A Hope City Duet

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A Hope City Duet Page 39

by Kris Michaels

  “So, the big, tough, hardcore cop has a little, soft, tickle spot?”

  His lips quirked. “It’s the only soft place I’ve got, babe, especially with you around and your hands on me.”

  He watched her top teeth land on her bottom lip as her hand trailed down to the front of his pants, cupping his erection. She swallowed deeply, her gaze lifting back to his.

  “Sean? Let’s take this back to my bedroom.”

  With a slow grin, he lifted her again and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he stalked toward the back of her apartment.


  Sean entered the only room at the end of the hall, not bothering to flip on the light. The illumination from the hall allowed his eyes to quickly adjust. Her legs were still wrapped around his waist as their bodies crushed together.

  Held in his arms, he did not have to bend to take her lips, finding her as eager as he was for their joining. Her hands had slid from around his neck and were now holding his cheeks as though she was afraid he would disappear if she released him.

  Her lips were soft and pliant, and his tongue slid into the deep recesses of her mouth, gliding over the velvet warmth. His cock was aching with need, pressed against her hot core. As sexy as her tight yoga pants had been when they had cupped her every curve, now they created a barrier that he wanted gone.

  He continued forward until his legs met the bed, and with more finesse than he thought he possessed, he managed to lay her down with her body still tightly pressed against his, even managing to be careful of her splinted wrist. Now with the freedom to move his limbs, he lifted one knee between her legs, continuing to press her hips into his.

  They lay on their sides facing each other, her head resting on his bicep. His free hand slid along her hip, desperately seeking the soft skin he had just begun to explore earlier. His fingers were not disappointed as they glided over the silky smoothness of her back and their lips continued to devour each other.

  With his cock hard and aching, it forced almost all other thoughts from his mind as he focused on the need for release hopefully buried deep inside her core. When was the last time I really cared about my partner? He always wanted his partner to enjoy themselves, but in recent years, it seemed as though sex had become perfunctory.

  As his body began to tangle with Harper’s, he wanted more than just her climax. He wanted their joining—in every sense of the word. Hearts and minds as well as bodies.

  His hand moved down into the waistband of her pants before leaning back in for a kiss. As her right hand continued to cling onto his shoulder, she arched her back, offering her breasts as a gift to the gods. Not one to deny that gift, he feasted on its fullness before latching onto her nipple, sucking it deeply into his mouth. Her moans filled his ears as her flesh filled his mouth. He nipped the tender flesh, then laved it with his tongue, soothing the sting. He moved from breast to breast, licking, nipping, and sucking.

  Her delicate scent of vanilla combined with the muskiness of her arousal. He rolled her gently onto her back, covering his body with her own. Her legs widened, cradling his hips against her pelvis. Grinding his erection while continuing to tease her breasts, he could not remember the last time he was this completely aroused. Not just sexually, but all of his senses were finely tuned on this one woman.

  Scooting off the mattress, he stood and quickly divested himself of his pants, toeing off his shoes and jerking his boxers down at the same time. He observed her gaze raking over his body, pleased to see appreciation in her eyes. Not a vain man, he spent time running to ease his mind of the rigors of his job and at the gym to stay in shape. He was not interested in sculpting his body but had been blessed with good genetics along with his work.

  Harper raised up, propping her weight on her elbows as she smiled, her gaze fully on him. He leaned forward and snagged her yoga pants and panties at the waistline and pulled them down over her hips as she shifted upward to make the delectable task easier.

  Now, both naked, he crawled over her body, kissing the inside of her thighs as he buried his mouth against her warm heat. She flopped back onto the bed, her knees bent and thighs wide, welcoming and cradling as he licked and laved her sex. “Sean…”

  His name on her lips sounded reverent. “What do you want, babe?” he whisper-kissed against her clit.

  “You… this… everything… I want it all.”

