La Asesina Bonita: The Complete Series

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La Asesina Bonita: The Complete Series Page 4

by Michelle Brown

  I grasped my clutch and wrapped the chain around his throat with as much force as I could. Realizing that my strength was no match for his, I grabbed his head and bashed it into the marble of the sink over and over again. With a thud, he fell to the floor. Leaning over him, I noticed that he wasn’t breathing. Hoping that he was merely unconscious, I squatted down to check his pulse. Fuck. He was dead. Looking up to the girl that was standing there in shock, she flinched as I reached out to grab her arm.

  “You never saw me. Understand. He tried to rape you and fell down, hitting his head. That’s it. Got it?” I practically yelled as I shook her.

  When she nodded at me I turned and walked out of the restroom. Passing the stairs leading up to the VIP area I waved to Dominic and indicated it was time to leave to Roman. Sliding into the backseat of the car waiting for us outside, I let out a breath as we drove away from the club. My heart rate didn’t slow until I walked into my office.

  Chapter Eleven


  I decided that I needed to work out to relieve the tension my night had caused. Not only from the situation I encountered inside the restroom but from the desires that Tony was stirring. I didn’t need to keep pleasuring myself to thoughts of him. That was a bad idea altogether.

  Rounding out my five miles on the treadmill, I heard the door close. Someone had come into the gym. With a cough, Roman stood there trying to gather my attention. Slowing my pace to a walk, I toweled myself off and acknowledged him.

  “Ma’am, I have received word from the head council in Brazil that they will move to replace you as family head if you do not marry within two months’ time. They are referencing an old law that states any and all daughters born must marry before they can assume the role. We have never had a case where this law has been enforced, however, as you are the first to be put in this position.”

  Gulping down my water, I glared. “Who assumes the role if I do not marry?” I snapped.

  Looking uneasy Roman replied, “I’m not completely sure but I believe the next to inherit since your uncle also has a daughter, is the Russian family as they have the only other son in this trade.”

  With a growl, I began to walk out of the gym. “Get me a meeting with the head council immediately!” I hissed.

  Passing Anthony in the hallway on my way to my room, I demanded that he be in my office in an hour. Quickly showering and changing into a pair of slacks with a business top, I made my way down to my office.

  “Boss, you will have a virtual meeting in twenty minutes with the members of the council,” Roman said as he motioned to the laptop sitting on my desk.

  Muttering out a “Thank you,” I walked over to my father’s bookcase as he left the room. I picked up our family’s copy of the law book and began reading. Not even five minutes later I found the law that was being enforced.

  Quickly playing over the events of the past month, I called Roman’s cell. “Is there any way that the Russians would have known about this law and caused my father’s death to gain control of the business?” I questioned.

  “I will look into where the Russians were at that time. Give me a few hours ma’am.” I had an incoming call coming into the laptop, glancing at my watch I took in the time. Shit, it’s time.

  Plastering on the biggest, sweetest looking smile I could, I answered the call. Now was the time to kiss ass. The council kept all of the mafia families in line. Since it was made up of eight men from somewhere in the family lines, they didn’t like to show their faces. I understood that I wanted to murder them all myself right about now so it was best that I didn’t know who they were under the hoods.

  “Gentlemen, it’s so great to be speaking to you. I’m sorry for the late hour but, as you can gather, this information has me wanting answers as soon as I can get them,” I said sweetly.

  “Yes, well, it is our law Ms. Velasquez. We will not budge on this. We understand that you have been doing well, but if we let one law slip then we will be forced to let others,” the man in the middle of the panel stated.

  Nodding my head, I could only swallow down the bile threatening to rise. “Si, senor lo entiendo,” I said with a quiver in my voice.

  “Does the choice in husband matter sir?” I hoped they said no. I could marry a regular guy and force him into the background once I received the council’s approval.

  With a tsk another answered for him, “He has to be of mafia blood. We don’t take in just anyone to lead our families. You should know this.”

  “Si, senor,” I replied.

  “Are there any other laws that I should be aware of, gentlemen? I do not wish to disappoint you all again,” I questioned.

