Cassandra Goddess of Harmony

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Cassandra Goddess of Harmony Page 43

by Debbie Behan

  He growled like a big ferocious bear and flew in after them.

  That’s devotion, Lepius thought and then recalled another little girl that came to stay with them most weekends and how with her, Covin and he acted the same. Their Angie, who came to play in his palace, was still only very young and not powerful like Cassie was. He couldn’t believe how she just threw Conom in the water. He was beginning to think there was so much more to her than the eye could see. Is this another message? He nudged Covin who was also watching, intrigued. ‘The magic of some females.’ Lepius glanced at Covin who agreed. ‘Angie.’

  ‘Well, if we can’t beat ’em, I reckon I just might join them. Feel like a spa, old boy?’ he asked, enjoying the good mood she had them all in.

  Covin put his drink down. ‘Why not? You know I haven’t taken time off in weeks. I‘m with you! Shytzer, she has such a bloody hold over me too—has done so since last night. Damned if I can fight it, so might as well give in to it and just enjoy myself.’

  It was a quite some time later before the others settled and joined them in the spa. Conom mentioned he was hungry and that set Cassie off again and it was kitchen detail for them all. She kicked the servants out and had them all mixing, baking and making coffee.

  They laughed and fooled around so much that Lepius was astounded food even ended up on the table. Although there they sat, consuming homemade cheese scones with butter, apple and cinnamon muffins, and pancakes with butter, lemon and icing sugar.

  ‘Yum, these are really great, Cass. You’re going to have to give the recipe to my staff,’ he said, enjoying every mouthful.

  Kayden laughed. ‘Don’t bother. Unless you make them with her they never taste the same. We’ve all tried.’

  Cassie looked so caringly at Kayden. ‘The recipe includes me to complete the mix,’ she smiled at him.

  There was barely a crumb left by the time they finished and settled back with fresh cups of coffee. Kayden said he needed to make a move; that Conom and Ald had him working today. Cassie went quiet for the first time all day. Every one noticed and watched her. How does she do that? Every mood was reflected in each of them.

  ‘Okay, Pops, ‘fess up,’ she said quietly after a deathly couple of minute’s silence.

  Ald put his head down and Lepius could tell it was not easy for him.

  ‘You’ve made a truce, haven’t you?’ she said, a bit unsure.

  He nodded, looking up at her with those fatherly eyes that took away the dark pits of anger they were so used to seeing. ‘I want you in my life and I can’t have that while I continue to fight against you. Conom and I worked out a deal and your husband’s going to take our proposition to Orion. If he accepts, it is over as far as we’re concerned.’

  She looked over at Conom and back at her father. ‘So, you won’t be our enemies anymore? We can hang out whenever we want to?’ she asked them with tears running down her face. ‘I love you both so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you.’ She gave Ald little kisses all over his face, making him laugh. She hugged him and sobbed into his shoulder. ‘You really love me, don’t you?’ she sniffled. ‘Even though I’m a big sooky babe.’ She continued laughing now and wiping her tears.

  ‘Yes honey, with all my heart.’ He held her with the tenderness of a true father. ‘Even the sooky bits.’ He grinned at her.

  ‘We have to have a drink to celebrate, then. What are we still doing here?’ she asked, getting up.

  Picking up the plates from the table, she had them mesmerised as she almost danced around, cleaning up and talking. ‘We have to go back to your house, Pops. What say we go play loud music, drink and celebrate until we drop? We can invite some friends and put that new magical ballroom to good use. What do you think?’ She excitedly wrapped her arms around his neck. ‘Well, say something!’ she giggled.

  Ald shook his head and looked over at Conom.

  Conom grinned from ear to ear. ‘She had me at drink and celebrations.’

  Ald and Conom transported them all over to his place and the servants were summoned to get the ballroom ready to receive guests. The Cloud Riders were there waiting for Kayden’s return and were beside themselves to have Cassie back with them. Woody, Kayden and Ald all went off to visit Orion while Covin and Lepius helped Conom with the invites, calling the list Ald gave them. There was no way Cassie was letting go of them just yet, so they rode the waves and enjoyed the energy from her as did all of those who surrounded her.

