The Predestined (The Transcendent Series)

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The Predestined (The Transcendent Series) Page 15

by Brie Paisley

  Which is why, I do the exact same to him.

  When we’re free of our clothes, they lay on the floor around us in pieces, as Malik picks me up. Wrapping my legs around him, he leans in close, so that he can kiss me once more. Giving into him willingly, I relish how he feels against me, and just how much I need him.

  I never once thought I would crave and yearn for anything like this, but he shows me every single day that I can’t live without him. Even before I fully realized that he was my mate, I knew he was special.

  As he pushes my back against a nearby wall, he breaks our hot kiss, stating, “You’re mine, Melena. Nothing will ever change that.”

  I nod, because I completely agree with him. Reaching up, I caress his cheek, and then huskily claim, “And you’re mine.”

  The moment I utter those words, he sinks deep inside of me with one single thrust. The action causes me to cry out in pleasure, and it’s so intense, since he holds my gaze, as he does so. At first, he barely moves, as he lets me get adjusted to his size, but then, I moan loudly, when he begins to give me what I want.

  His thrusts are hard, slow, and each one hits me so deep, that I wonder if I’ll be able to walk after tonight. Keeping his gaze, as he reaches down to rub my clit, I feel the protection spell around us, starting to vibrate.

  It seems every time when we’re together, my magic spikes to higher peeks than before, but I know it’s only because our magic is blending together as one. It just makes the sensations and pleasure that much sweeter, especially, as he gives me what I crave the most.

  So, when I begin to feel how much he wants to mark my skin again, I grin, and then let out a moan, as I tilt my head to the side. Not only does he need this, but so do I. His brand is a constant reminder that I belong to him, and that he also belongs to me, too.

  “I love you, devious witch,” he roughly states, and then, he bites down on my neck.

  The instant he does so, I call out his name, as my orgasm races through me. It never fails to amaze me how satisfying it is, when he claims me, and I hope that I never lose this feeling.

  As he lets me ride out the waves of pleasure, I know it won’t be long, before he falls over the edge with me. I sense just how close he is to reaching his own orgasm, especially, as he bites me even harder. The moment he does, I get hit with what he’s thinking, and it instantly makes me orgasm once more.

  All of his thoughts and feelings heighten every single thing that he’s making me sense, and when he finally lets go, I wonder if I’m drowning in lust. It’s so much that I fear that it might consume me, but it’ll be a blissful experience.

  With Malik by my side, nothing else even matters, and that’s why we need each other. Even if we forget what lies ahead for just a minute, it’s worth it.

  After tomorrow, who knows if we’ll get this chance again, so we’ll drown in pleasure and love, until we can’t anymore.


  The next morning, I gaze at my mate, sleeping peacefully next to me. As the wolf whines, I do my best to console him, because he knows what’s about to happen. While I’m confident in my plan, there’s still so many things that could go wrong.

  However, this will happen, because we need to find the other Facilities. If we take them all out, then the threat of our kind vanishing will stop. Not to mention, it’ll save us from having to fight against one another.

  Since the moment Luna told us of her vision, I’ve had this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, because I can’t even imagine what these humans are doing to them. It’s sick and fucking twisted how they’re experimenting on us, and now, I learn that they’ve figured out how to control us.

  I’m honestly not sure what’s worse for those poor souls trapped inside The Facility. Is it the torture, or is it the fact that they’ll control everything that they do? For a wolf, there would be nothing worse than having a human having control over what he or she does. Even now, I sense my own wolf’s distaste, and how much he wants to save everyone.

  It’s our duty to save other beings like us, no matter if they’re not wolves.

  Giving one final glance to my lovely mate, I just hope she understands why I have to do what’s needed. I’ve done my best to keep her in the dark, and no matter how much I hate it, I have to do this.

  In the end, I’m doing what’s best for everyone, and one day, she’ll understand why. She might hate me, but the wolf and I agree that we’ll find a way to make things right, after all of this is over with.

