The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series) Page 11

by Brie Paisley

  Just as I start to give into the pull, I hear footsteps, coming from behind me. The wolf also hears it, since he growls low, and then crouches down, as if whoever is approaching is a threat. Frowning, I slowly turn my head towards the sound, as it comes closer, and then surprise instantly fills me, as I see Alrick and Reid going into a room together.

  They seem to be up to something, so I decide to move closer that way I can find out for myself. Forgetting all about the wolf, I make my way towards the room they went into, and then stand outside of the door. Even if they can’t see or sense me, it’s best to be careful, especially, when it comes to that Elder.

  There’s something about him that makes my hackles raise, and I’ve learned to trust my instincts.

  “You’re certain that he’s going Rogue,” Alrick asks Reid, and I frown, because I have no idea what he’s talking about.

  “I’m sure. I’ve seen it for myself.”

  Sensing someone behind me, I jerk my gaze back, and then shake my head, when I see the wolf, standing nearby. Hoping he understands to stay quiet, I turn my attention back to the wolves inside of the room.

  “Then you know what we must do.”

  Reid huffs out a breath, and then claims, “I know, but it’s Malik, Alrick. He’s our Alpha.”

  “I understand your hesitation, but he cannot be allowed to keep The Alpha position, if he’s gone Rogue.” Jerking my head back towards the wolf, as he growls low, I narrow my eyes at him, hoping he stops making so much noise. Right as I’m about to turn around, I notice that both of his ears are laid back on his head.

  He must understand what’s going on.

  “There has to be another way,” Reid states, stealing my attention, and I really wonder if he wants there to be another option.

  “I know that you want that to be true, but there isn’t, Reid. We must do what’s right to protect the pack.” Taking a chance, I lean over the doorframe without touching it, so that I can look inside of the room. The moment that I do, I clench my jaw, as Reid nods. “Good. We must inform the other Elders of our plan.”

  That fucking asshole.

  Moving away from the door, I hover against the wall, as everything begins to make sense. Something has happened to Malik, and now, Alrick and Reid are conspiring against him. I honestly feel sorry for them, because when Melena finds out what they’re doing, they’ll pay for it.


  Just as that thought crosses my mind, I realize that someone needs to go warn her of what’s coming. Seeing as I’m unable, I glance towards the wolf still standing by me. I can’t show myself just yet, because I still don’t fully trust this pack. Not to mention, what I did to Luna would definitely get me killed. If these two wolves are so ready to take out their Alpha, what would that mean for me? This encounter just reminds me to trust only myself, so I need to figure out another plan.

  I have a hunch that the wolf knows exactly what just happened, and knowing how he acted, while Reid and Alrick were talking, I wonder if Nick can be the one to warn Melena. At this point, I don’t have anything to lose, because I’ll still be protected by the cloaking spell. I just hope I can get the wolf to shift, once we reach Melena. He followed me once before, so surely, he’ll do it again.

  Deciding on my course of action, I start walking down the hall, hoping this plan actually works. Once I reach the end of the hallway, I look back towards the wolf, and thankfully, he quickly follows me. Sighing in relief, I quickly and quietly make my way towards Melena and Malik’s room. If they’re not there, then I’ll find them.

  They need to prepare for what’s coming.

  If Reid and Alrick have their way, then it could jeopardize not only the pack, but the entire world, too. Luna’s vision was crystal clear.

  Melena and Malik are the pair that can save us.

  Sure, Melena is powerful, and she might be the sole savior, but if anything happens to her mate, all bets are off. I’ve seen what she can do, when she’s on the defense, and I honestly don’t think The Elder realizes this. It could be that he does understand, but he doesn’t give a damn about anyone else, except his own agenda. I just hope that’s not the case.

  With a sense of urgency racing through me, I move faster through the den, needing to get to Melena, as soon as possible. Thankfully, the wolf and I don’t run into anyone, as we pass through the hallways, leading to their room.

  When we make it to our destination, I stare at the door, wondering how I’m going to get Nick to shift. I can’t drop my spell, and I can’t speak either. There has to be a way for me to get him to understand what’s needed without me compromising myself at the same time.

