The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385

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The Legendary Mechanic c1-1385 Page 854

by Chocolion, 齐佩甲

  Then how did Kasuyi and Manison go back the moment they arrived there?

  Han Xiao’s mind ran quickly. Because the information from his past life was limited, he did not know what was going on for a while.

  Kasuyi had not recovered from his shock at this point. He was murmuring to himself, “If the people in this secondary dimension run out into the main universe, then…”

  Hearing this, Han Xiao’s eyes gleamed, and he hurriedly went back online. He decided to scan the internet to search if this universe had any information regarding secondary dimensions. If the Celestial Star Alliance truly existed within the secondary dimensions, then it would be impossible that they had never explored the outside world.

  Han Xiao soon found what he wanted, but the result surprised him yet again.

  This universe had no secondary dimensions!

  There was no division between the ‘main universe’ and the ‘secondary dimension’!

  All they had was a single cosmic plane, without any ‘outside’ in which they could explore. They too were unaware about the Space Lice swarm and the Supreme Guardian that was stationed outside.


  This is too strange!

  Han Xiao’s curiosity grew stronger.

  “By the way, when we first came in, those six Beyond Grade As seemed to say something about martial law in the universe. Let’s see what’s that about…”

  Han Xiao hurriedly entered the keywords, and his vision was soon replaced with a headline.

  ‘World Reset Project’!

  The announcement stated that this was a universal-level plan launched by the Celestial Star Alliance. This was a special measure to prevent any future disasters that could not be solved.

  The intelligence Han Xiao discovered was all from announcements and news, and it only provided a general outline. It seemed as though the Celestial Star Alliance was planning to utilize a sort of new Information Form technology to reproduce the data of the entire universe as a data library, treating it as tinder. If there would be an irresistible disaster in the future, they would restart the universe based on the tinder data library.

  This re-engraving process was during the period of martial law throughout the universe. The Celestial Star Alliance required everyone to stay in one place and not move around, to prevent interference with the construction of the tinder library. Thus, the interstellar area was deserted, without any spaceships.

  As for the specific plan, the Celestial Star Alliance did not disclose it to the public, so Han Xiao was still unaware of the details.

  “I have a feeling that this plan is not some insurance…” Han Xiao muttered before going up to knock on Kasuyi, seeing him still stunned. “What shall we do now? The space in this area exceeds your imagination. Your senses are also malfunctioning, so even after hundreds of years, you might not find your so-called opportunity.” In his opinion, this should be the reason the difficulty of the mission was expressed through the astronomical sum of 450 billion experience. Kasuyi came back to his senses, but his expression was uncertain, and he did not speak for quite a while.

  Seeing his reaction, Han Xiao also sighed to himself.

  It was alright for him, since he had a different growth system and also knew about the existence of the World Tree. Thus, while shocked, he felt nothing else. But Kasuyi was different. It had taken him countless years to finally become a hegemon that had reached the pinnacle of the universe, but he suddenly discovered that there were many more people outside his world that were as strong as him. It was no wonder that his mentality would be shaken up.

  Han Xiao thought about it before consoling him. “Old Ka, don’t be depressed. We don’t even know how long this secondary dimension has existed. This number of Beyond Grade As has been accumulated over so many years. There’s nothing to envy. If you want to be jealous, why not be jealous of me? It only took me a few decades to reach this point, surpassing your accumulation of thousands of years. How hateful is that?” Are you really trying to console me? The words ‘f*ck you’ come to mind, but I’m not sure if I should reply with that.

  Seeing his constipated expression, Han Xiao was about to continue comforting him when he received a message alarm.

  Beep beep… “You’ve received a new message.” “Eh, who could it be at this time?” Han Xiao spoke subconsciously before he reacted.

  That’s right, no one has my contact details here. How were they able to find me!”

  Han Xiao’s expression changed, and he opened the quantum network, finding an email within. The sender was shown as a bunch of garbled code. The sender had manipulated his address to cover up all traces.

  Frowning, he opened the mail and found out that it contained a set of complicated blueprints as well as a short message.

  “Learn this technology as fast as possible, or else there’ll be no escape for you. If you can avoid the pursuit of the troops, then go to a place and wait. I’ll contact you again then. The coordinates are…”

  “Who is this guy?”

  Han Xiao wanted to communicate with the other party, but without a path, he had no method to send a reply.

  He could only browse through the blueprint sent by the mysterious person. It recorded a kind of weird instrument, which seemed to have some sort of special hiding function. He did not know what sort of detection device this was guarding against. “Things have become more interesting…” Han Xiao’s eyes flashed.

  From the strange ‘Supreme Guardian’ outside the secondary dimension to the unexpectedly powerful Celestial Star Alliance and now this mysterious man contacting him, things were getting more confusing, and he seemed to be getting involved in some unknown storm.

  He decided to stay and explore, not just to aid Kasuyi but also to collect more technology and discover the truth behind this space. Otherwise, not just Han Xiao, the entire explored universe would also remain uneasy.