  The guys arrived back with the truce and the drinks started flowing. Before they knew it, guests started to arrive and once the news of the truce spread, there were guests turning up from all over the galaxy. Even Zoren, Kayden’s boss stopped in to have a drink with Kayden and Cassie, congratulating them on another successful outcome. Covin and Lepius watched at one stage as Cassie walked around socialising, still having them by the balls, so to speak.

  A very slender, stylish lady arrived, escorted by a strange winged man she called Garuda. He had a really strong, male, golden body, a white face, red wings, an eagle’s head and beak and to top it off, a crown on his head. She made him wait outside while she entered to enjoy the night.

  Cassie went up and introduced herself and they heard the lady say her name was Aquil from the home world of Aquila. Lepius knew that the Aquila constellation is the sign of half-man, half-bird, now understanding the appearance of her bodyguard.

  She spoke very seductively. Her style was similar to the type of woman he would go for in a minute. Lepius wondered what Cassie was up to as his tongue hung out in lust for Aquil while Cassie was engaging her in conversation.

  She grabbed Aquil by the hand and took her over to Conom who was standing, checking out the ladies with Woody. Who else? he thought.

  She introduced Conom and put the woman’s hand directly into his, not giving him a chance to ignore her. Conom’s eyes lit up as he held her hand, seemingly unable to let it go. They spoke for only a minute before he walked out on the dance floor with her, still holding her hand. Conom was no fool. He nudged Cassie on his way past her. She had even found a woman to suit him. Words failed him. It was a gift from the heart for saving her and no doubt loving her.

  Woody chuckled and it was obvious that he knew Cassie well and put his arm around her. He whispered something to her and she started to laugh with him, pushing him playfully before making her way over to Kayden who stood nearby, talking to a couple of his team members. ‘All done now, honey?’ He looked down at her and smiled lovingly.

  She nodded, looking so frail, just as Lepius had seen her that very first day. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him the same way their Angie did when she had enough of something and was letting him know she only wanted him now.

  The transformation to what he had just been watching was startling to say the least. Her job completed, the only people she needed were now around her. Her protectors, the Cloud Riders, now all stood guarding her like knights, all of a sudden looking huge and threatening, even dangerous. Their guard was up while hers was down.

  Lepius noticed guests move in a fearful manner from the barrier you could feel radiating from them.

  ‘Well, team, our girl has had enough. Ready to go?’ Kayden gestured to Ald and he came over, the Cloud Riders only moving enough to let him through.

  Ald smiled. ‘My sweet Cassandra has finally worn herself out, son. I’ll give you a few days to get her strength back before I visit.’

  Lepius heard her speaking, her voice quiet and exhausted as she told him she looked forward to it and asked if he could come for the whole weekend as he and Conom had apparently promised to do. Ald’s laughter was melodic with joy as she suggested it and after kissing her goodbye, he went off happily.

  With that they left, flickering glances around the room, their worry for her safety apparent. There was an electric barrier working around them. Ald came over when he saw how confused Lepius an
d Covin looked with the sudden change in her team members.

  ‘What just happened, Ald? What did we miss, what was the threat?’

  ‘Cassie is very powerful. She could turn us all to dust with a flick of her hand and needs no protection when she’s on a mission. However after her work’s done, Kayden is all she wants. She trusts him like no other and now she isn’t on duty, she’s just a woman in love. She can be herself, nobody special, just his for the keeping. What you are seeing is all Kayden. While her powers are down he will destroy anyone who comes within inches of her. He’s not only deeply in love with her but she is a precious commodity to the universe and he will protect her now until she has her strength back and can fend for herself again. Our boy is no fool and he’s the only reason I’m able to now let her go and live her life. She chose him, fighting off every power I threw at her and then showing me why.’

  Ald smiled to himself and Lepius searched his features, waiting. He wanted the end of the story; needed it like a drug.

  He turned to Lepius and put a hand on his shoulder. ‘She holds the ones she loves in her heart. She holds the man she’s in love with deep in her soul but me, her father? Well, I’m the one who gets to hold her. She’s eternally here with me even when her body is not. I can close my eyes and she’s right here in the circle of my arms and if I need her I can even feel her jump into my arms and wrap hers around me. That’s her gift to me, a reward for ending the war with Orion and I only just figured it out tonight. She gave it to me days ago, obviously knowing the choice I would eventually make.’

  ‘Then what was tonight all about? I thought she was excited and like us, had only just found out.’

