
Home > Nonfiction > Run > Page 36
Run Page 36

by Anna White

  “Okay, we’ll meet you there.” I placed the phone down without giving him a chance to say anything further. I couldn’t get my head around what he was hiding.

  Mum joined me in my room as I finished off getting ready. She was wearing her heels and a smart black ensemble. She looked bloody beautiful. She had always looked so good for her age. I grinned at her as she sat on my bed and began to brush my thick hair. I rolled my eyes.

  “Must you brush it?” I sighed and she stopped. .

  “I loved brushing it when you were younger. It’s always been lovely and long.” I smiled as memories of her lay next to me brushing it came to the forefront of my head. I glanced at her stood behind me in the mirror. I was still in my dressing gown however I did have a little bit of makeup on. Mascara and lipstick and that was about it. Her eyes examined me.

  “What are you going to wear?” She questioned and I shrugged as she looked towards my overflowing wardrobe. I stood and made my way to my draws, pulling out some ripped jeans and a lace bodysuit.

  “It’s not that bad is it?” I watched her face drop to the floor as I pulled it over my head.

  “Avaya Holt that’s bloody underwear!” I got the impression that she wasn’t at all happy with my choice of outfit. I chuckled and shook my head. “You can’t go out like that, surely to god!?” I scoffed back my laughter and placed my arm around her shoulder as I stepped into my nude heels.

  “I promise you it’ll look lovely with a blazer.” I leant to kiss her cheek and smiled widely as I placed on my long nude coloured coat.

  “Are you sure you want to go out in that?” I watched her face all scrunched up and bit down on my lip before I clutched my handbag.

  “Yes,” I watched her face sink “now please come on I’m gonna be late.” I smirked to myself and pulled on her arm to get her out of the house.

  The Slug and Lettuce was a nice little place and seemed busy. Well, from what I could see in the car park. Mum drove at 15 miles an hour the whole bloody way there and instead of being there on time we were 20 minutes late. I took her arm in mine as we walked through people standing outside the doors of the restaurant bar. She clutched my arm slightly tighter and I squeezed her hand softly. She must have been nervous.

  “You’ll be fine? They don’t bite?” I smiled in her direction.

  “I’m aware of that Avaya thank you.” I grinned at her snappy manner and spotted them stood at the bar. They were relaxed and calm. We made our way closer towards them and gazed at Haz as he turned to face me. His expression was unreadable. I was still pissed with him from our earlier conversation. I half smiled at him before I made eye contact with Jay. He leant across to shake my mums hand and then looked at me again.

  “I’m so sorry we are late.” My mum started to speak.

  “Yeah mum drove at 15 miles an hour the whole way here.” I smirked at her and she frowned. I glanced back at Haz and Jay who’s eyes still hadn’t really left me and shifted uncomfortably.

  “Well at least you're both here now.” Jay cleared his throat and leant to hug me. My eyes didn’t leave Harry. My palms were sweating slightly as I zoned out of Jay’s small talk attempts with my mum and stepped closer towards Harry.

  “Honestly can we leave now?” The words left his mouth as a sexy growl and I shook my head.

  “I don’t think that would be appropriate do you?” I muttered back towards him as he ran his laps over my jawline.

  “People are looking at you.” He whispered as he got to my ear and I smirked a little.

  “Women look at you all the time?” I felt him press his lips against my ear and pull me so that my stomach was against his. I gulped and closed my eyes for a split second. The feeling of his stubble against my skin made me forget where I am for a split second. I placed my hand on his chest and pushed slightly before I looked towards Jay and my mum. Jay was dressed in jeans and a farmer looking shirt and I smiled to myself. He was casual. His mud brown eyes were so warm and I swore they looked as though they had tiny flecks of gold in them.

  “He’s trying not to look at your bra.” Haz muttered in my ear as he clutched my hand in his and I smirked.

  “It’s a top actually and I’m covered, my jeans are high waisted.” I began to justify my outfit choice.

  “Hey I’m not complaining. I like you in white... “ His other hand ran over my back and I shook my head softly. “And in lace so I’m winning.” I smirked to myself before I planted a soft kiss against his lips.