  Keeping a fair distance away from The Facility, and with the cover of the night, I wait for everyone to get into their designated positions. Looking down, I hate knowing that I’m wearing this fucking guard uniform again, but it’s the only way to get inside. Not to mention, everyone on the inside knows my face now, so this is the best way to do this.

  Glancing to my right, I nod to Ryker, and then to Reid. I thought about leaving Reid behind, but at the last minute, I decided to bring him along. His fighting skills are what I need, and this is a sure way to test his loyalties.

  After a few more moments, I get the signal, letting me know that everyone is ready. Clenching my jaw, I sense Melena, and how nervous she is about my plan. She doesn’t like that I’m going in alone, but what she doesn’t realize is that I won’t be alone.

  “Stay here, until we open the front doors,” I command to Ryker and Reid.

  They both frown for a moment, before they nod. Backing away from them, I quickly but quietly make my way over to where Melena is waiting with Axel and Jace. She senses me coming, and right before I make it there, she appears in front of me.

  “What’s wrong?”

  I feel her trying to figure out why I’m here, but I blank my mind, and only think of how much I love her. What I’m about to do, it just might destroy her. “I need you to come with me.”

  “Okay,” she instantly responds. “Tell me what you want me to do.”

  Taking her hand, I pull her in close, so that I can kiss her deeply. I pour everything into our kiss, knowing that she feels how much I adore her. I want her to remember this kiss, because she’ll need it, after this is all over.

  As I pull away, I relish how her cheeks are flushed with want and need. Brushing her hair out of her face, I run my finger down her cheek, and then down to my brand, as I calmly state, “Stay by my side.”

  Once she nods, I keep a hold on her hand, and then, I lead her towards The Facility. The entire way there, I keep my block up, because she cannot know what I’m about to do. I only wish that there was another way to do this, but every other option isn’t viable. This is the only way I can get in, and then, deactivate the defense mechanism.

  She has no idea what I plan to do.

  When we reach the front doors, it’s no surprise at all, that it quickly swings open, and then we’re met by four guards. “Follow my lead,” I whisper to my mate in her mind.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “Trust me, regina meis.”

  With her subtle nod, I slowly pull out the bracelet I asked Sameria for, and then, I quickly place it around Melena’s wrist, before the guards get close enough to see. Looking at them, as they finally reach us, I claim, “Get Dr. Stein. I’ve brought back his favorite captive.”

  The instant shock on my mate’s face will haunt me, until the end of my days.

  “Why? Why would you do this?”

  Clenching my jaw, I hate that I can’t sense her through our bond anymore, or how I don’t know what’s going through her mind. I specifically asked Sameria to cast her own spell on the bracelet, and I realize it’s working better than I thought. However, I don’t like the fact that I can’t speak to Melena anymore.

  If I could, then she would know what my plan is, but since she can’t, she fully believes that I’m turning her in.

  She believes that I’m betraying her, even though, it’s all for show.

  As she jerks her hand away from mine, I stand still as a statue, waiting for the vicious words to c
ome out of her luscious mouth. “I’ll kill you for this,” she sneers, and I don’t blame her for her anger.

  Knowing that we have an audience, I state, “Good luck with that. Now that you’re under control again, there won’t be any bloodshed today.”

  When her golden eyes begin to fill with tears, the wolf howls, knowing how much our mate is hurting, even though, he can’t feel it. On our run, he and I had a long conversation about what I had planned, and while he didn’t approve, he also realized it needed to be done.

  Grabbing Melena by the arm, I lead her inside of The Facility, because I can’t stand the look on her face anymore. Not to mention, I need to get this over with, so that I can fix what I’ve broken.

  The other guards follow behind us, and as one slams the door shut, I know there’s no turning back now. As Melena struggles against me, I pull her in close, and then whisper, “Trust me, regina meis.”

  “Fuck you. I’ll kill you. I’ll kill all of you!”

