Condemned to Love: 

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Condemned to Love:  Page 1

by Davis, Siobhan


  Mafia Glossary



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55


  Rydeville Elite Box Set - Sample

  The Sainthood Complete Series - Sample

  About the Author

  Books By Siobhan Davis


  Mafia Glossary

  Bratva – The Russian mafia in the US.

  Capo – Italian for captain. A member of a crime family who heads/leads a crew of soldiers.

  Consigliere – Italian for adviser/counselor. A member of a crime family who advises the boss and mediates disputes.

  Don/Boss – The head of a crime family.

  La famiglia/famiglia – Italian for the family/family.

  La Cosa Nostra – A criminal organization, operating within the US, comprising Italian American crime families.

  Made Man – A member of the mafia who has been officially initiated/inducted into a crime family.

  Mafioso/Mafiosi – An official member of the mafia.

  Mob – The mafia/La Cosa Nostra/A crime family.

  Omertá – The mafia code of silence. Breaking omertá usually means death.

  RICO laws – The Racketeer-Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, a federal statute enacted in 1970. It allows prosecutors to seek tougher penalties if they can prove someone is a member of the mafia.

  Soldati – Italian for soldiers.

  Soldier – A low-ranking member of the mafia who reports to an assigned Capo.

  The Commission – The governing/ruling body of La Cosa Nostra, which sits in New York, the organized crime capital of the US.

  The Five Families – Five crime families who rule in New York, each headed by a boss.

  The Outfit – The Chicago division of La Cosa Nostra.

  Triad – Chinese Crime Syndicate.

  Underboss – The second in command within a crime family, and an initiated mafia member who works closely with, and reports directly to, the boss.

  Other references:

  U of C – University of Chicago



  “You could always ask me to marry you,” Saskia says, batting her eyelashes at Ben like she’s sweet and innocent, and marriage-worthy, and not a cruel manipulative bitch who gets off on tormenting me any chance she gets. Her eyes dart over his shoulders, squinting in my direction, and I tuck my head back into the dark alcove, pressing my spine farther into the wall, praying she doesn’t find me spying on her. There will be hell to pay if she knows I’ve been listening to her nauseating attempt to convince her boyfriend to put a ring on it.

  “What?” he splutters, a choked laugh slipping from his mouth. “You can’t be serious?”

  The mounting panic sluicing through my veins slowly calms at the obvious disbelief in his voice. I rub a hand across my tight chest, wishing I could see his face, to know he’s not entertaining her laughable suggestion for even a second. I’ve often wondered how Ben has put up with my sister for so long. I thought, for sure, he would have kicked her to the curb within those first few weeks of dating. But he has stuck it out for a year. If you ask me, he deserves a gold medal for putting up with my eldest sister for that long.

  “Why the hell wouldn’t I be?” Saskia snaps in a tone I’m more familiar with.

  “Because you’re twenty and I’m twenty-one, for starters,” Ben replies in a more conciliatory tone.

  “We’re adults,” Saskia huffs while I roll my eyes.

  She loves to throw that one at me on the regular. “I’m an adult, Sierra, and you’re still a kid. You will do what I say, or I’ll tell Daddy you’re being a brat again.” I clench my fists at my sides, wishing there wasn’t such an age gap between me and my sisters. Maybe, if we were closer in age, they wouldn’t see me as their problematic little sister, and I wouldn’t feel like such an outsider in my own family.

  The only one who truly gets me is Mom.

  To my sisters, I’m a nuisance.

  To Father, I’m an unfortunate accident who continues to mess up his perfect life because I won’t conform.

  I might be only thirteen, and still discovering who I am, but I know enough about myself to want to forge my own path in life. Not to willingly follow the plan Father has mapped out for me—the same way he has done with my two sisters—just because we have to keep up appearances as the daughters of one of the wealthiest, most powerful, and most successful businessmen in the US.

  Screw that.

  I will make my own way in life, thank you very much.

  And if he wants to cut me off, so be it. I would rather be broke and free to make my own decisions than miserable and rich.

  “Old enough to vote, and have sex, and get married,” Saskia adds, as I resume eavesdropping on their conversation.

  Ben clears his throat. “Please tell me you’re not suggesting we get married so we can have sex.”

  My cheeks warm at the turn in their conversation, and a foreign fluttery feeling swirls in my belly. It’s the same sensation I get any time I daydream about Bennett Carver.

