Sweet Surrender: Mari & Ki (A Royal Vow Novel Book 1)

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Sweet Surrender: Mari & Ki (A Royal Vow Novel Book 1) Page 5

by Lizabeth Scott

  Checking the time, she hurried and brushed a bit of mascara on her lashes, dabbed some gloss on her lips, and then contemplated what to do with her unruly mass of hair. Her friends always said they wanted curly hair. But curly hair really had a mind of its own. You never knew when it was going to have a good day or a bad day. Thankfully, today it decided to behave.

  Running into Ella’s room, she rummaged in her dresser drawer to find the hair pin she wore at her graduation. She pulled one side of her hair up and behind her ear and secured it with the pin. Just as she heard a knock she decided that would have to do,.

  She looked in the mirror she froze. Mari couldn’t believe the transformation. Who was the woman looking back at her? Mari had never looked, or felt so beautiful. Tears came to her eyes, she wished her mom were here to see her. This must be how a princess felt. With one last look in the mirror, she turned to answer the door. Her confidence grew with each step in her totally killer heels.

  When Mari reached to pick up her bag, her confidence took a hit. She looked at her bag against her dress. Mari was struck once again with the differences between her and Ki. Her bag was so out of place with this dress. Just like she felt with Ki. Her bag, the bag she used every day, the only bag she had, was bought on sale from the box store in town. The bag was Mari, not the dress and certainly not the shoes. What was she thinking? She couldn’t wear the beautiful dress, it was like she was playing dress up. Mari could feel herself starting to panic.

  Mari looked at her hands that were still dry and chapped from spending too much time in dish water. Her nails were short, uneven, and have not seen polish since, well she couldn’t remember when. The woman that would wear a dress like this would have spent the day getting her nails and hair done. That woman would have a designer bag that would perfectly match the dress. Mari’s head started to spin, and her body began to shake.

  Something Mari had not yet considered, where would you wear a dress like this? No place she had ever been that’s for sure. She would have no idea how to act or what to do. She just couldn’t do it. It was crazy to even think that she could.

  In Mari’s panicked mind, she decided that she just wouldn’t answer the door. They would go away. As she turned to go back to her room, her phone rang. With shaking hands, she answered it when she saw Ki’s name.

  “Mari, Steven has been outside your door for 10 minutes now. Are you alright?”

  Hearing his voice calmed her. All of her misgivings seemed to fly right out of her brain with just the sound of his voice, “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it had been that long. I’ve been a bit… undecided. What I mean is… well, see it’s this dress you sent.”

  Ki heard tears in her voice and became frustrated that he was not there with her, “Mari is something wrong? Why have you have been crying? Does it not fit? If you don’t like it I will have others sent for you to choose from.”

  She wiped away her tears and answered, “Oh no Ki, it’s beautiful. I do wish you would stop buying me things, but I love this dress, it’s so beautiful. It’s a dress a princess would wear.”

  “Mari, honey help me here. I don’t understanding the problem. If you like the dress, why is there an issue?” Hearing the concern in his voice, suddenly Mari wanted to comfort him. Thinking about it now, her almost meltdown was silly really. It was a dress and a handbag, nothing to be so upset about.

  Squaring her shoulders, she walked to the door, “I’m okay now. Any chance you’ll tell me where I’m going?”

  “Not a chance. We are not through with this conversation, Mari.” Well, maybe he wasn’t through with it, but Mari sure was.

  Riding in the back of the limo, she had no idea how or even why she would want to explain to Ki that what she felt were her insecurities with where she fit into his life. To be honest, she didn’t even know if she really understood it herself.

  Chapter Eight

  Mari looked out the window and tried to figure out where they could be going. There was certainly no place in town that she would need to be so dressy. Obie’s was the only place to get a meal other than Horton’s Bed and Breakfast, but you had to be a guest to eat there.

  They turned on to South Main Street. Mari knew the only place out that way was the high school. And that was exactly where the limo turned. “Steven, why are we going to the high school?”

