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Fallen Page 27

by R C Knight

  They listened intently as demons roared in confusion, scattering around the city to search for the source of the explosion. A few moments later the air was filled with the battle cries of the slaves. The clashing of swords and screams of pain filled the night air.

  “Sounds like you got your army.” Keira said with a smile as she looked at Zane.

  “So far so good.” He smiled as he looked at the wall looming in front of them. “Now blast a hole in that wall so we can join in the chaos.”

  Keira smiled as she nocked another arrow and drew it back. She released, the arrow flew straight into the wall, exploding on impact. A gaping hole appeared but the black vines started to move, quickly covering the hole. Zane started running towards the wall, the rest of the group following him closely. “Shoot it again!” he shouted at Keira. She nocked an arrow while she ran, Myra pulled out her bow and nocked one as well. They both aimed at the wall, releasing their arrows at the same time. A huge hole appeared in the wall as the arrows exploded with holy light. They charged through the hole before the vines could close it.

  Zane sighed with relief as he looked around the city. Demons were everywhere, running along the streets. There was no order to their movement, clearly, they were confused. Zane used this to his advantage, quickly charging the demons closest to him and slaughtering them with ease. Their black blood flowing along the pavement like a river.

  “Push forward!” Zane commanded. They moved together as a group, killing the lesser demons with ease. They rounded a corner, noticing a small group of rebels down the road. Mikayla twirled her staff and slammed it into the ground. A mist formed around the group of rebels, making them invisible to the demons. The demons looked around in confusion. The rebels used the cover to surround the demons and kill them, once they were dead Mikayla lifted the cover.

  “Thanks!” One of the men shouted at their group as they charged off in the opposite direction. Zane continued forward, looking for Riley and Cain. Another group of demons appeared, charging directly towards them.

  “Where the fuck do they keep coming from?” Bishop shouted as he braced for the attack.

  “Hell, duh!” Aria giggled as she twirled her daggers with excitement. Bishop chuckled as he watched the demons’ approach. His sword was glowing with holy light, creating a softness to his face. He spun it with anticipation. Ryder laughed as he charged in front of the group.

  “Watch this!” he shouted with delight. His wings shot out from his back, their holy light glowing with power. He raised his sword above his head then slammed it into the ground. A large wall of earth formed in front of the group. The humans watched with awe as it slid forward, crushing every demon in its path. Ryder smiled as his wings retracted and he pulled his sword out of the ground.

  “Show off!” Aria shouted, a hint of disappointment in her voice. “Some of us want to have fun as well.” She looked around the street, hoping another demon would appear.

  “Move your asses!” Zane shouted as he headed down the street. They followed, quickly turning a corner. “Thank God!” Zane spotted another group of rebels. “Riley!” he shouted. Riley looked over at them, smiling with relief.

  Zane ran to the small group, lightly shoving Riley in greeting. “Took you long enough.” Riley chuckled.

  “Really?” Zane laughed. “And here I thought you’d enjoy getting to kill all the demons without me.” Riley laughed as they looked around the street. The demons were beginning to form larger groups, clearly annoyed with the losses they were suffering.

  “Damnit! We don’t have time for this.” Bishop shouted with frustration. Ryder released his wings, walking calmly to the front of the group. Myra and Kai followed suit, forming a line in front of the rebels. The demons howled with excitement as they saw the angels. They charged the group as the angels released their power.

  Wind torrents ripped through the demons, cutting them into pieces upon contact. Spikes of earth shot up from the ground, impaling the demons with ease. The humans waited anxiously as the angels held back the horde.

  Slowly, demons began to break through the front line. Aria and Zane teamed up against a Berserker. Riley disappeared into the shadows, sneaking up behind the stragglers, killing them with ease. Jackson, Bishop, and Liam had formed a small circle, watching each other’s back as they attacked. Mikayla was staying close to Keira, who was picking off the demons that were trying to sneak up on the group.

  “We need to get to the Horseman’s temple before we wear ourselves out,” Keira called out over the chaos.

  “And the high ground will keep these little fucks back,” Myra added.

  “What about the rebels?” Bishop asked.

