The Tutor

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The Tutor Page 30

by Kelsi Clayton

  “I’m sorry,” Cheol gave a choked apology. “I swear I didn’t know he was coming over today. I would have warned you or not had you over...anything…”

  “It’s never nice to hear how disposable you are,” She leaned into Cheol’s hug. “Having to hide under a bed while you hear it really doesn’t help.”

  “You aren’t disposable,” Changho sighed, looking down at the floor.

  “Maybe we can still convince them that she should stay,” Hyunwoo suggested hopefully.

  “No, I need to start looking for something else,” Claire shook her head without lifting it off of Cheol’s shoulder. “It might be hard for me to find something else here in Seoul.”

  “You will,” Cheol murmured, assuring himself as much as he was her. “Anywhere would be lucky to have you.”

  “We’ll find something for you,” Wonjung stated, chin jutting out confidently. “I think my aunt has some connections at some hagwon here in Seoul. I can ask her if she knows any that are looking for someone.”

  “It’s fine, I’m sure I can find something myself,” She stiffened slightly at the suggestion. “You shouldn’t bother her. If I start looking now, I am sure I can find a place before your tour ends at least. And Korea really isn’t so big. Even if I end up in some backwoods village, it’s just a few hours by bus or train. It’s not like I’ll be allowed to come over anymore anyway even if I am in Seoul. I don’t have a reason to see any of you anymore, much less come and spend time at the dorms. Maybe it doesn’t really matter where I end up in that case…”

  She trailed off dropping her head into her hands and drawing in a ragged breath.

  “Everyone knows you’ve become a friend to us so it would be weird if you just stopped seeing us altogether when you go,” Changho pointed out. “If you come over sometimes, I don’t think anyone would think it was out of the ordinary.”

  “Yeah, it would be insulting of you to just drop off the planet unless you were just pretending to be our friend,” Minjun sniffed.

  “People may think we are friendly,” Claire sighed. “But how many of the dozen teachers that you have had for your dance, language, voice, or whatever have you kept in touch with or had over for dinner after they were done working with you?”

  “None,” Seunghoon admitted. “But they weren’t teachers like you have been. They taught everyone at the company and we never really got to know them.”

  “I don’t think the company intended for me to be different,” She pointed out. “I was supposed to work somewhat more closely with half of you and do prep work with all of you when needed. Even if I was seeing you for more hours than they did, I don’t think they thought I would see you as much as I have. Even if they did, you weren’t supposed to care.”

  “Well they were idiots to think that we wouldn’t like you,” Hyunwoo curled against her back to hug her.

  “I think they expected me to be a better adult, to be honest,” She patted his arm and leaned the side of her head against Hyunwoo’s fluffy mop. “If I had been, then no one would be getting hurt here.”

  “I would never give up all that we have had just because things might not be easy sometimes,” Cheol insisted, reaching out to hold her wrist gently as her hand stroked along Hyunwoo’s arm. “I know you warned me things might not turn out and that stuff could go wrong..but I can’t imagine making another choice. Even if I can’t see you more than once in a while...I’d still choose you.”

  Claire closed her eyes and pursed her lips, trying to keep her composure. There was no use in crying now, it was a waste of the precious time and energy she could spend at least letting Cheol and everyone else know that she adored them, especially as it looked like everything was slowly falling apart.

  “We can worry more about this later,” She stated after a deep breath. “I would much rather spend this little bit of free time you all have doing something fun. So what should we do with the rest of the night?”

  “Just like that, you’re going to try and pretend it didn’t happen?” Changho asked, sitting forward.

  “Just like that I am telling you this is my problem to work out,” She met his eyes with a confident half smile. “You have a single and then an album dropping in a matter of weeks, after that it is just a month before you start on your North American tour. You have enough to worry about without feeling like my worries are on your plate as well.”

  “Friends help friends,” Wonjung reminded her.