  “We are going to the football field ma’am.” Totally puzzled now, Mari couldn’t understand why. Football season had not started yet, but she could see the stadium lights in the distance. When they pulled up to the bleachers Mari had to blink and take a second look. A helicopter was sitting in the middle of the football field.

  “I’m going to get in that?” It’s not that she was nervous about flying in a helicopter, it was just the flying part she had issues with. She was leaving the ground in a big heavy machine that when you think about it had no right being able to fly…that was what terrified her. It was a big helicopter, not like the ones she had seen on TV. Yet, that didn’t make her feel any better.

  “Yes, ma’am, I have instructions to deliver you here,” Mari took Steven’s hand as he helped her from the limo.

  “Where…where am I going?” Mari’s voice got higher and higher. She held her hands together to keep them from shaking as she walked beside Steven to the helicopter on wobbly legs.

  After being greeted and strapped in by Ethan the pilot, Mari was whisked away into the air with a death grip on her seat belt. Ethan saw her panicked eyes and white knuckles and tried to reassure her, “These are very safe you know. Have you not flown much?”

  Mari looked straight ahead. She didn’t want to look down because then she would see how high they were, and her stomach was already feeling queasy, “You could say that. None is not much right? It’s very quiet, I didn’t expect that.” Peeling her fingers away from the seatbelt, she grabbed the edge of her seat.

  “Yes, ma’am, private choppers are tricked out with all types of additions. The extra insulation just about sound proofs these babies.” Ethan, could tell by her blanched face what was coming.

  “Ethan, how…how long will we be flying?” Feeling her stomach turning, Mari hoped it was not going to be a long flight. She hoped she didn’t embarrass herself.

  Ethan turned around in his seat and saw her white knuckle death grip on the leather seat. He grinned to try and relax her. He placed a small white bag on her lap, “A little over an hour.”

  Mari stomach went into a tailspin when Ethan turned around, “Don’t! Don’t do that, keep your eyes on the road…um, sky!” Mari looked down at the white paper bag he placed in her lap and had no idea what she was supposed to do with it.

  Ethan tried not to laugh, “Yes ma’am, I will surely keep my eyes on the sky.”

  An hour in the sky felt much longer to Mari than an hour driving on the road. It could be because each one of those sixty minutes was filled with sheer terror. She found out what the paper bag was for. Twice. She would never forgive Ki. If she ever got her feet back on the ground again she promised herself to NEVER ride in a helicopter again. EVER.

  As adrenalin coursed through her body, Mari decided it may be better to just close her eyes and pray that it would end soon. The landing was very smooth, and Mari was grateful to once again step foot on firm ground as Ethan helped her down the steps. Just as Ethan turned Mari’s hand loose, her feet must have remembered they were in heels. She would have toppled over if Ethan hadn’t grabbed her around the waist to steady her.

  “Oh my, thank you Ethan! That could have been bad,” she looked up into his face with a grateful smile.

  “Turn her loose now!” Startled, Mari jumped and looked up to see Ki coming towards them and scowling at Ethan.

  “Ki!” Instantly she melted into his arms, and tucked her head under his chin, to breathe him in. Suddenly all the terror of her flight disappeared and all was right with her world. “Ethan was only helping me when I stumbled in the high heel shoes you sent to me. You should be thanking him.”

  Ki embraced her while piercing Ethan with a dark scowl, staking his claim and dismissing him.

  “I do not like other men touching you.” Holding her at arm’s length, Ki took a good look at what she was wearing and started to feel quiet uncomfortable. He licked his suddenly dry lips. “I may have miscalculated on the neckline and the length of the dress. While I am very much enjoying the vision, I wish there was not so much for others to view. Come little one, we must be on our way.”

  Ki moved her quickly to the limo. She never left his arms. Mari couldn’t believe how right it felt to be wrapped in his embrace. He scooped her up, and Mari found herself sitting on Ki’s lap. This was a much better position. She ran her tongue over her lips, imagining doing the same thing to his neck.