  “Stop it. Not here.” Somehow I’d caved into him again. I was no longer angry, I just wanted to pounce on him. I heard Jay clear his throat as we parted.

  “So you two? Official eh?” I watched his eyebrows dance and I chuckled.

  “I suppose we are?” I blushed a little and felt Haz squeeze the hand that was wrapped up in his.

  “So food? I’m absolutely starving.” Haz patted his best friend on the shoulder as I led my mum to the small table by the windows that overlooked the pretty hills either side of the quaint country pub. Mum was flushing as she sat next to Jay. I held in my giggle and picked up a menu quickly to get my head stuck into it.

  “New job then Av?” Jay teased as I frowned. I peeked over the top of my menu and shook my head a little.

  “Yes Jay, a new job.” I watched as he grinned. I didn’t quite want to think that he’d had some sort of say in me getting a job there. I wanted to believe I did that all on my own but I knew better than to be so naive.

  “Look out for your new boss… He’s a bit of a,” he paused as I reached to flick him.

  “Dick.” Haz finished his sentence and I turned my head to face him slightly.

  “Freddie can be a handful.” My mum added.

  “Did you manage to tell Jay all the shit he’d handed you tonight?” I watched her frown deeply and smirked before I winked at her. I wanted him to know how hard she’d been working.

  “What’s he given you Lena?” His tone turned icy. Haz’s eyebrows wriggled as he peaked at me from behind the menu. I couldn’t help but smile. I loved playful Harry.

  “Oh only loads of paperwork to finish by Monday.” I added as I sunk further behind my menu.

  “Why didn’t you tell him to speak to me first Lena?” I peaked and watched my mum's face fill with blood. They were arguing like a married couple and I bit down on my lip.

  “He already thinks I’m incapable of doing my job so that would have added to it.” She stated before she sipped on her mocktail. Jay shook his head.

  “I swear to God, I’m gonna have words.” I rolled my eyes and sat up slightly straighter in my chair as Harry grabbed my thigh underneath the table.

  “I’ll take all the shit he’s given you back with me tomorrow and work my way through it.” I smiled softly at her flustered expression and tucked my hair behind my ear.

  “Thank you Avaya.” She smiled bleakly at me and I nodded before I pointed at the picture of desert on the menu. In all fairness I wasn’t particularly hungry for a main. I just wanted to eat the crap. The good stuff. I watched Haz roll his eyes.

  “Oh god on then.” He smirked as he gripped my thigh tighter and I gasped slightly. I looked back across the table at both my mum and Jay’s faces. They were staring at us intently and I noticed Jay was smiling.

  “Honestly watching the pair of you makes me feel sick.” He stated. I shrugged and laughed a little.

  “Well it’s not as bad as you pair, you’re like an old married couple?” Haz added and I watched the colour in my mums face turn from a slight pink, to a bright red.

  “No she works hard, Freddie thinks he’s the dogs bollocks when he isn’t. He’s an overpaid pompuss prick who doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s only the head of finance.” I heard Haz chuckle.

  “Only he says…” I joined in with his laughter.

  “Well it’s true? If he starts giving you shit tell me and I’ll get rid of him.” I rolled my eyes at the thought.

  “He means it,” Haz added “because he kn
ows if he doesn’t sack him I’ll blow his kneecaps off.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous,” I scoffed “you wouldn’t.” They shared a look between them and I knew they weren’t joking. I knew what they did for a living but I’d been sheltered from any of the violence. The truth was I didn’t know what he’d done to somebody. I didn’t know if he’d ever pulled a trigger of a gun and my heart thudded at the thought.

  “Of course they’re joking what do you think they are East end gangsters!?” My mum let out a hearty laugh and I watched Haz wink at me.

  “I wouldn’t say East end no.” I muttered and watched Jay wink at me.

  “Shall we eat?” I watched as Jay tapped the table and nodded. It was amazing how they were able to fool people so easily. They’d done it to me. Lulled me into a false sense of security and then caught me in their webs. I shrugged more to myself than anybody else.

