Sweet Surrender: Mari & Ki (A Royal Vow Novel Book 1)

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Sweet Surrender: Mari & Ki (A Royal Vow Novel Book 1) Page 9

by Lizabeth Scott

  “Oh Ki, I’m so sorry,” she whispered to herself.

  Tierah saw her tears, “Ma’am, do you not like this outfit? I shall select another!”

  “No, no Tierah,” wiping away the tear. “This will do nicely. Thank you very much for your assistance. Now, can you direct me to the kitchen? I am famished, and I absolutely must have biscuits and sausage gravy.”


  “No pork?” Mari couldn’t believe her ears as she stood in the massive kitchen of the palace.

  With Tierah’s help communicating with head Chef Omar, Mari explained what she would like to eat. But, finding out that pork was not on their menu stumped her for a few minutes. “Okay, do you have ground beef?”

  After several attempts at collecting ingredients, Mari was quickly at home behind a huge stove, stirring her gravy, and smelling her biscuits cooking in the oven. After getting strange looks from the chef, Mari quickly won him over by teaching him the finer points of how to make good ole southern biscuits and gravy. He promised to make it for her anytime she requested it. It was amazing how his English skills improved when cooking was involved.

  It really looked silly cooking only six biscuits in an oven big enough to easily cook three turkeys at once. Taking the biscuits out of the oven she dished up three plates with biscuits and gravy. She placed all three plates on a tray, hefted it up on her shoulder, and motioned for them to sit at a kitchen table. She sat their plates in front of them and directed them to “dig in.”

  Joining them she took her first bite and savored it. Mari was pleased that the spices she came up with were a credible taste substitute for sausage. Her biscuits were just as fluffy and flakey as ever, even one handed! Breaking one apart, steam rose and she smeared a huge glob of butter inside. Just as she was about to take a bite she looked at her table mates and her smile was gone. They were sitting there staring behind her. Their plates not touched.

  “Do you not like it? Can I get you something else?”

  “No Mari,” she froze when she heard his voice and turned to see Ki leaning against the doorframe with the silliest grin. “You may not get them something else. They, however, may leave us.” Rising, both Tierah and Chef Omar bowed and then left them alone, clearing the kitchen on their way out.

  Her meal that was so delicious only a few moments ago, suddenly lost its appeal. She pushed her plate away, “I did something wrong, didn’t I? That’s why they wouldn’t eat, because of me.” Mari looked at Ki afraid of the disappointment she would see in his eyes.

  Ki took her hand and pulled her into his arms, “I didn’t believe it when my assistant told me you were in the kitchen cooking.” Giving her a brief kiss, “Mari honey, you made them uncomfortable. They are here to serve you, not the other way around. They just didn’t know how to properly deal with that.”

  “I’m sorry, Ki.” Tucking her head under his chin, she breathed him in. “You see, there has not been a day or night since I left you in DC that I haven’t been sick. Then, this morning when I woke up, I felt fine and I had the fiercest craving for biscuits and gravy. I know Chef Omar is very talented, but his idea of biscuits and mine were not the same. He wanted to give me a cookie! And you don’t have sausage here, so I had to improvise.”

  Chuckling, he pulled her close, “I think our son likes being home.”

  Mari snuggled closer and wrapped her arm around him, “I think our daughter also liked being held last night by her father.” Mari decided that her favorite place in the world was to be wrapped in Ki’s arms. Hearing his heart beat against her ear and breathing in his unique Ki scent, life couldn’t get any better. How could she have denied them this for so long? Here in his arms was exactly where she was supposed to be.

  “Come love, my parents have requested to meet you.” Taking her hand, he felt her pull back, “Mari, it will be OK. They are just my mum and dad wanting to meet the woman I love and the mother of their first grandchild.”

  “But…but they are the King and Queen, how do I act? Isn’t there like a protocol or something? I need to go change. I can’t wear this. Do I bow? You know we don’t do that in the States. I have no idea how to bow. What if I fall on my face in front of them? Grandchild! They know? They know that you…and I… that we…?”

