
Home > Nonfiction > Run > Page 25
Run Page 25

by Anna White

  “You look hot.” Her accent was ridiculous and I chuckled. It was form fitting, you could see every lump under it but not through it. I pulled off the bra I’d previously had on and placed my heels back on, the tassles that hung from the dress tickled my thighs and she smirked.

  “It’s very Spanish Senorita vibes.” She addressed the tassels instantly and I felt Nance pull my hair a little.

  “You should wear a low like middle part sleek bun.” Soph bit into a carrot stick and gave Nance a finger signal. I sighed and shook my head in an effort to disagree with them.

  “I like it down.” They both shook their heads in unison and I was outnumbered again. I frowned and let Nancy loose. She did just as she said she would. My hair was parted perfectly down the middle, it was tucked behind my ears and my bun was low, touching the back of my neck. This will do. I looked down at the phone on the bed and placed it in my clutch bag.

  “If I’m gonna be back late I’ll text.” I looked up at them both nodding. Soph waved her hand dismissively in my direction.

  “Babe,” she began, “we are going to be in that karaoke bar from 9 probably until 6am don’t worry about being back late.” I watched them high five each other and laughed with them.

  “Rebels…” I smirked as I closed the apartment door behind me. The wind swept, it was warm even at this time on the evening. I placed one foot infront of the other as I made my way to the top of the stairs and spotted him. I paused and took him in. He was definitely darker in complexion and I began to wonder how long he’d actually been here. I frowned at the thought and examined him further. His cream in colour shorts, clung and hung in all the right places and his hawiaiian inspired shirt brought a smile to my face. I felt slightly overdressed.

  “You gonna come down or just stand there?” He turned around to face me, his heart shaped lips puckered into a charming sideways smile and I forced a weak smile.

  “I’m coming down.” I skipped down a few of the steps before I took my place next to him. He didn’t reach for my hand, I clutched my purse in both my hands as we walked through a narrow path past bars that were full of holiday makers before we hit the beachfront bars. He glanced down at me and I cleared my throat.

  “What you got in that bag? You’re holding onto it for dear life.” His tone was teasing and I smirked a little.

  “Nothing?” I looked up towards him and released one hand from it, his fingers clasped mine and I flinched a little. Despite our early make out session I wasn’t sure I was ready for his intimacy. The music from the surrounding bars was comforting and people were watching us as we walked by. To them we must look like a young loved up couple who are taking a break from the rushes of city life but they couldn’t be more wrong. There wasn’t an ‘us’. I exhaled louder than I’d planned and watched him come to a stop outside a restaurant. The seating was mainly outside and as the sunlight beamed on his face I found myself staring at him. His face warmed as he spoke to the waiter in Spanish and I gripped his fingers. He smiled down at me as we walked hand in hand through the restaurant, we walked us up a set of stairs and gestured at the seating by the railing of the rooftop bar. It was beautiful. I released my grip from his hand and walked over towards the railings, the sea and sky almost merged into one, there wasn’t really an edge or a clear join and I smiled as the wind took my breath. The roar of the sea could still be heard even though music played in the surrounding bars and restaurants. His hands landed either side of where I was stood and he placed his chin against my shoulder, his stubble scratching Where it touched and I shivered.

  “You look stunning in white.” His lips traced my collar bone and I felt my legs becoming more jelly like. I ran my eyes over his hands that were holding the railings either side of me and smiled a little.

  “I don’t think you’ve ever told me that?” I grinned as I knew he had, only once before and felt his smile against my shoulder.

  “Have I not?” His voice was husky and I shook my head.

  “Don’t think so.” I teased as I turned around. “I feel slightly overdressed.” I admitted and watched him give me an almost playful look.

  “You aren't at all.” He moved his arms from around me and pulled out a chair for me to take a seat. I smiled at him as I took my seat.

  “So?” I cleared my throat and watched as he placed himself down in the seat opposite me, he relaxed back slightly and stared at me. How was he always so calm? How was he like that and I felt as though I was about to burst with anxiety? I shook my head and watched him place his beer to his lips. “Who was she?” I blurted, words spilled from my lips before I’d even realised they’d left.

