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Run Page 38

by Anna White

  "Where are they?" She boomed and I shrugged.

  "Order me a gin and I'll go and have a look for them?" She grinned and nodded. I wandered towards the bathrooms, there were giggling girls that had probably had more than their limit. The bathrooms in the top hat were one of Chlo's favourite places to take selfies. I glanced at myself in the mirror and frowned. The dress was nice just short. Well shorter than I'd usually wear. I made sure it sat right and I wasn't flashing my tits to the universe and placed my hair back in its normal position. There were a few girls whispering and looking at me and I felt myself flushing.

  "She looks familiar?" One of the girls tried to whisper to her friend. I simply gave them a small smile and made my way back towards the bar. I wasn't sure if I looked familiar because they had recognised me from dancing or whether they were a group of Harry's social media followers. I shook my head at the thought. I placed myself back on the bar stool in front of Nance and watched her hand me my gin with a straw in. I winked at her and began to sip on it. Her blue eyes sparkled even in the dark. She leant forwards and placed my strap back on my shoulder.

  "You're gonna flash in a second babe." I blushed and held it in place. A familiar voice came from behind us and I watched Nance dart from her seat and throw herself towards them. Buddy and Marley were standing bickering next to us and I heard Marley scream as he picked up Nance.

  "Oh my god if it isn't Nancy fucking drew." He exclaimed in the campest manner ever. I chuckled and glanced at Buddy who was staring down at me. "And the wonderful Av. I haven't got a nickname for you yet." He flashed a wink at me and I smiled widely at him before I reached to hug him. "Both looking flawless as always." I offered him a smile and watched Nance give Buddy a quick cuddle. He squeezed her slightly before he released her. He gave me a wink before he relaxed back on the bar.

  "Was it something I said?" I raised my brow at him and I watched Marley chuckle.

  "Nah if he hugs you he'll get a hard on." He wriggled his brow and I watched as he choked on his beer at Marleys off the cuff comment.

  "Fuck up Marls." I heard Nancy laugh and watched as she placed her head on Marleys shoulder.

  "You seen the blood brothers?" She questioned and I noticed Buddy looking back at me.

  "What?" I questioned him and watched as he shook his head.

  "Nothin?" He flushed a little, I shook my head and glanced around the room again. Two hands crept around my waist and stubble trailed across my neck. I smiled to myself as my hands followed his. He kissed my cheek softly and whispered.

  "You look fucking beautiful." I smiled to myself as he squeezed me. The hairs on my arms stood up proud. My nipples began to prick and I flushed. I had a silk dress on. I swiveled around on the stool so that I was facing him and not his brother. My nipples still hard, I cleared my throat as he glanced down at them. He raised his brow in the most sexiest way and I swallowed. Hard.

  "How did you know it was me?" I raised my brow. "It's practically pitch black you could have snuggled anyone?" I teased and watched him bite down on his lip. I stood from the stool and felt his hand drop lower towards my arse.

  "I know your arse," he squeezed it slightly, before his hands trailed the bare skin on my back. I tingled everywhere he touched and closed my eyes involuntarily. "I could spot you a mile off." He whispered against my ear and my southern region clenched.

  "You've been so rude lately Mr Vens." I muttered in his neck. He had been but I loved it. Right now I didn't want to be stood at the bar. I wanted him inside me. I prised my eyes open and stepped back from him a little.

  "No, you keep wearing suites, and heels and silky dresses that you can see everything in." He raised his brow and ran his finger over my already hard nipple. I was sure a moan escaped my throat and I watched his eyes darken.

  "I fear if you don't take me home I'll combust here." I whispered against his ear as I ran my hands around his neck. He smiled and shrugged.

  "I think I'd like that." I frowned and heard people coughing behind us. I watched as Harry smirked at them and cleared my throat. I couldn't turn around. They'd know I was horny as fuck. My body would give me away.

  "Fuck sake you two." Jay rolled his eyes and Buddy and Marley chuckled. Nance was pulling on my arm.

  "C'mon let's go and dance." I released him from my grip and almost growled. I began to follow her towards the dance floor and glanced back over my shoulder.