  “Don’t worry.” Ryder shouted back at them as he blocked an attack. “I have a plan for that. Let’s get to the temple to buy us some time. We’ll be able to kill them all in one hit!” Ryder laughed as he killed another demon.

  “Don’t get too cocky this early,” Zane scolded. “But if you have a plan, I say we go for it.” Zane shouted as he cut off the leg of the Berserker. Aria quickly jumped on the demon, thrusting her dagger into his chest. Zane looked around the street, watching as the rebels fought the demons. “Cain,” Zane shouted into the group. He watched as Cain’s towering figure ran over.

  “What,” he replied with a hiss. “I’m kinda busy here.” Zane leaned in and quickly whispered into Cain’s ear. Cain nodded, a smile of anticipation crossing his face. Zane handed him a bag and slapped him on the back. Zane turned back towards his group.

  “Alright, let’s go!” he hollered. “We won’t have an army much longer if we don’t hurry!”

  They quickly regrouped, fighting their way to the base of the temple. The temple’s courtyard was full of Hell Hounds and Elites. “Shit!” Zane shouted as he looked around the courtyard. “We don’t have time for this.” His anger began to surge, his corruption growing stronger. “Riley!” he called out. “Disappear and scout out the temple. Find us once you’re done.” Riley nodded and stepped into the shadows, quickly disappearing from sight.

  Keira nocked an arrow as the group charged towards the Elites and their Hell Hounds. She fired the arrow at the top of the temple, where it breached the wall. “Go!” Keira yelled, watching as Riley disappeared into the hole.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  Cain ran towards Abel with his ax drawn and his face set with determination. He let out a deafening war cry as he swung his ax upwards, splitting the demon Abel was engaged with in half.

  “You know I don’t like it when you do that.” Abel scorned as he watched the black mist float away.

  “Cheer up brother.” Cain chuckled as he wiped the demon’s black blood off his ax. “We have a mission and you get to let loose. Fully let loose.” He smiled, fire dancing in his eyes.

  The brothers continued their onslaught, leading the rebels against a small horde that had broken apart from the main pack. “Down!” Cain yelled. Abel dropped to the ground out of instinct as Cain extended his ax and spun around, knocking several demons back. He grabbed Abel around the waist and launched him into the air towards the monstrous demons in the back of the horde.

  “Surrender! We have you surrounded.” Cain grinned manically as the demons began to laugh.

  “Have you gone mad, human?” One of the Elites chuckled darkly. “It’s a shame we have to kill you. I would have enjoyed breaking you.”

  Cain made eye contact with Abel and nodded. Their eyes darkened and their skin began to crack, revealing the roped muscle underneath. “Release.” They shouted in unison. Their muscles bulged, causing their skin to crack even further. Smoke began to billow from their bodies. The corners of their mouths ripped back, and their teeth sharpened into fangs.

  “Half breed mutts.” The Elite shouted as the brothers began to rip through the horde, smashing the lesser demons with ease. The rebels cheered and hollered as they followed Cain into the chaos. As they continued their assault, more of the rebel groups joined them, con
solidating their forces. Abel made his way through the horde and rejoined Cain.

  “We are pulling farther away from Zane’s group, Cain.” Abel looked around the city with worry.

  “That’s the idea,” Cain responded confidently. “Don’t worry, we can do this.”

  “Yea, but for how long?”

  “Until we kill them all.” Cain smiled manically, exposing the bones of his jaw. He grabbed Abel’s hand and whipped him around, sending him flying into a Berserker. Abel let out a shout of frustration as he forced his spiked maces in front of his body. He crashed into the Berserker’s skull with a sickening crack.

  “You know I hate that,” Abel yelled as he turned and crushed an Elite.

  “The only thing thicker than a Berserker’s skull is your thick head.” Cain chuckled demonically as he cleaved a Hell Hound in half.

  “Keep fighting,” Abel shouted at the former slaves. “Kill them all and get your revenge.” The men hollered as they continued their assault. Cain rampaged through a group of Lieutenants and Elites, laughing as their black blood splattered across his face. He shouted in pain, quickly looking down to his side. Ronwe stood next to him, his claws dripping with Cain’s bright red blood.