  “There’s no need for threats, Melena,” Dr. Stein claims, and she instantly stops struggling. “I’m so glad that you’ve returned to us.” He states to Melena, and then, he turns to me, as he says, “I thought you were dead. Come, we must speak privately.”

  Nodding, I hand Melena to a guards, and then without a word, I follow behind the doctor. The moment the guards begin to take Melena back to her cell, she screams out more threats, and each one cuts me down to my soul.

  However, I stop dead in my tracks, as she shouts, “I’ll never forgive you for this, Malik.”

  Giving her one final glance, I hope that’s not true.

  “Come, Malik, we have much to discuss,” Dr. Stein says, and I have no choice but to follow him.

  My only mission now is to find the locations of the other Facilities, and then, shut down the gas. If I fail, then all of this was for nothing. Since security is close by the doctor’s office, I only need a single moment to get in and out.

  But then, as we enter Dr. Stein’s office, I instantly realize something is very wrong.

  “I have to admit,” he begins, as he walks around his desk, and then sits down. “You almost had everyone fooled.”

  My wolf growls, and then, he bares his teeth, because he senses something that I haven’t yet. Trying to get him to calm down, before the doctor catches on, I scan the room, trying to find the source of the wolf’s warning.

  “Come now, you don’t have to hide anymore,” Dr. Stein states, and at first, I think he’s speaking to me. But then, I clench my jaw, as I get hit with a wave of magic that I’ve never felt before.

  It’s nothing but pure evil, and my wolf growls once more, as the woman steps out of the shadows.

  This is why my wolf was on edge the moment I entered the room. It’s all because of the witch, standing right by Dr. Stein. I realize now that Sameria and Melena were right about The Facility having an outsource of magic. She has to be the reason why all of our kind are here, being tortured and experimented on.

  Which begs the question, why is she working with them? Why is she helping them capture us? What exactly does she stand to gain by doing this?

  Better yet, who the fuck is this witch?

  I’ve been around for a long time, but I’ve never encountered this particular witch before. It makes me wonder just how many other witches are there, and we just don’t know of their existence yet.

  “Hello, Malik, or should I call you The Alpha? It’s a shame that you turned in your own mate, just so that both of you can die today.”


  They know who I am, which means, this entire plan is doomed, before it can even begin.


  Standing in the middle of my old room, I wonder how I got to this point.

  I should’ve known all along that Malik was playing me, and I hate the fact that he made me fall for him. I feel so stupid for playing right into his hands, when all along this was his plan. Even if I don’t fully understand why he betrayed me, I can’t help but blame myself.

  His betrayal has cut me so deep that I can’t even think about him anymore.

  Giving up, I let the tears come, because they refuse to go away. So, as they fall down my cheeks, I mourn the loss of my freedom. It’s once again been stolen away from me, and I vow to never trust anyone else ever again. Why would I want to put myself through so much pain for just one minute of love?

  It’s not worth it anymore.

  Slowly walking over to the bed, I lay down, and then curl up into a ball. As the tears continue to fall, I think over the last few weeks, wondering where it all went wrong. I knew Malik was hiding something from me, but yet, I ignored my instincts. I shouldn’t have blindly gone along with this fucking plan, but there’s no going back. I don’t have the power to alter time in that way, so what’s done is done.

  However, I know that I won’t just sit here and rot, like before. I’ll find a way to escape this place, even if I have to die to do it. Honestly, death is much easier anyway. The entire world is just full of people who give false hope and love, which is so much worse. I’d much rather someone torture me, than to do what Malik has done to me.

  Sitting up, I use both of my hands to wipe away my tears. He doesn’t deserve them, so I won’t waste another second crying over him. Malik obviously doesn’t give a shit about me, because if he did, then he would’ve never considered handing me over to the enemy.

  The thing is no matter how hard I try to hate him, I can’t seem to do it. His words flow through my mind over and over about how I need to trust him, but how can I? Why would he say that, when he never meant it?