  I’m sure there is some rule about not crushing on your sister’s boyfriend, and maybe I’ll be struck down for my naughty thoughts, but I can’t help liking Ben because he is awesome. And freaking hot. I can’t deny I have fantasized about running my fingers through his thick dark-brown hair like I’ve seen Saskia doing, or staring deep into his piercing blue eyes, or that I have imagined what it would feel like to touch him and kiss him. The warmth in my cheeks expands until it feels like they’re on fire, and I press a clammy palm to my face, willing the flames to die down.

  My sister is so lucky, because Ben is gorgeous. But it’s not just that he’s good-looking—he is sweet and kind and funny, and he treats me like I’m a person of worth, not like I’m something nasty clinging to the bottom of his shoe.

  He sees me. Like Mom sees me. And I love him for that.

  “I’m not suggesting it for that reason.” Saskia’s voice lowers, and the husky sound grates on my nerves. “In fact, I’ve decided I don’t want to wait any longer. I want you.”

  To hell with the consequences. I need to see what’s going on. Cautiously, I poke my head out of the alcove, s
mothering my pain as I watch my sister curl her arms around Ben’s neck, rubbing the fine hairs on his nape, while she stares at his mouth like she wants to eat him alive.

  “I thought you were waiting for your wedding night,” Ben coolly replies, his tone giving nothing away.

  “I’ve changed my mind,” she purrs, pressing her body against his.

  Ben’s hands rest lightly on her hips, and I scowl, wanting to rush into the room and yank him away from her. “Why?”

  “Why does it matter?” she says, an edge creeping into her voice. “I’ll let you fuck me. Isn’t that what you’ve wanted all along?”

  Releasing her, Ben takes a step back, running a hand through his hair. “I’ve respected your wishes, Saskia, and I never put any pressure on you. Don’t make out like I’m forcing you into doing something.”

  “Why does everything have to be such a big deal with you?” she hisses, folding her arms across her chest and glaring at him.

  “What the fuck?” He cranks out a laugh. “You have the nerve to accuse me of that after you’ve just suggested marriage? Do you even hear how crazy you sound?”

  “Don’t make fun of my feelings.” Her lip juts out in a pout, and I roll my eyes again. “I love you, and I know we belong together, so why wait?”

  “Whoa.” Ben takes another step back, dragging his hand through his hair again. “Enough with the heavy. I came to take you out to dinner, and it’s feeling more and more like an ambush.”

  “Now you’re being dramatic.” Saskia pokes him in the chest with her finger, and I’m gonna give myself eyestrain if I roll my eyes any more.

  “Maybe we should do this another night,” Ben says, and Saskia’s eyes widen briefly in alarm.

  “Don’t get your panties in a bunch.” She closes the gap between them, placing her hands on his chest over his black button-up shirt. “We can’t celebrate our one-year anniversary any night but tonight.” She plants a faux sugary smile on her face that to me always makes her look like she’s constipated. “Forget I said anything. We can talk about it later.”

  His sigh is loud in the silent room, but whatever he sees on her face seals the deal. “Okay. Let’s just go out and have fun.” He tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear, and I want to rip his fingers away from her. I hate that she gets to feel his hands on her. I wish I was older so I could fight her for him, because I would make a much better girlfriend.

  “I need to finish getting ready,” Saskia says, making a move toward the door.

  I don’t wait to hear the end of the conversation. I slip around the corner of the alcove and exit the room, racing in my bare feet toward my studio before she comes out and catches me.

  Twenty minutes later, I have forgotten all about my sister and Ben as I paint swirls of vibrant color on the canvas in broad sweeping strokes.

  Mom turned one of the extra reception rooms into an art studio for me a few years ago, and it’s my safe haven in this monstrosity we call home. If I’ve had a bad day or something is bugging me, I lock myself away in here and vent my feelings through art. I don’t discriminate and I don’t restrict myself, experimenting with whatever appeals to my creative side. Mom indulges my whims, and I have taken classes in oil painting, watercolors, pottery, and jewelry making. Right now, I’m taking a photography class, and I’m enjoying getting a feel for the new Nikon camera Mom bought me for my birthday.

  But today is a day for expressing myself through painting. The wide windows at the back of my studio face the rear gardens, and I love the view. I started out painting the beautiful manicured lawn and neat flower beds, but now it’s evolved into a crazy burst of colors and strokes and dots on the canvas as I let my creative streak take control.

  A firm rap on the door pulls me out of my head, and a massive smile spreads over my mouth when the door opens and Ben sticks his head in. “Am I interrupting the genius at work?” he quips, flashing me a blinding smile that has my insides swooning.

  “Yes, but I don’t mind your interruptions,” I say, setting my paintbrush down on the side of my easel. Grabbing a wet wipe from the pack, I clean paint off my fingers as I walk toward him.

