Beneath The Assassin's Touch (Daggers 0f Desire Book 2)

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Beneath The Assassin's Touch (Daggers 0f Desire Book 2) Page 6

by Katherine Hastings

“At least,” Vivian answered as they pulled apart. “You look incredible as always.”

  “And you as well.” Charlie smiled.

  “I bedded both of those beauties. Lady’s man.” Viktor nodded, pointing a thumb at his chest and flashing a wink at John.

  “Viktor!” Charlie snapped, rapping him on the shoulder.

  John’s eyes narrowed into a glare, but this time Viktor knew deep down, behind the stare was an appreciation of his quick wit.

  Charlie changed the subject. “Vivian, this is John. John, meet Vivian. She’s a good friend of ours.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “You as well. I had heard rumors that someone had finally caught this fox,” she said, gesturing to Charlie. “It pleases me to see it’s true.”

  John smiled. “I consider myself a very fortunate man.”

  “How did you know where to find me?” Viktor broke in.

  “Really, Viktor?” Charlie snorted. “You’re incredibly predictable. When in doubt, head to the whorehouse. It’s likely I knew where you were going before you knew where you were going. Seeing as I knew Vivian had taken up residence here, there wasn’t a doubt in my mind where we’d find you.”

  “Aw, Viktor. She knew you would come to me. I’m flattered,” Vivian teased.

  “I suppose I should be pleased I’m so predictable for you. I was just sorting out how I would locate the two of you.”

  “Well, we’re here now, “John said. “It seems a good thing since you have traumatized our poor friend in there. Perhaps we should go see if we can fix the damage you’ve done.”

  “I’ll leave you to it.” Vivian handed Viktor his bag and headed back down the stairs.

  “I had better go first,” Charlie said, scolding him with a look.

  Viktor stepped out of the way. There would be no argument from him. Charlie cracked open the door, bracing for an object to sail her way.

  “It’s not Viktor, it’s Charlie. Don’t throw things. I’m coming in.”

  After a momentary pause, she opened the door and stepped inside. Viktor and John passed a glance before following her in. Nora was lying on the bed, her head buried deep in her arms. Sniffles broke the silence as he stood watching her shoulders shake.

  “It’s all right, Nora. Don’t feel bad. He has this effect on all the women,” John said.

  Charlie shot him a look while Viktor tossed an elbow into his ribs.

  “Nora? It’s me, Charlie. We met very briefly last night. We were never properly introduced. I’m sorry this happened to you, but we’re here to help.”

  “I just want to go home,” she said between sniffles.

  “I know you do,” Charlie soothed, sitting on the bed beside her. Charlie’s softer side emerged as she stroked Nora’s back. When it came to backs, Charlie was usually shoving a dagger in one or scraping her fingernails down it.

  Nora wiped her cheeks and pulled herself up to Charlie’s side. Her eyes were as red as her nose. “I don’t understand what’s going on. I think this has been some terrible mistake. There is no one who would want me dead. Honest.”

  “Actually, Nora, right before the last assassin... expired, we got him to talk. He confirmed that you were, in fact, the target.”

  Viktor watched the color drain from Nora’s face. It was hard to imagine her ivory skin getting any lighter, but she managed to lose at least three shades.

  “But... why? Why did he want me dead? Who wanted me dead?” she stammered.

  “Unfortunately, he succumbed to his wounds before we got much out of him,” John said.

  “Don’t fear, Nora. We have a plan,” Charlie said.

  “We do?” Viktor asked.

  “Yes, we do.” Charlie answered. “John and I decided on our way over here that we would split up. He and I will go and identify who wants Nora dead and eliminate the threat. Viktor, you will take her somewhere safe and protect her until we have handled the situation.”

  Nora and Viktor both snapped to look at one another and then back to Charlie. “What?” they asked in unison, the whites of their eyes mirrored in shock.

  “Charlie... love.” Viktor placed his hand on her shoulder. “You cannot expect me to go off to a hideaway and fiddle my fingers while you and John go have all the fun. I’m not a babysitter.”

