Beneath The Assassin's Touch (Daggers 0f Desire Book 2)

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Beneath The Assassin's Touch (Daggers 0f Desire Book 2) Page 3

by Katherine Hastings

  “I said leave!” Her voice roiled with anger.

  “Good night, Baroness,” he said with a smile. He stood and walked toward the open doorway farthest to the left. The sounds of the party grew louder as he approached, a final glance showed her straightening her gown in an obvious attempt to regain her composure. Viktor chuckled when he disappeared through the sheer linens and stepped back into the commotion of the party.

  The air choked his lungs, heat and smoke made each breath a bit more difficult while he made his way through the crowd. He passed the other open door to the balcony where the Baroness stood. The fresh air and her beauty both called him back out. He resisted the urge, but stopped when she popped into view again. He may not be able to bed her tonight, but enjoying her beauty from a distance would serve as a much-needed distraction between scans for the real target tonight... the assassin.

  “Did you find anything?” John stepped up from behind.

  “Nothing. You?”

  “Same here. So far everyone seems like they belong. Charlie said the same. She’s just over there.” John lifted his champagne and pointed to where Charlie stood, flirting with the Duke. She tossed her head back in laughter, touching his shoulder while he stared down her ample cleavage.

  Viktor looked to John who remained unfazed by the obvious flirtation. “That doesn’t bother you, but I so much as look at her and you’re ready to poke out my eyes?”

  John chuckled, a shrug lifted his shoulders. “I love Charlie. With my whole being. And she loves me, I don’t doubt that for a second. With him, the Duke, it’s all work. She’s doing her job, and it doesn’t bother me in the least. I’ve seen her do it dozens of times. With you... it’s different. You have a history with her, a familiarity, the two of you have shared a connection. I can’t explain it.”

  “I’m implausibly good looking and I’ve seen her naked is what you’re saying?”

  “Yes. Exactly.” John laughed.

  Viktor stretched out a hand and placed it on John’s shoulder. “John, friend. Can I call you that?”

  “I would hope so by now.”

  “Charlie and I do have history... a lot of it. We traveled together, we fought together, we


  John’s glare stopped his sentence.

  Viktor shook his head. “Let me start again. I love that girl, truly I do. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for her. Now, before you get all riled up, I love her but not in the way you love her. She’s a marvel. One of the most incredible creatures on this planet. I don’t suppose I need to explain that to you.”

  John shook his head, but his expression retained its confusion.

  “However, the love you two have, well, let’s just say that kind of love isn’t in the cards for me. I’m a lone wolf, if you will. An eternal bachelor destined to bestow my talents on countless ladies until I return to the dirt. So yes, I do love Charlie, but I love her like I love Connor, or my quartermaster Simon, my crew and, hopefully in good time, like I will love you. I love her like a friend, a confidant, and a partner. She is a huge part of my life and nothing, and I mean nothing, makes me happier than to see her with you. She deserves all the love and happiness the world can offer her. That, it seems, is embodied in you. You have nothing to fear from me, my friend, that is a given. I know this.”

  John tipped his head, and narrowed his eyes. “How so?”

  “Well, I’ve known Charlie for a lot of years. I’ve seen the lads come and go. She had no more feelings for them than she would for a stone. She used them for her pleasure and moved on to the next. We were together in a relationship of convenience. She was there. I was there. We both like to... you know what I mean.” Viktor shrugged. “It was nothing more.”

  John’s face crinkled up, thoughts of Charlie with other men no doubt causing him to feel the twist of anxiety in his gut.

  Viktor went on. “When she looks at you, though.” Viktor blew out a puff of air. “That is a look reserved for you and no one but you. A look she bestowed on no one before you, and a look no one else will ever receive. She loves you, and only you. She will be loyal to you until she takes her last breath. This I know. It’s because of this that I feel secure in the relentless teasing I give you.” Viktor finished with a smile.