  The sight of her lush breasts trying to break free from the low cut dress, Ki enjoyed very much. He could just see the hint of a shadowy nipple peaking over the top. He fought to gain control over the powerful desire that ran through his body.

  “Mari, you take my breath away. You were beautiful in your harem outfit, but tonight, you are ravishing. Had I realized this dress would reveal as much of your…charms as it does, I would have selected a much higher neckline. It’s no wonder Ethan could not keep his hands from you.”

  She looked into his eyes for the first time in eleven days and melted. Talking to him had been nice. But being here, with him, in his arms was beyond perfect. Mari was overcome with the need to taste his lips. Her eyes moved to his lips. She could almost taste them. Would he taste as wonderful as he had before? Could he make her lose her mind like he did before with just the touch of his lips on hers? Leaning in just a bit more brought her only a breath away. As if in a daze, Mari heard a low sensual breathless voice, “Ki, kiss me.”

  Before she could get the words out, Ki began an assault, raining kisses over her eyelids and nipping on her earlobe. “I thought you would never ask.” Pressing her body to his, Ki ran his lips over the corner of her mouth teasing but never tasting her lips.

  Pushing against his chest, Mari repositioned her legs, straddling him to get closer. “Please Ki, I need you to kiss me!” Ki watched with fascination as inch after inch of her creamy skin was revealed as she moved about. Ki was lost. Two thin layers of cloth were all that was separating their heat. Placing his hands under her arms, he raised her chest to within reach of his mouth. He rained open mouth kisses over the tops of her breasts.

  Heat rushed to her core and every rational thought left her head. Mari pressed her body against his, needing him to consume her. Their clothes did nothing to disguise his hardened desire. She felt his length pressed against her stomach. With inexperienced movements, she slid her body against his. Finally, she found the perfect spot, fitting him close against her core. His hands on her hips taught her the rhythm that slowly made her lose her mind. The friction of her panties against her most private area stimulated her. She whimpered. He pushed her dress and bra down from her shoulders and bared her breast to his lips, kissing one perfect nipple and then the other. Sucking a nipple into his mouth, Mari arched her back, pressing her breast deeper into his mouth and that was all it took to send her splintering into a million bright, shiny pieces.

  Slowly coming back into her body, Mari looked around, unsure of what had happened. Ki could tell the moment she realized. Her flushed cheeks and shocked expression reminded Ki of her innocence.

  Mari grabbed her dress, and pulled it up to cover her still throbbing breasts. What must Ki think of her to do that? Remembering the driver, Mari was thankful that the partition between the seats had been raised. Whether Ki did it or the driver, she had no idea. She tried to escape from his arms and put distance between them, but Ki refused to let her go.

  “Mari look at me.” She bowed her head and refused to meet his eyes. Taking his finger Ki raised her head to look into his eyes. “We did nothing wrong. It pleases me that we have such passion for each other.”

  “What you must think of me, I…” she stammered taking a steadying breath. “I practically attacked you.” Her face, already pink, now turned a deeper red, “And you didn’t…I mean I was the only…well, you know.”

  Ki decided that it would probably be in his best interest not to laugh. He managed to reach for the twisted straps of her dress, and his hand accidently brushed the side of her breast. At her gasp, he yanked his hand back as if he had touched fire, and then closed his eyes trying to get himself under control. Taking a deep breath, he moved Mari off of his lap and left her to straighten her own clothes. Once she was presentable, he tucked her back in beside him.

  “Mari, I promise you that I had just as much satisfaction as you did. Watching you come apart in my arms was an amazing sight to see.” Never had he felt so out of control and breathless with a woman. He would have taken her right there. He knew that Mari had never been with a man. Her innocence and honesty humbled him. While she didn’t understand what her body was feeling he must be careful and move slowly.