  As much as I don’t want to face it, something about his plan isn’t making sense.

  Our bond is true, since we’re mates, and I had a direct line to his every thought, want, and need. Where did it all go wrong? How did I not see it? Was I so blinded by the thought of someone loving me, that I just didn’t realize what was coming?

  Pushing out a heavy sigh, I realize that it doesn’t matter anymore. The only thing that does matter is getting the hell out of here.

  I just have to figure out how to do that.

  I’m not sure how much time has passed, when the door to my room suddenly opens.

  Sitting up in the bed, I narrow my eyes at the woman entering the room, holding supplies to take my blood. Shaking my head, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. The Facility waits for no one, so why would they hold off on poking me like a lab rat?

  As she slowly makes her way towards me, I think long and hard about snapping her neck, and then, using her keycard to get out of the room. The only problem with that plan is what’s waiting for me on the other side. Since Malik blocked me from using my powers with the bracelet, I’ll have no way to protect myself.

  So, I do the only thing I know that’ll keep me alive for a while longer.

  Without any hesitation, I roll up my sleeve, exposing my veins to the woman. Her eyes widen, as she bends down to do her job, and I realize something is different about her. Her face is familiar, because she’s always been the one to take my blood, and I could never forget a face from this horrid place, but it’s her eyes that are different.

  I’m certain that the woman’s eyes weren’t green, but yet, I’m gazing right into her green eyes. Shaking my head, I must be losing my mind, because a human’s eye color doesn’t just change like that.

  Right as she’s about to stick a needle in my arm, she states, “Don’t move.” Before I have a chance to ask her why, she adds, “It’s me, Melena.”

  For a moment, I frown, because her voice sounds so familiar. It takes me another moment, before I finally figure out what’s going on here. “Sameria?” I ask so low that no one will hear through the two-way mirror behind us.

  She nods, and then says, “I’m going to unlock your bracelet, so that you can get out, and then, save everyone on the inside.”

  Hope begins to bloom in my chest, because surely this isn’t some sort of game. However, I’m still so hurt by Malik, and it
’s hard to fully believe her. “How are you here?”

  “I’m using a concealment spell that makes me look like one of them.”

  Frowning, I say, “I don’t understand. How would you get the identity of one of their workers?”

  She smirks, and then states, “Your faith in me really sucks, you know?” As she glances away, pretending to do her job, she adds, “I casted a spell to locate someone in a similar shape as mine that was in this building. Turns out, this lab tech was the perfect candidate.”

  A part of me really and truly wants to believe her, and that she’s here to help me. However, Malik’s deception is still too fresh. Jerking my arm away, she frowns, as I command, “Tell me something that only you and I would know.”

  She sighs, but she quickly states, “The first time we met was at the cabin. I used a spell to unlock your bracelet, and when you were free, you nearly destroyed the entire cabin with your magic.” Slowly giving her my arm back, she adds, “You asked me to make a potion for Malik, when everyone at the pack thought he was Rogue, even though he wasn’t.”

  “Okay, I believe you,” I utter, and she quickly sticks the needle in my arm. While I know it’s all for show, I still don’t bother to hide how much I hate needles.

  “Stay still, while I do the spell. You’ll be free soon.”

  Nodding, I lean in close, and then ask, “Why did he do it? Why did he turn me in?”

  Sameria sighs deeply, and then claims, “I told him not to, but he truly believed this was the only way in. I think he knew, once he got inside, that they would interrogate him, and he wouldn’t get a chance to take down the gas, so the others could come inside.”

  “Then, why didn’t he tell me?”

  “Because, Melena, he knew you would never go along with it. He knows how much you care for him, and that you’ll do anything to save him.”

  Turning my gaze away, I have to admit she’s right about everything. I would’ve never gone along with the plan, if I had known what might happen to Malik. Even when he suggested coming in alone, I still didn’t want him to do it. Not to mention, he knew how much I wanted to take down The Facility, and I might have blown everything with my need for vengeance.


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