  “Not at all Rosalina. We will be in touch in two months’ time,” the man in the middle said.

  Saying a quick thank you and closing the laptop, I wiped my eyes. Crying is for the weak. Pouring myself a glass of tequila, I rested my head against the window. Looks like Anthony and I would be making a business deal after all.

  A soft knock sounded at the door. “Come in.” Anthony walked into the room in a pair of loose fitting jeans and a black tee shirt.

  “Want one?” I asked while I made my way over to the tequila canter. Topping off my glass, I raised an eyebrow in his direction. Shaking his head at me, he sat down on the edge of my desk.

  “What’s going on Rosie?” He questioned.

  Letting out a chuckle I responded with, “Well, don’t you know? We are getting married.” I could barely contain my laughter at the shock on his face.

  Standing up and making his way to me, he simply asked, “What on Earth are you talking about?”

  Bracing my hands on his chest, I looked into his eyes as I finally broke down. Cupping his hand around my head, he pulled me into his hard chest and he began to rub circles on my back. Humming the words to a song I didn’t know, he pulled me over to the chair with him.

  Anthony sat down and patted his lap, “Sit Rosie. I won’t bite... this time.”

  Sitting down on the edge of his knee, I let out a squeal as he pulled me in closer. Turning my body so that my legs draped over the armrest, he held me close to his chest like I was a small child.

  “Tell me what happened,” it was a command that I felt deep in my core.

  Trying to find the words, I let out a sigh. “Apparently, there is a law made by the council that states women cannot be in the position of the family head without a husband. So, if I’m not married in less than two months, I lose everything.”

  Grunting he threw his head back. “And that means you need me to marry you. Even if you don’t want to,” Anthony spat.

  Flinching from the anger in his voice, I made a move to stand. However, Anthony grabbed my wrist to keep me close. Pulling my arm away from his grasp I retorted, “Well it’s not like you weren’t practically begging for us to marry a few weeks ago.” I rushed to remove myself from his lap. Walking over to my desk, I braced my hands on the edge, facing away from him. I could feel the warmth from his body close in on mine.

  “Listen, Rosie, we can do this but we need to establish some rules,” he said as he put his hands on my shoulders.

  “Rules huh? And what kind of rules would those be Mr. De Los Santos?” I questioned as I leaned into his touch.

  Gently massaging my shoulders, he leaned down to whisper, “I do not share. I expect this to be a real marriage. And I will murder anyone that so much as touches you.”

  I couldn’t help but shudder at his words mixed with his body heat. This was my office for Christ’s sake! I did not need to be thinking of anything but work in here.

  Resting my head on his shoulder, I muttered, “Well that works both ways. I don’t play well with others Tony. I will kill any woman that so much as winks at you.”

  Groaning, he turned me around to face him and grabbed my hips to lift me. Placing me on the desk, he looked directly into my eyes as he cupped my pussy, “I want a taste of what I own. I want my taste now.”

  A small nod was a
ll I could manage. I needed this as much as he did.

  “Lay back and keep your hands above your head,” he directed.

  Doing as I was told, I felt his hands running up and down my legs. Like a wanton slut, I lifted my body closer to him, practically begging him to remove my pants. Chuckling against my waist, he slowly unbuttoned my pants and peeled the fabric down my legs. I wasn’t even ashamed as my legs fell open for him.

  Feeling his breath on my thighs, I whimpered. What in the world is wrong with me? This was so unlike me.

  “How can you possibly smell like roses right now, amor?” He asked so quietly I barely heard him. Placing gentle kisses on my stomach and my hips, he slowly worked my panties down my thighs.

  Using his hands to spread me even further, he met my eyes as he stated, “Mine.”

  My body shuddered involuntarily as he bent down to place a single kiss on my clit. I felt his tongue lick my pussy from bottom to top as he made his way to my clit. Moving my hand to grab his hair, I was met with a slap to my inner thigh.

  “Put your hand back where I told you or I will tie them to the chair,” he growled.