  “Then all of you can work hard and make it so that I only have to worry about myself and my search, yeah?” She gave him a tight grin and a raised eyebrow that said, go ahead and try and fight me on this.

  “Yeah,” He smiled back, bringing a finger up to poke his own cheek cutely.

  “Good boy, see this is why I like you,” She gave him a wink as she pointed at him.

  “No fair, playing favorites and all,” FX pretended to complain from beside Wonjung, looking him up and down, as if assessing him closely.

  “Don’t worry, I like you all for your own reasons,” She waved away his joking gripe.

  “Sure, sure, you say that now…” He gave an over dramatic sigh before he leaned on Wonjung’s shoulder and laughed.

  “I do,” She reiterated, sounding a shade more serious again. “And I say that I am very lucky to have met all of you and that I can count you among my friends.”

  “Ugh, too sweet,” Minjun rolled his eyes, needing to break the sweet direction of the conversation before it became an uncomfortable love fest.

  “Yes, even you,” She narrowed her eyes at him. “I know how much you really care, even when you try to make a point of saying you don’t.”

  “Hmmf,” He sniffed before letting out a faint, easily missable flash of a smile. Seeing that things were at least not actively falling apart, he took his leave, tapping Jaejin on the shoulder to tell him he should come with him. The other young man looked up at him and then into the room before scurrying to follow his friend. Everyone else slowly filtered out of the room, Hyunwoo being the very last, reluctant to let go of Claire himself. Finally it was just Cheol and Claire sitting on the bedroom floor, neither of them sure what mood was left for ‘date night.’

  “ you feel like staying for a while or…” Cheol finally spoke up after a moment of sitting in awkward silence.

  “Do you want me to go home?” She offered, shrinking back into her own space a little.

  “No, no,” He rushed to assure her. “I just...before Jihoon came by we were in the middle of...and I don’t know if the mood survived all that.”

  “Ah right,” She said, relaxing a little. “No, I’m not really sure if we should try just picking things up again or not, but maybe we can just hang out with everybody or watch something and see if it comes back?”

  “Yeah okay,” He felt relieved that she didn’t want to just go home. “Then did you want to go out and join everyone else or should I get my laptop or something?”

  “Why don’t you grab your laptop,” She suggested, putting a gentle hand on his knee. “It is your night to have me afterall.”

  Cheol nodded and went out to get his laptop from the living room where he had been going through some work before Claire came over. Bringing it back to the room, he stretched himself out on the bed and patted the space beside him, inviting her to join him. She happily took his invitation, curling on her side with one arm draped across his waist and her head resting on his shoulder. Lifting the top open and adjusting the screen so that they could see the screen, he started looking for something they could just watch together and relax. They settled on an older romantic comedy in the hope it would be cute and mindless enough neither of them would care in the end if they got distracted.

  It was silly and sweet, but they did indeed get distracted about half way through the movie, finding that the mood did indeed return. Cheol folded down the top of the laptop and slid it onto the desk after it slid into the wall with a thunk as Claire leaned over him to nibble at his soft lower lip.
He returned to the bed, kneeling over her, his knees on either side of her hips as he lowered his face back to hers. His hands angled her head for his hungry kisses.

  “Cheol, you know, even if we can’t see each other for a while, it doesn’t have to mean things are over, right?” Her voice was breathy as she took the opportunity to say what had been lingering on her mind when he moved his lips from hers to trail along her jawline and neck. “It’s just...I want you to know that no matter what, I’m still...I don’t know. I’m not quitting on you.”

  “I know,” He said, looking down at her as he propped himself up on his elbows. “I’m not going to let you disappear or something on us. You’re my 애인[56].”


  “No,” He cut her off. “I know you don’t want me worrying over this. I know that you aren’t leaving me no matter what happens. You aren’t the only one this is happening to. It’s happening to me, too, at least.” She opened her mouth to say something and he covered it with his hand and shook his head. “You aren’t quitting on me and I am not giving up on this either. Now, until we finish what we just started here, we aren’t talking about this. In fact, the only thing I want to hear coming out of your mouth is either how good something feels, my name, 자기야[57], or you asking me to do something or touch something. Okay?”

