The Prophecy

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The Prophecy Page 28

by Karen MacLeod-Wilkie

  Quickly, one of the dwarfs slipped out of the van and checked the gate. It slid open without any trouble. Quillon eased the van inside. He parked behind the guardhouse, out of sight of the road. The dwarf checked inside the guardhouse and confirmed that the cameras were down. The rats had been successful at chewing through the wiring, which meant the front door should be accessible to them next.

  The team flowed out of the van and stayed in the shadow of the guardhouse, listening for any signs of trouble. A large owl swooped down beside them. Keeping their eyes averted, they waited for Athena to give a report.

  “All is clear on the grounds. No canines, no guards. The back team is bringing down the wall. You’re clear to go for the front entrance.” Then, she shifted back to return to her team.

  As they approached the door, they heard a low rumble which signaled the crumbling of the wall. Symba used her enhanced sight and hearing to check for any beams or buzz of laser detectors around the front door. She detected nothing. Brigid sought brain patterns, but the front offices seemed empty.

  Quillon cautiously opened the door. They tiptoed inside. The door to the stairwell was down the hallway on their right. Keeping to the side, they swung the door open.

  Symba thrust her hand out to stop forward motion. She had noticed a second camera hidden above and behind the regular one. It wasn’t wired in. She suspected it was battery operated. None of them had stepped into its line of sight, but it would have to be taken out so they could make it safely to the second floor.

  Quillon drew his handgun from its holster. He brought the camera’s location to mind, eased his hand around the doorframe, and fired. Although he used a silencer, it still produced a popping sound that echoed in the stairwell. But it was a necessary choice because time was short, and their options were limited.

  Symba gave a thumbs up. His aim had been true. The camera was down. They scurried up the stairs to the second floor. This time, Evander opened a small portal. Symba gazed through and gave the all clear. They exited the stairs into a hallway near the labs.

  Brigid did a scan and frowned. Most of the rooms were empty, but she could sense two minds in the lab at the end of the hall. One felt tired; the other was in pain. She quickly whispered her finding to the others.

  Evander offered to open a portal to check the wards. They discovered a single ward in use, with one night duty nurse. It appeared that only five beds were occupied.

  It was agreed that Brigid and Quillon would perform the lab rescue. The rest would head to the ward. Brigid strode down the hall. She reached out to quiet what she assumed was the researcher’s mind, but it was elusive. The thought patterns bounced and jangled. They shot out in different directions. She couldn’t get a grasp on them.

  She described what was happening to Quillon. They paused. The lab door had a window. They stepped to the side.

  Cautiously, Quillon leaned around to peek in. He pulled back. “There’s a man strapped in a chair and one standing. They’re hooked up to wires running from their heads and hearts to a machine, but also connected to each other.”

  Brigid wondered if with the two people connected, perhaps soothing the one in the chair would have a calming effect on the other. She told Quillon what she was going to try. She sent delta waves to the subject in the chair. Gradually, he eased into sleep. She could sense frustration from the other man, but also resignation.

  Quillon checked again. “He’s detaching the wires. It looks like he’s going to just leave the guy there.” Quillon’s lips twisted in disgust. “He’s picking items up off a desk and putting them into a safe.” Quillon whipped back to the side. “He’s coming toward the door!”

  “If you grab him, I can use one of the sedative needles Conrad gave us,” Brigid whispered.

  Quillon nodded.

  The door opened. In a flash, Quillon grabbed the unsuspecting fellow and whipped a hand over his mouth. He spun him around so Brigid could administer the sedative. It took effect immediately, and Quillon slid the man to the floor. They found bands inside the lab to tie him up.

  Next, Brigid had to bring the man in the chair back to awareness. Gently, she nudged into his mind. He startled awake.

  “It’s okay,” she assured him. “We’re here to help. We’re part of a rescue team.”

  The man looked intently at her, then at Quillon. “I’m an empath. I can sense your intent. Was that you easing my pain earlier?”