  “I appreciate you saying that, Viktor. Truly, I do. You are important to her and that makes you important to me, I suppose. As much as your constant barrage of inflammatory comments sets me on my heels, I must admit, I do find our banter entertaining.”

  The two shared a smile, a quiet truce and an evident appreciation for one another.

  “I’m glad we can conclude that I am no threat to you, and my seditious comments are nowhere near finished. I have years of inappropriate remarks about Charlie coming your way.”

  “I would be saddened if they stopped,” John said, raising his glass in a toast.

  The glasses rang as they clinked together. “Let’s not tell Charlie about this little talk though, shall we? It’s equally entertaining watching her get flustered worrying about your reactions to my taunts.”

  “I wouldn’t dare dream of it.” John nodded.

  “You may be settled and in love with Charlie, but this pirate still has years of conquests left ahead of him.”

  “Really? And where are you heading off to next to do your conquering?"

  Viktor had asked himself that question often these past months. With the factions united, the need for his services dwindled by the day. Boredom clawed at him, the need for a new adventure whispering to him in the night. It crooked a tempting finger, guiding him away from his satisfying life into the thrill of the unknown. Where he would end up, that he did not know.

  “Now that the Liberta and Lions are joined and you’re no longer my sworn enemy, I’m not sure what’s next for me, John. This life, the life of a pirate, I have enjoyed every last second of it. I love the danger, the missions, the fighting... I love every bit of it. But, something inside tells me there is a new adventure out there for me, an adventure to go on that I’ve never tried before. It’s calling me, but I don’t know where it is leading yet.”

  “You would be sorely missed if you leave us, Viktor.” A genuine frown pulled at the corners of John’s mouth.

  “Don’t worry, John. I’ll be swinging a sword at your side for some time, I imagine. It could be years before I figure out where my new passion will land me. In the meantime, I just need to keep myself occupied, so boredom doesn’t drive me mad.”

  Viktor’s eyes wandered out the doorway to the vision who remained standing there, her eyes still fixed on the stars scattered across the black sky. John followed his gaze.

  “Don’t tell me you’re thinking about going after her. That looks like quite a hearty challenge to tackle,” John said, looking her over.

  “Nonsense. She is absolutely smitten with me already. You might even say she is in love.” Viktor puffed out his chest.

  “She is?”

  “Of course, she is! She’s completely enamored with me. It’s just that she doesn’t know it yet. We’re still at the stage where she calls me names, tells me to get lost, and thinks I’m a filthy pig. She’ll realize it soon enough, though. You’ll see.”

  John shot Viktor a tragic look that reduced them both to gales of laughter.

  “So you have met her then.” John said between chuckles.

  “I have. Baroness Nora Aberdeen. The apple of my eye. Well, for now anyway.”

  “Baroness? You must be joking, Viktor. That would imply she is not only married, but stationed far above your reach.” John shook his head.

  “Above my reach? Nonsense! There is no such thing. Tell that to the Countess, Marchioness, and two Duchesses I’ve bedded. They would have quite a different answer considering I have an open-ended invitation into each and every one of their beds.”

  John’s mouth went slack as Viktor’s turned up into a devilish smile.

  “Nothing is out of my reach, friend.” Viktor slapped him on the shoulder
. “That out there, the little fox, she is well within my reach, and I predict by the night’s end she will be within my arms.”

  “Is that so?” John questioned. “Are you forgetting something, Viktor? Regardless of your intentions with her, we have more pressing matters to attend. Finding an assassin if I recall?”

  “Ah, yes. I did ask to be part of this, didn’t I?” Viktor’s face soured.

  “You did. Now, stop staring at that girl and start hunting.”

  “Have you seen her? That’s going to be quite difficult.” Viktor’s eyes wandered back toward the doorway.

  “Viktor... the assassin? Find the assassin.” John hissed out a breath that mussed his hairstyle.

  “Are we even sure this is happening?” Pulling his unwilling eyes away from his beauty, Viktor scanned the crowd. He had to shout into John’s ear now to get over the din of voices and the lively music. As the booze and champagne flowed more freely, the noise levels had increased to unbearable levels.