  Feeling her begin to panic, Ki did the one thing that he knew would calm her down. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her trembling lips until he felt her surrender and her body melt into his. Breaking the kiss, he pulled back to look into her dazed eyes, “Better now love?”

  “Um hum.” All a stunned Mari could think was, why did he stop?

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mari was pleased that meeting the King and Queen had not been as stressful as she had feared. Queen Janea had been a school teacher in Maryland before she married King Mikal. The two of them actually had a lot in common. King Mikal was so excited about becoming a grandpa that he was kind of cute discussing the merits of having a prince vs. a princess. Both, it turned out, had equal potential. However, secretly Mari thought he was pulling for a little princess.

  Ki sat back and watched as Mari won his parents over with her natural charm and genuineness. He couldn’t help but smile as she eyed the tray of sweets beside her. He wondered if Mari realized how many cookies and cakes she had devoured. Each time she snatched one his parents gave him a wink! She had lost entirely too much weight. He made a mental note to make sure that food was readily available for her at all times.

  Mari was surprised by how at ease she felt with Ki’s parents. And that was exactly how she felt about them now, not as the King and Queen, but as Ki’s mom and dad. She made plans for tomorrow with Ki’s mom, Janea, to meet with the dress designer and to learn about Tanistanian wedding customs, which it turned out were very similar to those in the States.

  Dinner was absolutely delicious. Finally, she didn’t feel like she was running on empty. Mari was able to meet Ki’s brother, Zahir, who she learned was Minister of Defense for Tanistan. There was no doubt that Ki and Zahir were brothers. Frankly, they could have passed for twins. Zahir was so charming and attentive during dinner that it earned him angry looks from his brother.

  A sleepy Mari walked back to their room, yawning, totally unaware when Ki lifted her up into his arms and carried her to bed. After removing their clothes, for comfort of course, he crawled in beside her. He wrapped an arm around her tummy and pulled her close, and then joined Mari in sleep.

  The next morning Mari ran down the palace hallway, anxious not to be late for her meeting with Janea. What a morning to oversleep! Well, she hadn’t actually overslept. The memory of how Ki woke her that morning brought a flush and a sappy smile to her face.

  “Hey, slow down future sister. You know we do have a speed limit in the palace hallways and it is my job to uphold those laws.”

  “Good morning, Zahir. I’m late for a meeting with your mother.”

  “Well, I consider it my brotherly duty to make sure you get there in one piece and put together correctly.” Mari looked at where he was pointing on her chest. It took her a minute to realize what he was talking about.

  “Oh bother! I put my shirt on backwards, didn’t I?” Mari hurriedly tried to unbutton her shirt which was very difficult to do with one hand and tiny pearl buttons. She knew she should have waited for Tierah.

  “Wait, stop. Go in here and switch it around,” Zahir pushed her into a vacant room and waited for her in the hallway.

  “Zahir, it’s no use. I can’t do it with one hand. Your brother put it on me, why could he not tell it was backwards! Now I’m going to be late. I can’t go see your mother like this!”

  Zahir was amazed at all the different emotions Mari went through in just a few sentences. If she was going to be this emotional throughout the pregnancy, Ki would have his hands full. And that made him very happy. He looked both up and down the hallway for any housekeeping staff and found none. Zahir took a deep breath. Raising his eyes heavenwards, he knew his brother was going to kill him, but he coul
dn’t think of any way around it.

  “Mari, here is what we are going to do. I am going to open the door just a little bit and put my hand through. You put the buttons in my hand and I will open them. Do you feel comfortable with that? Or I can go get Ki for you?” Please tell me to go get Ki. There was no way his brother would let him live after this.

  “Well okay, but hurry. I can’t be late.”

  Zahir checked again for anyone else that could come to his rescue. Opening the door just a bit, he carefully reached his arm through. Resting his head on the wood door, he closed his eyes and reminded himself that this was his future sister-in-law.

  “Hey, watch it!” Mari shrieked.