  Feeling the air change around me, I frown, and then turn around. My mouth hangs open, as I see Nick in all his naked glory, just standing proudly outside of Melena and Malik’s room.

  I guess, I shouldn’t have worried about getting him to change.

  However, I face a new problem, since I get a very good look at him. I thought he was exquisite before, but now, I literally have no words. He’s rendered me thoughtless with just his body, and I already know it’ll be much harder to resist him now.

  My entire body is screaming at me to reach out and run my hands down his muscular chest, and then down his cut abs. The thing is I wouldn’t stop there. No, I would take my time, getting my fill of him. I see it so perfectly laid out in my mind what I would do next to him, and the very thought of his hard and thick cock, sliding inside of my mouth, makes my pussy clench with the need to be filled.

  Before I get too lost in lust, I feel his gaze on me. “Whoever you are, thank you.”

  I nod, even though he can’t see me, and when he knocks on the door, I take my chance and get the fuck away from him, before I do something that’ll destroy me forever.


  Laying on the bed, I pet the wolf, as I make a plan, just in case this situation with Malik doesn’t resolve itself with Sameria’s new potion.

  For the past week, I’ve done my best to keep Malik hidden, because the pack can’t see him like this. If they do, then it could spike their fear even higher in these uncertain times, and that cannot happen. I shouldn’t want to deceive them, but then again, I’m more worried about what they’ll want to do to Malik.

  Luna told me all about what they did to her, when she first arrived, and how the pack thought she had something to do with a pup that went missing.

  I’ve enjoyed her company more than I care to admit, because being secluded again, brings up the time that I was in The Facility. However, if she hadn’t told me that story, then I would’ve already left the room, placing Malik right into their hands.

  As much as I hate reliving my time at The Facility, I’ll do it for my mate.

  I’m still on the fence of what I should do about the wolf still refusing to allow Malik to take control. I don’t really know how long Malik can last inside of the wolf without surfacing. Especially, since the wolf has shown me that Malik is still locked away. It makes me worry about if he will be the same, if he ever comes out of this.

  Letting my head fall back, I gaze up at the ceiling, contemplating if Malik and I should just leave. It might be safer for him, if we do so, but what about Luna’s vision? Everyone here thinks I’m some sort of fucking savior, so I highly doubt they’ll just leave me alone, if I were to go. The fact is, I don’t know these wolves well enough to make a sound decision. There are too many variables that could go wrong, and I don’t want to make the wrong choice.

  The wolf lets out a loud and long whine, as I sit up, and then, I turn to gaze at him. Rubbing him gently, I state, “I’m okay, I promise.”

  He must sense how much stress I’m under, and how worried I am about this entire situation. It would be so much easier, if the wolf would just let Malik come back to me.

  It’s getting harder each day without him by my side.

  I fear, if he doesn’t come back soon, the darkness inside of me will consume me. Even now, I feel its claws, gripping me right down t
o my soul, and I know Malik is the only one that can keep it at bay.

  I need him to come back to me.

  Not only for my sake, but for everyone else’s, too.

  I honestly don’t even want to think about what might happen, if I give into this dark part inside of me. When I was being held at The Facility, things were different, because I had no hope of ever getting out. But then, Malik came, and he saved me from that hell. I owe him too much to just give up now, so I make a promise to keep fighting. Even if this darkness is tempting and so strong, I won’t ever stop fighting against it.

  Just as I’m about to lay back down beside the wolf, a knock sounds at the door. My gaze instantly snaps towards it, as the wolf growls, and then jumps off of the bed. Following behind him, my stomach drops, thinking that whoever is at the door is going to hurt Malik.

  “Melena, it’s me,” Nick calls out, and I let out a deep sigh in relief.

  The wolf sighs and then groans, as if he’s annoyed Nick is interrupting his peaceful rest. Shaking my head, I realize the wolf can be very dramatic at times. I find it interesting that he and Malik are a lot alike, but at the same time, they’re so different.

  “Melena, are you in there?”