  Dinner went smoothly, after a lovely meal and a few drinks my mum left the quaint country pub stating that she needed to be up early in the morning. I was stood perched against the bar. I sipped my drink and glanced up at the both of them. They had sandwiched me between them both and I laughed to myself.

  “Well I think that went surprisingly well?” Haz muttered at Jay and he nodded and shrugged.

  “Yeah, luckily Lena thinks I’m a good law abiding citizen.” I watched his eyes lower into a scowl as he gave Haz a look.

  “Well that’s a good job because I mean it I’ll blow his knees off if he touches her.” He tilts his head towards me. I pushed his shoulder.

  “Hey you know I am here and I have a bloody name.” I pouted at him and watched as he took my face in his hands before he kissed me softly. I rolled my eyes when he pulled me away and clasped my hands around his that were holding my face.

  “You know you could have put some more clothes on tonight?” His eyes darkened and I smirked to myself.

  “I’ve got clothes on.” I turned my head to kiss his hand and he smirked before he looked at Jay who was now pretending to throw up.

  “Get a room for fuck sake.” I laughed a little and placed my head on his shoulder softly.

  “Oh lighten up Jay.” He hugged me slightly and I watched Haz tense. I winked at him and watched him shake his head.

  “I’m watching your hands.” He pointed at his eyes and then at Jays and I chuckled.

  “C’mon you two I need to get ready for tomorrow.” I pulled on their arms softly. Both of them rolled their eyes at the same time and I threw my head back with laughter. I loved them both so bloody much.

  The drive back was somewhat peaceful. Jay’s radio was playing quietly through the car and echoed Radio 1’s top 40 hits of the Summer. I placed my head against Harry’s shoulder and yawned as he moved my hair from my face.

  “Are you sure you want to go home and not back to ours?” He questioned quietly. I nodded and squeezed his arm softly.

  “I can’t stay at Alfie’s tonight.” I mumbled as my eyes became heavy. I snuggled up closer towards him.

  “Av?” Jay spoke louder as he turned down the radio “did Chloe mention us going away in July?” I nodded and smiled.

  “Yeah she did. I’ve told them.” He stayed quiet for a while.

  “Nance and Soph can come too? I’ve booked them tickets? Jamane is coming and so is Alf?” I nodded along with every name he mentioned.

  “Chlo said.” I whispered almost nearly asleep.

  “It’s my Birthday while we’re away.” My eyes opened wider now and I caught the look in his eyes.

  “How old will you be 27?” I always forgot he was so much older than me. I was just 21. An immature 21 year old.

  “Yup.” I watched him grimace and I laughed as I ran my lips over the stubble on his jaw.

  “It’s a good job I like older men hey?” I heard Jay scoff a laugh and I smirked to myself.

  “Hey I’m not old.” He smirked back at me and I kissed him softly.

  “Maybe a little bit?” I muttered against them and watched as he rolled his eyes.


  Whenever I start something new I get the shakes. No matter what it is I still feel sick. The morning was calm, I took my time, I got ready and the drive was nice. Now that I was stood in the swanky lift however I was far from calm. I gulped down the ever growing lump in my throat and exhaled as the doors opened. I was greeted by the familiar face of the dark haired receptionist. She smiled fondly at me and I smiled back.

  “I’m here for my first day?” My voice was shaky and I tried my hardest to compose myself.

  “I knew you’d be back! I’ll call Freddie now.” She picked up the stream lined telephone and looked so small behind her large desk. She informed him that I had arrived for my first day and watched him leave the office. I recognised it as the one I’d been interviewed in. He was full of smiles and I watched as he reached me and gripped my hand in a firm shake.

  “Welcome, welcome, has Isla offered you a drink?” I watched her eyes widdened as she paled slightly.

  “She did but I’m okay thank you.” I offered her a small wink as he turned to look in her direction. He was in some ways more intimidating than Jay and Haz. He guided me through the sea of desks in the open plan office.

  “Are you nervous?” He questioned me as he pushed his blonde locks from his face and I shrugged.

  “Not really? I’m excited to get stuck in.” I smiled. It was such a false smile and anybody who knew me properly would have been able to tell.

