Hot and Bothered (Some Like it Hot Book 3)

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Hot and Bothered (Some Like it Hot Book 3) Page 8

by Erika Wilde

  The woman had a way of crumbling all his defenses and touching him in ways he’d never, ever experienced. She was so selfless, so giving, and he was an ass for being so abrupt and turning her down, yet he couldn’t take advantage of her generous offer under the current circumstances.

  “After everything you’ve been through the past couple of days, I think we need to take things slow and easy for a while. It’s for your own good.” And his, as well.

  Before she could issue an argument to refute his flimsy excuse, he scrambled out of bed, headed to the bathroom, and locked the door behind him for good measure. He shoved off his sweatpants, his body still shaking from arousal and adrenaline, and his erection still standing at attention. He shook his head in disgust, knowing without a doubt he’d never make it through the rest of the day being so on edge, especially when he planned to be in such close proximity with Natalie.

  Something had to give, and the logical solution was to relieve the sexual tension building within him. Taking a cold shower wouldn’t even come close to doing the trick this time, so he turned the water to hot and stepped inside the glass-enclosed cubicle. He quickly washed his entire body and hair, then with the spray beating against his shoulders and back, he braced a hand on the opposite wall and encircled his still aching cock with his fingers. He pumped his erection through his tight fist, from the base of his shaft all the way back up, until his thumb brushed over the plumb tip and he trembled from the overwhelming sensation.

  He closed his eyes, recalling Natalie’s soft hand on him, her wet mouth. He clenched his jaw tight, and three strokes later he came in a hot, scalding rush that ripped a low, guttural growl from his chest. The explosive feelings went on and on, draining him until he slumped a shoulder against the tiled wall and gulped air into his lungs.

  The deed was done, his lust for Natalie slaked for now. Unfortunately, his need for her remained.

  * * *

  Natalie opened cupboard after cupboard in the kitchen, searching for a frying pan to make bacon and eggs for breakfast while fighting back tears of overwhelming frustration. She couldn’t even recall where the pots and pans were, for crying out loud. Nothing seemed familiar, and she hated that she felt so weak and helpless.

  She wanted to remember. She wanted to feel a sense of normalcy. She wanted to understand the conflicting feelings swirling within her. And mostly, she wanted to understand how Noah could be so generous with her pleasure, yet retreat and keep her at arm’s length when it came to his.

  It’s for your own good.

  His words echoed through her head, and another rush of hurt swamped her, adding to her tumultuous emotions. After this morning’s incident with Noah, she’d been struggling to understand his actions and make sense of the upheaval in her own mind. Deep in her heart, she knew he was giving her time to accept her new state of mind and adjust to her current situation before adding the intimacy of making love back into their relationship. But dammit, she didn’t need him to coddle her when she desired him, heart, body, and soul.

  While her mind, memories, and thoughts seemed so fragmented, Noah was her anchor. He made her feel protected and secure in his presence, as if she honestly had a place where she belonged. And the part of her that felt so lost and disjointed needed to be close to him, emotionally and physically.

  He was doing his damnedest to be honorable and noble when that was the last thing she wanted from him. He might have given her multiple orgasms last night, but her desire for him was far from satisfied.

  With a sigh of defeat, she gave up on the frying pan and started looking in the pantry for a can of coffee, figuring that had to be fairly easy to find. Her search was fruitless, which only served to mount her growing agitation. Her chest grew tight with distress and her temples throbbed with the beginnings of a headache.

  Minutes later Noah strolled into the kitchen, fresh from his shower and looking gorgeous and sexy in faded jeans and a beige T-shirt that outlined his broad shoulders. He took one look at her standing in the middle of the room with her fingers pressed against her forehead and immediately closed the distance between them.

  With his thumb tucked beneath her chin, he raised her face up to his. “Hey, is everything okay?” he asked in that caring way of his.