  “Oh little one, you are going to be the death of me. We are at our destination. Come, the evening awaits, and we will have time to talk later.”

  Still in a daze, Mari took Ki’s hand and stepped from the limo, biting her bottom lip and worrying what he must think of her. She had practically attacked him in the back of the car!

  Mari stopped, finally taking in her surroundings. With his hand in the small of her back, Ki guided her through the most glamorous restaurant she had ever seen. Slowing her steps to take it all in, Ki smiled, watching the reactions cross her face. Mari’s eyes no sooner took in one thing before quickly moving on to the next.

  The hostess escorted them into a private dining room with windows on two sides overlooking the city. Standing and looking out the window at all the city lights, Mari turned to Ki, “What am I doing here?” The defiant glint in her eyes reminded him of his little warrior. The way her chin tilted upwards just slightly made her look like she was ready to go into battle. She must have learned that look while dealing with a teenager. She had it perfected.

  Dismissing the hostess, he told her to give them a few minutes before ordering. Ki walked over to Mari, took her hand, and led her to a small couch along the back wall. “What you are doing is having dinner with me.”

  Chapter Nine

  Determined to get some answers, Mari sat on the far side of the couch which put a good ten inches between them. Closer than that and she was afraid he would once again make her forget.

  “This morning I was driving back from Western and then I get home, and my life took a complete detour. I am given a dress to wear that probably cost more than I make in a year. Then, I’m strapped into a helicopter, which I still have not gotten over the terror of, nor have forgiven you for. Nobody will tell me where I am going, and then I end up in a five star restaurant with by far the most handsome but aggravating man in the place. Have you kidnapped me?”

  Ki looked directly into her eyes while scooting closer to her, “You think I’m handsome?”

  An exasperated Mari replied, “Really Ki? After all I said, that was the only thing you took away from it?”

  He scooted even closer to his prey. Ki answered with a sly grin, “Would it be a bad thing if I have kidnapped you?”

  Mari held up her hand to stop him, “You have to stay over there. I need answers, and I can’t seem to think when you’re close.”

  Happy to hear that, Ki stayed where he was but took her hand, turning it over and kissing the sensitive area of her palm. “Oh Mari honey, I didn’t want you to be lonely. I knew it would be hard for you the first night without Ella.”

  Ki kissed his way slowly to her wrist, “But honestly, I simply could not wait another day to have you in my arms.” Moving to the tender skin of her inner arm, he inched closer.

  Mari’s head fell back, heat radiated from each place his lips touched. Her body instinctively leaned into his. Ki’s thumbs caressed her taut nipples straining through the fabric.

  Once again he was moving too fast. Sh
e had that effect on him without even trying. He stood up and moved to the table near the window, taking a steadying breath, “I think you may be right. We need to talk and perhaps it would be safer for me to stay on this side of the table, for now. Come little one, join me.”

  She blinked a few times trying to make sense of his words. She tilted her head to the side, deep in concentration. Mari was not entirely sure what had happened. She moved slowly across the room to regain her composure, “How do you do that? Is it something they teach young men in your country, how to dazzle the ladies to always get your way?”

  Ki smiled as he pulled her seat out, “Mari, I am pleased that we both feel such strong passion for each other.” He kissed the top of her head, and then took his seat across from her. “I am not unaffected by your nearness. When we come together our thirst for each other will be quenched like no other.” He shifted in his seat with thoughts of her lying beneath him.

  Ki felt it is best to move on to a safer subject, to give himself time to recover, “Now tell me, Ella, is she safely delivered to school?”

  Mari decided to let him off the hook because he was right, she would have been lonely at home by herself. She swallowed to try and push her own desires down and gather herself, “Oh yes, she is so happy Ki. It was good to see her laughing and making friends, but it was so hard to leave her. I am still upset you spent so much money.”

  It was probably best not to mention the other things Ella would soon be receiving, and he should definitely not mention the bodyguards he had posted to watch over her.


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