  “That’s good then.” We arrived in an office that was towards the back of the sea of desks. “This will be your office.” He opened his arms and showed off the spacious office and I smiled politely. It had a huge floor to ceiling height window with the best view of the city. I could see the sea in the background and I grinned widely.

  “I love big windows so this will do just fine thank you.” He laughed. He seemed so young now but he couldn’t be. I knew Jay was 27 and mum had said Jay was one of the youngest board members up until recently.

  “Make yourself comfortable and at home and I’ll bring some little bits to get you started.” He smiled as he made his way out of the office. My office. I suddenly felt extremely grown up as I spun around on the large leather chair. I glanced down at my phone and saw a message flash on my screen.

  A picture of my asleep face was on my screen. I was tagged in a post.

  ‘Missing this face’ was written across it. I smiled to myself as I tapped back.

  ‘I miss you more.x’ I hit send and placed my phone back on my desk as Freddie walked back in carrying a mountain of books. I smiled as I helped him with the books. The skyline was wonderful, blue’s and oranges combined.

  “You ready to get stuck in?” He questioned and I nodded.

  “Sure, show me what I have to do.” I smiled and turned on my computer. I hoped that the day would hurry up and be done with. First days were always the worst.

  The day ended up going pretty quickly. Freddie sat by me in the office for longer than I’d have liked. He almost lingered around. He introduced me to Isla again, then another few members of staff that were closer in age to me. Everyone seemed so nice.

  I entered the lift and leant back slightly against the mirror in it. I unbuttoned my top button and watched as Freddie made his way into the left and exhaled as he seemed to mimic my actions by undoing a button on his shirt. I felt uneasy.

  “Do you wanna go for food? I don’t think I’ve seen you eat all day?” He ran his fingers through the front of his hair and as I examined him I heard a woman scoff from infront of where I was standing. I shook my head softly.

  “I’m okay thanks. I should really get going, back home?” I stuttered on my words and he smiled. The doors pinged before he could try to convince me to change my mind. The smell of Harry floated underneath my nose and I smiled as I saw him standing all casual holding a huge bunch of flowers at the entrance of the lift. I beamed as I made an exit.

  “Good first day?” He grinned as I tilted my he
ad to examine the pink roses he was holding in his hands.

  “It was yeah.” I smiled widely as he placed a kiss against my lips. He glanced to my left and nodded. His face instantly stern.

  “Freddie.” I turned to my left and faced him. His expression looked confused.

  “Harry?” His tone matched Haz’s and I shifted slightly under his watchful stare. “I had no idea you and Avaya were romantically involved?” He lifted his brow at him and I gulped down the lump that grew in my throat. I watched as Haz tried his hardest to suppress his smirk and shook my head at him slowly. “I’d just asked her if she wanted to go out for food. She hasn’t eaten all day.” Freddie gave him a small smile and I shook my head.

  “Is that so?” His eyes lowered at me and I cringed. “Well I was picking you up for a reason? Shall we head for something?” I nodded. I wasn’t hungry at all but right then I’d have done absolutely anything to stop feeling so watched.

  “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow Avaya? Well done today,” he began to walk away from us as he nodded towards Haz “enjoy your night.” I felt Haz’s arm rest against my hip and felt him lean to kiss my cheek softly.

  “Oh I will.” He muttered against my ear and I smirked before I pushed against his chest softly.

  “Don’t be so rude Mr Vens.” I smiled as he kissed my ear softly. My eyes closed the second his lips ran over my neck and I ran my hands around his neck.

  “Oh Miss Holt I’ve missed you.” He whispered and I smiled as I squeezed him. “He’s looking by the way.” He nibbled my neck and I took a deep breath.

  “I’m glad you came when you did.” I admitted. It was nothing but the truth. He gave me the creeps. I pulled away from his softly and took the roses from his grip. I began to walk from the large foyer and smiled at the security guard. Haz nodded towards him and smiled.

  “What do you mean?” His eyes looked slightly wider as he probed me.

  “Nothing really he just hasn’t really left me alone all night and then he offered to take me out for dinner, he’s just a bit much?” I shook my head and glanced towards him. His jaw looked firmly shut. He took his hand in mine and squeezed.


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