  She knew he was concerned about her, knew she ought to be grateful that he was so considerate. But at the moment his benevolence was the last thing she wanted from him and he became a perfect target for her pent-up irritation and confusion.

  “No, I’m not okay,” she blurted, throwing her hands into the air in a dramatic display. “I can’t even find a frying pan or can of coffee in this stupid kitchen!”

  Reaching for her, he gently pulled her into his embrace, and she automatically stiffened, not wanting to give an inch when he was the source of her cranky disposition. She’d changed into a casual, comfortable cotton dress she’d found in the closet while he’d showered, and the heat and strength of him penetrated the material, sparking a new awareness of him.

  “Just relax and don’t try so hard.” He rubbed his big hands up and down her back in a soothing gesture and kissed the top of her head. His actions were warm and affectionate, but there was no denying he was much more reserved with her after their episode this morning. “It’ll come to you in time.”

  “I don’t think I’m a patient woman,” she muttered, trying not to groan or give in to his persuasive tactics as he kneaded the taut muscles along her shoulders.

  He chuckled softly, his breath warm against her ear. “No, you’re not.”

  She ought to be offended, but he was so sweet she couldn’t stay mad at him for long. He melted her irritable mood with his voice, his wonderful hands, his mere presence, and she finally let her tension unravel.

  “You’re bound to be emotional and sensitive for a while.” He let her go, then guided her to the oak table in the corner of the kitchen. “Why don’t you sit down and I’ll make you breakfast.”

  Because her own little tantrum had exhausted her, she did as he asked and settled into one of the chairs. She watched him putter around, finding utensils and food items with ease and whipping up a meal for the two of them as if it were a task he did every morning of the week.

  Unlike her, he was back in control, his emotions and the awareness between them seemingly compartmentalized.

  Fifteen minutes later he placed a cup of steaming coffee in front of her, along with a plate of scrambled eggs and crisp bacon. The aroma was heavenly, and she ate with gusto.

  A sudden thought entered her mind and slipped out before she could stop it. “It’s Monday, and I have a test at school today.” She was so excited to recall something so mundane yet so crucial to her day-to-day routine that she grinned at Noah, who was sitting across the table from her.

  He blinked at her in surprise, a smile of his own making an appearance. “Yes, it is, and yes, you did.”

  “Did?” She didn’t miss the past-tense usage of the word.

  “I don’t think you should go to school today. It’s too much, too soon.” He took a bite of his eggs, then added, “In fact, you might want to consider emailing your teachers and taking the whole week off. I’m sure they’ll be able to give you your daily assignments and you’ll be able to make up today’s test next week.”

  She didn’t think that would be a problem, either, but she was certain she’d go nuts without doing anything productive for a week, and she wanted, needed, some normalcy back in her life. “I’ll email my teachers and take today and tomorrow off, and I’ll think about the rest of the week,” she said, giving in that much. She took a sip of her coffee and nibbled on a piece of crispy bacon. “Aren’t you going to go to work today?”

  “Yes, I’ll be working, but not at the office,” he said with a shake of his dark head. “I’ve already talked to Cole, and I’ll be working out of the house this week.”

  Finished with her eggs, she set her fork on her plate and sighed. “Because you feel the need to look after me?”

sp; “I’ve worked from the office here at the house many times, Natalie, for various reasons, so it’s not a big deal.” Lifting his coffee mug to his lips for a drink, he met her gaze over the rim, his sensual blue eyes completely unreadable. “That’s one of the perks of working for Cole. As long as the job gets done and cases are solved, he doesn’t care where his employees work from.”

  Hearing the respect in Noah’s voice, she smiled. “You’re lucky to have such a great boss, and brother.”

  “Yeah, he’s a good guy,” he agreed indulgently. “I wouldn’t be working for him otherwise.”

  “Have you been working for him long?” she asked curiously.

  He looked her way again, the forkful of eggs heading toward his mouth hesitating a fraction, just brief enough to make her wonder why she’d caught him off guard. Until she realized that before her amnesia she probably knew the answer to her own question.