  However, this trip to the secondary dimension was always out of his control. He was lacking in intelligence, and he was only receiving poor information, only able to see the surface level.


  At this time, a notification popped up on the interface.

  You have triggered an S-ranked hidden mission: A Relay Across Iterations!

  This mission is part of a Chain Mission. This is currently the first of many parts.

  Requirements: Escape from the hunting team and succeed in meeting the mysterious person who sent this message. Failure Condition: The mysterious person dies.

  Reward: 100,000,000,000 experience, unlocking of the next mission.

  Warning! This mission may result in unpredictable effects, please choose carefully!

  Chapter 1196 - The Pursuing Soldiers

  “This mission…”

  Han Xiao was shocked. Not only was it an S-rank hidden mission, it was even a chain mission. The experience reward in just the first mission already matched with what Old Man Manison gave, so the overall difficulty might really be through the sky.

  In the absence of any intelligence, the mission guidance was one of the few reliable sources of information, especially since the name of the mission was quite intriguing.

  No matter what, this mysterious person took the initiative to contact me. He seems to have some special information in his hand. That will require us to meet. As for the hunter team in the mission introduction…

  Han Xiao’s eyes gleamed.

  While he was searching online previously, he had discovered a wanted order issued by the Celestial Star Alliance Superpower Security Department, offering a reward for the two wanted people. Their bounty was worth 300 million units of their common currency, its name different from the term ‘Ena’ used in their main universe.

  Since his whereabouts were a secret and he had yet to encounter any alarms or detection device scanning, it was logically difficult for them to discover their location. However, the mission reminder as well as the content of the mysterious person’s message seemed to imply that the pursuing team
would definitely locate him.

  Upon thinking of the weird concealment device left by the mysterious person, Han Xiao guessed that the pursuers might have a precise remote location detecting method, including but not limited to the possibility of prediction, technological means, or even Universal Treasures…

  The mysterious person sent me a blueprint but did not explain in detail what sort of methods the soldiers would use. This feels more like a test…

  Han Xiao stroked his chin and fell into thought.

  This technology had to be studied, but Han Xiao did not intend to put it to use immediately. He wanted to test whether they could be found by the pursuers first. If that was confirmed, then he would utilize the device again in order to verify whether the device really had the effect of concealing its target. As a Mechanic, he believed more in the results of experimentation rather than what people told him.

  On the other hand, Han Xiao wished to contact their pursuers, obtaining information from them… Of course, while he was confident in his own strength, he would still arrange some insurance to stabilize any rough waves that might appear.

  Currently, both of them were illegal immigrants, and they did not even possess an account in the Intergalactic Bank, let alone the universal currency. They suddenly fell from being the wealthiest in the universe to abject poverty. Han Xiao could only resort to collecting the resources himself, and for the time being, he could not scrape up enough materials to make a new King mechanical suit. Thus, he could only resort to using the King that he had brought with him. He had already placed some of the corresponding Thrones on different coordinates in the universe, acting as fixed-point transporters, whilst some of his King mechanical suits still had the Thrones with them, ready to be positioned at any time.

  Having been in the universe for so many years, and with the example given by Manison, Han Xiao was now well versed in the saying ‘a sly rabbit has three burrows’. Days ago, a few of his mechanical troops had scattered the different Thrones around this universe at suitable locations, leaving him with a way out.

  The biggest problem currently was not personal safety but his mechanical army. Because his secondary dimensional army box was frozen, he could only transport his troops through the normal method. His portability was severely affected, so if he chose to teleport away, his mechanical army would still be left in the area, and he would be unable to recover them.

  Based on reasoning, since there was no secondary dimension that existed in this universe, all mechanics should be the same. However, he found through the internet that because of the lack of secondary dimensions, the five Super systems seemed to have some subtleties in their Class skills.

  For example, the Beyond Grade A Mechanics still had the ability to summon mechanical armies on a large scale. However, because they had not crossed paths yet, Han Xiao could not see their combat information and thus did not understand the principle.

  “Just the technology alone makes it worth the trip.” Han Xiao was ecstatic.

  In his opinion, this place was akin to a huge material library, stocked with endless new technology and different applications and development paths for one’s Class related skills. These were all extremely valuable resources.

  The Manison of his previous life must have learned quite a bit when he came over, further increasing his own power. And now, this rare learning opportunity had been taken away by himself.

  “Rest in peace, Old Man. I’ll study hard on your behalf.”

  Han Xiao had a solemn expression.

  The destroyed mentality of Kasuyi had finally recovered from Han Xiao’s ‘comforting blow’. Seeing this, Han Xiao explained the situation and his plan.

  Kasuyi was surprised, and after hearing everything, he said, “You mean… we’re now waiting for our pursuers to come knocking before we negotiate? If not, we’ll fight?”