  “I don’t know her name.” He didn’t seem the slightest bit phased and I bit down on my lip in an effort to hold the venom that was about to spew out. Agitation filled my body. I was more pissed off that he didn’t seem bothered at all by what he’d done. My eyes didn’t leave his.

  “Did you do it to hurt me?” I tilted my head and watched his reaction. He leaned forward in his seat, he was no longer slouched, his eyes were pained as he shook his head and I felt the tension in my shoulders slack.

  “God no.”

  “Then why?” I snapped.

  “Because I’m a fucking idiot and I don’t know a good thing when it smacks me in the face?” I shook my head. I didn’t want that answer, I needed him to be honest and he wasn’t. I heard a groan escape his lips and shifted in my seat. “Look,” I watched as he pushed his messy mousey hair from his face “I get high and do stupid things, the rational part of my brain doesn’t work. I thought it was a fool proof plan. I knew you’d leave if I pushed you, I just wanted to keep you safe.”

  “But why? Why do you want to keep your distance? Why did you want to push me away?” Nothing he was saying made any sense. I couldn’t understand why he kept pushing me away.

  “Holly was just like you Avaya. Full of life and now look at her.” Images of the frail dirty blonde haired girl in the car park swaying re appeared in my mind and I shook my head. “She was my ex. Rava doesn’t give a flying fuck who he hurts. You witnessed with your own eyes what he’s capable of and what lengths he’s willing to go to hurt me.” He paused. The torment in his eyes resurfaced. “Why would you ever want to put yourself in a position like that?” His voice was full of frustration and angst. I felt my eyes fill with water and I placed my fingers against my hair.

  “Because I’m falling in love with you.” My words were a whisper and I instantly regretted saying them. I watched his expression twist, turmoil swirled in his eyes and I watched him shake his head.

  “Av,” he muttered. I placed my arms across my chest in an effort to shield myself from whatever words were going to leave his mouth next. He frowned, my heart thudded and I glanced up towards the waiter who was smiling down at us. Cracking timing. He was none the wiser, he was just doing his job and Haz’s shoulders relaxed a little.

  “Can I take your order?” His Spanish twang made me smile. I hadn’t thought about food, I wasn’t really very hungry and I waited for Harry to speak.

  “I’ll have the steak, rare please.” His arms were resting on the table in front of us and I ran my eyes over the menu. I pointed towards the chicken dish and he nodded, scrawling our orders down on his notepad. He left us sat in slightly awkward silence. “You shouldn’t be.” He whispered as the waiter left us. Did he think I wanted to fall in love with him? I didn’t plan this. I didn't even know when it happened. “Things will change when we get home I swear.” He reached to clutch my hands and I watched his thumb glide over the back of my hand.

  “You keep saying this, I already know we’re off limits.” I wanted nothing more than to snatch my hands from his and to pout but I didn’t. I couldn’t, instead I rolled my eyes.

  “No,” he shook his head, his blue eyes were glazed with water “I mean things will be different.” I watched his Adam’s apple rise and fall and tilted my head. What is that supposed to mean?

  “I’m not built for this? I don�
��t want to be hurt again, I can’t be.” My words almost strangled me and I barely recognised my pleading voice. He simply shook his head.

  “I won’t hurt you.” His words were firm and meaningful and I nodded as the waiter re-appeared with our drinks. My hand left his and I glanced down at the orange and yellow cocktail in front of me. I raised my brow and looked up towards Haz. He was smiling slightly and he shrugged. “I thought you’d enjoy sex on the beach?” I stifled a laugh, he smirked and sipped his beer. I shrugged at him as I sipped on my straw, admiring the taste of the sweet but slightly tangy drink.

  “I’ll probably love it.” His eyes widened and grew with a familiar expression. My stomach swirled and I smirked. “I’m not really very hungry.”