  Nora shook her head furiously. “I will not be left alone with him!”

  “Now, now. Both of you settle down,” John said. “It’s only temporary. Charlie and I have no doubt we will solve this fast. We will use all our resources. Before you know it, Nora, you will be back in the comforts of your home, and Viktor, you will be back to the whorehouses and hunting. Or, whatever it is you want to do these days.”

  Viktor heaved a sigh. His lust for pirating may have dwindled, but that didn’t mean he desired to rot away in some secluded cabin weaving baskets for what could be weeks, if not months, if things went poorly on their end. While spending time alone with her had seemed a good idea yesterday, he’d been thinking more along the lines of one night in the stables, tumbling around in the hay.

  “I will just go home and hire extra guards to protect me. We already have quite a few, so I’ll just get more. They can stand guard over me day and night,” Nora said.

  Charlie shook her head. “The men who came after you last night were professionals. A few guards aren’t going to slow down a professional assassin in the least. Disappearing is the only way.”

  Nora’s eyes flashed wide. “Why don’t you come with me, Charlie? John and Viktor can go find the culprit and you can watch over me.”

  John and Viktor snorted in unison.

  Charlie rolled her eyes. “Unfortunately, that is also impossible. They would never be able to find the person responsible because they would have killed each other before the end of the day.”

  The two men shared a look and nodded in agreement.

  “There is also no way that I will come with you, though I’m sure I would be much better company, and leave these two to go off without me,” John said.

  “Well, love? Looks like we’re stuck with each other.” Viktor highlighted his words with an offhand shrug. “I don’t see another solution, either. Looks like I better brush up on my needlepoint.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” Nora said, accepting her fate.

  “I have a few ideas for places to hide out,” Viktor said. “Charlie, we’ll get settled and I’ll send a message to your estate with the code of our whereabouts. You and John do the same. We can pass messages back and forth through Brighton, always keeping them abreast of our movements.”

  “Good plan, Viktor,” Charlie said as she stood.

  “Now, there is one other issue that needs to be resolved,” Viktor said, rubbing the stubble on his chin. “There is no way I can travel across the countryside in secret with a woman draped in jewels and a ball gown. We will have to get her more suitable clothes to blend in.”

  “You’re right,” John said.

  “I’ll go see if Vivian has a dress we can borrow. Charlie, perhaps you can help her out of her current gown since she won’t let me take it off.”

  “Smart girl,” John said.

  Viktor shot him a look.

  “You two just leave us be. I’ll help her out of her gown. Viktor, go find a dress.”

  Viktor followed John out of the room. Nora’s eyes followed him like a rabbit watching a fox until he disappeared behind the closed door. They followed the stairs down to the sitting room where Vivian perched on the arm of the red velvet lounge.

  “I didn’t hear screaming this time. I suppose that’s a good thing,” Vivian said with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

  “She does have an impressive set of lungs on her.” Viktor blew out a puff of air and shook his head. “Vivian, I need a favor from you.”

  “Another? You’re really racking them up,” she said with a smirk.

  “I need a dress in her size. Something plain that won’t stand out. Do your girls have anyth
ing she could borrow?”

  “I’m sure I can dig something up.”

  “I’m also going to need a covered carriage, so we can leave without attracting attention. Something modest. Do you think you could run to town and secure one for me?”

  “You know this is going to cost you, Viktor,” she warned.

  “I do, love. And I think I know exactly what you have in mind for payment,” he said, flashing a grin.

  “There are only two payments I will accept. I think you know what both are. Your choice.” She winked.

  “Vivian?” John asked. “Do you think Charlie and I could rent a room to get some rest for a few hours before we head out? We haven’t slept all night and I’m exhausted.”

  “Of course, John. Last room on the left is all yours. For sleep, or whatever other ideas you had in mind.” She tipped her head and smiled.

  “Thank you,” John replied.

  Vivian left them in the sitting room while she found a dress for Nora and ran to fetch a carriage. Viktor and John sat in silence, both counting the cracks on the walls while they waited for the girls to get finished.