  Ald pointed to Conom and the new girlfriend he was cozying up to in the corner. ‘This is all about him. He’s now one of her knights and she’s rewarding his gallant efforts to save her. Mind you, if it was up to me the only reward the kidnapping twit would be getting from me is a good boot up the backside. However, my Cassie, she saw through the love-struck-romeo and only saw his loyalty and devotion.’

  Covin and Lepius laughed at his attack on Conom’s virtue. ‘We thought you were taking it all too well, Ald. Not like you at all. Glad to see the love for your daughter hasn’t blindsided you.’

  ‘No way,’ he chuckled. ‘I respect the fact that he is now very important to my little girl. I won’t kill him but my God, he will pay for cracking my head open like a damned watermelon! Tonight though, for Cassie’s sake I’ll allow him her gift but tomorrow is another day and he and me, we have a feud to settle and he knows it.’

  ‘Hope you’re both quick healers! You have a date together with Cassie in a few days.’ Lepius slowly shook his head, smiling.

  Ald grinned back mischievously. ‘I’ll use magic if I have to but by the time I’ve finished, if he ever runs off with her again he will remember to take me too.’

  Covin and Lepius cracked up laughing. ‘Hey, if you need a referee, we can stay,’ Covin offered, excited to see a brawl.

  Ald opened his arms. ‘Ain’t going to be no rules and it’s not the first or last time me and fancy-pants have gone a round or two. Last time we ended up so smashed, a week just disappeared. We traced our movements and apparently had a blast down on earth but it’s not much fun when you can’t even remember it.’

  A commotion at the front entrance snapped them out of their enjoyable conversation. Their mate Conom had just spotted the Cloud Riders leaving and was confronting them, demanding to know where they were taking Cassie. The guys were looking meaner than serpents ready to strike and Conom, as brave as ten men, wasn’t letting them leave without an answer.

  Lepius made a move to grab Conom in an effort to prevent him getting an arse whipping when Ald held his arm. ‘Watch.’

  Through the cloud of confusion came a glowing light so bright they all held their hands up to their faces. Conom took a step back and as the light dulled slightly they could see Cassie standing before him. She took his hand and placed it on her heart. She touched his heart and they both glowed brightly together. When the glow dissipated, the smile he gave her was as angelic as hers. He bowed and stepped away from her as Kayden swept her back into his arms. The crackle of the guard that the Cloud Riders snapped up around her this time made even Lepius shudder. They were taking their girl home and God help anyone who tried to stop them.

  Conom stood, shaking his head and smiling, oblivious to those around him.

  ‘What happened, man?’ Ald said to him, trying to snap him out of his trance-like state.

  He turned slowly to Ald, his eyes glazed with unshed tears. ‘I feel her now. This is how they are all with each other. They have the power to feel each other’s emotions. That’s how they knew she was safe with me. They can feel her and now she has given me that same power so I don’t worry about her.’ He threw up his arm and punched the air. ‘And my God, she’s so happy!’ He put his arm around Ald. ‘Let’s go party, man! Just us. It’s what she would want us to do. Stuff the woman unless there are two of them.’

  Ald laughed joyfully. His friend was back and all the hostility in him that they’d seen a few minutes ago was gone. Could she have guessed what was going to go down with them and once again worked a last bit of magic to prevent an eruption of discord? Man, she is good!

  Covin and Lepius just grinned and shook their heads.

  When she’d first come to them a few days ago they would have thought Conom was a goner—totally in love with a married woman and about to have his life ended by a young girl who looked too innocent to even know what was going on. Now, not only had she turned it around and healed all their hearts, she had also given them all exactly what all living creatures crave: love.

  A heavenly tone whispered in the air around them.

  King Lepius and your friend Covin, warriors of the universe, you have both already been chosen. When your goddess comes she will need the man she loves and the man she is in love with forever by her side. Take care of each other while she is gone and when her mission is complete she will come home to the ones she has entrusted with her heart and soul. Trust me, face your fears and jealousies and be there always to catch her when she falls. I promise the reward is worth every hardship you go through without her. Never forget my lesson, my sweet new friends.

  And here ended the lesson as Covin and Lepius both felt Cassie release them.

  Personal Message

  (From the author)

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  A new adventure starts with:


  Goddess of Peace


  Debbie Behan




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