  “Guess our truce has ended?” Cain grimaced as he turned towards Ronwe.

  “You dogs should have stayed on your leash,” Ronwe hissed as he swiped at Cain’s stomach. Cain dropped his ax and grabbed Ronwe’s arm and face. He deftly ripped off the arm and smiled with satisfaction as he crushed Ronwe’s skull with his bare hand.

  Abel retreated to Cain’s side and picked up his ax. Cain’s body began to return to normal, his face stitching itself back together as his fangs retracted. “Guess I’ve gotten rusty,” he mumbled as he grabbed his ax from Abel. “I can’t keep up my demonic form as long as I used to.”

  “Same here,” Abel responded with a sigh. “I don’t think I have much time left, and I didn’t kill nearly as many as I wanted to.” Abel turned and killed a handful of lesser demons that approached them. “No time to rest now.” He turned and grabbed a Hell Hound, ripping it in half. He frowned as his arms dropped wearily to his sides, his muscles weakening. “That’s more tiring than I remember.” He sighed wearily as an Elite engaged him.

  Abel barely blocked the Elite’s attack, his arms moving slowly and with hesitation. “Shit,” he muttered as he stumbled back. Cain stepped in, burying his ax into the Elite’s skull. “We need to retreat,” Abel gasped as he tried to catch his breath.

  “There is nowhere to retreat to.” Cain grunted as he pulled his ax out of the Elite’s skull. A blinding light coursed through the city, its power throwing Cain and Abel to the ground.

  “What the fuck is that?” Abel shouted in surprise. An eerie silence filled the air as the light dissipated. Cain looked around the battlefield, his eyes wide.

  “Holy shit.”

  Chapter Forty-Five


  The courtyard was overrun with Elites and Hell Hounds. Leading them was a Fear Demon, its long spine extending from the demon’s gigantic head down to its hips and long legs. Its blood red tusks extended through its mouth, which was stretched in a ghastly grin. The demon’s arms protruded from its head, its knuckles dragging on the ground with dagger like claws. Giant wings extended from the demon’s back. Black, razor sharp feathers covered its body.

  “It’s a Fear Demon,” Zane shouted as he cut a Hell Hound in half. “It can sense your deepest fears and predict your moves.” He fought to keep his anger at bay as he looked around the courtyard. Keira and Myra had perched themselves on the outer wall, firing their arrows into the horde of demons. Arcs of light filled the air as the arrows exploded, burning any demon within range. Mikayla stood tall next to the other females, dispatching any demons that got too close to the archers. Zane turned, spotting Jackson and Liam fighting through a group of Elites. He could feel his corruption spreading as he watched his friends engage their enemy. Control it, use it to your benefit. He chanted as he engaged an Elite. Don’t let it control you. He took a deep breath, calming his mind. As he relaxed, he focused his energy into his speed and strength. With a surge or power, he decapitated the Elite in front of him.


  Aria’s pulse was racing as she engaged the Fear Demon with Ryder. They danced around the courtyard, looking for an opening. Ryder quickly blocked another blow and attempted a counterattack. The Fear Demon moved quickly, dodging every attack with ease. Aria and Ryder leapt to the side as the Fear Demon smashed through one of the marble statues. Aria leapt to her feet and charged; her daggers poised to strike the demon’s large wings. The Fear Demon turned quickly, its wing hitting her in the chest, throwing her into another statue.

  “How the hell do we kill it if it knows our every move?” she shouted hoarsely as she tried to catch her breath.

  “You can’t kill me.” The demon’s voice echoed across the courtyard. “I’m already inside of your heads. I can sense your fear.” He laughed darkly as his eyes fell on Aria, a menacing smile on his face. “Shall we start with you, little angel?”