  "You're a fucking lucky bastard you are." Buddy scoffed and I joined Chlo and Nancy, dancing, dancing the night away.

  I know he’s not impressed with my antics but I need a night off. I need to feel like a normal human again.

  The longer we were out the worse I felt. My feet ached, my back hurt and I felt slightly wobbly. I slumped back in the large sofa at Alfies for a period of time and closed my eyes. Conversations were happening but my eyes felt heavy, too heavy. I yawned and heard laughter explode.

  "Aw, has our baba had too much to drink?" Marleys teasing tone rang in my ears. His words were slurred.

  "Fuck up…" I grinned and prised my eyes open. My words were drawn out too. I watched him wink and chuckled to myself. Haz shook his head and smiled in my direction. I felt him place me in his arms like a baby. The warmth of his body against mine made me moan with delight and his eyes widened as he looked down at me.

  "What?" I muttered at him and watched as he smirked. He began to move from the living room and I laughed. "Is my arse on show?" I questioned innocently. He kissed my fingers that were resting on his face.

  "I don't know I'm not looking from that angle." I giggled like a school girl as he carried me up the stairs and placed me on his bed. I suddenly felt a little embarrassed that I was so drunk.

  "I'm sorry?" I flushed and watched him shake his head. He pulled his blazer off and placed it behind where he'd plonked me on the bed. My eyes wandered over him. He smiled towards me and I pushed my straps over my arms, I stumbled to stand on the bed and he steadied me with his hand. I smirked and dropped my dress to my feet. I glanced down at my chest and heard him breathe out slowly.

  "I wish you weren't so drunk." He moved my hair and placed it behind my ear. My face filled with blood and I smiled softly. "You're very clumsy when your drunk." I smiled and shrugged. I pulled on his shoulder softly as I leant backwards on the bed. "C'mon Avay sleep." I noticed his eyes were dark with desire as his eyes ran the length of my body. He planted a kiss against my forehead. My internal goddess was now I'm a foul mood. My eyes closed slightly and I let out a large yawn.

  Chapter Twelve



  It was a rough couple of months for me. Being clean and being around drunk people made it harder than it already was. Av had supported me for the majority of it but I didn't want to stop her life from moving on because of my issues. She'd been a Saint. We were flying out to the Maldives in a few days and I still hadn't reminded her it was my birthday whilst we were over there. She'd been out most of this weekend and seemed to be hiding something. I made Chlo swear she wouldn't say a word to her about it being my birthday. I didn't want anything from her. Having her was good enough.

  I was ripped from my day dream by the sound of laughter from the board members. Clive was leaning back all relaxed in his chair and Jay was frowning. It had taken me a good few months to get used to coming into the office to do normal work. For the longest time my job was kneecapping people or roughing them up over unpaid debts. Dealing.

  "I'll be on the blower if you need anything anyway."Jays voice echoed around the room and I smirked. It had been a whole since I'd heard this phrase.

  "That's fine. Lena is more than capable of holding the Fort whilst your away." Clive smirked in his direction and I watched Jay's hands turn into fists.

  "You've been quiet Mr Vens? Anything to add?" I hadn't really been listening. I'd heard about expansion plans for Australia and them bringing up the issue with Della and Freddie. I cringed.

  "I'll take a free trip to Australia." I smirked and sip
ped on my glass of water. I remembered the day she'd told me about Freddie asking her to go with her to Manchester. It could have been her.


  "It's just for 2 nights!" She bellowed from our ensuite. My jaw clenched.

  "Av, you ent going with him." I was calm. Well I sounded calm. I'm gonna rip his bollocks off. I knew what men like him wanted with women like Av. Her head peered out of the bathroom and she frowned.

  "Excuse me?" Her eye brow was raised and I frowned at her.

  "You ent going Av. I mean it." She leant against the door frame, holding the towel around her body. Her dark hair dripping water onto the floor. "He ent seeing you like this." I gestured towards her and she rolled her eyes.