  “We’re ready!” Charlie finally called down.

  “After you,” Viktor said, gesturing for John to lead.

  “No, no. Ladies first.” John smiled.

  Viktor burst into laughter and curtsied before leading the way up the stairs. The door to the bedroom was open. He stepped in, confident this time due to the open door he wouldn’t be assaulted with a pillow.

  Viktor’s feet slid to a stop when he saw her. Golden waves flowed past her shoulders and cascaded past the bosom peering out from the cream ruffles. A rough corset the color of coffee with too much cream hugged her waist and drew it in tight. The thin linen dress beneath it fell to the floor. It was no ball gown, no jewels or vivid colors, but the sight of her in that dress, honeyed hair flowing freely, set his heart racing faster than it had when he spotted her last night.

  “I look ridiculous,” she groaned, lifting the linen skirt and dropping it back down.

  “You do not.” Charlie examined her work.

  “I’ve never worn my hair down like this. It isn’t proper.” The two braids twisting the hair from her face, exposed the length of her neck. The rest fell in loose waves, a stark contrast to the tight updo she’d worn the night before.

  “If you always wear your hair up, when you go into hiding, you wear it down. It helps people not recognize you,” Charlie said.

  “You look beautiful.” Viktor said. The guttural response surprised him... it just popped out.

  “Thank you,” she whispered, her eyes falling to her bare feet.

  “Well, I guess we’ll leave you two to it,” Charlie said, walking toward the door. “Nora, be safe. I promise, we won’t rest until we find out who’s doing this. Just listen to Viktor. You really are in the best of hands.”

  “Thank you, Charlie,” she answered.

  “Viktor, don’t forget to send word to the estate of your whereabouts. We’ll do the same. If you move, just send word again. You remember our code?”

  Viktor nodded. “Of course. Travel safe. And bloody figure this out soon, will you?”

  “We will,” John said with a nod. Charlie slipped her hand in his and led him out the door.

  Viktor turned to face Nora. She shuffled in front of him, her arms wrapped tight around her waist while she stared at him with worried eyes.

  “Well, love? What do you say? Ready for the next step of our adventure?”

  She swallowed hard and nodded her head, the resolution not fully behind it.

  “Stay here and I’ll be right back.”

  Viktor headed down to change and secure the carriage. He knew a place he could take her just a day’s ride from here where he could keep her safe.


  NORA PACED THE ROOM. The modest leather slippers they gave her, while certainly not fashionable, were far more comfortable than the shoes she usually wore. She pulled at the corset in the front of her dress, grateful for the front lacings so she wouldn’t require assistance to remove it. There would be no ladies to assist her where they were headed.

  “Do you have everything you need?” Vivian’s voice startled her back to the present.

  Nora turned to where she stood in the doorway. She hadn’t seen her since the incident this morning. The sight of her sent a jolt of heat coursing through her veins. Whether it was embarrassment or rage she couldn’t determine. The sight of her with her hand on his pants had filled her with emotions she couldn’t process.

  “I’m fine, thank you,” Nora said, her response pointed.

  “I am sorry about this morning. It was all in good fun, but you shouldn’t have had to witness that. I’m sure it’s something your innocent eyes have never seen.”

  “It was lewd and disgusting,” Nora spat.

  “And for that you have my apologies. I wish you luck on your journey. Viktor will be up to gather you momentarily.”

  “Thank you,” Nora answered, the edge in her voice still sharp.

  Vivian started out the door, pausing as she crossed the threshold. “He’s a good man, you know.”

  “What?” Nora asked.

  “Viktor. He’s a good man. The best, actually. I’m not sure what kind of trouble you have found yourself in, but when I’m in trouble there is no greater gift than to have him at my side. He may be a bit crude for your taste, but given the chance, I’m certain you will see the depth and kindness of the man beneath the black. There is more to Viktor than a pretty face and a witty tongue.”