  Aria began to feel her fears compound on her. She dropped her daggers and clutched her head, curling into a ball. Yes, feed me your fears. The demon’s voice echoed throughout her mind. You will never defeat me, it laughed. I can’t believe they sent someone as broken as you to fight me. You will lose this battle. Images of her friends slowly dying filled her mind. Aria’s body began to shake as her mind was overwhelmed. The demon cackled as images of the Elites from Gideon’s palace replaced her dead friends. She panicked as the Elite pinned her down and ripped off her shirt. Aria grabbed her hair, her nails digging into her scalp as she tried to escape her mind.

  Ryder looked over at Aria, watching in horror as she writhed on the ground. “Let’s see if you can laugh after this!” he yelled as he summoned his wings. His power surged through his body as the Fear Demon looked at him, smiling as he charged. The demon blocked Ryder’s attack and quickly countered, piercing his shoulder. “Fuck!” Ryder shouted as he jumped back, placing his hand over the wound. The Fear Demon laughed as the air became heavy.

  “Shall I show you what has your friend so scared?” The demon asked, pointing at Aria writhing on the ground. Images of Aria’s torn body began to filter through Ryder’s mind. He watched with horror as they held her down so an Elite could rape her.

  “Enough!” Ryder shouted with fury. He plunged his sword into the ground, a spike shot up from the earth. The Fear Demon laughed as he launched into the air, avoiding the spike.

  “You don’t want to watch?” The demon cackled. “Why don’t we explore some of your fears?” The Fear Demon swiped at Ryder, his long claws scratching across Ryder’s breastplate. He fell to the ground as images of Aria filled his mind. She was holding a young girl as she smiled up at Zane. Ahh, I see you care for her more than you’d like to admit. The demon’s voice taunted him, or is it the human that scares you? Ryder watched in horror as Zane’s eyes turned pitch black. A manic smile spread across his face as he pulled out his sword and brought it crashing down. Bright red blood filled his mind.

  “No!” he shouted, shaking his head with frustration. “I will not listen to your lies!” Ryder stood up, his narrowed eyes meeting the blood red eyes of the Fear Demon. “Prepare for your death!” He plunged his sword into the ground, sending another spike towards the demon.

  “Did you really think that was going to work?” The demon cackled darkly as he flapped his wings, pulling himself farther away from the ground.

  “No,” Ryder responded smugly. “But that will.” Riley appeared out of the shadows above the Fear Demon. He jumped from the top of the temple, his daggers plunging into the demon’s wings. He used his momentum to slide down the demon’s back, cutting through its wings. The Fear Demon screamed in pain as it plummeted to the ground. Ryder held on to his daggers as the demon landed with a thud. The Fear Demon roared as he shook his body, throwing Riley into Ryder’s spike. Riley groaned in pain as h
e rolled away from the spike.

  “That was pretty awesome, right?” he muttered as he looked over at Ryder.

  “Insolent fools.” The Fear Demon’s voice echoed across the courtyard. His wings were dragging along the ground, held on by a thin tendon. Black blood fell in streams from the torn appendages. “You.” He turned towards Riley, his claws reaching for him. “You did this.” The demon raised his arm, preparing for the attack. “I will break you all!”

  The air grew heavy as electricity began to crackle through the air. Ryder scanned the courtyard, his eyes falling on the empty space where Aria had been. He smiled as he squared off with the Fear Demon. “Hey, ass hole.” Ryder’s voice was low and strong. “I thought you wanted to break me first?” The demon laughed darkly as he turned towards Ryder.

  “As you wish,” he said darkly as he lunged forward, his razor-sharp claws aimed directly at Ryder’s chest. Electricity crackled through the air, making the hair on Ryder’s arms stand on end. The Fear Demon froze, his red eyes worriedly scanning the courtyard. He reared back, shouting in pain as electricity spread through his body. His body began to convulse as he tried to reach behind him.

  Ryder plunged his sword into the ground, sending a wave of earth towards the demon. The Fear Demon fell face first to the ground, Aria was hanging off his back, her daggers plunged deep into his shoulders. “I am not broken!” she shouted fiercely as a bolt of lightning pierced the demon’s skull.

  Aria panted heavily as the Fear Demon disappeared from beneath her. She stood up slowly, wiping the black blood from her daggers. Electricity crackled through the air as her rage continued to grow.


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