  She couldn’t think of a time when he had been quite so confident and demanding. It was surprising and downright sexy, giving her a new bloom of butterflies in her stomach. She nodded and he took his hand away.

  “Put a note on the door that says do not disturb,” She requested, her hand fumbling at his belt buckle.

  “That I can do,” He smirked, taking her hand off his belt before going to the door to scrawl a message on the board and lean something against the back of the door as a little extra precaution. Returning to the side of the bed, he slipped off his shirt over his head. Claire knelt on the bed and started to do the same when Cheol grabbed her hands to stop her.

  “Stand up,” He directed with a growling confidence. She did as he asked, standing in the space he left between himself and the frame of the bunk bed. “I want to unwrap you like a present.” She felt color rise on her cheeks and looked up at him with craving eyes. At his prompting, she lifted her arms above her head, allowing him to pull her shirt off in a smooth motion. A moment later his hands were sliding along her back and down into the waistband of her pants. His fingers teased along her waist until they reached the button and zipper at the front. With a flick of his fingers, he undid the fastening and started dragging them down her legs along with her underwear until she could step out of them.

  She flashed a quick paranoid glance at the door to check that it was really closed, feeling a little exposed. Catching the glance, Cheol took her chin between his thumb and forefinger, bringing her gaze back to him. He pressed a forceful kiss against her lips as the fingers of one hand undid the hooks of her bra and tossed the bit of lace and wires onto the floor.

  “Perfect,” He purred as his eyes scanned over every inch of her body. His hands brought her hands to his waistband, silently asking her to take them off him. She gave him a sly smile as her hand went to work on the buttons of his fly. Bending down slightly, her lips brushed the skin of his belly just above her hands. She grazed along the line of his hip with the tip of her tongue as she slid the last of his clothes down to his ankles. A tight groan escaped him as his hands gripped her shoulders.

  “That’s enough,” He choked out hoarsely.

  “You don’t want me to use my mouth on you?” She gave him a coquettish look upwards without straightening up.

  “Not now,” His response was firm. “Sit here, on the edge of the bed.”

  “Like this?” She sat on the edge of the mattress, knees together, propped up on her palms behind her.

  “No, legs apart like this,” Kneeling in front of her, he guided her thighs apart so that he could fit his broad shoulders between them. “Don’t lie down...and watch me.” The demand was unwavering as he brought his face closer to the apex of her thighs. His lips connected with her body and she gave a jump at the contact, her whole body feeling overly sensitive. When his tongue slid up her moist slit, she gave an involuntary squeak. His hands went to her hips to angle her body for easier access as he looked up into her breathless face. He liked this feeling. He had always liked knowing that he could give her pleasure, make her pant and cry for him, but he had never before considered using it as a sort of leverage to play out a fantasy.

  “Cheol,” She said his name in a shuddering breath.

  “Do you like the way I make you feel?” He questioned, wanting to hear the answer.

  “Yes,” She keened as he gave her another long lick for emphasis.

  “How do I make you feel?” He pressed, nuzzling into her lips to give her clit a light, long stroke.

  “Ohh,” She twitched at his touch. “Like your favorite dessert...or like I’m worshipped.”

  “Do I consume you,” He used his fingers to give himself more open access and gave her a harsher lick, like she was a dripping ice cream scoop. “Or do I belong to to just devote myself to you?”

  “I don’t know,” She admitted, feeling heat pooling in her stomach. “Both…”

  “You are the most tempting altar,” He professed. “But I’m not sure if this is my penance or my reward.”

  “Both?” She offered again, with a chuckle. “It’s a very exclusive service, only for the most dedicated and beloved faithful.”