  Her moans hit his ears, her fingers moved through his hair, nails raking over his scalp, and her scent filled his nostrils. His cock was standing at attention, hard and aching, but he felt no need to rush. With a casual encounter, he simply wanted the woman to climax so that he could follow. But this was no casual encounter.

  Her fingers pulled slightly on his hair, and she panted as her hips undulated against his mouth. He slid one hand over her sensitive tummy, palming her breast before tweaking her nipple. Latching onto her hardened clit, he pulled it into his mouth and felt her body vibrate.

  The sounds Harper made reverberated through him as he continued to lap her juices, his large hands now clutching her thighs, lifting her hips to take her further. As her orgasm abated, her fingers slid from his head to flop onto the bed covers. He lifted his head, licking his lips, and his gaze met hers.

  Both smiling, she whispered, “Damn.”

  Her voice was breathy, and he chuckled. “I take it that was damn good?”

  She barely nodded. “Hell, yeah. Damn good!”

  He kissed her mound before trailing his lips on a path that led over her tummy, circling her belly button, eliciting giggles from her. Deciding not to continue the torture, he kissed his way from one breast over to the other, making sure to give equal attention to both nipples. Her body was so responsive, her skin soft and supple. Hating to leave her breasts, he kissed his way over her collarbone, sucking at the pulse at the base of her neck before moving along her jaw and latching onto her lips.

  “I thought you’d never make it to my mouth,” she mumbled, clutching him tightly to her body once again.

  “Everything about you is so perfect.” He lifted slightly to hold her gaze. “I find myself wanting to kiss every inch.”

  As her eyes held his, she sucked in her lips, appearing to hold back a giggle that only served to make him chuckle. “I know, I know. That sounded really cheesy, didn’t it?”

  “Well, it sounded like something from one of my romance novels, but I really liked it. I mean, no one’s ever said that to me before.”

  Lifting one eyebrow, he retorted, “I assure you that I’m not getting lines from a romance novel.”

  She began to laugh, and he kissed her again, loving the feel of her mirth. Their tongues dueled and the electricity began to spark throughout his body, centering on his cock.

  So focused on their mating dance, he almost forgot about protection. Lifting his lips from hers, he shifted to the side to snag his wallet from his pants pocket. Not wanting to place too much weight on her, he knelt between her legs as he rolled on the condom. Moving back over her body, he guided his cock to her entrance, slowly pushing in.

  Her sex was tight, gripping him with intensity. He inched in, allowing her body to settle around him until he was fully sheathed. Her eyes never left his, and her fingers clung to his shoulders. He wanted to tell her to rest her injured wrist but found that no words came forward.

  Her lips curved slowly into a small smile, and she breathed, “Please. I need you.”

  He began to move, slowly thrusting in and out, his cock dragging along her inner core and his pelvis rocking against her clit. The slow seduction only lasted a short while before her fingers dug into his muscles and the intensity of his thrusts increased.

  He held his weight off her chest as he planted his forearms next to her, making sure that his actions matched her desire. Her eyes were dark with lust but sparkled as her smile widened. Her breasts bounced with each plunge of his cock, and he bent his head, sucking a nipple deeply into his mouth.

  She cried out his name and he felt her i
nner muscles clenching just before he gave over to his own orgasm. His hands tightened into fists by her shoulders as his hips continued to surge forward, cushioned by her thighs. The muscles in his lower back and ass clenched and he threw his head back with a primal roar. For a few seconds, he heard and felt nothing other than his body’s hard, overwhelming release.

  He fell forward, barely able to keep from crushing her with his arms bent and tucked close to her chest, his breath heaving in great pants. Consciousness slowly returned, and he was aware of her hands skimming along his back, her fingertips smoothing his taut muscles. Pushing upward, he fought to drag ragged breaths into his lungs as his gaze peered down, searching her face.

  “Are you okay?” he managed to get out. He watched as her lips curved into a wide smile and her chest expanded with a deep breath.

  “Oh, yeah,” she whispered. “I’m perfect.”