  Nora nodded. Vivian returned the gesture and disappeared out the door. So far, the side to him Vivian referenced had not revealed itself. Rude comments and lewd behavior had been the mainstay of their interactions. She was right about one thing, though. He certainly had a pretty face.

  Footsteps approached the door, and Nora watched it in anticipation. The footsteps paused, followed by a light rapping on the doorframe.

  “Is it safe to enter?” Viktor asked, still hidden behind the corner.

  “Yes.” She huffed the response.

  He stepped around the corner and through the door, a wall of black leather appearing before her. Nora’s heart hammered at the sight of him. She now understood what Vivian meant by “the man beneath the black.”

  Black leather replaced his formal attire. The tails of his long black coat hovered just above the floor. Her eyes followed it up past leather boots that folded below his knee over form-fitting pants. A black leather cuirass, cinched at the waist by a red sash, conformed to the chiseled lines sculpting two perfect pectorals. A row of daggers, secured by black leather straps, were displayed across the breadth of his chest. An ivory-handled pistol hung from his sash, along with a sword that fell the length of his thigh. He looked devastating, both in danger and sheer handsomeness. Nora swallowed hard while her eyes continued up to meet his.

  “We’re ready to go,” he said.

  Nora stood in stunned silence. He had been handsome last night, but now he was downright mesmerizing.

  “Cat got your tongue?” he asked, a crooked smile pulling up one half of his full lips.

  “I, uh, I—” Nora struggled to find words. Heat flushed her cheeks while he held her gaze with twinkling eyes.

  “Admiring my new look? It’s much more flattering than that dowdy formal wear from last night, wouldn’t you say? Don’t worry, love, I have this effect on most women. You’ll get used to my implausibly good looks soon.” His half grin grew to a full one.

  Just like that, the unwelcome heat coursing through her body transformed into a surging rage.

  “You’re a vile pig!” she spat, her tongue finally cooperating.

  “But your face says that I am a devastatingly handsome vile pig, so at least I have that going for me.”

  Nora folded her arms and turned away. His words rang with a truth she couldn’t acknowledge, which just sent another wave of fury through the pit of her stomach.

sp; “We need to be going. I have a carriage waiting outside.”

  “Fine, let me just gather my dress.” With an obvious huff, she reached down and grabbed her gown from the bed.

  Viktor sucked air through his teeth. “About that.”

  Nora froze, a stiff turn facing her to meet him.

  “I promised Vivian one of two things in exchange for all her assistance. Since I don’t have time to deliver her the number one choice, she settled for something in exchange.”

  Nora gulped, chasing away the disturbing image of the first option. She followed Viktor’s pointing finger with her eyes. No. She would not willingly hand over her most treasured gown to that woman.

  “My dress?” she howled. “You are giving her my dress? It’s my favorite! I won’t have it.”

  “Well, love, it’s either your dress or we’re going to be here for a while. What she has in mind takes several hours, at least.” Viktor raised his eyebrows.

  Nora gasped, the indecent mental image ripping through her mind. With gritted teeth she released her grip on the dress. It fell in a heap on the bed. “Fine. Let’s go.”

  “Your contribution is appreciated. Follow me.”

  Nora stepped behind him and followed him down the stairs. From her vantage point, she could see the bow and arrows that were strapped across the width of his back. Only half the number of women as the previous evening reclined in chairs and on couches when they came through. Vivian leaned against the doorframe leading outside.

  “Vivian, thank you. You are a marvel,” he said, kissing her on the cheek.

  Nora felt the now familiar wave of heat that rushed through her every time Viktor touched this other woman.

  “I do wish you would change your mind on how you want to repay me,” she said. “Though I suppose time is of the essence. You’ll be back soon?” Her fingers traced the collar of his coat, brushing his skin.

  “I’ll be back soon. Take care, love.”

  She pulled up the leather hood that hung from the back of his coat, concealing most of his face, her hands lingering for just a moment before releasing it. Her attention turned to Nora.

  “Thank you for the dress. I will be sure to do it justice.” A smile tipped up her lips. “Best wishes on your journey, princess.”


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