Love is Blind

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by Vijay K Kerji

 Love is Blind

  By Vijay K Kerji

  Copyright 2014 by Vijay K Kerji

  Cover Design by Laura Shinn Designs.

  Cover background image: "Niagara Falls" —Sh Shurick  

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – Niranjan

  Chapter 2 – Jennifer Coleman

  Chapter 3 – Heathrow Airport

  Chapter 4 – Deer Creek Apartment

  Chapter 5 – Summit Software, New Jersey

  Chapter 6 – Jennifer and Andrea

  Chapter 7 – Niranjan and Jennifer

  Chapter 8 – Work Place Challenges

  Chapter 9 – Niranjan and Venkatesh

  Chapter 10 – Niranjan Speak with Jennifer

  Chapter 11 – James and Jennifer

  Chapter 12 – Princeton University

  Chapter 13 – Niranjan’s Car Purchase

  Chapter 14 – Visit to the Balaji Temple

  Chapter 15 – Niranjan Speaks to his Parents and Shubra

  Chapter 16 – Atlantic City

  Chapter 17 – New York City

  Chapter 18 – Shenandoah Valley

  Chapter 19 – Niranjan and James

  Chapter 20 – Andrea’s Mediation

  Chapter 21 – Niranjan Speaks with Vivek

  Chapter 22 – Washington DC

  Chapter 23 – Niagara Falls

  Chapter 24 – Niranjan’s Father Hospitalized

  Chapter 25 – Adieu

  Chapter 1 Niranjan


   “There are no foreign lands. It is the traveller only who is foreign.” – Robert Louis Stevenson


  Niranjan parked his Maruti car in front of his office, Summit Software Solutions Private limited. The office building was constructed with the tinted glass walls, erected on a ten feet high brick wall. The façade in the ground floor had an extended roof, supported by a two strong round shaped concrete columns. Main hall was decorated with flower pots in the corners, and had a desk for a receptionist on the left side. The elevators were nestled within the hall, besides the front desk, and towards the far end of the main hall.


  Niranjan pushed the elevator button to reach to the third floor of the building. He stepped out of the elevator and turned towards right to enter into the main hall of the third floor. The main hall was partitioned into several sections on either side and each section contained six desks with the glass partitions between them.


  Niranjan saw his colleague, Shubra, seated at her desk wearing a sky- blue traditional Salwar Kameez dress. Her well combed, raven black hair was adorned with the garland of fresh jasmine flowers. The sweet scent of the flowers filled the fresh morning air and drew Niranjan towards her.


  “Good morning Shubra, you are early today” he said.


  “Good Morning, Niranjan. Yeah, our office cab driver was early”. She wore a broad smile on her face.


  He stood beside her chair with the legs crossed and his bottom supported to the edge of the desk.


  “I like your dress today,” he said, and observed her face turn red. “I Hope you have started documenting the details of your understanding about the project”.


  “Yes, I have started, and I will complete it by the end of this week”.


  “Feel free to come to my desk if you have any problems”.


  “Yes, I will,” she replied.


  Niranjan had been mentoring Shubra on few modules of a software project. He had developed these modules in the last year and he was leaving to the USA for an onsite work. Niranjan had impressed his project manager by his good technical skills and hard work. He had proved during the course of the project that he is smart enough to work in the USA. He had recently got his visa approved by the American Consulate. Niranjan was told by his manager to mentor Shubra before he leaves to the USA. During the course of the training, they had developed close friendship with each other.


  “Have you heard from your Manager about your departure to the USA?” she asked.


  “Well, I need to contact him today and enquire about it. I may leave by next week end and he has to confirm yet. Let’s go together to his office and meet him during tea time, and I need to update him about our training progress as well,” he said.


  "All right, we will go and meet him,” Shubra said.


  “Can you come by my desk on half an hour so we can continue with the remaining portion of understanding the IF Audio software module,” Niranjan said while he decided to leave her desk to go to his place.


  "Okay," Shubra said and turned towards her computer screen.


  Niranjan reached his desk which was two sections away from Shubra’s. He put his lap top case down and switched on the computer. He saw several new emails and spent few minutes to read and reply to them. In the next half hour, he resumed training Shubra till tea time and they both decided to go and meet his Project Manager.




  When Niranjan and Shubra entered his Manager’s office, his manager was on the phone. Niranjan pulled up a chair for Shubra before sitting down as well.


  They waited until his manager hung up the phone.


  “Hi Niranjan, how are you?” asked his Manager.


  “I’m doing well and wanted to speak with you for few minutes”.


  “Please go ahead”.


  “Well, Shubra’s training of the IF Audio module is almost complete and she is preparing a help document based on her understanding of the modules. It will be kind of a help and reference document for the future use,” Niranjan said.