  He continued to search her face for a moment, but pleased sincerity was all that she exuded, and he finally relaxed. “I was afraid I was too rough. Or too heavy.”

  She brought her hands over his shoulders to where she cupped his face with her fingertips. “No. You were perfect, too.”

  He rolled to the side, gathering her in his arms and pulling her with him. His cock slowly slid from her body, but their legs tangled, and their chests pressed tightly together, arms banded around each other so they stayed connected. He breathed in her scent, knowing it would always be connected with this memory.

  Not giving doubt a chance to settle into her mind, he said, “I’d like to stay.” As soon as the words slipped from his lips, it dawned on him that he had not said those words before. No matter where he was stationed or had lived, he preferred to sleep alone. His bed had always been his private refuge. A place he could be alone with his thoughts. A place that was just for his own relaxation. But now, with Harper, he wanted to share her intimate space.

  Holding his breath for a moment, he waited to see what her reaction and answer would be.

  Her smile brightened and her eyes sparkled. “I’d be disappointed if you left.”

  With those words, he hugged her to his body tighter. “I’ll be right back.” He climbed from the bed and moved to the bathroom, taking care of the condom. Stalking back to the bed, he held out his hand to her and assisted her from the bed. Leading her to the bathroom, he grinned as she handed him a fresh toothbrush and murmured, “Make yourself at home.”

  After he brushed, he left her alone to finish her nighttime routine and went over to the clothes they had strewn about the room. Folding his carefully, he set them on the chair that was angled in the corner of the room. He had just done the same with hers when the bathroom door opened and he turned, seeing her hesitate at the doorway. He tilted his head to the side slightly and waited.

  Harper walked directly to him, appearing comfortable with her nudity. “I wondered if this was a dream and if you would still be here.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close and bent his head to kiss her lightly. Continuing to hold her gaze, he replied, “In a world full of doubts and uncertainties, I am very sure that I want to be here with you tonight.”

  He delighted as her smile widened and led her back to the bed. Settling together, he pulled the covers over them, tucking her in close, praying they would have a night together with no interruptions from work.


  Harper blinked, trying to discern what was different. Her gaze landed on the framed photograph of her family sitting on her dresser across the room. A hint of sunlight was beaming through her lacy curtains, casting familiar patterns on the opposite wall.

  Instead of feeling the typical cool air of the morning chill, she felt cocooned underneath the covers. Remembering, her eyes jerked open wide as she rolled gently to see Sean lying on his back next to her. Grinning, she propped her head on her hand and observed him, memorizing everything about him. One of his long arms was resting across his middle, his fingers splayed out over his stomach. His other arm was curved, his head resting on his hand. Continuing her perusal, she noted the hard planes of his face were softened with slumber.

  His upper body was muscular, and she had had evidence of his powerful thighs the night before. Warmth spread over her at the memories of their lovemaking. The sheet had shifted downward, resting just below his waist, and she was tempted to wake him up by trailing kisses over his pecs and abs… and possibly lower.

  She wanted to continue to lie in bed doing nothing more than admiring him, but the call of nature was too great. Slipping from underneath the covers, she shivered slightly as she hurried into the bathroom. When she came back through the bedroom, he was still fast asleep, and she wondered how often his nights were interrupted by calls out. She had grabbed her sleep shorts and tank top in the bathroom, and slipping them on, bundled in her fluffy robe before shoving her feet into her fuzzy slippers. More concerned for warmth than sexiness, she continued to stand for a moment, committing to memory the way Sean looked in her bed.

  Smokey was tired of waiting for his breakfast, meowing his discontent. Quickly opening a can of cat food, she fed him before turning to her stove. Wondering what Sean might like to eat for breakfast, she could not imagine that he would not go for something simple like eggs, bacon, and toast.

  Gathering the items from her refrigerator, she began with the bacon, knowing that she did not want to scramble the eggs or toast the bread before he woke. Making a cup of coffee, she moved to the living room and turned on the TV, not surprised to see the early morning news still filled with stories concerning the murder of Samuel Treyson. She was so engrossed in watching TV she jumped when a pair of hands were placed on her shoulders.