  Ben eases into the room, closing the door slightly but not fully shutting it. “Good, because I brought you something.” His smile expands as he walks toward me, extending the small box.

  A squeal escapes my lips, and I clap my hands. “They’ve reopened?” My favorite bakery had shut down without explanation a few weeks ago, and I’d given up hope of ever tasting their delicious cupcakes again.

  He nods, handing me the box. “I noticed lights on in the bakery as I was driving here, and I had to pull over and grab a cupcake for my favorite firefly.” He ruffles my hair, and warmth spreads over every inch of my body.

  Opening the box, I let my long blonde hair hang around my face to disguise the blush staining my cheeks. “Red velvet. Yum.” I swipe my index finger into the soft sweet frosting.

  “It’s your favorite, right?” He props his butt against the long table behind us.

  “That and their…”

  “Peanut butter truffle cupcakes,” he finishes for me.

  I beam at him as I suck icing off my finger. “You know me well.”

  “I think I do.” He waggles his brows as his eyes scan the room. “Damn, Firefly, you’ve really taken to photography. Those pictures are amazing.”

  Every part of me melts at his compliment. I spin around, perusing the collection of photos stuck haphazardly to the far wall. “I’m still learning about technique, but it’s fun. I’m enjoying it.”

  “You are so talented.” He pushes off the table and walks toward the wall on the other side, his fingers brushing over the newest additions to my mural. I copied a scene from one of the Harry Potter movies, depicting the Hogwarts Castle elevated high above the ground with a lush green forest at the base. I’ve added to it over the months since I started it, as the mood took me.

  “You added Harry,” he says, looking over his shoulder at me.

  “And Hermione and Ron.” Walking to his side, I point at the small figures elevated in the sky upon broomsticks. “I had to add a quidditch game after we went on the ride at Universal Studios.” My finger traces the circular edge of the golden snitch, and I smile as contentment sweeps through me.

  Ben and painting make me happy, and I could burst with joy in this moment.

  “You find inspiration everywhere, Sierra. I wouldn’t mind seeing the world through your eyes.”

  “The world is one giant pool of inspiration. How could I not be inspired every second of every minute of every day?”

  He leans down, bringing his gorgeous face close to mine, and I forget how to breathe. “I think you’re the one who’s inspirational, Firefly.” Very carefully, he tucks some stray strands of my hair behind my ear, and my cheeks inflame. But I refuse to be embarrassed, holding his gaze as he smiles adoringly at me. “Never change.”

  “Uh, I won’t,” I croak, disappointed when he straightens up and steps back.

  “I thought I might find you here,” Saskia says, and I jump at the unexpected sound of her voice, emitting a high-pitched shriek.

  “Oh my God. You frightened me.”

  She narrows her eyes. “It’s not nice when people eavesdrop on private conversations, is it?” she asks, making it clear she knew I was spying on her earlier.

  “Ben brought me a cupcake,” I retort, waving the box at her.

  “You’ll get fat,” she drawls, her gaze roaming me from head to toe. “And it’s not like you can get away with packing on the pounds. You’re already looking pudgy around the middle.”

  My face explodes, popping bright red with burning embarrassment. I fight tears, not wanting her to see how much she has upset me. How could she say that in front of Ben?

  “Saskia. Don’t be so cruel,” Ben says, and I love how quickly he always comes to my defense. He’s my hero, and I will always worship the ground he walks on. He turns to me, his features softening. “You’re
perfect just the way you are.” He pats the top of my head, and my embarrassment puffs into thin air.

  “I’m just trying to educate my little sister. The world is a cruel place,” Saskia says, stalking across the room. She threads her fingers through Ben’s, and I grind my teeth to the molars. “And only ugly old dudes want to fuck fat chicks.” She pats me on the head, but her gesture is completely condescending. “So, eat your calorie-laden cupcake, Firefly, but don’t blame me when you end up fat and alone.”

  Ben yanks his hand from Saskia’s, but it only gives me a tiny bit of joy because her hurtful words and scathing look pierce the walls I hide behind, and her strike hits deep.

  I know I have put on some weight lately, only because I haven’t hit my growth spurt yet. I’m the smallest in my class with most of my friends towering over me. Mom said shouldn’t worry about it since the weight will fall off when I grow taller. I usually pride myself on not being obsessed with my appearance, unlike Saskia and Serena who spend hours in front of the mirror, but I’m not strong enough to protect myself from such a horrid attack. I thought older sisters were supposed to protect their little sisters, not be mean and cruel for no reason.

  “You are way out of line, Saskia,” Ben says through gritted teeth. “Apologize to Sierra.”


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