  “That’s great work and make sure that you include the solutions to any kind of problems you face in executing those software modules,” Manager said.


  “Ok, I will include them in a separate section of the document at the end,” Shubra said.


  “When am I scheduled to go to the USA? You did mention that I may leave by the next week end,” Niranjan asked.


  “Well, I had asked the travel agent to book your plane tickets. Next Friday will be your likely departure day and I will confirm you by end of the day today,” Manager said.


  “That’s great! Thank you so much,” Niranjan said.


  “Shubra, you make sure that you understand the modules well and are able to maintain them in Niranjan’s absence,” Manager said.


  “Sure, I have gained much knowledge and I can handle them on my own,” she replied.


  “Niranjan, I will forward the travel schedule through email as soon as I receive it,” he said.


  Niranjan discussed his project related matters with his Manager for few minutes and stepped out with Shubra towards his desk.




  Niranjan spent remaining time of the day educating Shubra about the project modules. They had a brief code review and related discussion. In the middle of their discussion, Niranjan saw an email notification popped up on his computer screen. He clicked on it to open and saw that it is from his Manager
with subject as travel itinerary. He felt excited while reading it and said, “Next Friday I am leaving to the USA”, and turned towards Shubra.


  Shubra was going through the contents of the email and said, “You are going to the East Coast of the USA”.


  “Well, it is good to go there and our colleague, Venkatesh, is already on the East Coast at General Electric at Princeton, New Jersey. He is returning to India very shortly,” he said.


  “You are changing the flight at Frankfurt, London in between the journey,” she said, Shubra was keenly looking at the itinerary.


  “Yes, it is transit halt for four hours,” Niranjan said.


  Niranjan replied to his Manager’s email and conveyed his gratitude. He decided to have a cup of coffee and walked towards office canteen along with Shubra.




  Niranjan occupied one of the chairs in the centre table of the canteen while Shubra made herself comfortable in front of him. He saw few employees having beverages and snacks and engrossed in discussion.


  “At last, my trip to the USA is confirmed and I am the last person from our group to go to the USA,” he said.


  “You said your colleague Venkatesh is already in the New Jersey, and I hope he will be helpful to you when you go there,” she said.


  “Yeah, definitely, and I will call and inform him tonight about my trip. He may come to the airport to pick me up,” he said.


  “Don’t forget me when you are in the USA,” said Shubra earnestly.


  “How can I? I’ll be in touch with you over phone once a while,” Niranjan said.


  Shubra smiled and stared at him once. Both finished their cup of coffee and stepped outside the canteen, and walked towards their desks.




  Niranjan reached his home after work in the evening and parked his car inside the veranda to the left of the main entrance. A few Asoka trees grew with in the compound and compound had a metallic gate at the right of it.


  The house had spacious porch in the front, and various plants in the flower pots were kept around it. Scent of jasmine flowers filled the evening fresh air outside the house.


  He saw his father reading a novella, seated in an easy chair and his mother making a garland of jasmine flowers, seated next to him. He stepped out of the car and said, “Appa, I am leaving to the USA on next Friday evening,” and walked towards his parents.


  Niranjan was the only son to his parents and they raised him with much care and affection. His mother was reluctant to send him to the USA, but his father who supported his plan to go to the USA for two years. She always suggested Niranjan to get marry a beautiful girl and settle but Niranjan decided to visit the USA for two years and return home. He always thought two years of the USA work experience will value add to his career profile.


  “Wow, finally you are leaving to the USA. That’s good, and it is better if you go and come back without much delay,” his father said.


  “Do your shopping as early as possible to avoid last minute hassles and plan your trip properly,” his mother suggested.


  “Yes Mom, I need to finish it by this week”.


  “I will inform your sisters and cousins about your travel date and they may come to see you before you go,” his father said.


  “Yes, I hope I can see them before I go”.


  His mother went inside to prepare coffee for Niranjan while he removed his shoes and relaxed in the veranda.




  Airport was filled with the loud noise of passengers and visitors, and flight departure announcements enhanced it further. Some people watched at computer terminals for their flight details and terminal numbers. Newly arrived passengers were greeted by their beloved ones and they hugged each other with much happiness. Kids bought candies and ice creams while adults’ sipped beverages at the coffee and condiments outlets, nestled within the visitors lounge. Jovial mood had pervaded throughout the visitor area.


  Niranjan was accompanied by his parents and many of his close relatives to the airport. He was well dressed with coat and tie. Shubra came to send him off along with his father. Shubra wore a beautiful blue sari. Niranjan stood beside his parents speaking to them in a happy mood.


  “This is my father, and is Manager in National Bank,” Shubra introduced his father to Niranjan, coming closer to him.


  Niranjan shook hands with her father.