  “Shit!” She startled and her coffee splashed perilously close to the edge of her mug.

  The hands from her shoulders slid around her front, pulling her against a strong chest as Sean’s chuckle reverberated through her. “Sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to scare you. But the smell of bacon woke me up, and the idea of you in here had me jumping out of bed.”

  She turned in his arms, careful to keep from spilling her coffee on him, and looked up into his face. “I didn’t mean to wake you up. I just wanted to fix you breakfast.”

  He bent and took her lips gently, and she melted against him, barely able to keep hold of her cup. Lost in a fog of sensations caused by just his lips, she jolted. “The bacon! I don’t want it to burn!” Regretfully pulling away from him, she hustled around the counter and saved the bacon, forking it onto paper towels.

  Glancing into her living room, she appreciated the view of Sean in a T-shirt and slacks, his feet encased in socks. His hair was tousled as though he had simply run his fingers through it, and she remembered doing the same with her own fingers gripping his head the night before.

  Giving a little shake, she turned her attention back to breakfast, popping the bread into the toaster and scrambling the eggs before adding cheddar cheese to the top. Setting the plates on the table, she said, “It seems like the only thing the news can talk about is Samuel Treyson’s murder.”

  His jaw was tight when he turned around and moved toward the table, and it dawned on her how personal these newscasts must be for a person in law enforcement. Not wanting anything to ruin their morning, she moved quickly to the counter and grabbed the remote, turning to a station that just played soft music.

  “That’s better,” she commented as they sat down at the table.

  He nodded his appreciation and smiled. “Thanks. It’s always good for me to hear what information is going out to the public, but there’s so much they can’t know. I’ve got a real fear that our arsonist is not going to like the attention being off of him and onto the murder.”

  A slight gasp slipped from her lips as she jolted. “I never thought about that. Do you think he’ll escalate?”

  Nodding, he replied, “Arsonists almost always escalate, regardless of their motives. When the news was filled with the arsons, this person was front and center, just what the
y want to be. But now they’ve fallen way down the line of what the news reporters are discussing.”

  Shaking her head, she said, “I know it’s awful about Samuel Treyson’s murder, but then all of these fires are just as terrible.” Reaching out to clutch his hand, she added, “I’m glad you’re not working the murder case.”

  “My best friend is the lead detective on that case, and I don’t envy him the public scrutiny.”

  “Your best friend is a homicide detective?”

  Digging into his breakfast, he said, “This is good, babe. I wasn’t expecting to spend the night and have breakfast cooked for me, but it’s appreciated more than you can know.” He took a sip of coffee and then continued. “Remember me telling you about the family that lived next to us? Brock and I were both the oldest, same age, and became fast friends from the time we were toddlers… at least that’s the story our parents tell. After high school, we both left for the military but found our way back to Hope City. We’re still best friends, although it’s a little harder to get together now with our schedules. His dad is actually the Police Commissioner.”

  “Commissioner King?”

  “Yep. Chauncey has been Commissioner for a while. My dad and he are still close friends.”

  “How do they handle the pressure?” Blinking, she amended, “How do you? You’ve got the serial arsonist to deal with!”

  “The press can be brutal, but we don’t have to deal with it. The department chiefs and PR handle the press, thank God. I want to investigate, not pontificate.”

  She grinned at his words, and catching his eye, they both laughed.

  “God, that was another cheesy line, wasn’t it?”

  “I actually thought your turn of phrase was spot on, Sean.”

  “Okay, smartass.” He grinned and leaned forward, planting a kiss on her lips.

  She reached over and held his hand, giving it a little squeeze. “I really do respect your job, you know. It’s so underappreciated. I know the tasks you have to go through when investigating a site, but you have to put the clues together to solve a crime where evidence is mostly destroyed and perpetrators are often not caught.”


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