Prowling Their Mate

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Prowling Their Mate Page 16

by Tamsin Baker

  I collapsed onto Brandon’s chest, panting hard and unable to open my eyes. Every cell of my body, every corner of my soul was sated.

  I’d never been so at peace, so genuinely blissful. I’d found everything I’d ever needed in this bedroom.

  Tyler pulled out and collapsed next to us, pulling me over so that Brandon rolled and they sandwiched me between them.

  I looked down at my body, expecting to see something different, a change. My whole world had tilted on its axis. Surely there would be a sign?

  “I won’t turn into a mountain lion now, will I?”

  Brandon chuckled. “No, baby. Shifters are born, not made.”

  I sighed and settled against them, letting contentment wash over me like a cleansing rain.

  “Though... you will carry our marks forever.”

  Brandon traced the place over my shoulder where he’d bitten me and I forced my eyes open to see a set of feline bite marks the size of a human’s jaw.


  I whipped my head around to the other side and laughed as I saw the twin marking. They were far enough out that no one would ever see them if I wore a tank, not that it mattered. I’d entered a new world now. The old rules didn’t matter. “Good. Now everyone knows I’m yours.”

  Brandon grunted and kissed her hair. “Damn straight.”

  “You complete us, Laura. You’re our center... our whole world.” Tyler kissed my neck and I sighed.

  They were my everything.

  I knew in my heart of hearts that as long as I trusted them and loved them as they did me there was no hurdle we couldn’t fly over together.


  Three Months Later


  “Laura, Brandon, and Tyler, you are now bonded for life.”

  A roar went up around us and I lifted my face toward my men.

  My whole being was so happy I could barely contain the scream I wanted to let loose. Brandon kissed me first, his mouth possessive and strong, his tongue slipping in to taste me.

  When he stepped away, Tyler slid into his place, cupping my face and kissing me with such sweetness and love that tears slipped down my cheeks.

  My perfect pair. Everything I’d ever wanted, and so much more.

  “I love you,” Tyler whispered against my lips as he pulled back. I looked into his brown eyes, blinking away the happy tears that had gathered once again.

  “And I love you.”

  I extended my hand and Brandon gripped it. “I love you,” I said to my big lion, who grinned and winked.

  Classic Brandon.

  Tyler turned me toward the group of people who had gathered on Tyler and Brandon’s parents’ property to witness our mating.

  I had legally married Tyler during the week in a small ceremony surrounded by our family and friends, but this was the more important of the two ceremonies. “Let’s celebrate.”

  I was pulled forward into a maelstrom of people.

  Hugs, kisses, and congratulations flowed around me as I was whirled from one set of strong arms to another.

  By the time they’d all finished taking a piece of me, I could barely stand up. I collapsed onto a garden seat, gasping for breath in my too-tight wedding dress. “Laura, you look absolutely beautiful.”

  Scott and Jack stood before me, looking powerful and handsome in their black suits. “Wow, you two look amazing.”

  They inclined their heads, but seemed distracted, their eyes straying to an area near the food tables.

  I turned around and looked in the same direction but couldn’t see anything of note. “What are you two looking at?”

  I put out a hand and Jack lifted me up. “Oh, that’s better.” My bodice was boned, giving my waist a beautiful indent, but it wasn’t the easiest thing to maneuver around in.

  “Laura, who is that woman in the grey silk dress?”

  That’s interesting.

  That was a lot of detail for a man to notice, and what was with the tone of Scott’s voice?

  I turned around again and scanned the area, happiness filling my chest when I realized who they were talking about.

  “Oh, she came!” I clapped my hands and took a step in that direction.

  Scott’s hand came around my arm as quickly as a rattlesnake and stopped me in my tracks. “Is she a friend of yours, Laura?”

  Scott’s voice was even deeper now, raspy even.


  “Yes...she’s my cousin from up north. I invited her to the other wedding but she couldn’t come during the week. So, I told her about today but said it started at three rather than two, so she’d miss the ceremony itself. Although...” I tapped my foot and pulled my arm out of Scott’s grip.

  “I won’t be upset if she knows about Tyler and Brandon. My family will work it out eventually.”

  My sister had been great, supporting me as much as she could, as she was settled into university.

  But she was also so envious of my relationship that even though she’d been a bridesmaid for me today, she was currently standing about ten feet away, scanning the area for more sets of twins for herself.

  “Can you introduce us to her?” Tom asked, his face showing a weird type of strain that I hadn’t seen before on this man.

  But I had seen it on Tyler and Brandon.

  “Sure.” I walked through the throng of people and made my way to Ashleigh’s side. If I was right, then my gorgeous cousin’s life was about to change forever.

  “You came!” I cried and threw myself on a woman who’d doted on me when I was a child.

  Ashleigh laughed and hugged me back, our heights and sizes in almost exact proportions. I pulled back and stared down at the woman I hadn’t seen in five years. “You look like shit, Ash.”

  Ashleigh smiled, sadness evident in her beautiful blue eyes. The radiance of my older cousin was gone, the glow of her skin tinged with grey. What had happened?

  “Thanks, sweetie, I know. Whereas you look freaking fantastic.”

  I did a twirl and stuck my hip out at an angle, playing the game. “Why, thank you, darling. The love of a good man, and all that.”