  Reaching for the edge of the desk, I did as I was commanded. Tony went back to his slow torture. His mouth was doing unimaginable things to my pussy. I was shocked that I was soaking wet from his tongue alone. He put his fingers on my lips, “Suck them, Rosie. Get them wet for me.”

  Opening my mouth, I took his fingers in and gently sucked them until he was satisfied. With a pop, he pulled them free only to place them at my pussy lips. Inserting his finger into me, he commanded my body to accept him. Pushing in the second, he began to fuck me with them as he sucked and licked my clit. Letting out a moan, I could feel my orgasm building.

  Lifting his head, he rasped out, “Have you ever had your ass fucked, amor?”

  Shaking my head from side to side, I said with a moan, “No, I’m a virgin there.”

  Groaning, Tony continued to use his digits to fuck me. “I’m going to take your ass one day Rosie. Right now, I want you to come.”

  With a breathy moan, I chanted Tony’s name as my release overtook my body. Pulling his fingers from my pussy, he licked them clean before he pressed his lips to mine.

  Pushing him away, I quickly pulled my clothes back on. Damn it, what was I doing? I hadn’t allowed myself to feel anything for someone since Elis. I did not need to be feeling anything for Tony. I wasn’t going to let myself. Leaders didn’t let emotions get in the way. That had always been my problem from what my father said. Trying my best to stop any thoughts of a happily ever after with Tony from entering my mind, I walked around my desk quickly and sat down in my chair, putting the desk between us. Quirking his eyebrow at me, he laughed and sat down opposite me.

  “Alright, well, we need to get this marriage contract drawn up soon. And then we can...” raising his palm, he halted my words.

  “Is that what you really want Rosalina. A contracted marriage? You don’t want something real?” He asked, the anger apparent in his words. Nodding my head, I looked away.

  “Fine. We are done here then. Send me your contract and I will look it over. Goodnight Ms. Velasquez.” He stood, not looking back as he slammed the door behind him.

  Opening my laptop, I began to work on the contract. I was getting married. I had always thought that I would be more excited about this life-changing moment. Of course, I also thought my parents would be here too.

  Chapter Twelve


  I had given Tony my contract a week ago. He had yet to give it back or even speak to me at all since that night. I had no clue what his problem was. This whole thing was his father’s idea, to begin with, so he shouldn’t have been upset that I wanted a contract. I had more important things to worry about than him anyway. Roman had found ties to my parent’s death and the Russian mob.

  Today, we were going to question one of our own. He had familial relations with the Russians and we needed answers. Alex, the man in question, had only worked for my father for a short while and vanished without explanation just last week. Nico had run into him while he was out and brought him back yesterday when he tried to run away.

  Stretching, I made my way out of bed. I dressed in a pair of black pants and a black top, the final piece was my heels. I might need those later, one could never be too sure in this lifestyle. The reason for my outfit choice was sitting in the guardhouse. Alex was going to give me some answers today. Throwing my hair into a braided ponytail, I walked out of my room. Walking down the stairs, I rounded the corner and ran right into Anthony.

  “Excuse me, Mr. De Los Santos,” I muttered while detouring around him.

  “Ms. Velasquez, good morning. Where are you headed today?” He said while taking in my outfit.

  “Just to take care of a few things,” I stated as I walked away.

  Pulling open the door to the guardhouse, I let the door close behind me before I walked in further. Alex was being held in the furthest room since it was soundproofed and had no exits. Perfect. Alex’s head snapped up to meet my stare. Nico had volunteered to watch him overnight. I could see the dried blood on the floor in front of him. Smiling to myself, I made my way over to the table along the wall. Spotting a cigar cutter and cigar, along with a saw, hammer, and an unloaded gun beside a single bullet, placed on the table. Nico had done exactly what I had asked of him. I picked up the cigar cutter thinking of what I was using it for.

  Turning back to Alex holding the cutter, I asked, “So Alex do you know who I am?” Nodding, he met my eyes.

  “Words will help you. I don’t like it when answers aren’t clear. Understand?”

  With a scowl, Alex spat out the word “Yes.”