  “Yes,” Brigid replied. “Can you walk? We need to get moving. There are others we need to get to.” She glanced anxiously at the door.

  “I’m mobile. It’s my mind they’ve been experimenting with,” he said as they unstrapped him from the chair. “He’s been testing my abilities for use with pain, distorted thoughts, and reducing blood pressure associated with various diseases.”

  Quillon supported him as the blood flow returned to the man’s legs after several hours strapped to the chair. They moved out and down the hallway. They could see the others waiting. Evander reported that they’d successfully subdued the nurse and awoken the sleeping patients. Everyone seemed sufficiently mobile to make it down the stairs.

  Meanwhile, the other team had successfully locked down the outer buildings and converged at the back entrance of the research building. Unfortunately, one of the nurses had gotten up to make a pot of coffee and glanced out the window. She had caught sight of Matthias securing one of the barracks, and she immediately called the guards. When the guards didn’t answer, she rushed to the lower wards to tell the other nurses. The nurses armed themselves with guns and dashed into the hallway just as Treena and Conrad entered. Thankfully, they didn’t fire.

  Behind them, patients had emerged from the wards, awoken by the anxious chatter of the nurses. They looked dazed as they tried to make sense of what was happening. One of the nurses attempted to make a call on his cell phone.

  In the stairwell, Brigid could sense the commotion. Evander quickly opened a portal. Immediately, Brigid grabbed the mind of the nurse with the phone. She pumped delta waves as fast as she could. The phone fell from the man’s grip, as did his weapon, which fortunately didn’t discharge.

  Fear and confusion crossed the faces of the other two nurses. Brigid set to work on them. The only stimulant in their brains was caffeine, so she easily shifted them into sleep. Quillon and Evander slid in behind them as they slumped down and disarmed them without incident.

  Conrad stepped to the front. “We’re here on a rescue mission to lead you folks to safety.”

  Expressions of disbelief flitted across some of the faces. Others looked cautiously hopeful.

  “We’ve secured the outer buildings and guards. At the back wall, we’ve created an exit route. From there we’ll hike to caves at the rear of the property. They extend into tunnels. Once we have you safely in them, we’ll collapse the caves.”

  One person started to speak, but Conrad halted him.

  “We’ll answer questions later. We need to move promptly in case a message went through on that phone. If you need help walking, our team will assist you. Treena and Athena will lead you out. Various shapeshifters, fairies, and dwarfs are outside waiting to help. Brigid, Evander, and I will sweep the wards to check for anyone still asleep or immobile because of illness or injury. Two of my people will set the explosives and two others will remove the personnel that we’ve subdued. Let’s move!”

  Treena led the way. Athena had moved outside and shifted to owl form. Still inside, Matthias, Symba, and the dwarfs began ushering patients to follow them.

  One man put his hand on Conrad’s arm. “Ward Three is where those most incapacitated are kept.”

  “Thanks,” Conrad replied. “We’ll check there first, but we’ll sweep each ward to be sure. We don’t want to miss anyone.”

  The man nodded and released Conrad’s arm. Conrad hurried down the hall with Brigid and Evander. Brigid did a mind scan while Evander checked through a portal as they passed Wards One and Two. No one was left. They arrived at the fi
nal door and Brigid lifted five fingers.

  They entered. Five bodies were huddled in beds. Three were asleep with lines of exhaustion evident on their faces. Brigid eased gently into their minds to wake them. One startled awake and began to shake, curling into a fetal position. Brigid sent soothing energy and the shakes gradually subsided. She went around the bed and spoke to the woman. Although emaciated and emotionally traumatized, the woman was able to stand when she realized what was happening.

  Evander had gone to a man as he saw him turn over. He spoke quietly to the man, who looked at him in amazement.


