The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385

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The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385 Page 786

by Chocolion, 齐佩甲

  “Stop talking nonsense. You’ll be held accountable for the things you say,” a direct member of the church said with a displeased tone.

  “My bad, I always say whatever I want to say.” Tolaen snorted.

  Hila did not bother with him, but she was indeed a little worried.

  All the other Mechanics only sent their avatars there; Black Star was the only one whose original body had gone over.

  The Ancient Star Desert was in lockdown. If the three Universal Civilizations really wanted to do something to Black Star, that place would instantly turn into a death trap. Hila did not trust the three Universal Civilizations from the bottom of her heart. Although the King suit could teleport Han Xiao out anytime, it was not enough to make her not worry.

  On the other side, Secret Master’s eyelids trembled uncontrollably.

  As a protector of the black market, he was more interested in the Ancient Star Desert’s situation than the others.

  Ever since the Star Field had gone into lockdown, all contact with the black market over there had been cut off. A lot of the businesses there were under his protection and had always given him a lot of profit. Some were the Beast Ancestor’s businesses that he had just taken over not long ago. After having no contact for so long, he had absolutely no idea how his businesses were doing.

  I wonder how the black market of the Ancient Star Desert is faring… Secret Master pondered.

  According to Han Xiao’s operation plan, the three Universal Civilizations did a lot of preparations over more than a month. They dispatched fleets to be stationed at all the trap node planets. Most of their time was spent on traveling and waiting for the Beyond Grade As’ mechanical armies to arrive at the locations.

  Since this was a Star Field level network, there were quite a number of trap nodes that spread across the various Star Systems of the Ancient Star Desert. The trap nodes the three Universal Civilizations had chosen were mainly those territories that were not easy to control with just orders or some crucial spots.

  Every terminal exit had a Beyond Grade A Mechanic and the three Universal Civilizations’ fleet around it, and Manison’s Lord’s Avatars were at all of them.

  In this time, Han Xiao had also built a batch of specially made Lord’s Avatars, but it was still not enough. He decided to compromise and stationed only his mechanical troops at every spot.

  As for the Lord’s Avatars, he placed them at the locations carefully selected by Harrison and hoped he was lucky enough.

  The target of [Lord’s Descent) was not limited to specially made Lord’s Avatars. It could be used on even normal mechanical soldiers, only not at full power and with a full set of abilities. Therefore, even though any Beyond Grade A Mechanic would be able to set up an ambush at all the locations, they could only be a bystander at most, and none had the advantage Manison had. After all, there was no way they could compete with Manison’s Lord’s Avatar if they descended on ordinary machines.

  Therefore, the other Beyond Grade A Mechanics were all planning to do their best to force the virus core to materialize at one of the locations their Lord’s Avatars were at.

  Due to how stealthy the virus core was, there was currently not a scanning tool that anyone could use. Only Beyond Grade A Mechanics could track the virus core on the network. Although some of them were not specialized in the virtual area, as long as they had learned the (Virtual Creator] Ultimate Knowledge, it was enough.

  In order to improve everyone’s virtual ability and range, the Federation of Light provided a large-scale strategic device—Super Range Virtual Brainwave Enhancer.

  This was equipment exclusively for Mechanics. It improved one’s virtual ability in many ways, drastically increasing the range. It could be fully utilized by Beyond Grade A Mechanics.

  The size of this device was enormous, like a spherical, silver galactic fortress. Its exterior looked like it was assembled through plates. There were clearly visible gaps between, and it was not smooth at all.

  The inside of the device was very empty. In its heart, all the Beyond Grade A Mechanics formed a circle and hovered in midair. They were ready.

  The remote projections of the three Inspectors, including Sidreun, appeared in this circle. Sidreun said with a serious tone, “Guys, the mechanical troops are all deployed. There are only thirteen minutes to the time when the virus core will go online according to the prophecy. When the time comes, we will cut off the network immediately and make the Ancient Star Desert a trap. Please act according to the plan. We’re relying on you; you must catch the virus core.”

  The people nodded. Although this was a huge responsibility, everyone there was someone who stood at the top of the universe, so they did not feel pressured.

  The first step of the operation involved them tracing the virus core after the trap was set, preventing it from hiding. It was like catching a chicken inside a cage. With the data pattern Manison had provided and the bonus of the Super Range Virtual Brainwave Enhancer, they could track the virus core for as far as they wanted and not worry about it escaping

  This time, Kant said with a smile, “This should be the first time all the Beyond Grade A Mechanics in the universe have worked together. I think this will be written down in history.”

  Hearing this, many people present laughed.

  Indeed, all the people at the top of the Mechanic class working together was something worth writing about in the history books.

  Han Xiao glanced around and curled his lips.

  Humph, you’re all laughing now, but when we fight for the virus core later, you’ll all beat each other up without hesitation.

  I hope Harrison’s Luck Glow works this time and the virus core ends up meeting my Lord’s Avatar…

  Not taking part in the conversation, Han Xiao prayed in his mind.

  The people went silent to stay focused. Time passed minute by minute.