  “I don’t remember much about your work, other than you being a private investigator,” she explained. “Maybe it’ll help me remember something if you fill me in on the details from the beginning?”

  “Sure.” He nodded in understanding and swiped a napkin across his mouth. “After I graduated high school, I joined the Marines and spent four years in the service. After that I goofed around with oddball jobs for about a year just to make ends meet because I couldn’t make up my mind what I wanted to do.” He grinned sheepishly.

  She laughed. The bit of humor felt good and lightened the moment between them. “A rebel with a cause, huh?”

  “I guess you could say that. I know I was a handful for Cole before I joined the service, but all that discipline straightened me out real fast.” Standing, he picked up his empty plate, then hers, and carried them to the sink. “When Cole asked me if I wanted to go to work at the agency to help him out, I thought, what the hell. Why not? So, I guess I’ve been with Cole for about, oh—” He glanced up at the ceiling as he mentally counted in his mind. “—seven years now.”

  “And you enjoy the work?” she asked, then drained the last of her coffee.

  “Yep, I’m hooked.” After grabbing the carafe on the counter, he strolled to the table and refilled first her mug, then his own with the steaming brew. “Every day is a new adventure. All the cases come with a different set of circumstances, and nothing is ever predictable. And the best part is, my hours are flexible, and so is where I do my work and research—like here at home.” He winked at her, then replaced the coffeepot back on the burner.

  “Noah, the last thing I want to do is put a crimp in your daily schedule,” she said adamantly. “I don’t need you to babysit me or feel as though you have to be at my beck and call because of my memory loss. I’ll be fine. Really.”

  “Sweetheart, humor me.” Coffee mug in hand, he leaned a hip against the granite counter, his lean body drawing her gaze and making her crave him all over again. “You scared the hell out of me when you got hit by that car, and you can’t blame me for being a little bit worried about you.”

  She didn’t want to seem ungrateful when his concern was so genuine, so she didn’t argue. Instead, she brought up another subject. “When do I go back to work at Murphy’s?”

  He rolled his eyes at her persistence. “You don’t give up, do you?”

  “I’m already feeling restless, Noah.” She knew her anxiety had to do with not remembering certain things, but at least work and school would help to give her a better idea of what she could recall. “I need something to keep me busy. Something that’s familiar and routine.”

  He eyed her for a long moment, as if silently debating her request. “Do you even remember what you did at Murphy’s?”

  “I was a waitress.” That much was clear in her mind.

  “Can’t you just take it easy for a while?” He set his coffee mug in the sink, then crossed his arms over his wide chest, which accentuated his muscular biceps.

  Standing, she dumped the rest of her coffee down the drain and stood next to Noah to argue her case further. “I really appreciate you being so concerned and protective of me, but I’d like to get back into the swing of things as soon as possible. I need to surround myself with ordinary, everyday things that are tangible to me, especially since so much is still so unfamiliar, like this house, living with you, our engagement…”

  Noah averted his gaze, and Natalie wondered if she’d imagined the flash of guilt she’d seen in his eyes. She must have, because he had nothing to feel guilty about.

  “I don’t want to wait weeks or months to return to a normal life, or what was my life before the accident,” she continued stubbornly. “And even though my memory loss unnerves me at times, I refuse to hide out here in your house, waiting for my mind to cooperate and finally rebound.”

  Returning his attention back to her, he gently caressed his knuckles down her cheek and along her jaw, taking care to avoid the small bandage still covering one of her cuts from the accident. “You’re impatient and obstinate,” he murmured, though unmistakable affection laced his deep, sexy voice.

  She smiled, but wasn’t ready to give up her fight. “Tell me you understand, Noah,” she urged softly, imploringly. “Your unconditional support is one of the things I need from you right now.”

  Shoving his fingers into the front pockets of his jeans, he exhaled a deep breath. “You’ve got my support, but I’m cautious by nature and it’s a hard habit to break. How about we take things one day at a time and evaluate from there?”