  It was Seán, Tristan’s grandson, the first priest who had crossed the portal three months ago. Evander quickly communicated that they were being rescued and Seán stiffly sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. He looked miserable. A rash spread up his neck and over one cheek.

  “Fiona and Dark are here too. Dark was hurt badly when they crossed, trying to guard her. He was injured again in a later skirmish. He’ll need help.”

  Conrad was speaking to the other man who Brigid had awoken and was helping him from his bed. Seán weakly staggered over to join them. Brigid had moved on to the next woman and helped her up. It was Fiona.

  With all the noise, Evander was surprised to see the last person remained unmoving. Evander approached the bed and saw that it was Dark who lay there. The man stared at the wall, unresponsive. Evander gestured Brigid over. She knelt down. A wave of sorrow crossed her face. She saw tubes extending from his body to machines under his bed. She showed them to Evander. A scan of Dark’s body revealed that he was dying.

  Fiona propped herself against the wall. She told them Dark was being forced to stay alive so they could keep studying him.

  Brigid could sense his anguish and that he simply wanted to be released. He was keeping his mind separate from his surroundings in an effort to cope. Brigid called to his consciousness. After a moment, Dark’s eyes moved to her gaze. He saw Evander standing behind her.

  “Help me go,” Dark begged.

  Evander knelt down and intoned, “May you cross the barrier to light, may the stories told of you bring smiles to warm your loved one’s hearts. We will remember you. Go in peace. Brigid will guide you.”

  Evander nodded to Brigid. Together, they disconnected all the machines.

  Brigid gently placed her hand over Dark’s heart. “With each beat, let go. With each breath, release all pain. With each thought, embrace the light.”

  Brigid carefully eased Dark into his dying, until his breath stopped and his heart beat no more. His energy released and seemed to dance joyously around them before dispersing into the night. Tears slipped down Brigid’s cheeks.

  Evander placed his hand comfortingly on her shoulder.

  Conrad spoke. “I’m sorry, but we have to go.”

  Brigid noticed a ring on Dark’s finger and slipped it off to return to his family. Then, she rose, and they followed Conrad out of the ward. It was difficult news that she would need to share with Treena.

  They alternated support between the remaining four people whom they guided to the exit and to the wall. They hurried as much as they were able. The other team was well ahead of them by this time.

  A shape appeared above them. It was Athena. She gave two hoots to signal all was clear. They pushed onward. It seemed to take forever, but finally they made it to the caves. Ragged breaths revealed how difficult the escapees were finding the trek. Inside, they were offered water and a small snack to revive them for the next leg of the journey. Brigid gave Seán a dose of his herbal medicine which she had stashed in her pocket in case they found him.

  There wasn’t time for conversation. Conrad directed people into the tunnel as briskly as they could manage. He wanted to seal off the caves before dawn arrived or before anyone began to track them. Athena swooped in to join them after a final reconnaissance of the area.

  Treena wove her way through people toward Brigid. “Did you find Dark?”

  The tears rolled again down Brigid’s cheeks, communicating before her words the answer. Treena stiffened and sorrow flickered over her face as she returned to her duties.

  They had proceeded about a mile, moving from one tunnel into another, when they heard the rumble of the explosions sealing off the entrance. The only option now was forward.

  It wasn’t long before they arrived at a cave way station. Benches jutted from the walls. Cushions and blankets were arrayed on them to provide some comfort. A pile of clothing, packs, and food supplies had also been left. Brigid could sense the exhaustion of the escapees and knew they were near their limit, for the moment. She called for a halt and directed those most in need to find rest on the benches.

  It had been agreed that, at this stage, Brigid would assess the escapees to determine what assistance they might need and how far they could travel.

  Conrad took the time to give a briefing to the escapees. He explained how the races had begun working together and planned this rescue. He shared the increased military activity over the previous few months, as many of the escapees had already experienced. Conrad introduced some of the team; in particular, he offered Brigid a moment to speak.