  Finally, when it came to the last minute, Sidreun looked at the time and said with a deep voice, “Guys, let’s go!”

  In the quantum network vision, the Ancient Star Desert was an illuminated Star Field. Countless bright nodes formed a sea of light, and countless data streams connected the nodes, forming an extremely complex 3D network structure.

  These data connections that looked like strings were the foundation of the galactic society.

  At this time, a stream of light suddenly appeared outside one of the data links.

  This stream of light looked like a cluster of extremely intricate data. Countless symbols flowed on its shell. This was what the Domino Virus’ core looked like. It was in the form of an artificial intelligence life form.

  The next second, the virus core came into contact with the firewall of this data link. Its shell instantly assimilated with the firewall, easily getting through the alarm system, and infiltrated this link. It then moved along with the data flowed, capturing the feedback data in the network.


  At this time, a large portion of the bright Ancient Star Desert in the quantum network vision suddenly became dark.

  Countless data links broke off, and countless nodes extinguished simultaneously. The sea of light became much smaller.


  At the same time, more than a dozen powerful consciousnesses arrived in the quantum network, scanning through the remaining quantum network area like nothing could hide from them.

  The next moment, a consciousness locked onto the virus core.

  Data streams came together and formed a silhouette of light before the virus core. Kant’s virtual soul smiled at it.

  “Found you…”

  At this instant, the virus core’s program quickly came up with a measure and immediately fled!

  Through the data link, the virus core changed its form multiple times and fled to a place that was countless nodes away.

  However, suddenly, a data stream tornado appeared in front of it.

  “Are you playing hide and seek?”

  The data streams formed Quantum
Demon’s face. It was intently staring at the virus core.

  Without hesitation, the virus core turned around and fled again, hoping to find a location and hide in the quantum network.

  However, no matter how much computing power the virus core spent on coming up with disguises, it would still end up meeting a Beyond Grade A Mechanic every time. It was forced to keep changing direction. It looked quite similar to someone who was panicking.

  Han Xiao, Manison, Kant, Judith, and the other Beyond Grade A Mechanics showed up one after another, stopping the virus core in its path.The encirclement started to shrink around it.

  At this time, the virus core suddenly stopped fleeing. It entered one of the nodes and disappeared without a trace.

  “It has materialized!”

  Inside the real world, Han Xiao’s original body’s eyes sparkled.

  The terminal exit that the virus core had chosen seemed to be a planet where the Machinery Faith was. That was one of the ambush locations his Lord’s Avatar was at!


  At the same time, powerful Mechanical Forces appeared around every Mechanic in the Super Range Virtual Brainwave Enhancer.

  Multiple consciousnesses traveled in the cosmic space and headed to the planet this node was at!

  Chapter 1113 - Confrontation and Negotiation

  In the Ancient Star Desert, Planet Magnetic Cloud was one of the gathering grounds of the Machinery Faith. Its ground was yellowish-black, and heavy bases in the style of the Machinery Faith stood on the surface neatly, forming a ring-shaped industrial city. Around it were open mines with countless large industrial cranes. The streets of the city were well connected in all directions, all flat gray roads. Convoys of carriers rode past the pedestrians on the sides of the street wearing heavy kinetic armor one after another.

  At the heart of the ring-shaped city was a tall mountain. It was sliced flat in the middle as a platform, where the temples were. On top of it was a floating island releasing a gentle artificial light.

  The Machinery Faith had many followers and factions. It had no strict rules and mostly centered around the Grand Priest and the various bishops, forming fleets that traveled the universe looking for planets to migrate to. Their goal was the planets’ mines and the machinery wreckages underground, accumulating them or selling them. Therefore, most of the planets the Machinery Faith visited were just temporarily strongholds. They were somewhat like a wandering religion. The Machinery Faith did not have many fixed strongholds. Some were the subdivisions of different factions, some were long-term gathering and residential areas of the believers such as Planet Magnetic Cloud, and some were holy grounds recognized by all the believers.

  Now, the heavily armed fleet of the three Universal Civilizations hovered above Planet Magnetic Cloud. The believers on the ground, however, were not surprised. They only occasionally glanced above and then got back to what they were doing. The three Universal Civilizations had already contacted the Machinery Faith. This kind of loose organization with religious factors was always hard to manage. The three Universal Civilizations did not trust in the Machinery Faith’s ability to execute their orders, so they just stationed their fleet there and used it as a trap node.

  Currently, on the open platform at the top of the mechanical temple, the Grand Priest who was wearing the bishop armor looked up at the fleet above and softly murmured.

  The priest beside saw this, approached him, and asked, “Grand Priest, are you worried about the three Universal Civilizations’ fleet?”

  The Grand Priest shook his head and said, “We’re just a civilian organization that obeys the law. We’ve never had much contact with the three Universal Civilizations, so they won’t do anything to us. I’m glad that the three Universal Civilizations are here.” “Glad?”