  Moving closer to the door, I slowly open it, making sure it’s Nick and only him. The moment I see the look on his face, I ask, “What is it?”

  “Can I come in? It’s kind of cold out here.”

  Even though I know I shouldn’t glance down, I do anyway, and then, I quickly shut my eyes, once I notice he’s completely naked. “Sorry, I shifted earlier. Mind if I borrow a robe or something?”

  Opening the door wider for him, I claim, “Yes, please cover up.”

  He chuckles, and then instantly stops, when the wolf growls in his direction. Holding out my hand, I beckon the wolf to come to me, so that he doesn’t try and take a bite out of Nick. As I shut the door, I hear Nick returning, but I don’t dare turn around just yet. He’s handsome in his own way, but he holds nothing compared to my mate.

  “I’m covered now,” Nick finally states, and I sigh, as I turn around to face him.

  When I get a good look at him, I let out a loud laugh, as I notice he’s wearing my pink, fluffy robe. “Don’t laugh. It’s the only thing I could find in such a rush.”

  Bending down, I hold myself up on my knees, as a wave of laughter races through me. Honestly, I needed this, but I do get a handle over myself after a while. “I’m sorry, but that’s some funny shit.”

  He grins, and then shakes his head, as he asks, “You’re never going to forget this, are you?”

  “Not a chance,” I declare, as the wolf walks over by Nick. At first, I think nothing of it, but then, the wolf nips him on his hand.

  “What the hell, Malik?” Nick asks, as he shakes out his hand, and I frown, wondering what the wolf is thinking.

  As he glances back to me, I hold his gaze, and then, he shows me why he bit Nick. The images are of a naked Nick, and then of me laughing. Rolling my eyes, I calmly say, “He’s jealous.”

  The wolf looks at Nick one final time, and then growls at him, before he makes his way back to me. Running my hand down his head, I send a rush of love and appreciation to him, hoping he knows that he has nothing to worry about. So lost in keeping the wolf calm, I completely forget all about Nick for a moment. It’s not until he clears his throat that I jerk my gaze up.

  “Why are you here, Nick?”

  His head drops, and I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, as he claims, “They know that Malik is still in wolf form.”

  “Who knows?”

  Sameria, Reid, Luna, Ryker, and Nick are the only ones that knew, outside of myself. Sameria asked to bring Nick in to see if he had any ideas on how she could perfect her potion. It made sense, because Nick is the pack’s healer, and I trust him, and Luna asked to tell Ryker, since he’s her mate. I knew he’d find out eventually, since it’s nearly impossible to keep something from your mate, and I also thought it would be a good idea to have another ally just in case things go south.

  When he doesn’t answer me, I ask again, “Who knows, Nick?”


  Sighing deeply, I do my best to keep my anger in check. For some reason, that wolf just gets under my skin. “How did he find out?”

  As his gaze finds mine, he states, “Reid told him. They were hiding in a room, and they were talking about getting rid of Malik.”

  A surge of rage almost overtakes me, and the wolf leans into me, as if he’s trying to calm me down. If it weren’t for that simple touch, I know I would’ve found both wolves, and then ended their lives.

  No one threatens my mate.

  Pushing down my sudden need to kill them, I ask, “Do you know where Sameria is right now?” With his confused gaze, I add, “I need to find her, and ask her if the potion is ready. If we can give it to Malik now, then there won’t be a need for Alrick and Reid to go through with their plans.” Not to mention, it just might save their lives.

  “What if it’s not ready?”

  Letting out a deep sigh, I claim, “We’ll cross that bridge, when we get there.” Looking down at my mate, I softly state, “We’re going to go find Sam.”

  “I’ll go with you, too,” Nick offers somberly, as if he knows how bad things are getting for us.

  Nodding, I say, “Good. I don’t think Malik will mind you borrowing some of his clothes, so you can just catch up with us.”

  With his curt nod, I quickly turn around, and then with the wolf by my side, I make my way to find Sameria. I just hope that Reid isn’t with her, because when I’m finished with him, there might not be anything left. I don’t allow any guilt about killing Sam’s mate fill my mind, because there’s no time to second guess myself.