  Ash quirked an eyebrow at her. “Or men, perhaps?”

  Heat flooded my cheeks and my stomach dropped. I searched my cousin’s face for signs of discrimination or disgust, but there was none there. “Yeah...well...”

  Ashleigh chuckled, and reached over to squeeze my hand. “As long as you’re happy, honey.”

  I nodded and the heat of a man pressed up behind me.

  Scott was standing there, almost dancing on the spot in his impatience. I’d forgotten they were even there.

  “Oh, Ash, let me introduce you to Brandon and Tyler’s cousins. It’s common in their family for men to be born into fraternal twin sets. This is Scott and Jack. Guys, this is my cousin, Ashleigh.”

  Scott and Jack jumped up beside me like Army basic training graduates, their backs ramrod straight.

  Ashleigh’s face turned cold, her mouth pulling down on both sides. “Nice to meet you, gentlemen.”

  The men stuck out their hands and I knew what they were thinking. They wanted to touch her so they could see her response.

  Oh my God, Ashleigh’s their chosen mate.

  Ash looked at the men’s hands as though they were rats crawling through her room, but neither Jack nor Scott dropped their arms away.

  Finally, Ashleigh sighed and reached up to shake Scott’s hand.

  Watching it happen rather than experiencing it was one of the weirdest things I’d ever seen.

  Ashleigh gasped and her face filled with blood, her knees obviously weakening as she sank closer to the ground.

  Jack jumped forward to catch her and they both groaned as their bodies came into contact.

  Ashleigh’s eyes widened in shock and she dropped Scott’s hand to cling to Jack, who was still holding her.

  Jack managed to continue to stand, though he looked shaky, too.

  All three stared at each other with varying
degrees of shock and lust. Ashleigh finally straightened, anger clouding her face as she pushed herself out of Jack’s arms and staggered toward me.

  I grabbed my cousin, holding her arms and supporting some of her weight. I knew how confusing such a moment could be.

  “What the fuck was that?” Ash spat at them, her spiteful tone harsh enough to make the men around us growl a little.

  Scott and Jack looked at me, their eyes burning with something painful. So much hurt, love, need.

  It was too intense for me to handle and I had to look away.

  I focused on my trembling cousin. “Ash, how long are you here for?”

  Ashleigh straightened up and looked into my eyes. She wasn’t the same person I’d known all those years ago. Something about her felt off.

  “A week or so. I took some leave.”

  That was fantastic. Maybe Scott and Jack could put some sunshine back into Ash’s world. “Brilliant. We’re only going away for the weekend, but we have honeymoon plans for later in the summer. Will you stay with us through next week?”

  Ash looked back at Scott and Jack for a moment, then back at me, nodding slowly. “Yeah, sure. I’d love to catch up.”

  Jack cleared his throat and held out his hand to Ash once again. “Would you like a tour of the property?”

  Ash glared at him, her blue eyes firing ice chips. “No fucking way, and keep your hands to yourself.”

  Ash turned tail and headed off, her chin stuck high in the air as she stomped her way up the steps and back into the house.

  A giggle bubbled up and escaped my throat.

  I turned to face the shocked men. “You two are going to have your hands full with Ash if she’s yours.”

  “She’s ours,” the men said in unison, their voices deep and growly.

  Brandon and Tyler’s hands slid around my waist and I smiled as I was engulfed in the heat of their bodies.

  “Hey Scott, Jack.” Brandon’s deep voice made me sigh and lean toward him.

  The men nodded mechanically, their eyes straying to the house again.

  “Congratulations to you all. Ah...we...” They began to edge away and I laughed, waving my hands at them.

  “Go, go. I’ve asked her to stay at my place, so I’ll get the boys to send you my address. You have the weekend with her, then I’ll have her from Monday.”

  Their gorgeous faces broke into identical grins and they headed off without a backward glance. I sighed and watched them hurrying away. Was that what my men had gone through?

  “What’s up with them?” Brandon asked, while Tyler stroked my hand in rhythmic possession.

  I looked up into Brandon’s blue eyes. “My cousin Ashleigh is their mate.”

  Brandon’s eyes widened. “You’re shitting me?”

  I laughed out loud. “Nope. Looks like there’s something about my family that mingles well with you boys.”

  Tyler slid his hand over my abdomen and rubbed gently. “Will we be seeing how our blood mingles soon?”

  I inhaled sharply. I hadn’t thought they’d noticed.

  I nodded. I’d gone off the pill as soon as we’d ironed things out a few months ago and my period was a week late. I’d taken a home test that morning. “I haven’t been to a doctor yet, but yes... I’m pretty sure we’re going to have a baby.”

  Tyler’s face lit up into a spectacular grin and Brandon picked me up in his arms, twirling me and whooping loudly.

  “Hey, hey, hey, put me down.” My head was spinning.

  Brandon placed me down and kissed me until my head was clouded with need. I sank into his embrace and Tyler’s lips pressed against my neck.

  My belly quivered as I lifted my arm, sliding one hand into Brandon’s hair and the other into Tyler’s, holding my men to me, where they were forever meant to be.


  I hope you enjoyed ‘Prowling their mate’ – the next book,

  ‘Stalking their mate,’ Ashleigh, Jack and Scott’s story, will be out soon!




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