  “Sorry!” Zahir cringed. From the feel of things, his worst nightmare just happened. He had touched her breast. A very impressive breast. At first it didn’t register, and then he realized that he felt absolutely nothing. But still, Ki would never understand. Zahir unbuttoned the small pearl buttons as quickly as he could which was very difficult since they were buttoned backwards. He wondered what had been distracting Ki when he buttoned them that way. Well, maybe he didn’t want to know.

  What seemed like forever was really only a few minutes. Zahir had Mari put back together and hurried her down the hall to his mother.

  “Thank you, Zahir. I know that was not an easy thing for you to do. I will be sure to tell Ki what a gentleman you were.” Placing her hand on his shoulder, Mari reached up and kissed Zahir on the cheek.

  “You are welcome, sister.” Mari watched Zahir go from fun and playful to serious and thoughtful. “Mari, we didn’t get to talk last night at dinner, but I am very glad that Ki found you. He was not very pleasant to be around when he lost you. Don’t put him through anything like that again. You are good for Ki. He loves you very much.”

  “Thank you, Zahir. I am through with running. I know that my life is now with Ki. I fought that for a long time. I am terrified that I am going to mess up. I don’t have any idea how to be a princess. But I do feel better now, knowing that I have a brother to help me.”

  “Oh Mari, you have three brothers that will help you. You will have us all eating out of your hand, especially if you make some of those delicious desserts Ki has told us about.”

  Mari smiled and placed a very sisterly kiss on Zahir’s cheek before entering the room. Janea was already seated at a table with another woman, and many books were spread-out between them. With a quick look at the clock on the wall, Mari was surprised that she was right on time. Smiling to herself, she thought it was going to be so nice to have brothers.

  Zahir looked at the closed door that Mari went through and smiled. His brother was a very lucky man. Mari would make an excellent queen someday. Marriage was not for him, but he was happy that his brother found someone. Zahir turned on his heels and marched to Ki’s office. It was best to get the telling out of the way now so his lip could be healed in time for dinner.

  “Come Mari, we are just getting started,” Janea greeted her with a kiss to both cheeks and then motioned for her to sit. “We need to know your preferences, dear, for your wedding dress. Please meet Amara. She will be designing your wedding attire.”

  Mari was confused at all the pictures littering the table top, “It is very nice to meet you, Amara, but I don’t understand. These are all traditional western wedding gowns.”

  “Yes dear, Ki thought you might be more comfortable wearing a western gown. Actually, I did myself. Would you like to see a picture?”

  “Yes, please,” touched at Ki’s thoughtfulness, Mari accepted the framed picture from Janea.

  The picture was of a younger Queen Janea on her wedding day. The dress Janea was wearing was a white off the shoulder gown, nipped in at the waist, and flared into many layers of sparkly tulle, “It’s beautiful!”

  Janea couldn’t help but see the wistful look on Mari’s face, “Mari if you would like, I would be honored if you would wear my gown. Of course, I am sure that Amara could design your own gown if that is what you choose.”

  Tears filled Mari’s eyes, “You would really want me to wear your wedding gown?”

  Janea’s nodded tearfully, unable to speak. “Yes, thank you, I would be honored to wear your gown,” Mari replied.

  “That’s settled then. Amara please send for my gown. If I am correct there will be very few alterations needed, maybe just in the bust area. You, my dear, are as my sons say, stacked?” Mari and Amara stared, shocked, not sure they heard the Queen correctly. “Now let’s continue with the other gowns needed for the day.”

  Spotting a tray of small sandwiches and cookies, Mari happily munched away while occasionally voicing an opinion of red or green, gold or silver. Lost in her own thoughts of Ki, Mari only halfway listened to the chatter about trim and length and all the other things Mari had no idea were so important to wedding attire.

  Something caught her attention, “Excuse me, what did you just say?”

  Smiling at her, Janea repeated, “We were talking about the gifts that Ki will be presenting to the wedding guests.”

  Almost in a whisper, “Not that part, the other part.” Hoping she misunderstood what she heard, Mari sat frozen.