  “Charlie had it on good authority that there is a plot to assassinate someone here tonight. The word on the street is that there is a price on someone’s head. Her intel told her tonight was the intended. There’s always a chance we got bad information, but it was certainly worth looking into.”

  “Agreed. Although by the looks of things, I’m leaning toward bad intel. At least we get free champagne. The good stuff nonetheless.” Viktor raised his glass.

  “There is always an upside.” John smiled.

  Movement by the terrace door caught Viktor’s eye. A man dressed in finery stepped outside with slow, deliberate steps. Another man appeared at the second door, his movements mimicking the other.

  “Are you seeing—” Viktor started.

  “Two men suspiciously walking out on the veranda? Yes.”

  Both men closed the distance to the Baroness one cautious step at a time.

  “Shall we?” Viktor started forward without waiting for an answer.

  “Absolutely. I’ll get Charlie.”

  Was it possible Baroness Nora was the target? Who in their right mind would have ill will against that beauty? It didn’t make sense, but the men closing in on her like sharks certainly indicated it was so.


  VIKTOR SLID HIS CHAMPAGNE onto the passing tray and stepped through the crowd, closing in on the door. His eyes never left her while he made his way to the third doorway that opened onto the expansive second story veranda. A quick glance confirmed the guests were too inebriated and entranced in their conversations to heed him any attention. He stepped quietly along the stone, slipping behind the plants as he watched them closing in on her. The man with the mustache was closer, the more immediate threat. He had no weapon drawn, but the look in his eye was one Viktor knew well. It was the same one he wore when he stalked his own prey. There was no question now... Baroness Nora was the target.

  Viktor slipped the hidden dagger from his sleeve, gripping the handle tight while he watched the situation unfold. Nora stood unaware as her attacker drew near. He bided his time, waiting for the definitive moment before he made his move. His eyes fell to the second offender just six lengths away. He flanked her from the left. Viktor’s finger’s twitched as he readied his blade.

  The man with the mustache reached for Nora. She saw him now, a gasp escaping her lips when he clutched at her. Viktor unleashed his dagger. Its path flew true and it buried itself in the man’s heart. The man fell forward, clutching Nora’s skirt as he crumpled into a lifeless pile at her slippers. Viktor reached her side in moments. A scream trapped in her throat while she stared in horror at the blood pooling at her feet.

  The second assassin lunged forward, Viktor sent him flying backward with a kick. As Viktor reached into his pants, Nora’s eyes widened when she watched his hand disappear down the front of them. It emerged with a small dagger clutched tight in his grip. Viktor backed up tight against her, making a wall between her and the assailant.

  “Don’t move,” he whispered to her, watching the assassin circle him. Viktor spun his dagger in his hand, waiting for the right moment to end this fight before it really got started. He saw the glint of metal in the man’s hand, and decided to make his move, unleashing his dagger. The lanky man dodged it with impressive skill, arching backward until his blond hair grazed the ground. The man moved like a trained assassin.

  “Shite,” Viktor whispered. He only had two weapons on his body, and that missed throw now meant he had none. Blending in at a fancy party didn’t allow for his usual attire of four daggers, a sword, a bow and a pistol. Nora stood behind him in stunned silence. “Stay behind me,” he commanded.

  A smug smile pulled at the corners of the assassin’s mouth as he tossed his blade back and forth between his hands. Viktor prepared himself for the oncoming assault. The blade lifted, the moonlight glinting across the silver metal. He could dodge the blade, but if he did, Nora would be the recipient. He couldn’t reach down to pull his dagger from the body at his feet or engage in hand-to-hand combat. Doing so would break his protective stance in front of her, leaving her exposed. In a snap decision, he opted to take the hit, but a strike in his organs could be a death sentence. He would need to absorb the blow in his arm if he could move fast enough. The absence of his thick leather gauntlets became painfully apparent. This was going to hurt. His muscles twitched in anticipation.