  “That’s right. This is in order for us to obtain more information. Don’t be scared by the number of Beyond Grade As here. I’ve checked the cases from the Superpower Security Department over the years, and the majority of them consist of teams formed by three to five Beyond Grade As. There are dozens to hundreds of people there, but they are responsible for a large area, and thus, manpower is limited. Furthermore, I’ve also arranged a path of retreat in case things go awry,” Han Xiao said.

  Old Ka was his only companion here, and it could be said that they could only truly depend on each other. While the other party did not have his limitless MP any longer, he was still a pinnacle Beyond Grade A and was a great source of combat power.

  “… Alright, then don’t bother me during this period of time. I’ll prepare an ace in the hole and strive to heavily injure a pinnacle Beyond Grade A,” Kasuyi solemnly said.

  Han Xiao was startled. He sized him up before curiously asking, “I really didn’t expect that, but you have such ability?”

  Kasuyi immediately rolled his eyes. Who are you looking down on? At our level, who doesn’t have a trump card or two in their hands? When I was roaming the universe, your grandfather had probably yet to be born!

  In the pitch-black universe, a wormhole suddenly opened, and three spaceships appeared as they exited the hyperdrive. All three were special spaceships that belonged to the Superpower Security Department, led by three ‘Supreme’ level directors to capture the offenders.

  “The Positioning Star Map at the headquarters shows that the two targets have been stationed on the target planet and have not left in the past few days.”

  “We are still unaware of the intentions of these two people. Do not lower your vigilance.”

  Milton stood in front of the porthole, listening to the communication channel. His face had nary a smile on it, and his entire person exuded a serious vibe.

  He was the director of the Fifth Team from the Superpower Security Department and the temporary captain of this special pursuit team. Every established division would consist of one Supreme level Director, four deputy directors of the Saint level, and a large number of middle tier officers. Milton had brought two deputy directors with him this time, and the other two directors used the same configuration. Thus, there were nine people at the Beyond Grade A level.

  Because of the lack of the strength data for the target, in order to make it a quick fight, the Superpower Security Department equipped the nine of them with the special combat suit, which included a mechanical suit, with melee, long-range, and imprisonment equipment of Gold Grade. With such special equipment, the staff from the Superpower Security Department would have an advantage among people of the same level.

  Their opponents were only two Supreme level experts, but they had mobilized nine people on their side, alongside equipment. Milton felt that this mission should be a piece of cake.

  He stared at the arrest warrants of Han Xiao and Kasuyi, muttering to himself. “What year is this? To think that there are still people who dare to openly violate the universe ban of the Celestial Star Alliance, trying to whatever they want with their strength. Do you think it’s like the old era? Such good times are long gone…”

  Time passed quickly, and another three days passed in the blink of an eye.

  Han Xiao had been constantly studying the blueprint provided by the mysterious person in seclusion. It was not difficult to make, but the principle behind it was quite incomprehensible. In some areas, he could not understand it at all, and he did not know what sort of effect the combination would produce.

  After a few days of research, there was still no progress. Han Xiao felt that he might lack the key Research Theory or Knowledge, so he simply stopped his research, building the device according to the blueprint given. The process went smoothly, and his failure to understand theory did not hinder him from turning the blueprint into machinery error free.

  Ten palm-sized pieces of green and gold metal lay quietly on the workbench. They appeared smooth, but when Han Xiao swiped them with his fingers, he could feel the dense lines engraved on them, filled with countless nano-level energy ci

  Han Xiao picked up a piece of the alloy, playing with it carefully. Traces of electrical arcs jumped now and then as he extended his senses deep into the metal, feeling the structure within.

  “The manual states that so long as the concealment function is activated, objects within its range would be freed from tracking. The more energy inputted, the greater the range…”

  Han Xiao was a little skeptical as he had mastered a variety of concealment devices but was unable to see through the principles behind this blueprint.

  Even the interface did not give any detailed introduction but rather simply naming it as a ‘Special Cloaking Device’. It said that this would take effect under certain conditions but did not state what those conditions were.

  Just as he wished to further study it, his expression changed as he sensed an unexpected situation. The space exploration buoys he arranged around the planet were destroyed.

  “They’ve really found us…”

  Han Xiao’s eyes narrowed, and he put away the ten Cloaking Devices. He left his base with his mechanical troops, heading to the surface.


  Before long, three spaceships appeared in outer space. Nine figures descended from the sky and landed on the wasteland not far in front of Han Xiao in a fan-shaped encirclement, not bothering to conceal their energy fluctuations.

  Seeing this, Han Xiao revealed a knowing expression.

  Nine Beyond Grade As, with three of them being pinnacle Beyond Grade As…

  The strength of this team was not small. Their overall combat power was higher than the level shown during the attack on Hila. Furthermore, this group of people would not be like the original Kasuyi, where they pulled their punches.

  He also discovered that their equipment was extraordinary.

  Both sides confronted each other from afar, sizing each other up without moving.

  Milton surveyed the area before casually asking, “Where’s your accomplice?”


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