  “No?” He questioned as he placed his beer back on the table that separated us. I shook my head and our sweet waiter appeared with the food almost on cue. The plates were sizzling, he gently placed mine in front of me. The chicken was still sizzling on the small black grill and I offered him a smile.

  “Be careful, the plate is very hot no.” He winked at me and I grinned.

  “Thank you.” I watched as he walked away and looked back up at Haz.

  “I honestly can’t take you anywhere…” I sensed sarcasm coming from him and grinned.

  “Hm…” I placed my knife into the chicken and heard it hiss as the juices spilled out of it. Suddenly my mouth began to water and I felt hungry.

  “I’m being serious. People are constantly looking at you.” I rolled my eyes as I chewed the succulent chicken.

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” I placed my hand over my mouth once I’d swallowed and watched him shake his head before he rolled his eyes.

  “Even when your talking with your mouthful, your still hot.” A laugh burst from my lips. It was the first time in a while I’d laughed properly and for a genuine reason. He smiled widely, flashing his beautiful white teeth.

  I was well and truly stuffed. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten so much. I ran my hand over my slightly bloated belly and dreaded standing up.

  “The sun suites you.” His dream like eyes were wandering over my face and I frowned a little.

  “What do you mean?” His shoulders rose and fell and he relaxed a little.

  “You look healthy, you’ve got freckles across your nose.” I ran my fingers across the bridge of my nose and frowned again. I hadn’t noticed this. I heard him laugh softly and smiled his way. The sun was lower in the sky now and I watched as it emitted a more orange tone.

  “I wanted to move to Australia once I’d finished uni.” I blurted.

  “You know you can still do that?” I nodded at him and followed his line of site as he stood up. His arm reached towards the sun and his fingers pointed towards the sun. “It’ll set in a minute or so.” His facial expression was calm, I watched as he wandered over towards the railings and found myself following him. I placed myself next to him. His arms rested against the cold rail and he looked out towards the sky and sea. I loved the sea but I’d never had the opportunity to watch the sun set over it whilst on holiday. I’d always been in a bar, drunk. I smiled to myself as it began to move rapidly down towards the seas edge. It was so fast people were counting down the seconds as it moved and a roar of cheers escaped people from all around us. The sound of people whispering and clapping almost filled the street below and I smiled widely. His fingers traced down my back and as he pulled me closer he kissed my cheek. My eyes closed.

  “You know I came over here to get over you.” I stated quietly.

  “How’s that working out for you?” His stubble tickled my cheek as I smiled.

  “Terribly.” I sighed and heard him chuckle. It was warm and sincere. The sound of an iPhone rang loudly and I watched as he rifled through his pockets to try and find it. He pulled out two, winked and placed the one ringing to his ear. His voice was low as he answered it.

  “I’m still here.” His voice trailed off as I watched him walk away. I knew why he had two phones, I knew that there was probably a good reason he couldn’t have that conversation within my ear shot but a feeling of disappointment overwhelmed me. I didn’t want him to have to hide anything from me. It was clear that there were other things he was hiding. I pulled my phone from my bag and noticed a text.

  Nance: still at the bar…Sophs fucked! Save me.x

  I chuckled and saw another pop through.

  Soph: cum and join us! Ur missin out! Xox

  I rolled my eyes, clearly the two of them had differing opinions of the night they were having. The phone signal was shocking over here and I went to type a reply when my phone buzzed again.

  Chlo: I hope you have some of the answers you were looking for? I miss you. Xx

  I jumped as he placed his head against my shoulder and pecked my neck once, his arms flung around me and I locked my phone screen. I had missed Chlo, I knew she was part of the reason he was here now grovelling but I wondered why.

  “Sorry, business calls.” I almost snorted as he pecked my cheek.