  "Why on Earth would I be walking around in a towel around him!? Are you insane!?" Her voice was irate. "Are you really that jealous?" I nodded.

  "Yup. I am." I stated bluntly as I walked past her to brush my teeth. I knew how ridiculous I sounded but I didn't care. I knew what men like him were like.

  "You're being ridiculous! He said he expected me to be there!" She was still clutching her towel and as I scrubbed my teeth I shook my head. "He won't do anything for gods sake I'm his PA!" I spat out my toothpaste and turned to face her.

  "I know what men like him are like Av. You aren't going." I said again.

  "I am going." She folded her arms and I frowned. She stood glaring at me from across the room. I pulled my t-shirt over my head and pushed the shower on. Her eyes faltered for a second as she examined me.

  "You aren't." I muttered and watched her shake her head. I walked towards her and ran my hand over her neck. She moved her head from my grip. "He wants you to go so that he can fuck you Av. It isn't so that you can take notes." Her eyes widened slightly. "He's gonna take you for a drink at the bar with Della so that you feel safe. Then he'll slip something into your drink when you aren't looking. It'll take a few minutes, maybe ten by that point Della will retire to her room. You'll be off your face so he'll offer to help you upstairs," she shook her head as she gripped my arm in her hand. "You're too nice to say no so he'll take you up to your room and that's where he'll fuck you. It wouldn't have to be consensual because you wouldn't remember the next morning." I looked and noticed tears dropping from her face. She pushed me away slightly and I dropped my hand from her neck.

  "How would you know?" Her words were barely a whisper.

  "Because I've seen it happen Av. Men like him get out of it because of their title." She gulped and shook her head again. "I just wanna keep you safe baby." She pushed her head into my chest and ran her hands over my back. Her face was wet from tears and I squeezed her softly.

  "You've never done that have you?" She glanced up at me under her wet lashes, horror filled her eyes and I shook my head.

  "I've never had to." She let out a laugh and a cry all at the same time. Her shoulders relaxed instantly and she nodded.

  "I won't go." Her beautiful green eyes gleamed under the light of the bathroom and I smiled slightly.

  "Thank you." I kissed her softly and she held my face.

  "I'm never gonna win with you am I?" She breathed and I smirked.

  "Oh you've won the war, just let me win some battles." She smiled a sincere smile and she kissed me again.


  The men in the room started to move from their seats and I leant to shake their hands. Freddie was under investigation for serious gross misconduct. I'd been thankful that Av wasn't there that night. Della had raised it with Jay. She'd gone to the loo and watched him spike her drink as she walked back to their table. I'd warned the board about him for months, after his last PA left and it got brushed under the rug but not this time. The room emptied and I watched Jay sit on the table and exhale.

  "Fuck sake they don't shut up do they!?" He smiled at me and I shrugged.

  "I wasn't listening in that meeting at all." He smirked and nodded.

  "I know. Where were you?" He tapped my head and I laughed a little.

  "Oh just reliving that argument Av and I had about Freddie." His eyes lowered and I watched his lips straighten out into a thin line. He rubbed his stubble and nodded.

  "I know, imagine if it was her." I winced at the thought. "Della was bad enough." I smirked and stood from my chair.

  "What's the deal with you and Della?" I wriggled my brows as I placed the laptop back in its bag. He went awfully quiet and flushed a little.

  "Nothing." For an older woman she was bloody beautiful. She was muscular and mature and we'd had bets before Av came along that she'd be an animal in the sack. I smirked and shook my head.

  "If you say so mate." I slapped his arm as I walked past him and grinned to myself. I knew there was something going on but I wouldn't dig. Della was the same age as Lena. I pulled my blazer straight and walked from the office.

  Holt - Wednesday

  I was exhausted and was so ready for this holiday. I really loved parts of my job. I loved that I now no longer had to report to Freddie. There were rumours going around that he'd been sacked and some more that he'd been stealing money and was under investigation. I knew the truth. Haz was right about him and as much as I hated to admit it, I was grateful he stopped me from going. It was hot here. So fucking hot and as I felt two hands run over the skin on my back, I flexed.