  Menacing eyes stared Viktor down. Viktor watched him, searching for signs of the attack. A twitch of the lip, the bulge of a forearm, a vein pulsing in his head, the glint of victory in his eyes. Anything to indicate the moment the dagger would fly. The assassin’s eyes shot open, his mouth falling agape.

  Viktor’s brows snapped together while he stared at the man, the assassin’s body stiffening as his arm fell limp at his side. The dagger slipped from his fingertips and dropped to the ground with a clatter of metal. A trickle of blood emerged from the side of his mouth, sliding down his chin and dropping at his feet. His knees buckled and he dropped to them, a gurgle escaping his lips as he collapsed forward in a heap. Viktor’s gaze flew up to see Charlie and John standing behind him, Charlie’s hand still held out from where she had launched her dagger.

  The scream that had held fast in Nora’s throat finally escaped in an ear-piercing shriek. Viktor cringed as it rang in his ears, tearing through him like a shard of glass.

  “Christ, woman!” He shouted, spinning around and clasping his hand over her mouth. Her eyes threatened to pop out of her head as she stood staring at him. “Keep it down! You’ll alarm everyone!”

  They all listened for signs that someone had been alerted. The music roared on, the party drowning out any chance someone could have heard her screams. A night owl hooted in the distance, the only witness to the carnage.

  “Stay calm,” Viktor whispered, softening the grip on her mouth. “We won’t hurt you. We’re here to help you. Can you stand here quietly for me?”

  Nora’s head moved in a slow nod, her eyes still white and fixated on his.

  “Charlie, are there more?” Viktor shouted a whisper over his shoulder.

  “I don’t see any but there could be,” she whispered, stepping over the body to arrive at his side. All eyes scanned their surroundings. They were on the second story with two more above them. Three doors opened to the terrace and a balcony jutted off the side of the building just beside them. An easy leap if you knew what you were doing. There were too many areas for attack. They were vulnerable here.

  “You need to get her out of here. Now.” Charlie’s assessment had drawn the same conclusion. More assassins could come from any side, or from down below.

  Nora’s mouth moved under his hand as she struggled to speak. Viktor released her, a gasp of air refilling her lungs.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you!” she shouted. “Who are these people? What is happening? There are dead people! My shoes! There is blood on my shoe—” Viktor clamped his hand back over her mouth to stop the escalation of her whining. The pitch and v
olume of her voice rose with each syllable.

  “Would you be quiet? There could be more!” He shushed at her. “We are here to help you! These men,” he gestured to the dead bodies, “they have been sent here to kill you.”

  Her eyes widened even more, and he wondered if they might pop right out of their sockets.

  She struggled to speak again, so he carefully loosened his grip on her mouth, prepared to cover it again if she came undone.

  “Why would anyone want to kill me? You are mistaken! The only murderers I see here are you!”

  “Miss,” Charlie started softly, “we need to get you out of here. We are going to get you to safety and then find out who it is that wants you dead. You need to trust us. You need to walk out of here with Viktor and you need to do it now.”

  John broke in, always the voice of reason. “We need to get moving, since someone will be out here anytime and see us with these bodies. We need to make them disappear and bide some time for our escape. Viktor, take her and go. Charlie and I will get these bodies moved and get the hell out of here.”

  Charlie was right, he had to get Nora out of here before things got even uglier. Movement caught his eye and snapped his head up. Too late. A man leapt from the balcony above, a sword clenched in his hand.

  “Viktor! Go! Get her out of here!” Charlie ordered.

  Nora pulled his hand from her mouth. “I’m not going anywhere with him! I won’t! I’m going to get my husband and leave!”

  “You’re not going to make this easy, are you?” Viktor sighed. “Well, if you won’t walk out of here with me willingly...” He leaned forward and grabbed her below her rear, hoisting her up over his shoulder. She squealed, kicking her feet as she struggled for freedom.


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