  “When are you returning from the USA?” asked Shubra’s father.


  “My visa period is two years. I don’t want to extend it,” Niranjan said.


  “We have advised him to come back soon without settling in the USA,” Niranjan’s mother said.


  Niranjan spoke with Shubra’s father, about her job performance in the office and the forthcoming project. He spent his time speaking to everyone until the announcement was made for the passengers to board the flight at the gate number five.


  “Bon Voyage, my son. Take care while you are in the USA,” Niranjan’s father said.


  Niranjan hugged his parents and said, “I will be in touch with you every week and no need to worry about me. Many of my colleagues are already working in the East Coast, I will stay with them”.


  Niranjan’s relatives gathered around his parents and wished Niranjan a success in his trip to the USA.


  Shubra and her parents came closer and said, “We wish you Bon Voyage on your trip to the USA”.


  “Thank you. Shubra, if you have any problem with the project, please feel free to contact me through my Manager,” Niranjan said. He saw her beautiful eyes fixed at him.


  Silence prevailed for few seconds while Niranjan lifted his bags and said, “I will call you as soon as I reach New Jersey”. He waved his hand to all while walking towards the gate number five to board the plane.

  Chapter 2 Jennifer Coleman


  A beautiful woman delights the eye; a wise woman, the understanding; a pure one, the soul - Minna Antrim 


  The Coleman family Cape Cod style home sat on a half-acre of a manicured lawn in a suburb of New Brunswick, New Jersey. The house, built on an open floor plan, with several large windows facing south, had a light and spacious feel.

  An American Holly bush was raised around the private property which prevented intruders from entering the house. A Chrysler sports utility vehicle and a Volkswagen Beetle were parked in the detached parking garage that was nestled within the private property area.


  Jennifer Coleman, a beautiful girl in her twenties, with blonde hair, reclined on a chair while reading a novel. Her manicured hands had deep red nails. She was seated few yards away from the house in the front yard, and basked in the sunlight. Beside her, Rosy, her beloved pet dog relaxed and affectionately wagged its tail.


  She was the only daughter to her parents and had a brother James, four years elder to her. She was raised by Coleman couple with much affection and she was the dearest child.


  Jennifer always helped her mother, Catherine Coleman who managed their Bakery business at Edison, New Jersey. She sometimes assumed her mother’s role while she was away and spent her time in the private kitchen built within the private property. They had employed seven workers to prepare the Ba
kery products and they worked for the Coleman's family very honestly.


  The trade secret of a delicious cake preparation was best known to none other than the Coleman’s family and its workers. After the demise of Mr Coleman, a businessman, eight years ago, selling delicious cakes was the family business for the Coleman’s and they were running it successfully.


  Jennifer completed her college at Princeton University and she studied Psychology. She showed much interest in her studies and did well at her subjects. She was considered as an intelligent student among her friends, and had maintained good relationships with her friends.


  Jennifer enjoyed going long drives in her pearl white Volkswagen Beetle. She always liked to go out on the weekends with her close friend Andrea. She had enjoyed going to the movies and restaurant with her together. She had grown up with her, studying in the public school and attending the college.


  Jennifer saw her mother, Catherine, coming out of the private kitchen for the usual break. She saw her walking towards the main entrance and gazing at her.


  “Jennifer, are you done with your reading?” Catherine said with a raised voice. She was busy since morning looking after the work.


  “Yes, Mom, will be there in couple of minutes, please hang on” replied Jennifer.


  Jennifer was addicted to reading the novels and she always tried to keep her mind away from the unwanted thoughts. She broke with her boyfriend Andrew two years ago, and had recovered from the incident since then. Her boyfriend’s unfaithfulness towards her and non-commitment in nature had made her to withdraw herself from the relationship. She had always regretted not listening to her Brother James’s advice about her ex-boyfriend’s motives.


  “Please come on in, we need to hand over the orders to the outlet as early as possible,” Catherine said, standing near the entrance.


  “James will do it Mom, please allow me to have my time for a few more minutes” said Jennifer hastily.


  “We will be late if we wait for James to come home”.


  James was away to Belmar beach, coastal New Jersey, to attend his girlfriend Peggy’s birthday party. James and Peggy were child hood friends, and her parents had close relationship with the Coleman’s family, till the demise of Mr Coleman.


  It was usual practice for Peggy to stay at the Coleman’s house, once in a while, for few days. Peggy shared close relations with the Coleman family members.


  Rosy looked at Catherine and barked once, interrupting Jennifer from reading the novel.


  Jennifer walked into the main door of the home towards her mother while Rosy followed her faithfully. She entered into the main hall, along with her mother and said, “Let me hand them over to the outlet quickly, I need to meet Andrea this evening”.


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