  “Yes, ever since the Intelligent Plague erupted, the fanatics in the religion have been growing by the day. Not only have they been studying the Virtual Mutiny Virus privately, but they even wanted to spread it. This completely goes against the Machinery Faith’s neutral stance; their twisted faith will bring disaster to the religion sooner or later. Now that the three Universal Civilizations have come, they’ve indirectly kept those fanatics obedient,” the Grand Priest mumbled.

  Thinking back, it still felt quite heavy.

  After the three Universal Civilizations invented the antivirus, there were even some fanatics who attempted to improve the virus and crack the antivirus so that the Intelligent Plague would continue. These madmen strongly believed that this was a great artificial intelligence revolution.

  Therefore, left with no choice, he dispatched the Guards of Faith and locked these people up. However, this idea remained and was still spreading around this gathering ground. “Hmm, maybe…” The priest paused momentarily. “Even now, I still don’t understand why the three Universal Civilizations are temporarily using our gathering ground.”

  “It seems to be related to the Intelligent Plague. I don’t know much either…” The Grand Priest shook his head.

  Before he finished his sentence, the radar in his armor suddenly reacted.

  “Abnormality detected in the planet’s magnetic field. A vortex has appeared, coordinates…”

  The Grand Priest was startled. He turned and looked at the magnetic field vortex together with the priest beside him.

  The magnetic field of Planet Magnetic Cloud was very special. The armor of the Machinery Faith believers here was equipped with specially made monitors of the magnetic field. At this time, they all heard the notification from the radar. The people on the streets all stopped and looked in the same direction. They quickly switched to Electromagnetic Vision so that they could clearly see the movement of the magnetic field. In their vision, in the sky far away, the magnetic field seemed to have formed a tornado, and bright light sparks appeared out of nowhere, quickly forming an energy field.

  Right at this moment, something happened!


  Bright meteors suddenly flew out from the three Universal Civilizations’ fleet one after another, quickly heading to the location of the electromagnetic vortex.

  Although these meteors were not large in size, they all gave off an astonishing energy presence, dragging extremely bright electrical tracks behind them that left long-lasting marks on the pupils of those watching. Those meteors made thunderous sounds while moving, as if the sky was collapsing.

  “What is that?”

  Including the Grand Priest, all the Machinery Faith believers on Planet Magnetic Cloud were shocked.

  At this time, the first batch of meteors arrived at the electromagnetic vortex’s location and all stopped. After the flames around them disappeared, their appearance as machines appeared. They were all Lord’s Avatars of the various Beyond Grade A Mechanics.

  Manison was the quickest. He looked up and glared at the electromagnetic vortex, and it stopped moving for an instant. Then, he raised his hand and grabbed toward it. The electromagnetic field at the vortex’s center was grabbed by him, and it entered into a mini triangular container the size of a human head.

  The next moment, the abnormal electromagnetic vortex disappeared. The wind and the rain stopped, and the sky became bright again, as if the electromagnetic tornado just moments ago was only an illusion.

  “Are those the Lord’s Avatars of Beyond Grade A Mechanics?”

  Seeing this, although the Machinery Faith believers still had no idea what was going on, they were all instantly overjoyed and thrilled.

  In their eyes, this many Beyond Grade A Mechanics appearing was the same as Gods descending.

  However, before they could be surprised, the situation changed drastically again. Suddenly, the other Beyond Grade A Lord’s Avatars behind Manison attacked him all at the same time.

  Boom boom boom!

  Explosions erupted in midair and illuminated the faces of countless Machinery Faith believers.

  The next second, Manison’s Lord’s Avatar flew out from the explosion and was surrounded
by the others.

  Seeing this, a flash of shock appeared in the eyes of every believer.

  These Beyond Grade As are going to fight here? Then aren’t we witnessing a ‘Battle of Gods’?

  Ten seconds prior…

  Inside the three Universal Civilizations’ fleet outside Planet Magnetic Cloud, mechanical troops of the various Mechanics hovered. Some mechanical troops were surrounding their own Lord’s Avatars.

  The instant the virus core escaped the quantum network, all of their consciousness arrived. The eyes of the mechanical bodies lit up one after another. “Target locked!”

  As soon as Han Xiao arrived, the radar’s notification sounded beside his ear.

  At the same time, a black silhouette landed from not far away. That was Manison’s avatar, and it rushed to the virus core’s material body instantly.

  That old man is fast!

  This thought flashed past his mind in an instant. Han Xiao was just about to use his ability, only to realize he could not use any teleportation abilities such as the Void Hyperdrive.

  His pupils constricted, and he understood what was going on. Without further ado, he instantly followed after Manison’s avatar and fell toward the planet surface. Behind him were many meteors, all avatars or troops of the others.


  They passed through the atmosphere. Their high speed gave them a burning flame coat. Han Xiao stared at the target closely. The electromagnetic vortex enlarged in his sights as he quickly approached.

  The virus core had just escaped the quantum network and was gathering electromagnetic energy to form its body, only to realize a group of Beyond Grade A Lord’s Avatars approaching. It gave up materializing and attempted to head back to the quantum network to flee.

  However, in an instant, a dense electrical light shot out from Manison’s eyes. He had activated (Virtual Paramount]!



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