  “My personal goddess,” He said as if it were a prayer just before locking his lips around her clit to give it a long, teasing suck. She gave an overly loud moan before slapping a hand over her mouth with a surprised look at her own reaction. “I want to hear you, but try not to be too loud, I don’t really want to share this with everyone.” She nodded, biting her lips to remind her to keep herself in check. He returned his mouth to her body but kept his eyes locked on her face. The expression on her face was intoxicating. Pink cheeks glowing and her eyes misty and hooded as she looked down at him. When she drew in a gulping breath, her lips parted, looking rosy and moist. He moved, testing different strokes and movements, watching her reaction and learning what tantalized and what stole her breath completely.

  “자기야[58] faster,” She panted, her knees gripping his shoulders involuntarily. Following her request, he brought her to a quick and crashing orgasm that had her shuddering and collapsing backwards as it hit her. Giving her only a moment to catch her breath, Cheol slid her off the edge of the bed and onto his lap. Her legs felt like jelly as he guided her body over his so that he slid in smoothly. He pulled her against him when he was sheathed inside her, guiding her arms around his neck.

  “Move with me, 애인[59],” He pled against her ear as he lifted her hips to move her along his length. She leaned her head against his shoulder and lifted herself in time with his direction, using his body to leverage her movement. Her lips found his neck, giving it languid licks and sucks.

  “I love you and what you do to me,” She breathed against his cheek.

  “You drive me crazy,” He growled, grinding her against him. “I hate it when I see you and I can’t just reach out. I want you in my arms. I want to just touch you and let everyone know that you’re mine.”

  “Even if we were the only ones who knew, it wouldn’t matter. I’m always yours.” She swore.

  “I want to claim you and show everyone how lucky I am to have you,” He rasped before giving her neck a sharp suck where it melded into her shoulder. The sensation made her twitch and his hands gripped her hips to keep her still.

  “Cheol, I need more,” She whined, squirming against him restlessly.

  “Tell me what you want from me, love,” He coaxed.

  “I want more,” She struggled to find the words beyond that. “I want you to fuck me. Hard. Make me remember it tomorrow with every ache I feel.”

  His eyes darkened and, without a word, he moved her under him. The cold flo
or hit her back making her gasp at the shock of it contrasted with the heat of his skin. His hands held her in place under him as he pressed her against the floor with the weight of his body. The movement of his hips was sudden and jarring, drawing out a surprised oh from her. Her hands grabbed the solid muscles of his ass, encouraging him to grind as he moved.

  “Yes,” She hissed before she nipped at his shoulder.

  “Claire, let me hear you,” He begged between thrusts. Claire moaned his name into his ear, sending shivers down his spine. Her sounds drove him, encouraging him. Their legs entwined as though they could not get close enough, skin hungering and their bodies starving for the other. Pleasure rising like flood waters, Claire felt like she was drowning, unable to catch her breath. Her orgasm exploded behind her eyes like a blinding, white light.

  Cheol was hot on her heels, chasing his pleasure with a ferocity he had never allowed himself with her. The shameless noises she made beneath him were gasoline to his fire. When she shuddered around him, gritting out his name, his heart nearly stopped and his breath caught in his throat. He was unprepared for the crash of his own orgasm when it rushed over him. Setting his teeth on her shoulder, he took a mouthful of her flesh sucked, muffling his own guttural cry.

  For a moment they both were unable to do more than just lie on the floor, spent. Though the floor had warmed with the heat of their mutual exertions, it was now slowly stealing the waning warmth from their drained bodies. Cheol rolled off to the side, his limbs feeling clumsy and listless.

  “The bed...might have been...a good idea….” Claire chuckled, still sounding short-winded.

  “Yeah, probably,” Cheol agreed, starting to feel the chill of the floor. “You alright?”

  “Mmm?” She turned her head to look over at him.

  “I, ah, I mean we were a little rough,” Color rose on his cheeks at the memory. “Is anything hurting?”

  “Hmm, a little sore maybe,” She admitted, testing a bit of movement in her legs and arms. “But nothing feels sore in a bad way.”


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