  “Mhm,” I shimmied him off me and placed my phone back in my bag. “I don’t think Nance and Soph will be back until at least 6,” I chuckled at the thought of their hungover faces in the morning “they always get like this.” I felt him wrap his fingers around mine and we began to walk towards the beach, it was growing darker now the sun was in. “I love the beach, we haven’t really been on it much.” I sighed and felt him pull my arm towards the small beach. I shook my head in his direction. “I’m wearing heels!” He grinned wider as he used his muscle to pull me further on the sand, I let out a girly scream and laughed hard as he almost fell backwards. He too laughed, it faltered as he cursed under his breath and I held my hand to my mouth in an effort to mask my laugh. “I told you it was a bad idea.” The words left my mouth as a laugh and I watched as he stood up taller. His arms extended towards me and he lifted me over his shoulder in one foul swoop. “Harry!” It was almost a scream, I was hanging over his shoulder and he was walking along the beachfront. I couldn't help but chuckle as I struggled in his grip. “People are staring!”

  “Let them stare? I can do this while we here I couldn’t when we were back home.” The reality check of his words saddened me slightly. He was right, everything would go back to normal after tonight and I wasn’t ready for that.

  “Oh aren’t you painting a perfect romance picture.” If I hadn’t been practically upside down I’d have rolled my eyes.

  “Well it’s true?” He laughed a little before he placed me back on my feet. My heels sunk into the sand and I frowned.

  “Pick me back up please?” His eyes lit up as he shook his head.

  “Nope.” The corners of his mouth slanted upwards as his eyes danced. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

  “Please?” I pulled my best sad face and watched him smirk as he reached for me. He placed me back in his arms, cradling me like a baby and I smiled as I kissed his cheek. People were glancing at us, and smiling and I watched as he placed me back on my feet. I straightened my dress back out and smirked upwards at him. “Thanks.” He placed his hand on the arch of my back as we hit the street, the lamps lit the way.

  “Anytime.” We stood in silence, he was staring at me, his blue eyes were playful and I smiled broadly at him.

  “What?” I questioned.

  “Nothing? Do you want to know more about the villain you’ve seduced?” He raised his brow and I grappled with the internal urge to laugh.

  “I’d love nothing more.” He shook his head from left to right, smiling and my heart began to swell.

  “I have a slight request?”

  “And what would that be?”

  “That you stay in that villains apartment with him,” my lips pursed together and I raised my brow.

  “I’m not sleeping with you?” He threw his head back with laughter and I grinned.

  “I’m not asking you to.”

  “Then fine. I’ll come with you.” He looked like a cat that had got t
he cream. I hated the way he constantly referred to himself as the bad guy or a villain. We walked hand in hand.


  Chlo had told me I needed to tell her the full story to get her back. She had watched me struggle over the last three weeks, she’d watched me turn back into a monster, to the unrecognisable person she hated and she knew I needed to break the cycle. Somehow my best friends baby sister knew me better than I knew myself. She knew I needed Avaya.

  I rummaged through the pockets in my shorts and swiped into the apartment, we’d climbed far too many steps to get to this floor and she didn’t look impressed by it. I held in a smile as I examined her taking in the small apartment. The white floors that swept through the room made her skin look even darker. I flicked on the wall lights and followed her line of sight with mine. She was looking out towards the balcony. I’d got to notice that she loved the sea. She was drawn to it and tonight was no exception. The large glass sliding door was still slightly open from my earlier disappearing act. I was running late. I smiled as I watched her make her way out towards the large balcony. There were wicker sofas out there and a modern coffee table that emitted warm flames. It was all very high tech. She flopped herself down on the outdoor sofa and I rolled my eyes. She pulled at her heels and exhaled loudly as she pulled them off.

  “Better?” I shouted towards her as I leant down to grab another beer from the fridge, she flicked her head towards me and nodded at the beer in my hand.

  “That for me?” She grinned and held her hand out for one. I grabbed another and sat down next to her outside on the balcony. She took a long gulp and I followed her lead. The fizz was bitter and I grimaced at the temperature of it. It was still luke warm. She mimicked my expression. “Tiny bit warm.” She gestured towards me, her fingers were centimeters apart and I shrugged.

  “Apparently it doesn’t matter how much you pay for an apartment the fridges don’t work.” I heard her scoff a laugh and placed my free arm behind her over the back of the wicker sofa. I unbuttoned my shirt a little and watched her eyes wander.


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