  It had been forever since I was able to ‘question’ anyone for any reason. It was very cathartic for me, honestly. With an inhuman smile on my face, I asked, “Where have you been lately? We’ve missed you around here.”

  Looking from the door where Nico stood, back to me, he softly said, “Just out with a friend.” Motioning for him to continue, he added, “A female friend.”

  Hmm, I would have to find this friend. Picking up the cigar, I brought it to my nose to smell. Perfection.

  “Being with this friend caused you to run away when you saw Nico?” I turned my head to the side in a questioning motion.

  “Umm... well, you see... I got scared. He’s a big guy and an assassin, so I ran,” he stuttered.

  With a chuckle, I asked him, “If it was me you saw, then you wouldn’t have run then, right?”

  Nodding like a small child in trouble, he let out a series of ‘that’s right’ and ‘exactly.’ Taking the cigar, I lightly wet the end that held his attention. Holding it, I lined up the cutter and carefully clipped it before bringing the cigar to my lips. Nico reached over to light my cigar with the flame from his lighter. Damn, that was delicious and I didn’t even smoke cigars often.

  “And why would you think that Nico here would even be after you? I mean you know where his loyalties lie, it’s not like we would have a reason to kill you,” I motioned for him to answer.

  Stuttering, he said in a small voice, “Because I have family outside of the country.”

  Clapping, I just said “Bingo! Wow, you are pretty smart, did you know that?”

  Giving me an uneasy grin, he nodded and vehemently said yes.

  “When is the last time you spoke to that family? Recently?”

  Gulping, he didn’t answer at all. Making a tsking noise I walked over to Alex. Putting on the best sympathetic face I could, I took his bound hand in mine. “I really want to help you, Alex, unfortunately, it isn’t Nico that you should have worried about. You see, Nico would just kill you, I, on the other hand, want answers and will torture you for them if I need to... so you see I’m not very nice.”

  I was done playing with him. Repeating my question, I asked, “When was the last time you spoke to that family?”

  Still refusing to answer, I decided that Alex’s hand wo
uld make a perfect ashtray. Stubbing the cigar on the fleshy part of his hand between his thumb and pointer finger, he let out a howl of pain. I did love that sound. I could smell the burning flesh, and it was horrid. I just looked at Alex, waiting to see if he would decide to speak.

  “A week ago!” he bellowed.

  “What about? Remember, the pain will only get worse if you don’t answer, or if I think you are lying,” I stated while palming the cigar cutter.

  “My cousin, he wanted to know if you had a boyfriend or anything. I told him I didn’t think so, but that some man was always hanging around the house,” he said while eyeing the cutter. Hmm, that is interesting.

  Nodding at him to continue, he rambled “I told my cousin that Roman would take over a couple of months ago when he asked me.” Alex didn’t know about me at the time apparently.

  “Did you know that my parents were going to be killed?” I gritted out through clenched teeth. Alex looked away, nodding his head. Nico made a move toward him. I held up a palm to stop him.

  “You can have him when I’m done,” I knew that Nico wanted his own revenge for my mother. With a nod, he backed away to his previous place by the door. Turning back to Alex, I grabbed his hand again.

  “Now this is going to hurt... a lot actually,” I couldn’t contain the glee in my voice as I put his middle finger in the guillotine style cutter. Hearing his scream, along with the sound of his flesh being ripped apart, made me want to do it again.

  “Now, where were we? Oh, that’s right, who killed them? I want names,” I said while making my way to the pointer finger next to his bloody stub.

  “I can’t señora, they will kill my fr..friend... they’ll kill Amy,” he cried out as I put pressure on his finger with the cutter.

  “Oh, Alex, don’t you know that I will kill her too if you don’t give me the answers I want?” I replied.

  Meeting his eyes, I asked, “Still don’t want to give me the names?”

  Shaking his head, he cried out as I cut through that finger as well. By the time I was done Alex was missing four fingers, but I finally had what I needed. I didn’t even have to use the hammer to break his hands. I stepped back as Nico made his way forward. I would give him a little time to exact his own revenge on Alex.


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