  Janea thought about their conversation, “Oh, do you mean the part about over a thousand guests will be attending? Yes dear, there will be well over a thousand in attendance, more than that if you count those that will be viewing from home on their televisions.”

  Mari sat still, staring at nothing, trying to comprehend what Janea had said.

  Janea became concerned when Mari didn’t respond, “Mari dear, are you OK? Mari, talk to me dear.” Janea took Mari’s hand and found it ice cold. Still getting no response from her, she turned to Amara, “Have Prince Ki come immediately.”

  While meeting with his executive board, Ki was thankful when his assistant entered. While his board members were top at what they did, they tended to run on. Reading the note his assistant handed him, he rushed from the room as he heard his assistant telling the board the meeting was adjourned.

  The only thought on his mind was getting to Mari. Something was wrong. Could it be the baby? Rounding the corner, he barreled into the room only to stop short when he saw Mari sitting in a chair staring straight ahead, her face totally void of color.

  His mother was on her knees beside her, holding her hand, and talking to her. Seeing Ki enter, she waved him over. “We were just talking about wedding plans, and she froze. Does she do this often dear?”

  Lifting Mari gently from the chair, he walked with her to the couch and tucked her head under his chin, rubbing her back, “Mother something has upset her, what exactly were you talking about?”

  “We were just talking about the wedding plans. You know the gifts that will be given and the ceremony. It was when we mentioned the guest list being over a thousand and that the ceremony would be televised. Do you think she is in shock?”

  Smiling, Ki knew that was exactly what the issue was, “Mari love, it is going to be okay. You need to come back to me now.”

  Mari heard his voice break through the fear in her mind. She blinked and looked into Ki’s concerned eyes. Pressing his lips to hers gave her strength. He felt her good hand move behind his head and pressed him closer. Ending the kiss, he rested his forehead on hers, “My love, you frighten me.”

  Looking up into Ki’s eyes, Mari could feel his concern, stumbling over her words, “Over a thousand… on TV…”

  “Yes love, but we will only see each other. You will look into my eyes and only see me. I will be beside you every step of the way.”

  Standing with her in his arms, he walked out the door, “Mother, she is through here. Mari will be unavailable for the rest of the day resting in our rooms.”

  “Ki?” burrowing her head into his neck, Mari took a deep breath of Ki.

  Giving the top of her copper curls a kiss, “Yes, love?”

  “Could we stop by the kitchen?” Ki’s laughter rang through the hallway.

  Chapter S

  Mari woke and stretched with a satisfied and well-loved smile on her face. She couldn’t believe that tomorrow was her wedding day, the day she would marry the man of her dreams. Due to finals, Ella would be flying in tomorrow morning. Zahir was going to go get her. Mari had been so busy with dress fittings, etiquette lessons, and learning about the wedding ceremony that she hadn’t had time to stress about being on display at the wedding or committing a major blunder in front of thousands of people.

  Of course, her nights have been all about Ki. It had been his personal mission to calm her wedding anxieties. And, he had done a marvelous job. Reaching for a treat from the snack tray on her bedside table, Mari discovered that not a cake or cookie was left. That was strange. It had been full when they went to bed. Maybe Ki had been hungry when he got up. Hearing her tummy growl, Mari quickly showered and dressed with Tierah’s help, and then headed to breakfast.

  After a breakfast of biscuits and gravy, Tierah found her and directed her to the first appointment of the day. First, she had her stitches removed, and then she had her final dress fitting. And, that was the way the entire day went, going from one appointment to another. She really enjoyed the spa treatment with Janea. The waxing was not her favorite part, but secretly she couldn’t wait for Ki’s reaction. The manicure and pedicure were amazing. She chose a soft pink color for her nails. She felt very pampered even though she fell asleep during the massage.

  Thank goodness everywhere she had been today there had been some type of snack which Mari helped herself to. There was fruit at the dressmakers, cheese and crackers at the spa, cookies and cakes at the hairdressers, all of which Mari had been very grateful for.


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