  Anger and rage unlike anything I’ve ever felt before comes over me in waves, and I have to keep reminding myself to stay calm. It’s just because Reid’s betrayal isn’t sitting well with me, especially, since he’s The Beta. He should be trying to protect his Alpha, not hiding in fucking rooms, planning to exile or kill him.

  I can’t even think about that fucking Elder right now.

  I’m not the slightest bit shocked at the direction of my thoughts, because I won’t just stand by and let them do this to Malik. Most importantly, he’s not even Rogue. Malik, the man, is still inside of the wolf. Not to mention, Rogue’s are considered to have no human trace left inside of them, and they will kill anyone that gets in their way.

  My mate is far from that.

  As we reach the assembly room, I glance down at the wolf, hoping he truly understands how dire this situation is turning into. If he would just let Malik come back, then all of this bullshit will end.

  “Melena, I was just coming to find you.”

  Snapping my gaze up, I let out a sigh in relief, as I see Sameria with Luna right on her heels. “Thank goodness. Look, I need that potion now.”

  She frowns deeply, as Luna looks between us, and then to the wolf, before Sameria asks, “Has something changed?”

  “You could say that.” Running a hand through my hair, I’m not sure how to tell her what her mate has done.

  “Melena, please tell me,” she pleads, and I know that I don’t have a choice, but to tell her.

  Glancing down at her hand, I notice the yellow potion. It’s glowing so brightly, and I have to hope that it’ll work. “First, tell me that will work,” I say, as I point to the potion.

  “Yeah, it should. In theory, that is. I’ve never made this type of potion before, but I used all of the special herbs to create it.” She stops for a moment, as she looks at the potion. She keeps her gaze on it for a long while, before she softly utters, “There’s only one dose.”

  My eyes widen, because if that’s the case, then this potion is invaluable. “Why only one?”

  “The herbs I had to use, they’re so rare, and it was difficult to find them as it is.” I nod, understanding just how dire things are becoming. “Now, will you tell me
what’s going on?”

  The wolf is oddly quiet, but I don’t think much of it, as I state, “Reid went to Alrick. They’re planning to stand against Malik.”

  Sameria’s eyes widen, as she realizes what her mate has done, and what that could mean for him. “He wouldn’t,” she whispers, and I don’t have it in me to convince her that it’s true.

  “We shouldn’t be here alone,” Luna suddenly says, and it spikes my urgency to give Malik the potion. “Ryker will be here soon for backup,” she adds, and I nod my thanks.

  I have a feeling that we’re going to need his help.

  As Luna stands closer by Sameria, the wolf whines low, and I bend down, as I say, “It’s alright. I won’t let anything happen to you.” When he pushes his nose in the direction of the potion, I finally understand what’s going through his mind.

  Petting him gently, I state, “I swear it won’t lock you away again, but I need you to take it, so that Malik can surface. Alrick and Reid are coming for you, so we need to do this now.”

  Just to be sure that he completely and utterly understands what I’m saying to him, I send him images, using our telepathy. In the images, I clearly point out that Reid and Alrick have betrayed him, and that they’re coming for him at any moment. His response doesn’t shock me one bit. He howls so loud, that it makes me cringe, and then, he bares his teeth, as if he’s ready for a fight.

  As I stand, Ryker and Nick walk into the room. Ryker instantly goes to his mate, and she quickly fills him in. Knowing that we have some extra help, if things turn from bad to horrible, I turn back towards Sameria, who looks completely heartbroken.

  Laying a hand on her shoulder, she asks, “Why would he do this?”

  Understanding her pain, I say, “I wish I knew. Maybe, we can ask him, once all of this is over.”

  Right as she frowns, I hear, “Why don’t you ask him now?”

  Stepping closer to the wolf, as he growls, I lock gazes with Alrick, hating the son of a bitch. “You have some nerve coming here.”

  “Why is that? I’m an Elder, and this is my home,” he states calmly, as Reid walks up beside him. “It’s my place to make sure the laws of our pack are upheld, and that this Rogue is punished accordingly.”


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