  Brigid revealed her experience as a healer. She highlighted the importance of determining people’s abilities to hike through the tunnels before they continued their journey. She assured them she would only perform assessments with their permission.

  As she began, Conrad, Quillon, and Athena worked with her to organize the escapees into groups. Evander spoke with the other two priests. The rest of the rescue team distributed more food, water, and warm clothing. Once they knew who they were dealing with and the extent of their trauma, they would send them to underground communities ready to receive them. There wasn’t time to collect people’s full stories, but as Brigid asked their names, Quillon matched them to the lists he had collated on his computer. Many wanted to know about their families. Quillon offered whatever information he had.

  Brigid asked permission to use her hands and mind to offer immediate support if needed and to help her scan each individual’s capacity for travel. Many were reticent as a result of their recent experiences with medical personnel. Matthias became an unexpected ally. He moved ahead of Brigid and shared some of his experience of capture and the help Brigid had offered him. The empath they had rescued also gave testimony to the pureness of Brigid’s intent to help.

  There were eleven fairies, seven shapeshifters, and six dwarfs amongst the escapees. The dwarfs were in the best shape. Mostly, the experimentation on them had been on their bloodwork. Nevertheless, two had lung infections because they’d been injected with viruses to determine their resistance to disease. With their permission, Brigid was able to stimulate their immune responses to assist their bodies in recovery. Some of the escapees had been recent captures; they had not been subjected to prolonged experimentation.

  An hour and a half later, Athena and Conrad had masterminded the next steps. They tried to respect those who wanted to stay together and to send people to communities within a manageable distance for their abilities. The two priests from the Fairy Realm, the female shapeshifter, and the other man—a fairy who had been on their ward—were in the worst shape. Conrad would lead them and the members of the prophecy to the closest shelter.

  The rest were divided up with escorts to guide them to their designated communities. Farewells were made and everyone set off.

  Brigid walked beside the emaciated woman who shared that she was a bear in her shapeshifter form. Brigid kept a careful watch to be sure they didn’t push too hard or fast through the tunnels. Twenty minutes seemed to be the limit before a break was needed. Small snacks helped, and at each break time Brigid gave the escapees an energy boost.

  With all the energy she was expending, Brigid decided she had better draw on the lavender liquid her mom and Asa had given her. It was perfect for boosting her own stamina and healing abilities. As she rubbed it onto her collarbone, it he
lped her feel her family’s support across the dimensions.

  It was early afternoon by the time they arrived at the community hub which was waiting to receive them. A meal had been prepared in anticipation of their arrival and they were warmly welcomed. After they ate, they were shown to rooms where they could rest. Evander indicated he would like a team meeting later that afternoon, but all agreed that sleep was their first priority.

  “What did you discuss with the other priests? Are they both part of the prophecy?” Brigid inquired of Evander as she drew down the cover of their bed.

  “There’s a lot we’ll need to sort out later. For now, quiet that busy mind of yours.”

  Evander drew her close and slid his lips over hers, his hands brushing down her shoulders to her hips in a soothing motion. He slid his fingers up into her hair and massaged her scalp. Brigid moaned, exhausted. She hadn’t realized how much tension she had accumulated over the past day. Evander urged her to sit on the bed and tugged her hiking boots off her feet. Her socks followed and soon his fingers magically found every sore spot in the arch of her foot and along her left heel, kneading and releasing the discomfort stored there. Brigid gave in to his ministrations and fell back onto her pillow. Her body slowly relaxed and her eyes closed. She felt the shift of the bed as Evander lay down beside her and pulled the cover over them. His arm snuggled over her and she drifted off to sleep in his embrace.



  Brigid heard sounds filtering through the sluggish state of her mind as she came awake. Evander was quietly speaking to someone at the doorway. She couldn’t see who it was, so she concentrated on flexing her muscles and deep breathing to bring her body more fully awake. Evander turned back toward the bed and Brigid sat up.


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