  "The sun suites you." He whispered in my ear and I grinned. His voice was husky and low.

  "It suits you too." I turned to face him. His skin was so much darker in colour than mine. It was nothing short of the truth the sun did suit him. His glasses were covering his eyes so I couldn't see them and I listened to the laughter of our friends running around on the hot sands. I was pulled to straddle him and I screamed as I laughed. He laughed too as he held me in place. His fingers traced the inside of my thighs and I pulled my sunglasses up onto the top of my head. I bit down on my lip and shook my head at him. His skin was hot to touch as I placed my hand on his chest. He smirked as we heard a whistle.

  "Shut up Chlo!" He snapped and I chuckled. I stood over him and pulled my bikini right. The back was practically a string anyway but for shit was I having a front wedgie. He grinned as he sat up and bit the inside of my thigh.

  "Ouch!" I slapped his head softly and watched him grin. "You shit!" I ran my hand over the skin and felt him kiss it softly.

  "Can we go back to the villa yet?" Chlo came jogging towards us and slapped Haz's head with her hand. "We have that dinner thing and then tomorrow for your Birthday we're going to swim with the fish and dive off that lagoon thing aren't we!?" I smirked as she'd dropped out the Birthday thing in front of him. He still thought I had no idea. I watched him glare at her and pretended I didn't hear anything.

  "I think that's a great idea!" I beamed and pulled on her hand. Her blonde long bob swished as I pulled her across the beach and we giggled. I glanced back at Haz and Jay. Jay was hauling him up from the floor and I smiled to myself.

  "Do you think he knows you know!?" She grinned as she pinged Nancy's straps.

  "Nah." I smirked as Nance shot up.

  "Ouch you pair of bastards!" Her hair was sticking up like a pineapple and there were beads of sweat on her mahogany skin. I was so jealous of their colouring. Missy stood with Nancy and I watched as they were following us along the boardwalk. I glanced back at Haz and he winked at me. His phone was at his side and I smiled at him. He'd been so relaxed whilst we'd been away. I loved it. We were all holding hands as we walked towards our floating villa. We were just missing Soph. She'd taken a backseat since being with Callum. She refused to come because he wasn't coming. I rolled my eyes and pushed the memory of our argument out of my head. We arrived at our villa and Chlo exhaled as the aircon kicked in.

  "Dinners at 7." I placed my arms around her neck and kissed her cheek. She squeezed me softly and I felt her linger.

  "Thank you." I wasn't quite sure what I was thanking her for. The fact that she'd taken me on board or the fact that I loved her like a sister. There was a whistle and I laughed as Chloe pinched my bum before she let her hand linger on it for a while. I couldn't help but chuckle.

  "Calm down Buddy," she smirked as she passed him and placed a hand on his arm "don't get a boner." I heard her whisper softly in his ear. His eyes widened and I heard Jamane and Marley laugh. I shook my head at them all and joined in. I made my way through the beautiful villa. It was absolutely huge. Everything was white. The walls, the floor and the furniture. The large L shaped sofa spread through the room that overlooked the sea. We almost appeared to be floating. I hated to think how much this had set them back. I paced through the room towards the sofa and climbed the spiral staircase up to our room. Everyone else had a room off the hallway downstairs but Haz dubbed ours. I made my way through the large room and turned on the shower. The air was stuffy outside but so much cooler in here. I yawned and closed my eyes for a split second. My feet padded out onto our balcony and I took in a breath. The views around me were astonishing. I winced as I felt hands trail my shoulders.

  "You've burnt your shoulders." Jay's voice appeared from behind me and I jumped slightly.

  "Fuck sake you frightened the shit out of me!" He laughed and shrugged. I couldn't help but look at him. He was such a handsome bloke. Nancy I think had realised how much she actually liked him over the last few days. "You love watching me squirm hey?" I raised my brow at him and watched him raise his shoulders and drop them again.

  "I wouldn't say that." He turned around and placed my radio on in my room before he took his place on our balcony and pulled the fags from his pocket. I frowned deeply. He lit it and a plume of smoke escaped his mouth.


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