  His request was completely reasonable. “Fair enough.”

  He arched a dark brow her way. “As for today, can we agree that you just rest and relax instead you rushing off to school for an exam you might not be ready to take yet?”

  She nodded, accepting the compromise. “Yes, we can agree on that.” Pressing a hand to his chest, she rose up on her bare toes and placed a soft, warm kiss on his lips…and lingered, hoping he’d take the embrace to a deeper, more sensual level.

  He was the first to pull back, and while his expression was reserved, she didn’t miss the flare of desire brightening his eyes, or the growing erection pressing against her hip.

  “I’ve got some case calls to make and I need to get to work,” he said abruptly, and stepped away from her. “If you need me for anything, I’ll be in my office.”

  She watched him go, then turned to wash the dishes in the sink. She’d hurdled one obstacle this morning with Noah, but there was another barrier she was determined to tackle.

  Seducing her fiancé.


  Noah entered the name, address, and phone number of Natalie’s old landlord in Reno into his cell phone, along with other pertinent information he didn’t want to lose track of, such as her previous place of employment. Right now, Natalie’s welfare was his first priority, and Cole had assured him that the other cases he’d been handling would be taken care of between himself, Melodie, and Jo. The reassurance allowed him to concentrate fully on Natalie’s situation and take the time to investigate the leads he had on her and her past.

  He wasn’t at all pleased with her insistence that she go back to work and school, but he understood her need to return to a normal life. It was unrealistic of him to expect her to remain cooped up in his house until he nailed the source of the threat against her—especially since she had no idea her life was in any danger. And he wasn’t about to enlighten her of that fact and send her into a possible tailspin of fear and panic.

  He needed to find out who was stalking her, and quick, because he had no intention of letting her roam off on her own without insuring her safety somehow. Going back to work in the evenings at Murphy’s was something he was willing to compromise on because he could easily keep an eye on her while visiting with friends and shooting pool. But until he nailed the creep preying on her, she’d either be by his side, or in the presence of someone he trusted.

  Unfortunately, another problem still remained, one that didn’t seem so easily resolved from his perspective—and that was resisti
ng Natalie and her tempting sexual advances. That kiss in the kitchen, no matter how chaste, had begged for him to respond, to indulge in the passion they both knew was still simmering beneath the surface, just waiting for that match to set it aflame once again.

  With an iron will that had astonished even himself, he’d managed to escape the embrace unscathed, but there was no doubt in his mind that there would be many more sexual overtures he’d have to thwart along the way.

  The irony of the situation didn’t escape him. He wasn’t used to resisting women, especially not one he wanted as intensely as Natalie. He’d always enjoyed everything about the opposite sex—their scent, their softness, erotic foreplay and hot, uncomplicated sex. For years now he’d indulged in brief, no-strings-attached affairs and reveled in his single status.

  But everything about Natalie was turning complex and emotionally involved. And it didn’t help matters that he’d lied to her. The fragile, tentative bonds of their relationship could be torn to pieces when she eventually learned the truth. She’d already questioned their engagement in subtle ways, including the fact that she didn’t have a ring on her finger.

  Resigned to crossing that bridge when they reached it, he pushed the troubling thoughts from his mind, picked up his cell phone, and dialed the number he had for her previous landlord. He wasn’t surprised when he hung up minutes later with no new details about Natalie’s life in Reno. Most people were reluctant to give personal information over the phone, and this woman was no different. He actually appreciated the landlord’s discretion, which protected Natalie’s privacy, even if it was to his disadvantage.

  Unfortunately, this meant he’d have to make a personal visit to Reno to investigate the various leads he had on Natalie and her past. He spent the next few hours clearing his calendar for Wednesday, then booking a flight and mapping out an agenda of whom he should talk to, and what he needed to accomplish in a day’s time. He also placed a call to Murphy to see what the older man could do about putting Natalie on a light work schedule.


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