objective of the core conspirators and their informed influencers. It established our behavioural commitment to biosecurity. This is a critical social control mechanism for the proposed Technate. Again we focus here upon the UK as an example, but the same methods were used in every pseudopandemic State.

  Behaviour change techniques were outlined in the UK Cabinet Office’s 2010 document Mindspace: Influencing Behaviour Through Public Policy [1]. Behaviour change (modification) was adopted by the UK State franchise as the primary means of literal population control. They formed the Behavioural Insights Team, often called the “nudge unit,” later privatising it [2] to export their expertise to other State Franchises.

  The authors of the seminal MINDSPACE document included representatives from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded Imperial College London and the Rand corporation. MINDSPACE is a project of the Anglo-American Establishment. Rand are a US military industrialist complex think tank who former UK Chancellor Denis Healey described as “the leading think-tank for the Pentagon.”

  The behaviour modification described in MINDSPACE is based upon changing the context of decision making. By creating the environment within which we make decisions, the behavioural results can be predetermined. Problems are defined for us, thereby limiting the possible solutions to the intended outcomes. We think we have free choice but our options are restricted only to those permitted by the GPPP's State franchise.

  The MINDSPACE research team described the behaviour modification process:

  “People's behaviour may be altered if they are first exposed to certain sights, words or sensations. In other words, people behave differently if they have been 'primed' by certain cues beforehand.. Emotional responses to words, images and events can be rapid and automatic.. people can experience a behavioural reaction before they realise what they are reacting to.. Provoking emotion can change health behaviours.. Approaches based on ‘changing contexts’ – the environment within which we make decisions and respond to cues – have the potential to bring about significant changes in behaviour... People are more likely to register stimuli that are novel (messages in flashing lights), accessible.. and simple (a snappy slogan).. We find losses more salient than gains, we react differently when identical information is framed in terms of one or the other (as a 20% chance of survival or an 80% chance of death).. This shifts the focus of attention away from facts and information, and towards altering t
he context within which people act.. Behavioural approaches embody a line of thinking that moves from the idea of an autonomous individual, making rational decisions, to a ‘situated’ decision-maker, much of whose behaviour is automatic and influenced by their choice environment.. citizens may not fully realise that their behaviour is being changed – or, at least, how it is being changed.”

  The State franchise formed our choice environment by using the BMGF financed Imperial College suppression model. This placed us all under house arrest and removed most of the freedoms we once had. We broadly accepted this because our context had been changed. Apparently, there was a highly lethal global pandemic.

  This oppression increased the sensation of fear. We were "exposed to certain sights," via the global mainstream media, priming us with cues, heightening our emotional response. COVID 19 wasn't a significant public health threat but the pseudopandemic lockdowns convinced most that it must be. Why would the government take such measures otherwise?

  This avoided the need for the State franchise to make convincing arguments with facts and information. Propaganda was used to frame public opinion within an altered context. This moved us away from being autonomous individuals, who make rational decisions, towards situated decision makers with automatic behaviours, controlled by our choice environment.

  We had to take the tests, stop working, stay at home, shut our businesses, stop taking the kids to school, wear our masks, social distance and obey. Our behaviour was being changed but few of us realised it or understood how. Once we were accustomed to the checks, the surveillance and the testing, the solution was offered: vaccines and the accompanying biometric identity to enable us to "return to normal."

  This isn't a "normal" that removes the checks, the surveillance or the testing, this is "the new normal" with all of those new restrictions remaining in place to keep us safe. However, the vaccines and the associated biometric identity will at least allow us some freedoms. As long as we continue to obey.

  The practical implementation of psychological operations (psy-ops) led the Behavioural Insights Team to update their methodology for policy makers. In partnership with the Cabinet Office they released their EAST Framework [3] (Easy - Attractive - Timely - Social) in 2014. This built upon MINDSPACE and advised policy makers how to design imagery and visualise slogans to maximise the psy-op impact.


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